From Shusen University

Chapter 12 The Chef's Hand

Chapter 12 Chef Qianshou

Seeing the introduction for the first time, Wei Ze was quite happy.A university must have a cafeteria, and there must be a cook in the cafeteria. This was originally a big problem, but I didn't expect it to be solved directly.

But thinking of being tricked by a stone carving ghost before, he still had to proceed cautiously, and asked Qianshou, "Can you cook?"

Qianshou nodded.

"What can you do?"

Qianshou shook his head.

"What do you mean shaking your head? Can't do it now?"

Qianshou nodded.

Wei Ze understood something. Kunlun University is located in a barren hill, and there are no supermarkets around.Even if there is a canteen chef, it is difficult for a truly clever woman to cook without rice, and now he not only has no rice, but also no cooking.

Wei Ze rubbed his forehead: " are already a mature Kitchen God, you have to learn to cook your own stove, right?"

Qianshou nodded.

"What do you mean by nodding?" Wei Ze scratched his head, "Is it possible that you are really capable?"

Qian Shou nodded, then walked out of the cafeteria, into the white mist behind the building, Wei Ze remembered that it was the road leading to the wild forest behind.

Ten minutes later, a pile of wild vegetables, melons and fruits was piled up in front of Wei Ze, half the height of a person, and there was even a pile of chopped firewood beside it.

"Does this mean you want to show it to me on the spot?" Wei Ze said with a delicate expression, "You don't know how to bring the pot yourself..."

As soon as the words were finished, Qianshou clapped his hands together and silently recited the incantation.Although he was a mute, somehow the words in his mouth seemed to vibrate the surrounding air.

Following this burst of chanting, several arms slowly spread out from behind her, like the real Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara appearing in the world.Each hand holds a treasure. At a glance, there are spatulas, long spoons, soup pots, grills, kitchen knives... without repetition.

Wei Ze: "..."

He just watched Qianshou use one hand to make the stove, three hands to wash, five hands to cut vegetables, two hands to hold the pot, two hands to season the sauce... the last few hands set the bowl together, and one hand held a large spoon. , each of the three hands scooped a spoon from the three stoves, and at the same time divided it into bowls and brought it to him.

This technique is very familiar, and it evokes the memory of watching the aunt serving food in the cafeteria.

Wei Ze looked at the bowl in front of him that exudes a fragrance... what should be called vegetarian soup, raised his head again, looked at Qianshou's expectant eyes, and finally bowed his head and took a bite.

When the soup enters the mouth, it exudes a unique fragrance of vegetables and fruits, which rushes straight into the nostrils.He has eaten rice for more than 20 years, but this bite seems to make him re-acquainted with the ingredients.

Not only in terms of taste, this thing also seems to have some special health effects.Swallowing it in one bite is like swallowing a flame, and the warmth spreads from the stomach to the whole body, which makes people feel refreshed.

If it wasn't for the fact that the corresponding skills hadn't been activated yet, he would definitely give this spoonful of soup a golden effect at this time, and then light it up behind the scenes, so he might be able to cosplay the Master Chef on the spot.

Seemingly satisfied with his reaction, Qianshou grinned, and dozens of hands shook and clapped at the same time, really dancing.

"Brother... no, girl, let's put our hands away and talk again?" Wei Ze put down the bowl and reminded with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Qianshou also seemed to be aware of this problem, and awkwardly stretched out three hands to scratch his head, then put his hands together, and retracted the arms behind him like a turtle returning to its shell.

"It seems that you like cooking very much?" Wei Ze continued to ask.

Qianshou nodded.

"Then let you cook for dozens of people, can you take care of it?"

Qianshou nodded repeatedly.

fine.Wei Ze let out a breath, although it was a bit creepy, but it has to be said to be very practical.

Among the university support staff, those who have the most contact with students are the cafeteria staff.Originally, he was still thinking about how to solve the problem of personnel from chef to cooking to recycling, but now he came directly to an all-in-one machine.

Next, as long as another simple kitchen is built for Qianshou to use, the problem of this canteen can be solved, although the cook, cook, logistics and even the supplier are all the same person...

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized a problem, turned to Qianshou and said, "How did you find the ingredients so quickly? Are you so familiar with this place?"

As the principal of Kunlun University, he has a set of immortal mansion maps in his mind that are better than GPS, so it's okay to be familiar with the surrounding environment.Qian Shou was able to go out to collect by himself just after being summoned, why did he seem to have stayed here for a long time?
Qianshou blinked and danced his hands and feet as if he wanted to say something, but he could only make a babbling sound, and the only understandable response was a nod.

"In other words, you are really familiar with this place?"

Wei Ze looked at the [Yellow-level Employee Contract] on the panel and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that these so-called employees were not drawn from some otherworldly place, but the natives who appeared because of this prop?

It's a pity that the two existing employees, Stone Carving Ghost and Qianshou, are not the type who can communicate easily... I can only hope that the next contract will bring him a talking employee, and then I will ask for details.

He withdrew his mind and looked at the enrollment roster in his mind again.

The basic food problem has been solved, and there are ghosts on the wall in the dormitory. At least the living needs of the students can be met. The university has met the basic requirements for opening the door, and can start to welcome students.

"The next step is to send the notice. But since it is Xiuxian University, it can't be sent by courier, right?"

Wei Ze looked at the stack of notices in front of him, thinking about whether he had any high-end skills such as item teleportation.

At this time, there was the sound of a bird singing outside the window, and he activated [Bird Adjustment] casually, letting the bird obediently land on his shoulder.It was a white pigeon, cooing and turning its head to look at him.

Wei Ze clapped his hands and had an idea.


Early morning a few days later.

Yuan Qingqing was awakened by the continuous birdsong outside the window, rubbed her eyes, got out of bed and opened the curtains, only to see a white dove flapping its wings and circling in front of the window, with a quaint envelope in its beak.

"This is…"

She hurriedly opened the window, and the white dove flew into the house very psychically and landed on the back of her hand, putting the letter in her other hand.

Open it and see that there is a piece of yellow paper inside.

Yuan Qingqing felt as if her breathing stopped, and carefully pushed aside the yellow paper, only to see five large characters written in cursive script on the top: admission notice.

She held the yellow paper tightly in her hands, and smiled silently at Chaoyang.


Just this morning, similar scenes appeared in every corner of Ancheng.Under the premise of not knowing each other, the students who submitted their files to Kunlun University all got their own admission notices.

In this regard, some people are excited, some people are dubious.

But time does not stop because of this, the summer vacation after the college entrance examination seems to have passed in the blink of an eye.

The time came to the school day set by Wei Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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