From Shusen University

Chapter 10 Sudden Fame

Chapter 10 Sudden Fame

Later, the Wu family.

The dining table is already full, full of delicious dishes such as braised fish, braised prawns, and stewed native chicken.A family of three sat around the table, the electric fan behind them was whistling, and the incandescent lamp was steaming.

"It's done, it's done, let's have a toast to our college students today!" Father Wu blushed from drinking, and knocked on his glass loudly, "I have been in the city for these years, and my kid is also promising! When I go back to the village, I will see who will pay for it!" Said that my old Wu family has no culture!"

"Haozi is good at studying, we have seen it since he was a child." Mother Wu nodded in agreement, "Father, this is not a simple cultural person, our Haozi was admitted to a key university! He is also the best among college students A pinch!"

Wu Hao looked at his parents who were full of joy, and was embarrassed for a moment, so he could only put meat into the bowl with a smile.

"Look, look, the village chief has called to congratulate him." Mother Wu picked up the phone while holding the meat for him, "Hey, village chief... yes, my son passed the exam... Haozi, What's the name of your school?"

Wu Hao stopped his chopsticks and said as naturally as possible: "It's Kunlun University."

Thinking of the extraordinary phenomena of those immortal cultivators shown by Wei Ze today, his embarrassment was instantly swept away.It is no exaggeration to say that even if a key university admits him, he will definitely insist on choosing Kunlun University.

There are such amazing schools in the world, and he was chosen.According to the routine of the novel, this is the beginning of the hero's adventure, and the giant wheel of fate begins to turn slowly. From then on, it will be a magnificent adventure that changes the world.

Isn't this better than passing the exam?Thinking of this, he felt a little regretful. Parents had never seen such a powerful immortal cultivator as Mr. Wei, so they naturally didn't know how powerful Kunlun University was. I'm afraid it was just a common point.

Sure enough, as he expected, Wu's mother turned to the microphone after listening to it and said, "Oh, our Haozi said that he was admitted to Kunlun University, and we don't know the details...Huh? What did you say? Yes, It's called Kunlun University..."

She put down the phone with a strange expression: "Son, did you really get admitted to Kunlun University?"

"Yes. Although the admission letter has not been issued yet, the principal said that I am qualified."

Mother Wu's expression became even more strange, and she said a few words to the other end of the phone, and then put down the phone eagerly: "Quickly, watch TV, Ancheng [-], the village chief said that someone mentioned the matter of Kunlun University on TV! "

Someone mentioned Kunlun University?How could such a magical place be exposed so quickly?

Wu Hao was puzzled immediately, and hurriedly turned on the TV and tuned the channel.What was shown was the special report on the evening news college entrance examination. At this time, the "Special Interview Program for the Number One Scholar in Ancheng City" was being broadcast.

The scene was just recorded in the afternoon. The champion in the middle was pointed at by a bunch of microphones, and the scene looked very hot.

"This... isn't this the classmate I met today?"

Wu Hao was taken aback. The person being interviewed was none other than Xiao Youyu.

"Student, it is said that you have rejected the invitations from Huaqing University and Peking University. Is it true?"

"Yes, I have accepted Kunlun University's invitation."

"Kunlun University? Is there any school in China that is more attractive to you than Qingjing and Beijing? Can you tell me something?"

"It's hard for me to describe that school. I can only say that everything about it is beyond my imagination, so I must find the answer to it." Xiao Youyu said, "But this is only an ideal situation. After all, I don't Make sure I can get into that school."

"Is the champion actually worried about whether he can be admitted? Are the admission standards of this Kunlun University so strict?"

"I don't know the exact admission criteria. But right now, my grades mean nothing to the admissions teachers there."


Wu Hao watched the TV with sweat on his forehead.

The classmate who went to Kunlun University with me is actually the number one scholar in the city?

No, it's not important anymore!More importantly, he dared to mention the name of Kunlun University in public!Isn't this exposing this otherworldly existence? !

Even a half-immortal person like Mr. Wei usually just pretends to be an ordinary unknown middle school teacher, and the recruiters come to the No. [-] Middle School in person to sneak into the promotion meeting. Obviously, they want to keep their names and keep a low profile. This is what Xiuxian University should do. .

But why did this person not realize the painstaking efforts of the teacher at all, and was so outspoken about Kunlun University?

"Son, is this your future college classmate?" The Wu family's parents didn't understand his thoughts at all, and they were only surprised, " went to the same school as the champion?"

"Yes... no, it might be a mistake." Wu Hao is determined to keep his mouth shut, and must not let Kunlun University's years of seclusion and painstaking efforts to conceal the existence of immortal magic be destroyed.But the excited elder ignored him, turned around and yelled at the existence on the phone.

"That's right, Haozi was admitted to the Kunlun University! The one on TV!"

"Hey, what you said, village chief, if our Haozi can go to this kind of school, it will be due to the blessing you gave us to pray to the Bodhisattva before the exam..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, when the children in the village go to school, we will definitely ask Haozi to give some advice, but I heard that this university is not easy to get into..."

The conversation on the phone was obviously very lively, and the momentum was to introduce all the children from the village to the kindergarten next year after the college entrance examination.Wu Hao didn't stop him from speaking, he was sitting there in a hurry, but his mobile phone beside him also lit up, it was the WeChat class that exploded.

"Have you read the news today? The number one scholar in our school gave up his places in Huaqing and Peking University and chose that Kunlun University!"

"Is this person out of his mind? Why did he get the number one in the exam?"

"Leave this alone, there are even more evil ones! The Kunlun University he mentioned can't be found online, not even in the voluntary system. I'm afraid it's not some kind of private wild institution?"

"Wait, speaking of this, I seem to have picked up a business card from the side of the road two days ago!"

A photo was sent to the class, and Wu Hao clicked on it, and it was a Kunlun University business card exactly like himself.

Wei Ze sent out dozens of photos that day, most of which were not believed, but at this time, it was detonated because of this news.

"Brother, where did this business card come from? Are you sure it's the genuine Kunlun University?"

"Two days ago? That's what you got at the admissions meeting?"

"The admissions team from that university has come to our school? Has anyone seen it?"


Seeing the situation getting worse and worse, Wu Hao wanted to say a few words several times to suppress the momentum.But he is usually a little transparent in the class, and his words are quickly brushed up.

With the mobile phone in his hand, he was still listening to his mother enthusiastically introducing "Kunlun University" to the folks, and he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

It's over, now the matter of Kunlun University is really going to be exposed, if Mr. Wei finds out about it...

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became, but there was nothing he could do. He could only pray that the teachers at the school would not care about such trivial matters in the outside world... Even if it was really exposed, the school should have mature coping methods...

But actually, Wei Ze already knew about it.

During this period of time, he only saw the numbers in his mind refresh crazily.

"Famousness +28!"

"Famousness +67!"

"Famousness +45!"

"Popularity +..."

"Fuck, why are you so fierce?"

Wei Ze watched the number scroll at a convulsive speed, and it rose by a full seven or eight hundred in a short while.It didn't take long to jump, and I climbed to 1000.

[Increase in popularity and achieve the achievement 'Fresher']

[Campus facility 'Hou De Shu Ge' has been unlocked]

(End of this chapter)

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