Chapter 98 Crying Myrtle
"Myrtle, why are you here?"

"I..." Myrtle stopped sobbing, smiling brightly at Tom, but looking ridiculous with the unstoppable tears running down her cheeks.

I have to say that Tom's preemptive strike is still very effective. Myrtle has ignored why he came out of the women's bathroom, but began to explain eloquently, "I... I'm fine, I like it when I'm fine. Come here alone for a while."

"Is that so?" Tom squinted at Myrtle's spectacles with mist rising, and let go of his worries. Even when he was facing his classmates of the same grade, he scolded with an arrogant attitude, " It's so late, and you're walking outside alone at night, which is against school rules, and it's not safe."


Myrtle hesitated for a long time, and suddenly burst into tears, startling Tom, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be in front of you, I thought I was the only one in the bathroom, but I didn't expect you to be there. Inside, I... I'm sorry, woo woo woo..."

"What's the matter with you? Why are you crying here alone in the middle of the night?" Tom couldn't bear this kind of crying and crying in front of him, and he broke down in an instant.

Myrtle's appearance reminded him of a girl in the orphanage before. He still remembered that her name was Martha. Because she was thin and small, she was always bullied by other big children, and Tom almost became one of those big boys. One of the children, he frowned and asked gently, "Did someone bully you?"

"No..." Myrtle turned her back, squatted on the ground and sobbed silently, "You... go back, don't worry about me."

"Looks like it does, sh... this kind of crybaby is really tricky." Tom made a judgment in his heart.

He didn't dare to go round and look at the crying face of the little girl. After thinking about it, he took out a new handkerchief he just bought and put it on Myrtle's shoulder, trying to soften his voice." You are the first Hogwarts classmate Gnar has met, and we can be considered friends like this... It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, but if there is anything that can't be solved, you must come to me."

"You don't have to worry about me..."

"If Gnar was here, he would definitely take care of it. Since he's not here, let me take care of his business!" Although Tom stood out among his peers, he was still a child. He patted his chest and pretended to be Very reliable appearance, the contrast between appearance and action is particularly funny, and cute, "Besides, I have always been a helpful person."

"Thank you," Myrtle nodded, still turning her back to Tom, but felt she looked better and calmed down, "I'm better now, can you leave me alone for a while? I'll wait. I'll go back in a while, the administrator won't be here to inspect at night."

"Okay, you remember to go back early."

"By the way," Myrtle suddenly remembered something, and turned to stop Tom, who was about to leave, "Where has Nelson gone? Isn't he going to come back?"

"Uh...I'm here to get something, do you know Alphard? Alphard Black of Slytherin,"

Seeing Myrtle nodding, Tom hurriedly said the excuse he had made up for a long time: "He always likes to do some shitty pranks, he hid my textbooks in the women's bathroom, so I had to go out at night to find them, No, I just found it today..."

He took out the "Principles of Magic" and showed it to Myrtle. As soon as he held it up, he suddenly realized that this was not the question Myrtle had just asked him. Tom was so embarrassed that his toes were curled up. The carp opened his mouth like a carp, and seemed to want to vomit two bubbles to cheer him up. "What I want to say is that he is traveling in Europe now, and he has a good life. He has delicious food and drinks every day, and someone helps him wash his clothes."

Tom spread his hands, "Since you care so much about him, why don't you write to him directly? Gnar has the quirk of always replying to every letter. You just write to him, and he promises to tell him all about his current situation."

"Can I?"

"You... don't know how to write?" Tom couldn't figure out where the girl was going, and he asked in Myrtle's tentative tone, "If you don't know what to write, write something. About his ugly cat, I feel like he's about to forget about that guy."

"I understand, I'll write to him when I go back," Myrtle nodded, thinking of the cute kitten, the haze on her face was much less, "Go back early, don't be discovered by the administrators ."

"Okay." Tom shrugged. "Goodbye."

"Thank you, Tom."

Tom didn't speak, just walked to the Slytherin lounge, raised the next door and waved as if to say hello, until he passed a corner, and then said softly, "It's okay... It seems that you didn't see me there. What are you doing, I really don't know what Slytherin thinks, it's really vulgar to put the entrance of the secret room in the women's toilet."


"Riddle, you're back."

Hearing the sound of the door, George Corolla, who was closest to the door, turned on the light. His honorific was very abstract and deliberate. He took out a box of candied fruit from the cabinet as if offering a treasure, held it up and asked, "What do you want? Want something to eat?"

"No need," Tom glanced at the beautifully shaped preserved fruit box from the corner of his eye, shook his head, and walked into the bathroom next to the bedroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, "Go to bed early."

"Good night." The other two in the bedroom also sat up and greeted.

"By the way, Carlo." Tom's voice came from the bathroom.

"What's the matter?" George Carroll, who had just gone to bed, jumped down again, ran to the bathroom door and asked earnestly, "Is there anything I need to do? The cat has already been fed, and tonight it decided to live in Gryffindor. Sleeping next to the fire in the multi-room, entrusted to your friend Miss Jewell to feed, this time..."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me about this." Tom interrupted him impatiently through the door, "I wanted to ask, do you know what happened to that Myrtle from Ravenclaw? What's the matter? She seems to be bullied? Aren't you well-informed? Have you heard anything?"

"Do you know that?" Carlo said, standing outside the door. "She seems to be the only Muggle-born student in her dormitory, so..."

"That's why her roommates are always teasing her in other ways and gossiping about her with a bunch of boring Ravenclaw guys."

"What gossip?" Tom asked vaguely with toothpaste in his mouth. "Why haven't I heard of it."

"They don't dare to come and gossip with you," Carlo explained. "It's nothing more than attacking a person's appearance, slandering his character, degrading his family background, and going back and forth is all these things."

"It's really boring." Tom spit the foam out of his mouth, took a mouthful of cold water to rinse his mouth, and spit it out before he said, "It's really nothing new, I didn't expect wizards to gossip compared to Muggles. It's nothing special, it looks like humans may not be very creative in this regard."

"That's it... Do you know Myrtle?" Carlo asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm quite familiar with her, have you forgotten? Gnar's cat is always with her." Tom stroked the back of his hand, where he was scratched countless times by the question mark.

"Do I need to warn those guys with long tongues?" Carlo wanted to take the initiative to do some work.

"Don't bother," Tom said casually as he opened the bathroom door, wiping his face with a towel, "just go and bully them too."

"Okay, someone has long been unhappy with those humming Ravenclaws."

"But don't overdo it."

"You are so kind."

"Don't say things like that, or I'll always feel like you're scolding me." Tom rolled his eyes at him, walked to his bed, lifted the quilt, and got in, "Tomorrow will still be on two brooms, don't forget, sleep early."

"Want to call your friend?" Carlo turned off the light and went to bed.


"Miss Jewell."

"No, she's a Gryffindor." In the darkness, Tom shook his head in disappointment.

 One more chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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