My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 87 German Laughing Chapter

Chapter 87 German Jokes
"I love fine wine, and I love my girl even more!"

"Only she can make my heart happy~"

"I'm not alone...there's wine in my glass."

"And my girl is by my side."

"Thoughts are free!"

"Are we going to go up like this?" Nelson stood beside the departing train on the platform of Berlin Railway Station, and asked Andrei next to him with the singing from the distant military train echoing in his ears.

"Of course," Andrei walked up the folded stairs beside the carriage, and handed a note to the military police officer who was checking beside the carriage, "We have gone through the formal procedures."

"Sir!" The policeman saw the note, and immediately broke free from his lazy attitude. He raised his right foot and slammed it into the left foot. The steel plate boots made a crisp "pop" sound, and he raised his right foot high. Arms, fingers clasped forward, shouting, "Hooray!"

"Okay, long live, long live..." Andrei squeezed in impatiently beside him, and ordered, "Find us an empty carriage."

"Okay, my lord!" The military policeman started, looked at the people behind Andre, and then turned to Nelson in a straight uniform, leaning forward, "Sir, let me help you with your luggage! "

"Oh? Huh?" Nelson was taken aback. After confirming that there was no one around, he realized that he was talking about himself. He shook his shoulders in flattery and handed him a suitcase full of changing clothes. "Thank you."

The military police led the way with the box in front. Nelson followed Andrei and asked in a low voice, "What is your piece of paper? Did you use the Confusion Charm?"

"That's a certificate issued by the top officials of the Communist Party. It's genuine." Andre threw the certificate into Nelson's hands. He picked it up and read it: "Senior Advisor of the Special Operations Forces, Major General Andre."

"..." Nelson carefully stuffed the documents into Andre's pocket. This position has reached the peak of Tom's imagination during the orphanage. In his vision, he could defect to the German government with his supernatural abilities, and then serve in the army. After suffering in the system, he finally reached the rank of major general and reached the pinnacle of his life... Nelson looked at his little friend's childhood dream, and suddenly felt a little disillusioned, "Did you cast a Confusion Curse on the top?"

"Why do you always think I used a Confusion Charm on whom?" Andrei was amused, he explained, "It seems that you haven't figured out the situation, the Muggles in Germany are influenced by us, and these documents are ours. Identity within the system - to use the power of magic to achieve the purpose of ruling the world, at least that mustache thinks so."

"But I think he's talking nonsense." White followed up and joined the conversation between the two. She sneered, "I feel that he is a little confused about the situation. How can less than 8000 million people conquer the world?"

"You can't blame him, after all, magic gave him too much self-confidence." Andre shrugged, "You have to understand that Muggle imaginations are always lacking."

"But Germany is not the only wizard in the world..."

"Oh, I can tell you why." Zweig, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said suddenly, Nelson always forgot his existence because of his taciturnity, "I was the one who approached him at the beginning, and Andre told me about him Very superstitious that his bloodline has magical powers, so I told him that magic is a superpower unique to the noble Aryans, and then..."

"He believed it?"

"Yes, he believed..." Zweig said helplessly. "After we showed him a few little magics, he believed it right away. I thought it would take a while. He also creatively Added one, ordinary Aryans can't cast magic mainly because the Jews mixed in with them are interfering with, uh... magic in the air, which makes most people do not have the environment to cast spells."

"But the mustache can't cast spells either?"

"No, he will." Andrei laughed playfully, "We sent someone to follow him, and whenever he wanted to cast magic, we would use a silent spell to cast it for him."


"why are you laughing?"

"Sorry, I just thought it sounded like a Soviet joke."


"Sir, we're here." The military police in front took the lead through the empty compartments, walked to the door of a luxury compartment in the front section of the train, took out the key from the cabin crew, opened the compartment door, and directed Andreesh again. With a German courtesy, "This carriage is specially prepared for adults like you. It is absolutely safe, please rest assured."

Nelson walked in, and a clean and tidy reception room came into view, the soft sofa was covered with white flannel, a few bottles of good wine were inserted in the ice bucket on the table, a fire was burning in the fireplace opposite the coffee table, and there was a pile of wine next to it. A small pile of good firewood, and the neatly arranged wooden doors at the rear correspond to several bedrooms. The whole section of windows is bright and clean, and it looks very spacious. It is hard to help but wonder how such a room can be stuffed into a small car.

"The needle won't poke." Andre whistled, took off his coat and put it on the sofa at the door. When the military police saw this, he stuffed Nelson's suitcase into the rack, picked up Andre's clothes and hung it on the coat rack at the door. up, looks like he's going to get a duster to help him dust it.

"Okay, alright, go with your own business." Andre looked a little overwhelmed, and sent the military police away. He took out his wand and pointed at his coat, "Whirlwind cleans it up."

"Although Muggles seem to be very inefficient in life, it has to be said that it is more enjoyable to have people perform such inefficient services." Calm down, it's completely different from the crazy look when I first saw it.

"My mind shatters the shackles, divides the wall in two, the mind is free..."

The singing on the platform rang again, this time it was louder, the soldiers were getting closer, and it seemed that they were going to take this train too.

"What song is this?" Nelson also imitated White and lay down on a small sofa.

"This song is called "Thought is Free," Andre said lazily. "It is a widely circulated German folk song, which was compiled by Hoffmann von Fallersleben about 100 years ago. Included in the "Silician Folk Songs" and widely circulated, the whole piece repeats a sentence from Cicero: 'Our thoughts are free'."

"You look like a college professor." White lied on the sofa and covered his mouth with a smile.

"When I used to teach at Heidelberg University, in addition to literature and communication, I occasionally taught classes on folk culture and classical philosophy. After all, literature, history and philosophy are not separated from each other." Andrei walked to the coffee table and took a bag from the ice bucket. He took out a bottle of red wine that looked expensive, tapped the bottle neck with a wand, and the cork flew out with a "whoosh" and was planted into the fire. A strong aroma of fruit and wood permeated the entire carriage, and he poured half a glass. , took a sip, and felt the unique tannin flavor permeating his mouth, showing an expression of an old man nostalgic for his youth, squinting his eyes and smacking his mouth and said, "I visited Faresleben when I was young, He's a poor and respectable poet, and the song is almost a generation in Germany, and I used to...I used to talk about it in class."

"Bring me a glass, thank you." White raised his chin, two goblets swayed and flew in front of Andrei, he poured two glasses, they floated to White and Zweig respectively, and White took the glass Savoring it, sticking out his tongue, "Wow, it's really unpleasant to drink... Nelson, you'd better drink the juice. When the flight attendant comes, I'll ask him to bring a bottle of juice."

"No, thank you." Nelson asked, playing with the pillow on the sofa, "It sounds like this song is about freedom, why is it being sung by them?"

He pointed to the soldiers passing by outside the carriage. They were dusty and tired, but they were forbidden and disciplined.

"Why can't they be sung by them?" Andre asked rhetorically, "People always have the right to sing any song."

"But whether it's a soldier's identity or their political beliefs, in any case, it has nothing to do with freedom, right?"

"No, it's still related - the songs they sing are related to freedom." Andrei laughed with the cup in hand, his throat giggled like a bellows, "This is a German joke, isn't it better than you don't know how to laugh? Where is the point of the Soviet joke more interesting and lively?"

"I don't agree with that. Let me tell you one more day. One day a teacher met a former student on the streets of Moscow..."



Under the bombardment of Nelson's repeated jokes, the train trembled slightly, and then slowly started spewing steam. This train bound for Poland, almost all the soldiers and officials who went to the station, perhaps called them officers uniformly. More appropriately, the platform was filled with their family members who came to see them off. Most of them were solemn and enthusiastic, and they were deeply proud of their sons or husbands being able to participate in the glorious cause of occupying neighboring countries.

Nelson got up and walked to the window to observe the crowd. He saw a single old woman standing on the platform. She should have come to see her son off. Although the old clothes she was wearing had been starched and washed white, she was holding hands. A flower basket full of petals is constantly tossing petals on the roof of the car - flowers don't come cheap this season.

"Aren't they crazy?" Andre jokingly moved behind him. "Doesn't it feel funny and hard to understand?"

"There are some." Nelson nodded, he thought of Jonas, maybe he had seen such a scene before making such a decision.

"I didn't understand it when I was young. After all, it's a war. People are always killed in a war. Muggle wars are not like us. There are too many magics that can be used without blood. Muggle wars are filled with life. Yes." Andrei said softly, "This is still going to Poland. This wave of recruits only needs to do some simple work of cleaning the battlefield. If you see the team going out, you will be shocked, compared with that kind of scene. , how can such a little scene be called fanaticism? This country is yearning for war from top to bottom, and this kind of cause belongs only to lunatics - this is the real German joke."

(End of this chapter)

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