Chapter 80

"Is this the hiding place?" Tom rubbed the back of his head, looking at the surrounding bustling street scene.

The scenery of the hidden place has a strong French style. Centered on the rice-shaped intersection where they are located, the eight straight streets are flanked by magnificent buildings of different shapes but with a special symmetrical beauty. Its job is to focus on different categories of goods such as potions, books, magic props, daily sundries, etc., which greatly exerts the agglomeration effect and provides convenience for the wizards living here.

Except for the part between the Latin people and the Germanic people, the French wizards don't look much different from the British wizards in Diagon Alley. Most of them wear wizard robes that are universal in the world. Guys, but in the corners of those solemn-looking robes, occasionally you can find some interesting little lace, small decorations, like those little graffiti dotted on the plaques of hidden wizard shops, highlighting the city Unique romance.

"If nothing else happens, we should be at the hiding place." Nelson nodded, looking up at the spires of the fancy tent with colored balls in front of him, and observing the eight roads around him, "Where do you want to go first? I hope the French Wizards speak English."

"There are a lot of people over there, let's go have a look!" Tom glanced at the poster at the entrance of the tent in front of him, "This is a circus? How can there be a wizard watching a circus? There's still half an hour left, we just finished shopping to catch up. ."

"Okay." The two walked to the most prosperous street in the hidden place. The whole street was full of smoke, and it seemed to be a street dedicated to potions.

"What are they doing here with a big fireplace?" Tom asked Nelson, turning his head to Nelson as he passed the huge fireplace in the middle of the intersection.

"Be careful!" Nelson suddenly reached out and grabbed Tom, quickly pulled out his wand, and shouted, "Armor!"

"It's Grindelwald!"

I saw smoke billowing out of the fireplace, a group of disgraced wizards shoving out of it, and Nelson's spell was too timely, or Tom would have been lying on the ground by now - the first one in pain. Running out, the fat wizard who was squatting on the ground with his bloody nose groaning, Nelson pulled Tom and sneaked out of the crowd.

"Grindelwald attacked the trial! He wanted to kill Dumbledore!"

"Auror, where is the Auror!" The panicked crowd was immersed in panic like a flock that had lost its leader. Grindelwald brought so much unforgettable pain to France that it seemed that the wizards of the whole France They are all suffering from "Grindelwald's phobia", and their legs start to soften when they hear his name.

"What's going on!" Seeing Nelson and Tom running out of the crowd, a wizard in the uniform of the French Ministry of Magic grabbed him and asked anxiously, "I heard Grindelwald. appeared?"

"Sorry, I don't speak French." So the officer repeated the question in English.

"Grindelwald appeared at the trial venue in Wizengamore." Congratulations, the internationalization of the French magic circle seems to be much higher than that of Muggles, Nelson explained, "I don't know about the rest. , I went through the Floo network when he appeared... By the way, sir, we went the wrong way in the panic, how should we go from here to the UK?"

"What?" The wizard's face was instantly covered with obvious sadness. He didn't answer the following questions, just left the two of them, and hurriedly ran towards the crowd, waving his wand to maintain order.

"Don't you mean the French are hospitable?" Tom and Nelson returned to the predetermined path, and he was spreading his hands, scolding the attitude of the man just now with a look of disdain.

"I understand, after all, you can see that his face turned green when he heard Grindelwald's name." Nelson curled his lips and explained, "It is said that Grindelwald came back in Paris more than ten years ago. The city was razed to the ground."

"Is that so?" Tom walked towards the first store on the west side of the street with a playful smile. "It's incredible how one person can bring such a huge amount of fear."

"Thank you." Nelson stepped over the curtain that Tom helped him lift, walked into the empty shop, and picked up a small top placed on the table, "After all, he was beaten, and the psychological shadow was more serious. It's normal, and Grindelwald's danger of incitement and attack is higher than his magical talents, so one has to be careful."

"Hey! Anyone?" Tom shouted at the curtain behind the shop, turning his head and whispering, "What kind of man is he after you've been in Nurmengard all these days? Seriously, When I met him today, I felt he was indeed a lot better than the mediocre ones - but I'll help you, and when I practice for another two years, we'll kill him together!" He changed into a resentful look. Tone, while planning to avenge his good friend, while thinking about defeating the demon king and becoming famous in the world.

"Let's talk about this later." Nelson put down the small top and picked up another one. "We are still too weak. After all, it is not our time."

"It's almost time." A familiar, thick voice suddenly appeared behind the two of them. Nelson turned his head and saw a delicate-looking bald man standing behind him. He was still wearing the crisp clothes he was wearing when he first saw him. White shirt and brown-black plaid vest, just changed to a pair of brighter shoes, at this moment he is greeting politely, "Your era is coming soon."

"Mr. Daguerre?" Nelson took a step back, stopped Tom behind him, and squinted at the shopkeeper who once sold him a camera in Hogsmeade. He is also someone who has read a lot of novels. This kind of character who can't fight but always appears in strange places is extremely vigilant, "Why are you here? Don't you open a shop in Hogsmeade?"

"I've been here all the time, I'm French." He chuckled, "I was going to open a branch in England, but British wizards don't seem to like our products very much. Seriously, we The Daguerre family has always paid attention to product quality and user experience, and every product is genuine at a reasonable price and with guaranteed quality and quantity..."

He suddenly realized that such chattering might scare off two potential guests, so he stopped talking, smiled apologetically, and said, "Mr. Wilttening, is that camera easy to use?"

"Uh...not bad." Nelson was a lot confused about the camera. "It's just that its price..."

"What's the matter?" Daguerre raised his eyebrows, "Our prices have always been innocent, but if you feel that you are at a disadvantage, you can still coordinate."

"No." Nelson shook his head, recalling the incredible functions of the camera, and replied, "I mean, the functions of this camera seem to be far more valuable than those two Galleons."

"Hey, as long as you like it, you might as well take a look at the other products in our store. They are absolutely worth the money, and they are all the best alchemy products. I dare to say that the potions and alchemy products in the whole street are not good. It will be better than us, and we are cheaper!" Daguerre smiled reassuringly, "The store I opened in Hogsmeade mainly sells some second-hand goods, and those things are all collected by me, so in fact I don't know what special functions they have, but it's impossible to make money by opening a store. If you think so, it's easy to be deceived when consuming."

"Is that so?" Nelson had never seen such a business.

"Yes, so I suggest that you buy the products you need at my house." Daguerre strikes while the iron is hot, "Although I make money by opening a store, in fact, it is a win-win for my customers. I earn and my customers earn."

"Then who's to blame?" Tom keenly found the problem and pointed it out in time.

"Sir, you just don't understand business. There are not only zero-sum games in the world, we should pursue win-win cooperation." Daguerre stunned Tom at once, although he didn't know what the boss was talking about , but he felt very powerful. When he recovered, he was standing outside the door with a bag and said goodbye to the enthusiastic Daguerre.

"Is this magic?" When he regained his judgment, he couldn't help but be afraid, and looked at Nelson, who looked up at the sky, "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking," Nelson said quietly, pondering, "how does he know that I am Mr. Wilttening?"

"Did you tell him when you bought the camera in Hogsmeade?" Tom raised an eyebrow.

"It's possible, but my name was Nelson Williams back then." Nelson shook his head and put the question behind him. "By the way, are you going back today or tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Tom thought for a while and said, "I can only take the Knights bus when I go back today, and I may have to sleep outside for the night. Anyway, I ran out of the secret passage, and it doesn't matter when I go back. ."

"Okay." Nelson pointed to the hotel on the side of the road. "Let's go and reserve two rooms to put things down. There are still many places that we haven't visited."

"By the way, why did you buy mandrakes? Do you have a terrorist in Nurmengard who likes to attack people with petrification spells?"

"Look at what you said? Who is not a terrorist in Nurmengard?" Nelson smiled playfully, "Why did you learn herbal medicine so well all of a sudden? It was the story of Sprout that I told you last time that stimulated you. ?"

"I just learned well in Potions!" Tom said stubbornly, "I just don't know what mandrakes and grimace hawk moths can be used for."

"This is the potion for learning Animagus." Nelson raised his eyebrows proudly. Although he still couldn't open the note Mag gave him, he still had to have the necessary pretense.

(End of this chapter)

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