My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 696 Return (end of book)

Chapter 696 Return (end of book)

"I met a man, probably a year before the war, I was a psychiatrist, and that year I took sixteen of the most stubborn patients in the hospital to Europe to try the newest treatments there, and one of them Claims to be a wizard."

In a London pub, a bald Briton is talking to a bushy German.

"Will wizards be caught in a mental hospital?"

"I didn't think so. Before that, I didn't even know magic existed," the bald man adjusted his glasses and said to the wizard investigator in front of him, "Maybe he lost his own in some accident. Wands, I heard that most wizards can't do magic when they lose their wands, maybe the wand is what you are, isn't it?"

He shrugged his shoulders, thought for a moment, and said, "That's the first patient I've come across who is normal in all aspects but judged as hysterical by me since I started practicing medicine. Experience determines the fate of patients, and he later made a great contribution in Berlin and was on the cover of The Quibbler as Barry Goshak."

After hearing this name, the investigator on the opposite side turned odd. He stroked the Deathly Hallows pendant on his chest, looking like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"What's the matter with you?"

"No...nothing, go ahead and talk."

"My experience tells me that you are very anxious now, you know him, so what I said embarrassed you, didn't it?" The middle-aged doctor Jack smiled, "What I want to say now is another One thing, on the verge of arriving in Poland, he disappeared and was rescued by someone."

"Is it possible... he ran it by himself? After all, Barry is a wizard after all."

"Impossible," Dr. Jack shook his head and said seriously, "As a doctor, I know better than anyone his mental state at that time. He felt hopeless because of the restraint on his body. It couldn't be faked, not to mention that the crew found signs of damage in the corridor the next day, and that night there was a firework over the sea."

He pointed to the pendant on the investigator's chest: "You know him, you should belong to the same organization, this mark is very important to you, maybe it is used as a distress signal, someone helped him send a signal, I don't Remember, but he could never leave that ship by himself, and I wasn't too surprised by his departure, it seems I had seen 'magic' aboard the ship before that."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, sir."

Investigators wrote the name on the end of the letterhead, sealed it with varnish, and stamped it with a seal inscribed with "suspicious".

"Am I going to be detailed enough? As a psychiatrist, I think I have some authority in my analysis of my abnormal psychological state."

"You're worrying too much," the investigator stretched out his hand with a smile. "Besides, there are two levels of 'nonsense' and 'outrageous'."


"I know my son, or I think I know him."

"That's right, I always knew he lived in an orphanage in the West End, looked after by that woman named Cole, and I followed his growth, I've been following him since I heard of his existence, he inherited Some qualities of that woman, my face and my surname, and... my arrogance, my ambition, my pride, he was like a magical me, a ruthless person. "

"I firmly believe that such a person will not be a hero, even if he is educated by the best teacher in the world, because he was born from a false deception, a twisted mother and a father who just wants to escape."

Old Tom lowered his head, took a deep breath of cigarette, raised his head, and stared at the silent man with his back to him with bloodshot eyes. Behind the tall high-backed chair, there was only a Cut off the sleeve and brush the quill across the parchment, leaving lines of text intact.


The smoke made his presbyopic vision even cloudier. "He didn't really love his father and mother. When he was born in this world, he was greeted only by the snow of winter nights, which London has never been so much. In the cold winter, it is rare to see such cold snow. His heart has long been frozen in his mother's body. I don't know who can open the frozen ice in his heart. It requires long-term company and trust. How can there be such a person in a life as turbulent as snowflakes?"

"My weakness, let my son...he is my son after all, I let him grow up in a neighborhood full of violence, poverty, deceit and coercion, I have no doubt that he will become a villain, a criminal, A man who takes pleasure in violence and blood, I have no doubt that with magic, he will become a monster as powerful as Haierbo, who was defeated by you a few days ago...but he becomes a hero, a rescuer save the world and save my hero."

Old Tom raised his head, the cigarette end had burned his fingers, but he felt no pain at all, and said word by word: "When I first saw him, he was as stubborn and strong as a hedgehog, even if life was not going well. , but he treated my property as rubbish, and at that time I saw happiness in his eyes that I didn't even have, and it made me crazy with jealousy, and he even helped me find my daughter Lola."

"Some time ago, she was injured. She was trained in St. Mungo's. I was afraid that the wizard's magic could not cure her. I hired some top doctors to prepare for the unexpected, but they told me that Laura and I have different blood types," Old Tom smiled sullenly, "Haha, my housekeeper told me that Lola was a girl kidnapped by a liar named Richard Jewell, and fate had deceived me again, but I didn't care, she complained to a There is no difference between a careless parent who still loves their girl, and I am exactly the same as a father who loves a long-lost daughter who has reunited, and the world is full of regrets, but we need each other."

The arm exposed on the armrest of the high-back chair trembled, then quickly retracted.

"She redeemed me, but my son, who redeemed him? Who will redeem him? I saw his head on the streets of London, he was flamboyant and famous, and he had a brighter future than anyone else. , but the happiness on the poor boy's face is gone!" Old Tom shouted the most heart-piercing words in the softest voice, "You must help him, Master Wizard!"


The lights came on, and the courtroom that originally belonged to Wizengamore was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes. A witch pushed open the heavy door and walked in: "Mr. Riddle, thank you for your cooperation, you can leave."

"I don't know where I learned that he likes tomatoes, so I bought a piece of land in Sicily that is suitable for grapes, it is also suitable for growing vegetables, and the tomatoes there will grow very well."

Old Tom stared at the high-backed chair, and after a moment of silence, with the help of the witch, he left, and when his foot stepped out of the threshold, there was a sound from behind the high-backed chair that brightened his eyes.

"It's a small tomato, it's a fruit."


"I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Grindelwald with red eyes looked at the sealed documents piled up to the ceiling in front of him. He hadn't closed his eyes for several days. After the last letterhead sealed with flame lacquer flew from the vent to the top, he turned around and faced his side. Tom said: "What I can confirm is that the disappearance of Albus and the disappearance of Nelson have a primary and secondary difference, and his disappearance is largely because I destroyed Haierbo's memory and destroyed its coherence, It led to the subsequent collapse, and Albus was also wiped out by those heroic spirits with Haierbo's existence, but his existence seems to be a better proof. As long as we can find Nelson, we will be able to find it. he."

"Thank you for everything, Grindelwald," nodded Tom, who had just returned from the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—the main room that was vacant for some reason in the Department of Mysteries, "even if I failed, I would Brought back Professor Dumbledore for you."

"There is no need to say such things, Riddle," Grindelwald shook his head, "I carefully analyzed the prophecy of Pitia you brought back, and it shows that there seems to be some kind of acquired symbiosis between Nelson and Haierbo. relationship, the strangulation of Haierbo may have been a part of his disappearance. Most people only know that Haierbo was defeated, but they have forgotten who Haierbo is and what he has done. related to magic."

"In the chocolate frog picture you left me, the soul of another steel giant created by Nelson 2000 years ago is sealed. In the past few days, I have asked people to follow the clues of history. When you let it go—— In the era of Merlin, its inheritance was confirmed, but I never thought it would be that... noisy armor."

"I found from some antique collectors the metals that were unearthed with your coffin when Azkaban was discovered, with armor as the core, and with the help of the magic left in the cards by the ancient Greek wizards, pieced together The giant didn't remember Nelson, but the armor remembered its 'brother', and it's at our feet now, a god who's been through all of you, enough to be the carrier of the return," Grindelwald said. Tight fists, "The establishment of the self needs the verification of others. This is magic that has never appeared in this world, and it uses traces to bring back people who do not exist... I named it with the words in the prophecy, and I called it , a glimpse of a hero."

"Avada Kedavra!"

He suddenly raised his arm and pointed at Tom, and Tom instinctively raised his hand, and a red light shot out, knocking the Elder Wand in Grindelwald's hand, and it swirled into Tom's hand, and his tired body was also cursed. Under the bombardment, he flew out and was overturned on the door, with a flush on his face.

"Go, Tom Marvolo Riddle, I will see in the future, the Voldemort who will kill me!" Grindelwald laughed cheerfully, "The Elder Wand is yours, take it with you Dear friend, my love... Even if the Holy Artifact is missing a link, I believe that you will become their resurrection stone!"

Tom gave him a deep look and raised his wand.


"Yes, a professor who claimed to be Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came to me that day, opened the gin I was going to leave for Christmas, and wanted to take the children here. He wore a purple suit and gave me two list, maybe he made a mistake?"

"I remember that day as I remember the day when all wands found their owners, and not even London has seen as much fog as that."

"I admit I like Tom, Alphard, stop barking! We're friends, aren't we? We're so close, the four of us... eh?"

"I swear I have absolutely no ability to play Riddle and the other two Warriors alone, they must have made a mistake, I almost believed it myself, until I saw what they did in the paper, isn't that a joke? And I can defeat that Ludwig Kant? You are blaspheming heroes, you should go to... er, seems to be a classmate who is very close to Myrtle, what's the name?"

"How can a sailor ever read a book? Someone must have told me the story of Icarus."

"Our workshop director invented the magic factory? Joke, if he has this ability, why is he still a workshop director? I saw a book about workshop management in his office. Does he need to learn himself?"

"(Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo) It said that it sent a letter to Nurmengard, those stupid wizards are really weak, they are not as good as the phoenix raised by Dumbledore, sorry, I don't know who Dumbledore is Who, wait a minute, I'll ask it."

"Do you really dare to come? Come, tell me, look at this curtain, tell me, what was the movie that was played here? "Tom and Jerry"?"

"Someone did help us get rid of the 'drug' at the time, but I don't know, I really don't know."

"Second Salem, that's hell... There are also angels in hell."

"I don't know what you're talking about? But I want to know, who made the missionaries? Why wasn't it written in The Quibbler?"

"My kids are Squibs, but I've always believed that they're going to be fine, and someone gave me confidence that, really, I'm not crazy."

"Someone promised me that he would take me home. Has he... gone home?"

"While I was being hunted by the wizards of Nurmengard, I met an old hunter named Nelson, haha, I gave him the magic that my father left me."

"****, who lied to me?"

"You don't have to ask, I know who you are talking about, I remember it very clearly, even if you all forget, I will not forget who dug me out of the dead and gave me his surname, he It's my brother and my home."

"Lord Peeves seems to have something stolen by a bad guy, and he forced me to call him Uncle."



"Riddle! Magic, magic coming, and the Mist of Lost!"

"Yeah, Grindelwald! They're coming back!"

"Damn, we're missing the strongest proof of Nelson's existence, his magic! Why is the wand you brought broken? Well, it's going to dissipate."

"I know...I know where his magic is."


The red train galloped across the white field and stopped in front of the dark gate. Grindelwald sat in the carriage and watched Tom walking out with a beer mug, clenching his teeth.

"The price needs to be paid, Grindelwald," Tom's voice dissipated in the wind, and he walked step by step toward the gap in the drapery, saying that the Invisibility Cloak was draped over his shoulders, and the figure disappeared little by little, "I'll go and bring him back. …”

Grindelwald watched the twisted air squat a little closer to the door, he clenched his fists, looked at the corner of the beer mug, and suddenly widened his eyes, because he saw that Tom's hand stretched out from under the invisibility cloak had been lifted Open the veil.

"You are crazy!"

Their hopes were all but wiped out, and a man who committed suicide was taking his last hope.

The invisibility cloak had already slid down from his shoulders, and one of his hands had already reached into the door, unable to turn back, Tom stopped, turned his head, smiled at Grindelwald, he pointed to his forehead, in the illusion Under the erosion, he easily pulled out his own memory, which was an indispensable part of proving Nelson's self-existence as an "other", but when he cast that magic, he was reluctant to give it up and treat it as a one-off Consumables are thrown into attempts with unknown probabilities.

The wand in the beer mug fell under Tom's sway, and the rotting metal shards rolled like fallen leaves in the deep valley and scattered all over the blurred vision.


Just as the wand was about to hit the ground, one hand caught it, the rotten wood cut through the air, and the fragments of the principle converged towards Tom's side like a torrent.

His stray memories froze around the deadwood, reshaping it into a straight wand flowing with warm silver steam.

"I am back."


"Di... Di... Di... Di Di Di!"

The monitor made a harsh alarm sound, and along with its beep, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded, and it was a bright white.

"The patient is awake! The patient is awake!"

"Ah... I feel like I was killed by a semi-trailer."

"The patient is awake! The patient is awake!"

On the white wall, the red cross seems to be composed of a stick and a knife.

The nurse's delighted voice gradually moved away, the surrounding scene finally brightened, and rich and complicated voices poured into my ears.

The ticking of the infusion tube, the sighing, the crying, the nervous driver, the self-blaming mother, and the confused boy.

And the sound of footsteps stopping outside the ward.

"Oh? The Elder Wand? Your movie theater still sells this stuff?!"

(End of this chapter)

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