Chapter 42 Miss Joy
"So is Dumbledore ready to go to war?" Tom asked excitedly, he was already looking forward to the next Magic War.

"Who knows?" Aberforth swallowed the third sausage, raised his arm and wiped his mouth, the cuffs of the expensive-looking fuchsia silk robe embroidered with gold edging were instantly stained with oil, "Great What does Albus Dumbledore do to anyone else to understand?"

"Since Professor Dumbledore is ready to make a move, presumably things can be resolved quickly." Nelson was a little puzzled. "Did he have any concerns in the past few years?"

"Because Dumbledore is here, Grindelwald and his minions dare not reach out to England. This is basically the consensus of the wizarding world." Aberforth shook his head disdainfully, "Let's wait and see, at least How many years can I watch the show!"

His pessimistic remarks caused a brief silence in the ward, and even Tom fell silent, as if he was making plans for how to turn the tide after Dumbledore's defeat.

"But they were smart this time. They attacked the Hogwarts train while the Headmaster and Albus were not around. If they really got in, it would be a big trouble... Fortunately, I was on the train. Such a master they didn't expect." Aberforth said smugly, "I didn't expect it, Grindelwald, let you do the math, and your subordinates will go to Azkaban."

"You obviously have to rely on us to help you sneak up on that person." Tom's voice interrupted his call for credit.

Aberforth opened his eyes wide and said, "How can you be innocent like this..." "What innocence? I saw you under the meat rack before I entered the door, and I was beaten until you turned into a sheep and hid!" Bu Fusi blushed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing, "I was afraid that my magical power was too great to hurt you!...Protect you!...The most important duty of the teacher is to protect Your own students, do you know? "The successive words are incomprehensible, such as "Animagus needs to be used at any time to not be unfamiliar", and "tactics are more important than spells", which caused everyone to burst into laughter, and the ward was full of A happy air.

"Professor Dumbledore, the patient should rest!" Miss Joy's voice floated from the door. "You are too loud!"

"Oh, okay! I'll go right away." Aberforth responded loudly, reminding the two of them to take a good rest. Before going out, he stared at Tom with a serious expression and spit out slowly, "Boy, I remember. I said I'd give you some extra homework for improvement (Tom: No, you didn't!), you're blessed."

After a while, Miss Joy walked into the door with a silver tray full of bottles and cans and various medical equipment, and began to examine the two of them.

"I feel a little stuffy in my chest, Ms. Joy." Nelson opened his shirt and hummed as he lay on the bed.

"It's normal for rib regrowth." Miss Joy poked his chest hard, "Call me Miss Joy, am I that old?"

"Hey... ok, Miss Joy!"

"It's getting worse and worse now, and even the Hogwarts train will be attacked," she complained, frowning, prying open Nelson's mouth and pouring him a vial of the spicy green liquid, only after Within a second, Nelson felt his blood rushing up, as if the heat in his body was concentrated on his forehead, and his brain was struggling to rush out of his nostrils and mouth.

"Don't move, or I'll have to give you another drink." Seeing Nelson lying flat, Miss Joy picked up a pair of tweezers from the tray to hold his nose, and covered his nose with one hand. Mouth, the other hand held the back of his head and shook it desperately. Nelson never thought that the British Empire in the twentieth century would have such a special medical method, but he couldn't help but regret it. When the half bowl of soup she drank spit out, Miss Joy stopped her movements. Strangely, a cool and comfortable feeling quickly flowed down Nelson's head to her heart, and quickly flowed to her limbs. Make people feel at ease.

"It's an amazing medical skill." Nelson praised sincerely, squinting his eyes and rubbing his hair against the pillow comfortably, ready to take a deep breath, but because his nose was caught by the tweezers, he spat out a snot.The crisp sound of the snot bubble breaking woke him up, and he suddenly realized that, in fact, no matter who was tortured by shaking his head first, he would feel relieved when he relaxed.

"Thank you, by the way, I like the pattern of radial fractures on your ribs, so I specially used a special dyed bone spirit for you, which can make the newly grown bones appear a touch of gold, just like a tattoo— —If you're thin enough, you can even see your ribs glowing golden through your chest at night." Miss Joy was very pleased with this heartfelt admiration, and she fed Nelson another bottle of medicine with satisfaction, and asked curiously again , "Mr. Williams, I heard that you are from a Muggle family? Do you know about Muggle medical care? Is there anything you can learn from."

"There's... it's..." Nelson didn't expect that someone would choose revenge in the face of words of thanks. The second bottle of medicine she fed herself was the exact opposite of the previous one. It was a bottle of orange viscous liquid with a smell Lu Tian, ​​he felt that his taste buds had been split, and even his whole tongue had begun to not obey. He forced to drop the sentence "Muggle medical treatment is more gentle to patients", and fell asleep on the pillow. .

"Tenderness? Healing people is called tenderness." Miss Joy walked towards the shivering Tom, the expression under the mask was not real, "Muggles with broken hearts can't be cured, but I can, so I am more gentle. "

"You say so, Mr. Riddle?"



The next morning, Nelson woke Tom to prepare for discharge. The moment they walked out of the gate of the school hospital, the two were relieved.

"I don't want to go to the school hospital anymore!" Tom said with lingering fears.

"I don't want to go to the hospital anymore!" Nelson's psychological shadow was much bigger.

"That's the best." Miss Joy's voice came from the corner two steps away, she was carrying the meal from the cafeteria and looked at the two with a smile, "To be honest, I want my work to be more leisurely. The person may be the doctor~"

"I'm sorry, Miss Joy." Nelson and Tom bowed their heads and apologized. When they saw her last night, they could only see through the mask that she was probably a beauty. She was under 30 years old, with long eyelashes, a high nose bridge, and a bush of hot hair under the nurse's hat. Very delicate short blonde hair, green eyes like a pool of water shining brightly, full of love for saving lives and healing the wounded.However, when he saw her again this morning, Nelson finally understood why she was no longer seen at the staff dining table. It turned out that she had gone to the cafeteria to cook in advance. Small and large criss-cross scars, with her magical attainments in regeneration of severed limbs, presumably such skin scars can be healed with a wave of hands, but there are only two possibilities for them to stay here-these are magic wounds that are difficult to heal, or Those scars had left her with more pain than a severed limb... and both of these pains were enough to destroy a fragile human being.

"What's there to be sorry for, I wish Hogwarts was safe without my post." Miss Joy was still smiling.

"Sorry, I mean..."

"You mean my face?" Miss Joy pointed to her cheek with a smile, "I'm used to it, I just hope it doesn't scare you. Don't learn from me, you should cherish your body. ."

"Professor Dumbledore asked you to go to his office to get a camera after dinner tonight~~~" Miss Joy's voice came from a distance, but Nelson couldn't face the light and cheerful voice.


"Nal, I got your homework." At the dining table, Alphard stirred the milk cup with a teaspoon and said excitedly, "Help me, my sister said that if I do my homework this Christmas holiday If I can't make it, she will write to my family to pick me up."

"I remember my homework was at the bottom of the box." Nelson swallowed a mouthful of creamy soup and secretly burped twice in satisfaction, "How did you find it?"

"Don't you know? Your cat has already spread the contents of the box." Alphard looked at him with a sympathetic look, "When I got to your dormitory, it was trying to put your box It was also dismantled and tiled on the ground.”


"It's okay, Alphard will help you clean." Tom handed Nelson a plate of small tomatoes and patted his dog's head, "You say yes, Alphard."

"I just... ow!" Turning his head to see his sister who smiled kindly at him, Alphard twisted his neck helplessly, "Okay, who made you a sick person?"

"Tom, I heard that you were in the school hospital last night." Walburga showed Tom eight shiny teeth from a perfect angle that he had practiced many times at a glance, "Did you have a good rest last night? I have a sleeping pillow sent from home, and I have already put Alphard on your bed, remember to use it at night!"

"Thank you," Tom said with great courtesy, "I appreciate the kindness, but I don't sleep with a pillow."

"Ah this..." Walburga blushed when he heard the snickering around him, stared around and looked around, struggling to find a topic to change the subject, "You stayed in the school hospital for one night. , have you seen what Miss Joy looks like? I heard that no one has seen her face under the mask."

"Miss Joy..." Tom looked dazed for a moment, as if he remembered an unbearable encounter last night. He just opened his mouth to say, but Nelson held the back of his hand.

"Miss Joy is the prettiest lady I've ever seen." Tom slapped the hand attached to the back of his hand with his other hand, and said firmly.

 If you can only use air conditioners for heating indoors, then you need to open windows for ventilation no matter how cold it is. Air conditioners are still incomparable with heating...

(End of this chapter)

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