Chapter 26 Orphan Twist
"Sit whatever you want," Tom sat back on the wooden chair, resting his chin on the back of the chair, leaning forward, shaking the chair to a creak, the legs of the stool rubbing against the ground making a sour sound, "Let's sit down and have a good time. Say."

Nelson followed Christian into the room, and closed the door. With the clang of the door, the room and the corridor seemed to be separated into two worlds, completely separated from the outside world.Christian was just like a little girl of his own age at this moment, feeling uneasy in such a relatively closed environment.

"I think it might be a bit rude to sit on the bed..." Looking at Tom sitting on the only chair in the room and Nelson leaning on the window sill, Christian, who didn't know where he was sitting, smiled awkwardly, as if the first Like a shy guest who visits someone else's house this time, he seems a little helpless.

"Oh, sorry." Tom raised his eyebrows. "I'm used to it. You may not know it. This used to be Gnar's room."

"I don't know if I violated the secrecy law just now." He turned his face to Nelson again, looking rather indifferent.

"It doesn't matter, there were no Muggles in the hallway just now. This kid is also a wizard. I'll explain it when I write to the Ministry of Magic." Nelson took out the wand he had just put in his pocket, and pointed it at the An old umbrella with a finger, it grows as tall as a fast-moving plant in a botanical documentary, the rib with a black umbrella opens and closes down, slowly turning into a slender black high stool , "We've violated it several times anyway, and we have to use a piece of parchment for one thing and several things, don't we?"

Watching the chair floating steadily towards her, Christian's face was full of stunned and unbelievable. She knew that she was a little special since she was a child, but she still felt that she was in this magical scene in a fairy tale. It is no longer a familiar room, but a whole new world.

"So you let me fall asleep at the dinner table yesterday, is that magic?" Christian's previous ferocity was completely gone, she asked in a fearful and eager tone, "Are you all wizards? Like you Are there many people? Can I be like you?"

"You should say 'us,' Christian Jewell." Tom looked impatient and disappointed. "You should calm down. I thought you looked a lot like me, but now I'm wrong. ."

Christian opened his mouth to say something more, but closed his mouth resentfully.

"Yes, we are all wizards. There are thousands of wizards in the UK, and there is even a magic school for young wizards, where we study." Nelson smiled, he felt very interesting, and Tom What he said was different. He felt more and more that Christian's awkward personality and stubborn appearance were exactly the same as the Tom he met at the beginning. Except for the gender, the two people were carved out of the same mold - this mold may A little rough, making the details of each product different, "We're here this time for this, Christian, you're a wizard."

"Really? Mr. Williams." The girl, whose face was still full of tears, was like a deer picking berries in the jungle. She unconsciously used the honorific. She turned her head to Tom again, as if afraid Like him snubbed, he added, "Mr. Riddle."

Tom glanced at her sideways, then rested his chin on the back of the chair, playing with his wand like a pen, looking bored.

"It's true." Nelson nodded encouragingly, he even wanted to glue a beard to himself, feeling like Dumbledore, "I felt in the alley that day that you used magic, you can always do it to such a thing?"

"Yes, Mr. Williams." Christian wriggled uneasily in the chair that Nelson had conjured, as if someone had lit a fire under his butt, occasionally reaching out to touch the cushion, "I've had this kind of thing since I was a kid. Abilities... no, magic. The earliest was Thanksgiving at the age of five... It was so cold in the house that a fire suddenly burst into the fireplace... Our house was clearly out of firewood - from that day on, I knew I was It's not like the other kids."

"Well, do you conjure fire? As far as I know, the first thing many little wizards do is to light a fire." Nelson held a book that he did not know when he conjured it, and held a book that might have conjured it together. With a pen, he took notes as meticulously as McGonagall. After finishing writing, he raised his head and said, "This chair is no different from the real one before the magic disappears, but you'd better not grab it, or your umbrella may be broken." Dong... Just call me Nelson, if nothing happens, you will be our junior soon... By the way, how old are you this year? Are you almost 11?"

"I'm sorry, William... Nelson, I don't know either." Christian put his hands in his arms, and his eyes became lonely, which made her dark eyes lose their vitality. She lowered her head and thought for a while, and said in a low voice, " I think I'll be 11 next year."

"Call me Riddle... um, Tom." Tom, who seemed to be indifferent to the conversation, suddenly said beside him. Christian raised his head and peeked at Tom, who was frowning at him. The look seemed to come back, Tom raised his hand that was turning his wand, "What do you look like? Most of the people here don't know when their birthday is, and everyone regards the day they came to the orphanage as their own. birthday."

"Clean it up." He pointed his wand at Christian's face, and shook his wrist gently to the right twice. The girl's dirty face was instantly clean as if it had just been washed, and it drooped down to cover her forehead and eyebrows. The broken hair was also carefully brushed behind his ears, and Tom turned his head in Nelson's direction, muttering, "I hate this poor bastard the most."

Christian only felt a gust of wind blowing across his face. He didn't know what was going on. Looking at the wand in Tom's hand and the back of his head turned away, he reached out and touched his cheek, touching his clean and smooth cheeks and neat hair. He opened his mouth to reveal a huge smile that reached his back molars, and shouted crisply at the back of Tom's head, "Thank you! Tom."

Tom looked unmoved, but Nelson, who was leaning against the window, clearly saw him twitching the corners of his mouth and laughing. He was about to say something to the awkward Tom, but saw Tom revealing to him, "What dare you say?" What shouldn't be said, I will not let you go even if I'm a ghost", seeing this scene, Nelson, who has been showing a "Dumbledore-style kind smile", couldn't hold back for a moment, hugging his stomach and laughing. Seeing Nelson's appearance, Tom blushed with anger, the look of a little daughter-in-law with a face of shame and anger.

"Excuse me... can I take a look at it?" Christian looked back and forth at the wands in their hands. "Is this a wand? Did you use it to cast magic?"

"Uh..." Nelson straightened up with an embarrassed expression on his face. In the first lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the old-fashioned Professor Melles said to them, "I suggest you write this sentence down in the On the first page of the notebook: Always hold your wand in your hand!" A wizard without a wand is like a cat without claws, and to be honest, he was a little afraid that Christian would suddenly break his wand in a frenzy. now, "the wizard's wand..."

"Sorry," Christian saw Nelson's expression and the back of Tom's head, realizing the abruptness of her request, she hurriedly apologized, and lowered her head again, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know it was that important."

"Here." She raised her head, and in front of her was Tom's wand-a luxurious and mysterious yew wand, shining brightly, and it could be seen that the owner was very concerned about it, and often wiped it, Tom held the middle of the wand with two fingers, He stretched his arms and handed it to Christian, his head turned to the side, still with the expression he didn't want to look at her in the face.

"No no no! No, I just..." She lowered her head and waved her hands again and again, signaling that she didn't want to watch it.

Tom's humming from his nostrils interrupted her speech. She raised her head again and saw Tom, who was lying on the back of the chair, facing her, with a disgusting expression on his face, "Why so ink."

"Thank you." She looked straight into Tom's eyes and thanked her in a low voice. She held out Tom's wand with both hands, and placed it in the palm of her left hand. Just as she was about to stretch out her right hand to grab it, she glanced at her palm again. He hurriedly grabbed the corner of his clothes and kept rubbing it until his palms turned red, before slowly reaching for his wand and stroking it gently.

After a while, Tom took his wand, held it and glanced at it, without wiping it, and stuffed it directly into his sleeve.Seeing his movements, Christian showed a relieved expression, and his body that was sitting precariously relaxed.

"Can you talk to us about you?" Nelson said helplessly, looking at Tom who turned his face away from the window again.

"I...I don't really have anything to say." Christian opened his mouth intermittently and began to tell his story.

Her story sounded like a tragic story of Oliver Twist, which was tragic enough, and even more tragic is that this kind of story can be seen on the streets of London and the world, in this orphanage. There are many, even less logical than in the novel, she is one of the orphans sent by the times - I don't know who her biological parents are, she was adopted by a swindler since she was a child, although the swindler is always sneaky. It happened, but it was a good surprise to her. Later, her adoptive father went to the gang's territory to deceive and was caught. She was beaten to death on the street. She persisted in the dilapidated bungalow for a week and waited for her father to come home. That's when she found out. She gained her own magic power. Later, hungry, she was caught in the den of human traffickers on the street. Because she was too old and not old enough to find a buyer, she could only make a living by stealing things and turning them in.

(End of this chapter)

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