My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 150 The whereabouts of the crown

Chapter 150 The whereabouts of the crown

"That's right," Helena said proudly, seeing the sincere look on Tom's face and eyes, "I've already hidden the real thing in a forest that no one would have thought of."

"That's really unexpected. Who would have thought that someone would hide an antique in the forest?" Tom nodded, thinking, "If it were me, I would hide it in Norway, where the forest will never find it."

"I'm different, I like Albania." Helena's transparent face seemed to have two blushes, she raised her eyebrows, it was hard to imagine that a ghost could make such a complex expression, she, "I put The diadem is hidden on a stake in a virgin forest in Albania, and no one will ever find it there."

"I can't let other people take advantage of it," Tom nodded in a serious manner, and asked, "May I ask, is your...death related to the crown?"

"..." There was a trace of melancholy in Helena's eyes, and a faint mist billowed in the ghost's body, "I can't say it's completely irrelevant, if I tell you, I'm the one who coveted my mother's wisdom and then stole her Crowned man, what will you think of me?"

"With all due respect, Helena, your choice can't be called wisdom," Tom said with a slightly regretful expression, "Have you forgotten what I said before? Everyone has their own wisdom , everyone has their own strengths, your wisdom is no less than your mother, why do you want it?"

"You..." Tom's words were very blunt, but it seemed that Helena just hit Helena's heart. She was silent for a long time, shook her head with a wry smile, and laughed at herself, "I've been dead for so many years, and I haven't figured it out yet. This truth, even now I still think that mother is the smartest person in the world."

"Most people think so."

"I'm also a majority of people..." Helena put her head against the wall and hid half of her body in the wall, looking a little depressed.

"So, can your mother's crown really give people wisdom?" Tom asked curiously.

"I don't know, I only wore it once," Helena pulled her face out of the wall, shaking her head, recalling the situation, "I put on my mother's crown, and then my consciousness was overwhelmed by a huge amount of memory. The impact was scattered, but I vaguely remember that those memories are all profound magical knowledge, including all the fields that wizards know, I think maybe I don’t have enough knowledge, so it’s hard to understand..."

"So that's how it is..." Tom nodded, secretly happy. It turned out that the information he had was basically correct, but his expression was still confused, and he murmured, "Maybe it can only allow knowledgeable wizards to gain more knowledge. But such a character would not need the wisdom of others."

"I think so." Helena asked back. "Are you interested in tiaras?"

"Of course," Tom raised his eyebrows and asked back, "don't you know what kind of status it has in the wizarding world?"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about," Helena pursued, "I'm talking about the knowledge, aren't you interested in it?"

"If I say I'm not interested, then I'd be too hypocritical," Tom said with a smile, "I just think that wisdom, even if it's not much, is better for me. If it's magic, I might still appreciate it." I have some interests, but if it’s wisdom... not to mention Ms. Ravenclaw, even Merlin, I dare not let them enter my mind, am I still me at that time?"

"That's it..." Helena glanced at Tom appreciatively, the expression on her face quickly turned to disgust again, and she said through gritted teeth, "I'm different. I grew up as a mother's daughter, all pretending to be smart." Her actions will be interpreted strangely and compared with when she was young, I always wondered if my biological father left her because of this."


"Sorry, I don't really want to talk about this."

Helena stopped Tom's next curiosity and asked, "Are you interested in my story?"

"Is it convenient to talk about it?" Tom nodded, "I'm really curious about that era, especially about you."

"Huh—" Helena took a deep breath and shook her head, "I don't really want to tell those things myself, but I can show you."

"Show me?" Tom was confused.

"That's right, the essence of ghosts is the traces that wizards have existed in the world before they died. For us, they are memories." Helena looked at the eagle-headed bronze door knocker hanging above Tom's head, and said, "The door knocker is also the mother's pride. In addition to the closed space you just experienced, it also has the ability to read memories—somewhat similar to a pensieve, and Dean Dumbledore in Gryffindor has one."

"Then what should I—"

Before Tom could finish his sentence, Helena passed through his body again, causing him to fall on the plank again, his forehead touched the door knocker, and Helena squeezed in like a mist. In the hollow in the center of the knocker.

Tom felt his head sinking, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in a room with a rough decoration style. A little girl was sitting on the bed, staring at him.

"Tom Riddle, I've actually been paying attention to you since the first time you came to the Ravenclaw Tower," the little girl suddenly opened her mouth and let out Helena's voice, "You are different from all of them, I can see the vigorous ambition in your eyes, and I can also see the hidden cunning, just like the first time I faced my mother - I know that you must have other plans when you come to me .”

"I'm not, I don't." Tom categorically denied that he came here in the middle of the night purely for the old door knocker, and meeting Helena can only be regarded as a happy accident, not to mention that she jumped out by herself , Tom even wanted to say, "If it weren't for you, I might have taken the knocker off!"

"You don't have to deny it, because I don't care." The little girl shook her head, looked straight into Tom's eyes, and her voice suddenly became high-pitched, "I'm just a ghost with nothing, and I have nothing to lose—except my mother's crown And these meaningless memories, I have nothing, I understand your plot, but your words moved me."


"I'm hiding it in my memory, go find it, if you can find it, it belongs to you," the little girl's voice sank again, "The students at Hogwarts are only interested in Nick and monks, so For many years, he didn't talk to me... Haha, I don't want to bear it anymore."

After all, before Tom could respond, the girl's eyes lost their brilliance, and she lowered her head like a rag doll. Tom didn't respond to calling out, and then he realized that the memory had begun.

Tom has never had such a novel experience. Reading memory is like watching a special movie while sitting next to the person involved, but it does not need to use up the audience's lifetime. In the blink of an eye, he can learn about months of The story, but the context and plot are extremely clear.

Like many descendants of outstanding figures, Helena has been placed with great expectations since she was a child. People hope that she can inherit the wisdom of her mother and become a powerful and beautiful witch like her, but she has been mediocre since she was a child. When Woz was not yet established, Ravenclaw taught her at home, but it was not until she was seven years old that she was able to independently cast the first spell—the first spell every little wizard learns, the Levitation Curse , this made Ravenclaw extremely disappointed. This witch known for her wisdom never thought of defending her daughter in front of others. Instead, she expressed herself to relatives and friends in front of Helena again and again disappointment.

Although those passers-by had no special reaction at the time, their attitudes were changing day by day. Soon, the gossip that "the wise Ravenclaw has a Squib daughter" spread like wildfire, although Helena was not Squibs, and even magical talents are much higher than others, but there is no way, she is the daughter of Ravenclaw.

As Helena grew up, this prejudice intensified, and she seemed to have not inherited not only her mother's intelligence, but even her beauty, even though in Tom's eyes, Helena was completely a woman. She is a beauty, but her tall and straight figure and three-dimensional facial features did not meet the aesthetics of most people at that time, so the phrase "a swan gave birth to an ugly duckling" even became a phrase referring to this kind of tiger father and dog son at that time. As the saying goes, it made young Helena's life miserable.

After Hogwarts was established, she also secretly wore the sorting hat, but it turned out not to be the Ravenclaw she imagined, but the Gryffindor that her mother least liked on weekdays. At night, Helena always huddled in the empty room on the top of the Ravenclaw tower and looked into the distance, longing for the life without a mother, but she never dared to take that step. If you don't dare to move your chopsticks first, how can you dare to escape?
Until one day, after a dinner with the Big Four, the gloomy Slytherin stopped her and said, "I never thought you were worse than Rowena, it's her fame that drags you down—if you're not her Daughter, but from an ordinary wizarding family, you may be the next her."

Helena didn't care that she was just "the next her" in Slytherin's mouth. On the contrary, she was very happy because she was recognized for the first time. Dacheng became a towering tree: Yes, it was my mother's fame that dragged me down. It would be great if I could live in a place without my mother.

Helena has never looked forward to freedom like this. She plans a route that her mother can't find all day long. The destination is exactly the place she has been thinking about, facing the sea, where the spring flowers are blooming, and more importantly, there is no mother. , she had expended so much energy on the matter that she forgot even the courtship of the only young wizard who expressed her affection.

Finally, Helena, who overheard the conversation between Slytherin and Hufflepuff one day, learned that her mother had made a crown that could give people wisdom. While Ravenclaw was in class, Helena took the diadem from her room, rode on a broomstick, and flew east along the route she had planned.

Ravenclaw didn't know that his daughter had done such a big thing behind his back, and there was only one audience for all this—Sir Barrow, that terrible ghost in Slytherin, who had been watching Helene since his schooldays. Na heart love.

Helena had a happy life for a few days, and Ravenclaw didn't respond to her behavior of leaving without saying goodbye with the crown. Helena who had the crown, as she said, after wearing it once , because of the impact of a huge amount of memory was hurt, never tried again.

A few days later, Ravenclaw had a sudden illness. At this time, the strict mother thought of her daughter, and she hoped that Helena could go back to accompany her, so Barrow volunteered to accept on a mission to find Helena and bring her back.

Barrow's love for Helena had reached a deformed level. He read every book that Helena had borrowed from the library, searched every corner of her room, and quickly determined her whereabouts, and Tracking all the way, came to the virgin forest of Albania.

The following story is both sad and ridiculous. Barrow wants Helena to go back, but Helena refuses. The wizard with twisted love sees the life of the person he admires freely. Helena died, and when he came to his senses, he also ended his own life with that knife.

Tom stared wide-eyed, watching carefully every detail of Helena's life in Albania. He saw Helena built a log cabin in the forest, set a warning spell around the mountains, and used illusion to cover the roof of the house. It became a scene on the ground.

He saw Barrow riding a broom overlooking the entire forest in the air, and saw Helena, who had spotted Barrow, stuff a gray package into a hollow tree in a hurry.

But the most indispensable thing in the forest is the tree and the shape of the tree. Tom's eyes observed carefully in this fleeting picture, and the scarlet eyes were soon covered with bloodshot eyes, making him look even more terrifying.

This scene is about to flash over!Tom looked around anxiously. There were only trees around!After so many years, the types of trees may have changed, so how could they be found.

Until his corner of the eye glanced at the sky above his head, which was tightly blocked by the tree canopy, as Helena ran, a narrow gap suddenly appeared there, and in the gap, he saw a mountain, a strangely shaped The mountain peak, that mountain looks like an ax stuck in the ground, and is highly recognizable.

Tom closed his eyes, he had no interest in the bloody story that followed, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the crown belonged to him.

When everything around was quiet, the man's heart-piercing crying stopped abruptly, and the story should be over. Tom opened his eyes and saw the top of the mosquito net on his four-poster bed—everything last night was like a dream mirror, But his memory is extremely clear.

(End of this chapter)

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