My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 143 Weird Duel Invitation

Chapter 143 Weird Duel Invitation

"See you again after a long time, huh?"

Jacob kept his jaw-dropping movements, and suddenly stayed where he was, looking out the window with his mouth open, without blinking his eyes. It wasn't until Nelson saw Grindelwald coming out from behind the shelf that he realized that Jacob had been captured. The petrification curse locked the movement, making it difficult to move.

Grindelwald took off a glove, picked up a biscuit from the shelf, bit it down, and made a crisp sound. He nodded in satisfaction, enjoying Jacob's proud craftsmanship, chewed slowly, and then swallowed it in one gulp , There was a clearly audible sound of food sliding through the throat in the silent shop.

"It's touching, isn't it?" Grindelwald said to Nelson, leaning on the cupboard with his arm, looking out the window, "This kind of drama, two friends who live in different worlds reunite after a long absence, but forget each other because of force majeure, how... ...well, how intoxicating."

"Mr. Grindelwald?" Nelson greeted softly.

"Oh! Nelson!" Grindelwald clapped his hands as if he had just seen Nelson, and said in surprise, " are here too, do you like it?"

"I like it, Mr. Grindelwald," Nelson said, frowning and nodding, "It would be even better if you could undo Mr. Kowalski's petrification spell."

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we met again," Grindelwald didn't seem to hear Nelson's request. He pulled up a chair and sat at the table by the window for guests to rest. He rested his chin on his arm and observed the street. "Did White take you to Ilvermorny? How was the teaching there? Still getting used to it?"

"Fortunately, Ilvermorny's teachers are also very high-level, no worse than Hogwarts."

"By the way, do you know when I came here?"

Nelson passed by Jacob, walked towards Grindelwald, and squeezed Jacob's arm. He found that Jacob's body was extremely stiff, as if he had been petrified.

He walked to the table, pulled away the chair opposite Grindelwald, and asked, "Mr. Grindelwald, why don't you undo the spell on Mr. Kowalski first, so that we can talk more conveniently."

"Do you sympathize with him?" Grindelwald suddenly raised his head, looking into Nelson's eyes and asked.

"I...Mr. Grindelwald, what are you talking about? I just don't think a Muggle should stand by and eavesdrop when the two of us talk." Nelson shrugged. He only knew that Grindelwald hated Muggles. But he didn't know his specific attitude, so he had to choose his words carefully and said, "That's a bit disgraceful."

"Look, you're still not frank enough," Grindelwald smiled and put down his arms, turned to face Nelson, waved his hand, and bottles and cans rose from the shelves one by one, forming a perfect table Afternoon tea, he pointed with his finger, and the clear water in the transparent glass jar began to boil, "If you are afraid of eavesdropping, then you don't have to worry about it at all, he can't hear the sound outside, and when the magic is released, his mind will be with you for a few minutes." There was no difference before."

"Well, I just think that you must have something important to come to the United States, so..." Nelson shrugged.

"My business is not important, your business is more important," Grindelwald picked up another biscuit and joked, "So you still sympathize with this Muggle, in fact, I also like him very much, he does have a set of desserts, so The Muggles are what I accept - everyone has their own strengths and functions, which is great."

"That's awesome." Nelson applauds insincerely.

"You don't think it's great." Grindelwald turned his head and stared at Nelson with his right eye. Nelson looked at his gradually whitening pupils and moved his eyes away. He continued, "It happens that there is nothing to do this afternoon, so let's play Let's play a game."

"Game?" Nelson asked suspiciously.

"That's right, the game, it can also be regarded as the leader of Nurmengard checking the learning achievements of the residents-you can also understand it as an invitation to a duel, but you are still young, so you are too weak, I am afraid My magic can easily tear you apart." Grindelwald turned his face to Nelson again, and his eyes returned the same wink. He glanced at the signboard, pointed at Jacob who was frozen in place, and said, "This asshole Mr. Gua, ya—"

"Jacob Kowalski." Seeing Grindelwald stuck, Nelson said.

"Yes, Jacob Kowalski, you know, I don't remember the names of those unknown people very much," Grindelwald shrugged and continued to ask, "Have you ever learned the dueling spell? I mean, This course should be called Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

"I did," Nelson nodded, "but I only studied for a year, and I don't know—"

"It doesn't matter." Grindelwald looked very happy. He clapped his hands and raised his eyebrows and said, "For a person who is merciful to the heavens, how much he can comprehend a spell depends on his understanding, not how much he has contacted. How long, you should have only been in the first grade, right?"

"Yes," Nelson narrowed his eyes. He became increasingly confused about what Grindelwald wanted to do. He leaned on the chair in front of him and asked softly, "Mr. Grindelwald, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything? I just want to get back the joy of wizard duels. Since I became a notorious dark wizard, no one dares to duel with me," Grindelwald shrugged and said, "Now , I want to teach you a spell, a very simple but very practical spell, it is called the disarming spell, do you know?"

"I know." Nelson was about to say that he would actually do it, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth again.

"If, in the following duel, you win me, that is, take away my wand with the Disarming Charm, then I will, as you wish, undo the spell on Mr. Kovassell," Grindelwald said. The game genius who seemed to feel that he was boring, he became more and more intoxicated, and said excitedly, "But if you lose, that is, if you don't take my wand from my hand, then you can only wait until twelve hours later, The curse was lifted on its own, this curse is the prototype of the petrification curse, it needs to be cast with ancient runes, so it is stronger and more effective, and only a special counter-curse can be undone."

Nelson nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Listen, the spell is called 'Axe Arms', and it's been the first spell that Durmstrang students have learned for a long time," Grindelwald pulled out the scarred sword from his arms. The Elder Wand, said seriously, "Look, its spell-casting action is like this—"

Grindelwald raised his arm and was about to demonstrate to Nelson. When he pronounced the first syllable, a red light filled the whole shop in an instant.

"Except your weapons."

After a loud noise, in the smoke, Nelson raised his wand and pointed directly at the place where Grindelwald had just stood.

"Yes, Nelson, your spells are full of anger, and strong emotions are the only magic weapon to amplify any spell." The smoke cleared, and Grindelwald stood where he was, holding his wand and said approvingly, "It seems I don't need to teach you spells and wait for you to practice them, since you will, then I will tell you the next rules."

"Tell me." Nelson realized that he couldn't make a sneak attack, and lowered his arms, listening to Grindelwald explain the rules.

"You can use any spell to increase your chance of hitting, but I can only sit here and use the most basic spells to resist or dodge. These spells will not exceed the first grade." Grindelwald continued to explain, he waved Waving the wand, the shelf and the bread on the shelf returned to normal, "Okay, you can start now, I look forward to your performance."

"Okay," Nelson nodded, walked towards Newt's box calmly, and pulled out the black walnut wand bought at Ollivander's wand shop from the inside pocket of his clothes, "I'm ready."

"This is not allowed," Grindelwald saw through Nelson's movements, and with a wave of his hand, Newt's box flew into the baking room behind Jacob. With a "bang", the door of the baking room was firmly closed, and Green Devore pretended to wipe his sweat, and said, "I can't let you release the stuff inside, or there will be a mess here."

While he was looking at the pastries around him, he didn't seem to notice that tiny drops of water began to condense on the shelves. Under his feet, a thick white mist was slowly rising.

"Mr. Grindelwald, is that person who just passed by the door Miss Queenie?" Nelson asked suddenly as he stood behind the shelf. He looked in Jacob's direction. It was red, which made Nelson a little anxious.

"Do you know her?" Grindelwald nodded and turned to Jacob, "She is a precious talent in Nurmengard. I heard that she had a relationship with this Muggle before?"

"I don't know," Nelson's voice came from the other side of the shelf, and Grindelwald's eyes looked in that direction, and he could see that he really enjoyed this "duel", so even if he only took a second Nelson could be arrested, but he still looked left and right, and Nelson continued, "I only saw Senior Newt yell 'Queenie', and then chased him out."

"That's right, you probably don't know them, but Newt's departure is exactly what I want to achieve," Grindelwald nodded, "I think it's still necessary, although he can hardly pose a threat to me, but he Still considered a difficult opponent, I gave him a chance to reunite with my friend after a long absence, but I hope he will not disturb my reunion with my friend after a long absence.”

"Did you let Queenie lure him away?" Nelson's voice came from another direction.

"Running pretty fast," Grindelwald continued, looking in the direction of Nelson's voice, "What are you talking about, it makes us look like sneaky people, I just give them an old opportunity to meet friends."

"Indeed," Nelson's transformed mist had already covered Grindelwald's ankles, and the moment it surpassed his ankles, it exploded at a speed several times higher than before, "Mr. Does it count as a win if you leave your hand?"

"That's right," as soon as the words fell, Grindelwald saw the tumbling white mist surpassing his waist and quickly spreading towards his upper body. He said in surprise, "Nelson, did you do this?"

"That's right." Nelson's voice came from all directions.

"That's good," Grindelwald reached into the fog, as if tasting it, and continued, "It seems that Andre is right, Nelson, is this the lost fog?"


"I think you are wasting it like this." Grindelwald's figure can no longer be seen clearly, the whole shop is filled with fog, and his voice seems a little dull, Grindelwald's voice came from the fog, "This is not only for others You can't see clearly, and you can't see clearly either... But I said before that I can't move when I sit here, so, hahaha, I think I can surrender directly."

"But I still only have one chance," Nelson's voice came from all directions this time, "Mr. Grindelwald, I'm coming."

"Nelson, when I have time, I will teach you magic myself, and you will become the greatest wizard ever, I promise," Grindelwald felt that he was even talking in his own ear, his The voice became more joyful. "I couldn't do this when I was your age."

"You are too modest."

Grindelwald suddenly felt a tightness in his hand, as if something grabbed his wrist.

"Nelson, you are a wizard, did you create this fog just to take the wand away from me?" Grindelwald felt the force of the drag coming from behind, turned around and joked, "That can't count as you Win, after all—”

His words were interrupted by another red light, but this red light came from in front of him, it was so close that Grindelwald narrowed his eyes for a moment.

"Except your weapons."

Nelson said softly, and took the wand that was swirling towards him. The fog in the room rushed to the tip of the wand in his hand, and it was completely absorbed by the wand in the blink of an eye.

"Mr. Grindelwald, the conditions you set are not good for you."

Grindelwald, who was holding a china plate full of small square pastries, turned to watch Nelson put the scarred wand back on his desk.

"No, asking you to fight me is the worst condition for you," Grindelwald laughed heartily. It seemed that for him, being defeated was a very happy thing. He put down the plate and picked up the table. With his wand, he took out a big bill from his pocket and pressed it under the plate, and said, "This is my second duel this year. Although I lost, I am very happy."

"First time with whom?" Nelson asked.

"Your focus is really strange. The other one is a German staff wizard, just a weak guy," Grindelwald looked at Nelson with a strange look, and said, "You should pay more attention to your own victory, You, Nelson Wertling, are the only wizard in more than ten years who can defeat me in a formal duel."

Nelson just felt baffled, this was not a duel at all, and the most important thing at this moment was to lift the curse on Jacob.

(End of this chapter)

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