Chapter 141 New York
"Senior, I'm here!"

At the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, Nelson, holding a black umbrella, saw Newt standing under a utility pole. Against the background of the simple and long lines of the windbreaker, Newt's hunchbacked body looked extremely slender. Standing up the collar of the trench coat, wearing a big black hat, and carrying that iconic suitcase, he looks sneaky, like a spy waiting for an informant on the street.

Although it was 1940, when technology was backward, Times Square could vaguely see its future prosperity. The muddy ground could not see the material, pedestrians and vehicles passed through the muddy street, and the traffic was extremely chaotic. He stopped the vehicle in the flow of people crossing the road, crossed to the opposite side of the street, and ran towards Newt.

Several workers wearing wooden hard hats were carrying a bronze pillar into the pit on the side of the street. When Nelson passed by, he glanced at it, and it seemed to be a traffic light—it seemed that the City Hall had suffered from the traffic in Times Square for a long time.

"Shh!" Newt raised his index finger and put it to his mouth, signaling Nelson to keep his voice down. He looked around, waved, and walked towards Nelson.

"What's wrong?" Nelson trotted to Newt's side, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong with you? Be so careful."

"How should I put it?" Newt unbuttoned the top button of his windbreaker and whispered, "It's a little inconvenient for me to move around here. When it happened, I happened to be a guest in Nurmengard, so I can’t speak clearly now.”

"Haha," Nelson teased, "I think they'll think you're working together."

"That's right," Newtla took Nelson's arm and led him to the alley beside the street, and instructed, "You can call me Newt, don't use my full name, but to be honest, I I really didn't work with them, I didn't even know about it."

"I know, it's better to say I did it." Nelson shrugged, and Newt turned into the alley, watching him complete the disguise. After a while, two blond men in trench coats, one tall and one short, came out. Like a young uncle taking his nephew into town to meet the world.

"Let's go eat cake today." Newt raised his arms, looked at his watch, and said, "I'll introduce you to some magical institutions in the United States, but we can only take a look around... er, some history Remaining problem."

"I understand," Nelson raised his eyebrows, showing an expression of "understanding".

"You didn't have breakfast, did you?" Newt asked. "There are so many things in the store. If you try them all, you might be full."

"I know, I have a stomach." Nelson patted his stomach. "The waffles left a very deep impression on me last time, so I am looking forward to it. I have to taste it today."

"Yeah." Newt nodded, leading Nelson down Seventh Avenue.

"Newt, is that cake shop opened by your friend?" Nelson asked curiously while walking on the road, "Why would a wizard open a cake shop in New York?"

"Yes, but he's not a wizard, and he's not a cake shop, he's a bakery." Newt shook his head and explained, "He's a No-Maj... In America, Muggles are called No-Maj, and he and I are very close. I met a few years ago, when you were born."

"Oh? Is your friendship as long as my age? Then you have to wish me a long life." Nelson smiled. He was very interested in the friendship between a famous wizard and an ordinary person, and asked , "Can you tell me your story?"

"Haha, I wish you a long life." Newt was amused, patted the suitcase in his hand, and said, "I was in New York on business at the time, you know, I have a lot of magical animals in this suitcase."

"I know, I'm impressed." Nelson swung his umbrella, saw a speeding car, and dodged the flying mud.

"He used to work in a factory in New York, and it seemed to be canning." Newt said slowly with a look of reminiscence in his eyes, "He was a funny guy, and his dream was to open a bakery with his grandmother's secret recipe. Dropped everything to make his way in New York with a secret recipe and his love of baking."

"Almost anyone who can drop everything can succeed, can't they?" Nelson tried to be a qualified joker.

"That's not true. Most people who drop everything really drop everything..." Newt glanced at Nelson, shrugged, and said, "I just came to New York at that time. Coincidentally, my The suitcase looked exactly like his suitcase."

"So you got the wrong box?" Nelson laughed, remembering the famous opening scene in many stories, "I guess it's like holding the wrong baby in the hospital, there's always some weird entanglement between the two identical boxes. "

"That's right," Newt nodded, "I think so too, think about it, if a person with no magical powers got a box full of magical animals, there would be a lot of chaos, of course, he did cause Quite a bit of confusion - it was my fault for bringing in someone who didn't belong in the wizarding world in a rough way."

"I can imagine it," Nelson echoed, "but I don't think it's a mistake. After all, if a Muggle doesn't have this opportunity, he will never know what the truth of the world is—although we can't be sure ourselves The known world is real, but there is always more to it.”

"But Muggles can't resist the dangers and invasions of the wizarding world. I pulled him into danger." Newt shook his head and said, "It's a coincidence, because of this fate, we wizards , there are people from the Ministry of Magic, there are vagrants, there is me, a wanted criminal who dropped out of Hogwarts, and a Muggle whose specialty is cooking bread, a few of us started a wonderful adventure, and even made Grindelwald I suffered."

"That's amazing," Nelson admired. "You guys must have a good relationship with such amazing memories."

"Yes, we used to be very good friends, and he even fell in love with a very good witch," Newt said with a happy smile on his face, blinked his eyes after a while, and said with a wry smile, "but I think He shouldn't remember me now."

"Don't remember you?" Nelson asked. "How could that be? Did someone cast an Oblivion Charm on him?"

"Yes," Newt nodded, left Seventh Avenue, turned into a relatively remote but spacious street, and pointed to a small shop facing the street with smoke from its chimney and said, "His bakery is over there. .”

Nelson followed his fingers to look. The small store only had a wooden door and a cabinet. The glass cabinet was filled with pastries of various colors. There was a line outside the store that was neither long nor short. Among the other shops on the remote street, this bakery's business can be said to be booming.

"The United States can be said to be the country that obeys the secrecy law the most," Newt continued. "It may have something to do with their history. A historical figure in Ilvermorny once disclosed the existence of magic, which caused him to be attacked by Muggles." .”

"Did muggles attack wizards?" Nelson asked suspiciously. "Historical figures? That should have happened a long time ago. Could muggles have harmed wizards at that time?"

"No, but it can cause trouble to wizards' lives," Newt shrugged. "It might be poisoning the water source or something. I don't know. If you like history, you can check it out. I heard people say that, It seems to be called Twelve Trees, and it belongs to the same family as the current headmaster of Ilvermorny."

"Principal?" Nelson mused, "No wonder his name is Scrivett..."

"Secret? Hahaha," Newt's smile was a little strange, and he continued after laughing, "Jacob, that's my friend, because he learned too much about magic afterwards, and because of the influence of the secrecy law, His memory has been erased, he can't remember the past, we can only secretly help him open a store here, and dare not tell him."

"Don't you remember anything?" Nelson raised his voice, "Then he doesn't remember his friendship with you, his experience, even the witch he fell in love with? How could the Ministry of Magic do this to Muggles? Woolen cloth?"

"They're actually just strictly abiding by the law..." Newt shook his head desolately.

"But my aunt and uncle...they also know the existence of the wizarding world. There are still many Muggle-born students in our school. Does it mean that in the United States, after a Muggle family has a wizard, it must become that there has never been such a child?" Nelson questioned, "I mean, are they getting a little harsh."

"Muggle relatives of American wizards are also allowed access to the wizarding world."

"Isn't his lover a wizard? Is it because they're not married?"

"Yes," Newt lowered his head, "that's also the problem, Queenie, his lover, was taken away by Grindelwald 12 years ago...his lover is gone, so he was taken away very quickly An Oblivion Charm was cast. We couldn't even find Queenie, which is a pity, and maybe when Queenie comes back, he'll be able to get his memory back too."

"Forgotten and restored, what do you think of people? The United States Ministry of Magic is really bad." Nelson sneered.

"In fact, many wizards don't regard Muggles as human beings. In their view, Muggles and the magical animals that can buy materials in Diagon Alley are no different from the house elves kept in the family." Nelson frowned, Newt patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't think about it, we're here."

Nelson raised his head, and the two were already standing at the end of the line in front of the bakery. He glanced at the sign and asked, "What's your friend's name?"


"I mean the full name."

"Jacob Kowalski, what's the matter?"

"Is that JK?"

"That's right." Newt looked at Nelson and asked strangely, "Why are you asking this?"

"I was just thinking, according to the general naming rules, the signboard of this store should say JK Bakery," Nelson said, pointing to the signboard, "Then what does this JQK Bakery mean? It can't be Because he likes to play poker, right?"

"Q? What Q? His store name is obviously JK..." Newt looked puzzled, and looked up at the signboard. A red, brand-new letter Q was suddenly inserted in the middle of the black letters that had faded. Opening his mouth in astonishment, he muttered, "Queenie?"

After all, as if he was about to rush into the store, Nelson stopped him and said, "Newt, line up, line up... Besides, what if he doesn't remember? Aren't you going to violate the secrecy law?"

"Anyway, that's not the only thing I've violated." Newt said eagerly, not worrying about having too much debt.

"You might as well wait until you enter the store to get in touch, or if someone sees him, he will have his memory erased again, which would be too miserable." Nelson advised, "If he remembers it, he will always show familiarity." performance."

"You're right," Newt stood anxiously in the queue, craning his neck to look forward, "but he's also very familiar with me now, because I'm a regular customer of this store... oh, This team will have at least 10 minutes until our turn."

"So long? Is this bread freshly baked?" Nelson complained. Seeing the anxious Newt, he had to find another topic. "That's just right, I have something to ask about magical animals."

"Oh yes, I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me," Newt said about Fantastic Beasts, and Newt immediately regained his senses and asked, "What do you want to ask? The letter doesn't explain clearly, it's so mysterious."

"That's right," Nelson whispered, "do you know the Winged Demon?"

"The Winged Demon?" Newt immediately changed his expression when he heard the name, pulled Nelson a few steps away from the crowd, and asked in a low voice, "What are you asking the Winged Demon for? Did you meet it? Where is it? This magical animal is very dangerous!"

"Yes, I have encountered it." Nelson nodded and said, "Are you familiar with it?"

"Yes, I'm too familiar with it. When I changed the wrong suitcase, there was one in the suitcase." Newt nodded, and was about to reach out to grab Nelson's head. "Are you all right? There's nothing wrong with your brain, right?"

"No," Nelson said, dodging, "I caught a crouching demon near the end of last year. It didn't seem to be able to go through my head, but I can clearly feel that it has been more than a whole year. My memory has deteriorated, so I suspect that I may be affected by its venom, and I have been wanting to ask you for help to solve the problem, but—”

"Where is it? You didn't kill it, did you?" Newt asked hastily.

"Where I live, I'm still alive, and I'm locked in a cage. What's the use?"

"That's good," Newt said with a long sigh of relief, "If you kill it, it will be difficult to deal with. The solution to the magic wing poison is actually very simple, just like the emergency treatment method for people who are alcoholic. It’s like pouring him diluted wine... Seeing that you haven’t become a fool and still caught it, I’m relieved, the detoxification method is very simple, just remember..."

(End of this chapter)

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