Chapter 125 Running away
"What does this B mean? Is it Black? But why is this thing in Dumbledore's hands?"

At night, Nelson leaned against the head of the bed, recalling the scene of the meteor passing by just now, holding the double-sided mirror in his hand and Mosuo looking at the relief on the back, suddenly the mirror shook a little, he quickly turned it over, and saw the ripples in the center of the mirror dissipate , showing Tom's chin.

"What's the matter, Tom?"

He yelled at the mirror twice, only to hear a slight breathing sound.

"You actually have acne. I thought the dignified Tom Riddle wouldn't have acne." Nelson smiled, glanced at Tom sleeping soundly in the mirror, turned off the communication, put the mirror next to the pillow, and picked up the Flipping through the transfiguration notes, he murmured to himself, "This guy must be talking in his sleep."

After a while, Nelson shook his head while holding a piece of paper that had been accidentally rubbed off. He picked up his wand and glued the page back to the book. Shaking his arms, he threw the notes aside and took a small metal ball to practice deformation.

In his hands, the hard metal is like flowing water, changing its shape arbitrarily, turning into an oriole flying around the room for a while, and turning into a small train whistling on the floor for a while...

A light golden exclamation point sneaked out of the coat pocket hanging at the door, curiously looked at the "similar" that was rolling around on the floor but deformed, squeezed out with difficulty, jumped to the ground, and held it with its head The torso jumps around.

"Do you want to play with it?" Nelson asked, seeing the exclamation mark staring at the ball on the floor, "You don't even blink your eyes... Oh yes, your eyes are two black dots I poked. will blink."

He gave up trying to read the abstract expression of the exclamation point, picked up a small ball and rolled it next to the exclamation point, and continued to look back at the book. This time he read "Transfiguration Today" borrowed from the library downstairs. This is a very early issue of the authoritative journal that Greg published his papers at the beginning. The pages are all yellow with age, and the cover only has a simple magazine name and the year of 1710. There are no advertisements or color pages. Borrow it A deposit of fifty galleons is also required.

"What is this about?" Nelson turned to the page he wanted to read, and frowned, "Modern transfiguration is based on Sir Gamp's "Gamp's Basic Principles of Transfiguration". It originated from the theory of summoning and Metamorphic interpretations of Transfiguration are losing their usefulness...what the hell? Was it still Middle English among wizards in 1710?"

"It seems that the principles followed by transfiguration in ancient times are still somewhat different from those of today, and even the English language is quite different." Nelson struggled to read the article, closed the magazine, picked up an empty notebook, and wrote to the top. Take notes, "The basic principles of Gamp's transfiguration were proposed by Ulrich Gamp in 1710. As the first minister of the wizarding council reorganized into the Ministry of Magic, he has extraordinary attainments in transfiguration. In order to reduce the abuse of Minister Gamp has promoted the establishment and popularization of magical accidents caused by transfiguration."

Nelson bit the cap of his pen, frowning as he spoke and wrote.

"Its influence is too profound, and its correctness has been repeatedly proven in subsequent practice, so that subsequent wizards generally believe that Gamp's law of transformation is the fundamental iron law of transformation." Nelson heard the metal ball in his ear The sound of bouncing on the ground, didn't pay attention, put the tip of the pen into the bottle and dipped it in ink, "it's neither physical nor biological to turn a button into a scarab, and Gamp also thinks that this change will not It is permanent, and after the magic power attached to the deformed object is exhausted, it will return to its original state."

"But..." Nelson changed his pen, turned his head to look at a green toad locked in a glass cover on the table, and wrote, "Using the spell recorded in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets to transform will consume more than usual. There is a lot of magic power, but the successful product will be extremely stable, and the strange thing is that the product of the deformation error is a green toad."

"I don't know if it's Slytherin's own bad taste or whether this spell has any connection with the toad in mysticism. After repeated inspections, there is nothing about this animal in this type of spell, which makes me I am confused about the essence of magic. But in line with the principle of pragmatism, this side effect of turning into a toad may have a strange and magical effect in a duel." Nelson turned his head and glanced at the exclamation mark that was playing with the metal ball, retracted his gaze, and continued to write Said, "But that's not important, what's important is that the toad I have is the product of a transformation error two days ago, but my magic power is not enough to last two days of transformation, and I commissioned Newt Scamander to dissect it I found a toad, and it was indeed an ordinary toad from head to toe, having none of the properties of the pre-transformed object, and I had reason to suppose that it had become a complete toad—but here comes the problem, so that Gamp's transformation The basic rules are broken."

Nelson put down his pen. He hadn't heard the exclamation mark for a long time. He turned his head and glanced worriedly, and saw it put the metal ball on the ground in front of it, and curled up its long strip-shaped body on its head. Aim yourself in the pose of a baseball batter, and swing your body hard.



"Beep, beep."

There was a quick knock on the door, Nelson covered his eyes, walked to the door, opened the door, and saw White pacing in front of the door with his hands behind his back, hearing the door open, she raised her head and saw the right eye Cyan Nelson.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I fell down." Nelson waved his hand, "It's okay, I put white cream on it, and the swelling will subside after a while... What's the matter?"

"There's a war!" White said, "You pack up quickly, you'll be downstairs later, and I'll take you to a safe place."

"Wait," Nelson stopped White, who was about to leave, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Who knows? Is the headmaster of your school out of his mind?" White said, "Just now, the headmaster of your Hogwarts attacked Nurmengard's stronghold in the hiding place, and happened to fight Andre We met each other, and then we fought, and now the Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic, the teachers from Hogwarts, and our reinforcements are all gathering in the hiding place."

"Did you fight?"

"I don't know," White rolled his eyes, "It's not a report from the scene, at least a fierce battle is inevitable, and a team of wizards has been detected approaching Nurmengard. You may also be attacked, so you have to transfer away a wizard with little combat effectiveness... But what happened to the principal of your school? We have always had a tacit understanding with the Ministry of Magic of various countries. No one will do anything when they are fully prepared, and he not only launched the attack in full view, but also attacked one of our less important grassroots contact points, and I don’t know what he is thinking?"

"Uh... To be honest, we rarely see the headmaster at Hogwarts." Nelson asked in no hurry, "Wait... Andre had an encounter with Headmaster Dippet? I remember Andre is taking the money to redeem Barry this time, so—”

"That's right," White's face became more gloomy, and her body was filled with a black air visible to the naked eye, and she said in a deep voice, "I can only wrong him to stay for a few more days, and when I send you away, go Rescue him personally, so hurry up!"

White's last words were murderous, like a lioness.

"Okay." Seeing that she was like this, Nelson could only follow her, shrugged his shoulders, dragged out his suitcase from under the bed, and watched her leave.


"Where are we going?" Nelson asked, dragging the box in front of the Pythia sculpture.

"Your schedule has to be advanced," White said, stuffing an envelope into Nelson's arms, "I'll send you to San Francisco, someone will arrange for you to study in Ilvermorny, since you can't go back to Hogwarts, there It is the second safest place in the world, and when the situation stabilizes, someone will contact you, and you just need to stay in the United States and help Krakow watch the gate."

"I see, I'm familiar with school." Nelson was looking forward to this magic school that only existed in legends. "I don't know the difference between American magic schools and British ones?"

"There will always be some differences," White thought for a while, and replied, "The teaching content should not be much different, but their pronunciation may be American English, and it is said that the wand was brought to America by Ilvermorny, So there might still be some Native American magic left in there, wandless casting or something."

"I'm looking forward to it." Nelson rubbed his hands, glanced at Lori Ann who jumped off the tram not far away, holding a puppy, and asked, "Where is Lori Ann? Is she going with me too?"

"This way!" White waved at Lorien, without answering Nelson's question, but just said to Lorien who was running over, "Sorry for the poor reception, but Nurmengard may be at war soon, for your safety , we have decided to send you to the United States."

"Another country? What am I going to do?" Lori Ann asked, even Dinkas in his arms stuck out his tongue curiously, showing eyes full of curiosity.

"I helped you apply for a job as a janitor at Ilvermorny," White said, "There is a flower garden under your management, where you can relax, plant flowers and so on, and Ilvermorny is a professional magic school. School, where you can learn more about our magic."

"I will take good care of him!" Lori Ann was full of anticipation for the journey, smiling and rubbing Nelson's hair.

"Uh...that's not necessary." White said, "He should be able to take care of himself."

"Okay..." Nelson picked up the envelope in his arms and asked, "What is this?"

"This is an entry permit signed by the Emperor of the United States for you." White explained, "I applied for it for you last month."

"Emperor of the United States?" This magical title made Nelson dumbfounded. He felt that his cognition had gone wrong and asked, "What is that? Isn't the United States a federal country with separation of powers? How can there be an emperor?"

"What did you say?" White didn't understand what he was saying, "Are you talking about the Muggle system? It doesn't matter, and the emperor is just a title, you will understand when you go."

Nelson looked down at the envelope. The sender's signature was signed on the bottom of the cover: Norton II, Emperor of the United States.

"It's amazing," he praised. "You have a wide range of ways. You can easily get the emperor's signature and Ilvermorny's work."

"After all, I'm a White after all."

"By the way," Nelson looked around, "Where's Senior Newt? Isn't he coming?"

"Oh, him!" White sneered, "His news channels are much better than mine. As soon as he heard about the accident, he ran away immediately, probably because he was afraid that we would directly capture him in Nurmengard and mess up the situation." It seems that we are some wizards who don’t talk about martial arts... But he left a note, asking you to meet in New York, what did he say to treat you to a cake? Maybe you can meet him in the United States.”

Nelson nodded knowingly when he heard Newt's message.

"What is his code?"

"No, it's just that I like to eat." Nelson raised his head, looked up into the distance, and asked, "Shall we go now?"

He noticed that the taller buildings in the city were lit up with eye-catching lights, wizards in black robes rode broomsticks rising from every corner of the city, hiding in the darkness of the corners of the buildings, and On the horizon in the distance, hordes of wizards approached Nurmengard in an orderly manner, appearing to be surrounded.

"They will definitely release the spell that prohibits apparition, and it will be too late if they don't leave." White took out three glass bottles from his pocket and placed them in front of the three of them, reconfirming, "Have you all packed your things? It might be a bit of a struggle to come back."

Nelson lifted the hem of his coat and shook it, and there was a loud noise of debris colliding in his pocket, while Lorien nodded quietly.

"Go and touch that bottle." Confirmed everyone

White nodded, and Nelson put his hands on the bottle neck. He only felt as if a hook was hooked on his belly button and pulled forward. It was not as uncomfortable as Apparition, but it was definitely not a good travel experience, as if Shuttle through a narrow, dark tunnel with strange glare flashing, after a period of time I don't know how long or short, Nelson finally felt down-to-earth.

The moment the three disappeared, a group of wizards Apparated to the street where they met three days ago, and all the wizard teams that invaded Nurmengard also entered the city.

"Welcome to Nurmengard."

A wizard in black robes suddenly appeared above the team of wizards on a broom and greeted them friendly. Behind him, a line of well-trained wizards in black robes hovered in the sky, and each wizard pointed their wands at own goals.

On the edge of the city, a hemispherical blue mask is rising rapidly, and it closes in the sky in the blink of an eye. The leading black-robed wizard said regretfully, "Although I really want to be a landlord, you shouldn't come in." of."

No one in the wizard team on the street spoke. Under the command of the leaders of both sides, all kinds of spells exploded on the street. Such scenes happened in every corner of Nurmengard.

The war started hastily.

 Today I probably scanned the previous content and made some errata. I found that I may be the author with the most typos at the starting point. The words I posted the most were "Thank you, it has been revised"...

(End of this chapter)

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