My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 116 Magical Industrial City - Nurmengard

Chapter 116 Magical Industrial City - Nurmengard

"What is this 'never know if today is the end until the sun rises'...?"

"Mr. Williams, this is a new random breakfast service launched by our store. A professional fortune teller will tell you in the back kitchen what is the most suitable breakfast for you today." The waiter in the restaurant downstairs enthusiastically promoted them "Sir, our restaurant employees have tested new products before they go on the market to ensure that each breakfast has a unique flavor, and the fortune teller we hired is indeed very powerful!"

"How to say?" After chatting with Tom last night, Nelson was very interested in this kind of wizard who claimed to have the ability to predict, "Is his divination very effective?"

"It's very effective, sir." The waiter looked around, as if he was worried that someone might hear this conversation, leaned close to his face, and said in a low voice, "That gentleman is the famous fortune teller Cassandra Terry Lawney's great-grandson, I can't tell you too much, but he told a colleague of mine that he needed a bottle of apple cider vinegar for breakfast, and sure enough—" (Note: See author.)
"Sure enough?" Nelson was also aroused by his mysterious remarks.

"Sure enough, after get off work, he got a positive response to his girlfriend's marriage proposal!"

"Oh, this..." Nelson took off his hat and scratched his head, instead of discussing why a seer would do this kind of work in a restaurant, he thought the young man was splashed with apple cider vinegar when he went out, "What does this have to do with apple cider vinegar Does it matter?"

"Of course, sir." The waiter showed an adoring expression, clasped his hands together, as if praying for the same good luck for himself, "My colleague is a Gemini, you know, the lucky fruit of Gemini is an apple."


"What's the matter, sir?" The waiter saw Nelson standing there with a tangled face, slowly put back his hat in a movement similar to a pioneer mechanical dance step, and asked with concern, "If there is a taboo, we will Help you remove it from the random alternatives, if you are not satisfied with this package, we still have other categories to choose from.”

"I think it's pretty good." Nelson shook his head. "Give me this sunrise set meal, but remember to wait for the person I'm waiting for to arrive before serving it. This is for him."

"and you?"

"Give me a puff pastry, don't want meat filling, but sweet ones."

"Okay." The waiter wrote down the menu, nodded and prepared to retreat to the back kitchen.

"Wait," Nelson suddenly called to the waiter who had already opened the curtain, struggled for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know what the lucky fruit of Capricorn is?"


"Uh...can you make me a dragon fruit puff pastry?" Nelson said quickly, "Of course, I'm just asking casually, and it just so happens that I have a craving for dragon fruit today."

"I understand, sir." The waiter waved the menu in his hand with a smile, opened the curtain and retreated to the back kitchen, "But sir, I have to remind you that dragon fruit may not be so delicious when made into jam .”

"It's okay, I've always had a high tolerance for food."

Walking to a seat by the window, Nelson leaned his cane against the chair, took off his hat and put it on the tip of the cane, put his arms on the table, and leaned on his chin to watch the flow of people coming and going outside the window.

After a while, the waiter brought a huge tray and put down a plate and a large bowl with a "bang bang".

"The sunrise set meal will be served later, the person I'm waiting for hasn't arrived yet."

"Sorry sir, this is the dragon fruit layer cake you ordered."

Hearing the waiter's apology, Nelson turned his head and looked at the food on the table - there was a sliced ​​puff pastry on the plate, and it could be vaguely seen that the filling was condensed milk or cheese, and it was put aside The large bowl in the house is filled with dragon fruit cut into small pieces, and two small wooden forks are stuck on it.

"Sorry, our chef tried to make dragon fruit jam, but the effect was really mediocre, so we had to serve them separately."

"It's okay." Nelson looked up at the waiter, picked up a small wooden fork, threw a piece of dragon fruit into his mouth, and nodded, "Remember to wait for someone to come and serve your set meal, and then pour me a glass lukewarm water."

"Okay, sir."

Nelson was bored eating dragon fruit, and was a little bored waiting. He took out two round metal balls from his pocket, and used his magic wand to control them to roll around on the table.

After a while, a tall and thin man pushed open the store door, walked with heavy steps and sat down opposite Nelson.

"Playing Quidditch? I can teach you."

"No need, Senior Newt."

Nelson looked up, and Newt looked tired, with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Are you in bed?" Nelson raised his eyebrows, turned to his side, raised his arms and snapped his fingers, then turned to Newt and asked, "Do you want to eat some dragon fruit first? You've been running around all year round like you Will a wizard who runs away recognize a bed?"

"No, thank you, are you really not afraid of diarrhea when you eat fruit early in the winter?" Newt waved his hand, declining Nelson's kindness, "Actually not... To tell you the truth, I actually slept a lot at first Sweet, don't even worry about Grindelwald sneaking out from under my bed and sneaking up on me - it's sniffing, I'm so hard, the wizard who lives next door is a jeweler, his room is full of shiny things And Garen, these things are too tempting for Xixiu, and I didn't close the box tightly, you can't even imagine it, which caused me to spend most of my life trying to catch it."

"Understandable," Nelson nodded with a smile. "When I was at Hogwarts, I went back to the dormitory at night. When I went to bed, I didn't find my cat in the bed, and ended up lying on top of it..."

"Ha~" Newt yawned, and when he opened his mouth halfway, he hurriedly put his hand up to cover his mouth, smiled shyly, and was about to stand up, "Sorry, I got up late, I'll order breakfast first."

"It's okay, I've already ordered for you." Nelson held him back and said, "I've just arrived. Look, I haven't eaten this puff pastry yet."

"Really?" Newt took a long breath, patted his chest and asked, "What did you order for me?"

"I don't know." Nelson noticed that the waiter was taking a plate from the food delivery port, like the front desk nunuzui, "Look, you never know if today is the end before sunrise."

"What?" Newt was a little confused, "Sorry, I was a little sleepy just now."

"Sir, before sunrise, you will never know if today is the end or not. It's the name of this dish." The waiter put down a large tray with a cover on the dinner plate, put it in front of Newt, bent down and asked, "Need me Lift the lid off your plate? Unraveling the mystery yourself will make your meal even more enjoyable."

"No, thank you." Nelson smiled and refused the confused Newt, looked at the back of the waiter leaving, and smiled, "It's quite fancy, it is said that the dishes in this set meal are all random, and are determined by professional divination The teacher judges what is suitable for customers to eat today."

"Is that so?" Newt came to his senses, his hand reaching for the cover of the dinner plate trembled slightly, "Merlin's beard, I've never left it to fate before what I eat in the morning."

The lid of the dinner plate was slowly lifted, and Nelson put his head on it curiously. He thought that there would be fog or golden light gushing out of the tray when the lid was lifted, but unfortunately, there was no.

"Accidentally normal?"

Just regular slices of bread, fried eggs, spinach and a glass of milk.

"It's good, fate still favors me a little." Newt showed an expression of the rest of his life, took a sip of milk, and his sleepiness faded a little. He put down the glass, looked at Nelson, and asked curiously, "Listen Said you were leaving again?"

"Where are you going?" Nelson was even more curious than Newt. "Who did you hear that from?"

"Andre, he said that you might go to England in a few days to rescue your bandmates." Newt shrugged, and with a fork, he moved a fried egg and spinach to a slice of bread aside, and picked up another slice of bread "I didn't even know you still had a band, what happened to him? Did he publish some song insulting the authorities?"

"You may have misheard." Nelson raised his forehead. "He is a member of the team, and I don't want to go. The job of paying the ransom leader is not interesting at all."

"That's good, I thought the spying umbrella in Nurmengard was going to run away." Newt joked, and the two quickly finished their meal.

After the meal, the two took the tram to the outskirts and headed towards Lorian Castle. Nelson patted the pocket of his coat. In addition to some regular props, it also contained the book that Lorian gave to Jonas, and finally handed it over to Nelson The magic book in his hand, he went to learn art from a teacher today.

"Nurmongard is really very different from what I imagined." In the empty tram, Newt said to himself, "I thought that Nurmengard would be very resistant to Muggle inventions, but I didn't expect that, All sorts of cool stuff from the streets of London and New York are already running here."

"I didn't think of this tram at first." Nelson nodded in approval. The free public transportation is still driverless. Although the ride experience can't be called good, it can already be called advanced.

Although the tram has been running here for a long time, it is rare for residents of Nurmengard to take it. This may be related to the attitude of the saints towards Muggles. Compared with shutting themselves in an iron cage and crawling slowly, they are more Willing to walk, apparate, or ride a broomstick to work without knowing that what's considered sluggish transportation today will be a lot faster than a broomstick in a few decades.

"It's not just a tram." Newt sighed. "While the pure-blood families in the Ministry of Magic were still fighting for a shampoo monopoly, Nurmengard had already started a magic factory... "

Nurmengard has a well-developed magic industry. There are large and small magic factories or magic workshops in the industrial areas on the outskirts. There are the beaters with bread in their mouths on broomsticks, and the senior beaters who walked unhurriedly to the door and disapparated.

Some hard-working factories have even started working, and the tall chimneys in the suburbs are breathing black smoke.

"Good guy, has the wizard discovered the residual value?" Nelson was startled when he saw the smoke column that he had never noticed before.

"Do you also feel shocked? I can't even imagine what will happen if this place develops steadily. I went around the surrounding factories yesterday. Their production efficiency is much higher than that of the unscrupulous merchants in Diagon Alley." New York Te's eyes blurred, "But what does this have to do with me? I suggested to my brother to learn from Muggles to establish patrol police."

"Did he accept it?"

"Of course not. He asked me to visit St. Mungo's. He always felt that Grindelwald's spell hurt my brain during the battle many years ago." Newt shook his head sadly, "This is really shocking. People are sorry."

"I have to say, this is indeed a good suggestion, and when Tom sent me a letter yesterday, the owls surprised the patrolling wizards in the surrounding blocks." Nelson spread his hands, and his tone was as heavy as Newt's, "Your brother didn't adopt this Suggestion, but Grindelwald adopted it, I think this may be more regrettable."

"It's a pity that no one knows about it." Newt covered his cheeks and said speechlessly, "If I told my brother what I saw and heard here, he probably wouldn't suggest me to go St. Mungo's, but take me to St. Mungo's himself."


"To be honest, I never thought that one day I could spend Grindelwald's money for breakfast on Grindelwald's site." Newt, holding on to the handrail, sighed looking at the passers-by with pancakes outside the window. Not bad at regulating emotions.

"Didn't he pay for the meal when we first came to Nurmengard?"

"That's different," Newt shook his head. "It's a dinner party. It feels different."

"Do you want to go back and order a few more dishes?" Seeing Newt's unfinished look, Nelson suggested.

"Let's have it at noon or at night, I want to see that dragon again."

Newt licked his lips, not sure if it was the dryness of the winter or the hunger—if it was, it was the next meal or the dragon he was about to meet.

"Okay." Nelson shrugged. "Actually, I can order takeaway, or take it to the castle. You know, I have a very convenient walking stick."

"No." The tram drove to the muddy ground outside the city. Newt shook his head firmly amidst the bumps, "You need the waiter to say the words 'still credited to Lord Grindelwald', you understand me mean?"

"I don't know."

"Well, that doesn't matter, what matters is that we're here."

Seeing the castle getting closer, Newt stood up, Nelson walked to the door, the tram stopped slowly, opened the door in front of the patched castle, and the two jumped out. Interestingly, when Nelson jumped, The dust raised was much bigger than Newt's.

Newt glanced at Nelson's pocket, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he stepped forward to ring the doorbell.

"Here we come!" Nelson asked angrily, a little lower than the gate, only to see a big red bow bouncing towards him, "Mr. Scamander, come and see those furries Is it a bug?"

"I'll come and see Dinkas." Newt waved his hand and agreed with a smile.

"It misses you very much too." Lori Ann hopped to the gate of the courtyard, opened the gate, tilted her head to look at Nelson, caught a glimpse of the corner of the note that Nelson had exposed due to the bumps when he jumped off the tram, and ran forward to pull it Holding his arm, "Nelson, are you here too? Come in, I promised you to give you notes before."

 Regarding Cassandra Trelawney, there is not much description about this person in the original book.

  It is only known that Sybil's prophecy talent comes from this famous prophet, and the "curse" that she predicted that she would not be believed also alludes to the legend of Cassandra.

  However, it is mentioned in the original text that Sybil's identity is the great-great-granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney. The legendary Cassandra is not Cassandra Trelawney, but only her prototype, and it is estimated that she lived in ten years. Fifth to seventeenth century.

(End of this chapter)

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