Chapter 110 Waffles


Newt's body tensed for a moment, and he raised his wand, pointing directly at Grindelwald's face.While slowly bending down, he put the suitcase that he never left on the ground, and used the little finger of his left hand to unhook the buckle of the suitcase. A pair of bright orange eyes looked out from the opening gap of the suitcase, staring at Grindel. fertile.

Newt's tone was extremely calm, but his twitching cheeks revealed his clenched teeth and an uneasy mood. The sleeve of his right hand that raised his wand slipped off, and the muscles in his forearm were tense. After putting down the box, Newt slowly Moving his steps, he walked between Nelson and Grindelwald, firmly blocking Nelson behind him.

"Oh?" Grindelwald tilted his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the light-blond man in front of him, and asked after a while, "Newt Scamander?"

He didn't take out his wand, but just stood there leaning on the broomstick, looking at the strange pair in front of him with interest, and suddenly lowered his head and chuckled, as if he thought of something interesting.

"Have you formed any combination? The Hogwarts drop-out student combination?" Grindelwald laughed enough, he raised his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, put down his wand and straightened his collar, and asked, "Can you take me a Is it? To tell you the truth, I also dropped out of Telmstrong."

Newt didn't answer, just looked at the surrounding environment from the corner of his eye, and took a few steps back, getting closer to Nelson.

"If there is a fight later, you will run away, you know?" He whispered through his teeth, put his left hand back, and patted Nelson on the shoulder. He had completely forgotten that Nelson was supposed to be Those who were with Grindelwald felt that they should protect the young student from the Dark Lord, so they said softly, "Zou Wu will come out of the box later, you should run over and lie down on him at that time." on his back, and he will take you away."

"Senior Newt, actually I—"

"Don't worry about me, he's never been nice to me." Newt whistled, and the box on the side was slowly propped open from inside.

In the clear sky, dark clouds slowly gathered, and after only a few seconds, an atmosphere of black clouds overwhelming the city was added above the head.

Nelson narrowed his eyes, and in the occasional flashes of lightning, a vigorous figure quickly shuttled back and forth.

"Thunderbird?" Nelson thought. "When did he follow?"

"To be honest, I'm a little moved. If there were more people like you in the world, there would be fewer tragedies." Grindelwald sighed, threw the broom aside, and said seriously, "Put away your broom." Wand, I don't want to disturb the sleep of the people here."

"Grindelwald, you..." Newt raised his wand and looked at the Dark Lord opposite him in surprise.

"As you said to Nelson, I have never been able to please you." Grindelwald pressed his hands and asked in a deep voice, "So what are you doing here at Nurmengard?"

"I..." Newt choked on this question. He didn't expect to meet Grindelwald here. In his imagination, Grindelwald, who is all over the world, should appear anywhere, except that he shouldn't. Appearing in his base camp, facing a strong enemy, but there are still weak people behind him who need to protect himself, all the tension in Newt's heart disappeared, and he asked calmly, "I remember you said that Nurmengard is a man who tolerates all wizards. place, can't I come and see?"

"Oh?" Grindelwald smiled, and he sighed, "Newt, after all these years, you have matured a lot, are you here to turn from the dark to the bright?"

"Mr. Grindelwald," Nelson walked out from behind Newt and explained to Grindelwald standing beside him, "I met Senior Newt in Krakow, and he promised to teach me some magic like Apparition , so I invited him to come to live as a guest."

Newt panicked when he saw Nelson stand up, stretched out his hands and kept pulling him behind him.

"Hahahaha." Grindelwald couldn't help laughing at Newt's slightly funny actions. He shook his head, raised his hands and said, his tone was even a little relieved, "Newt, you did what your friends did before. .”

"Shut up, don't talk about her!" Newt became emotional, angrily yelling at Grindelwald, "You don't deserve it!"

"Sorry, Newt, every wizard is equally important in my heart. I don't want to see such a thing happen. I am more sad than you can imagine for the death of such an excellent witch." Grindelwald Not angry at his rudeness, he just shook his head slightly sadly, "Since you are a friend invited by Nelson, you are also Nurmengard's guest."

"Welcome to Nurmengard, the recent guests are getting more and more interesting." He looked at Newt with a sincere look, bent down and picked up the broomstick that had been thrown aside, looked at Nelson and ordered He said, "Take Newt to stroll around here, and let him open his eyes to see what kind of city is here, what I think in my heart, our ideal."

"Okay." Nelson nodded and agreed.

"Then I'll go first, and I still have something to do... By the way, Nelson, when apparating, there is no need to think too much about the process. In fact, almost all wizards don't know that apparating is going through What kind of process, you only need to focus on yourself and the destination, and the magic power will help you complete the rest." Grindelwald couldn't stand Nelson's "magic power of love going around", couldn't bear it. Zhu reminded, "There is one more thing. When you went to Poland, I opened the restricted area of ​​the library to you. If you go in with the cane connected to the statue, it will automatically recognize the books you can read. , and the books that best meet your current progress, and send them to your eyes, so that you don’t have to look for books aimlessly.”

"Thank you, Mr. Grindelwald." Nelson nodded, watching Grindelwald step onto his broom.

Grindelwald's movements on the broom were very professional and coherent, like a professional Quidditch player, he lightly stepped on the ground, and the broom floated lightly off the ground, his robes fluttered under the breeze, A ring of smoke spread from beneath his feet.

"Wait, Grindelwald." Newt suddenly interrupted Grindelwald's movements. Grindelwald got off the broom and stood there politely listening to him. Newt thought for a moment and asked, " Why did you leave Nelson here, I checked, and there is no trace of the Confusion Curse or the Imperius Curse on him."

"I didn't force him to stay." Grindelwald explained, "It's just that Nelson has no place to go. My place is very spacious, and his food and clothing are indispensable, so I invited him to stay here."

"What do you want?" Newt asked. "What do you want from him? The support of his parents who were comrades in arms? Or something strange."

"Newt, although it's a good thing to be diligent in thinking, it's not good if you think too much." Grindelwald shook his head and corrected, "You don't understand what I'm really after. I am optimistic about the excellent young man, not only because of his descendants of my powerful enemy, maybe it was like this at the beginning...but later it was more because of his own talent-I saw too much in Nelson. The shadow of that year, if you met a young wizard who was as talented as him, would you drive him away?"

"I won't..." Newt has the qualities that most Hufflepuffs have, honest, not blunt, he has always been a straightforward person.

"You may think that I and our mutual old friend Albus are incompatible, but I value education as much as he does." Grindelwald turned his eyes to Nelson, and his voice sounded very light, "But I am different from him, I think more talented wizards deserve better treatment, don't you? That's why I've always had a lot of tolerance for you, even though you've put me in jail once—because you're the kind of talented wizard you are, understand?"

After finishing these words, he didn't speak anymore, just straddled his broom again, kicked his legs, and quickly went to the sky.

"What position do you think he plays in the Quidditch team?" Nelson asked an inappropriate question, recalling what Grindelwald had just said about apparition, watching the iron gate in the distance turn in place Body.

Darkness rushed towards his eyes and body like a tide, and a sense of oppression accumulated in his body from all directions. The next moment, Nelson stood in front of the iron gate.

He was clutching his forehead, and his body was shaking uncontrollably because of his weakness. Seeing this, Newt teleported to the side, supported him, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Nelson tried to stop his shaking body, and replied in a low voice, "I just feel a little tired."

"You are too young, Apparition should not be the magic that you should be exposed to at this age, so your magic power reserve may not be enough to support yourself for a complete Apparition, I have seen your transformation, it uses a It's a very magic-saving technique, otherwise you wouldn't have the strength to support that kind of large-scale transformation." Newt explained quickly, reaching for his suitcase and shouting, "Suitcase fly."

"I see..." Nelson was a little dry.

"You need to eat some high-calorie food and drink a lot of water." Newt took out a box of waffles and a large water jug ​​from the interlayer of the suitcase, opened the box and took out one and handed it to Nelson, reaching into the box Rubbing in the interlayer, "Cup... where is my cup?"

"Thank you," Nelson took the waffle. Newt's snack box seemed to have cast some magic. The waffle tasted as soft and sweet as when it was just baked, and it was even hot. He took out a small metal ball and held it in his palm, and it quickly turned into a white porcelain teacup, "I have a cup here."

"Oh, this is really good." Newt unscrewed the lid of the large pitcher, poured the sweet water into the cup, and admired, "Nice transformation, Nelson, I like the cornflower pattern and the teacup on the cup." This handle."

"Thank you," Nelson swallowed the waffle, feeling the sweetness of the custard fragrance colliding in his mouth, "this waffle is delicious."

"It's delicious, Nelson!" Newt showed a big smile, the corners of his mouth almost went to the ears, and he said proudly, "This is made by a good friend of mine, who owns a cake shop in New York , I heard that he uses a secret recipe handed down from his family, and all his dim sum is very good!"

"Can you tell me where his shop is?" Nelson stuffed his mouth full of waffles, grabbed another one and stuffed it into his mouth as soon as he swallowed, and asked longingly, "When I go to the United States, I must Go to the store to eat."

"Okay, okay, you can look for him in the New York phone book, his name is Jacob Kowalski, he is a man without magic." Feeling proud, Newt also picked up a waffle Putting it in his mouth, he narrowed his eyes happily, and when he swallowed it, he suddenly woke up and said even more excitedly: "Nelson, you have succeeded in apparating!"

"Yes!" Nelson realized that he had changed positions. He quickly touched the top of his head and found that the lock of hair was still there. Then he said excitedly, "I succeeded!"

"It seems that Grindelwald's understanding is deeper than mine..." Newt stretched out his claws and rubbed Nelson's hair, his hairstyle was not neat today, "But whatever, at least you have learned it, haven't you? "

"Yes." Nelson nodded, "And I think what you said is more detailed. The first failure may be just because of the first time. Everyone has a first time."

"That's true," Newt looked at Nelson's expression of trying to pretend he wasn't comforting others, and increased his strength with a smile, "but this magic is just a display for you at the moment, after all, your magic power may That's only enough for one short-distance Apparation, and you'll have to use it sparingly until you grow up."

"I have another method of teleportation." Nelson took out a slender cane from his pocket, and showed it to Newt as if offering a treasure. "This is made by Grindelwald. You saw me use it before."

"'s so beautiful." Newt stared at the cane fascinatedly. No man can resist the temptation of a long, thin and well-proportioned wooden stick, let alone a cane, which is still a trend in the wizarding world even decades later. Representative of fashion.

"I think Grindelwald might be a hitter." Nelson regained his strength, walked towards the cemetery, and returned to the topic at the beginning, "He looks like it hurts to hit people."

"No, he must be the Seeker." Newt said convincingly, "He's fast, you know, the fastest in Quidditch is the Seeker... By the way, you like Playing Quidditch?"

"No, I can't ride a broomstick."

"Coincidentally, I'm not very good either."

Nelson pushed open the wrought iron gate of the cemetery, took off his soft felt hat and put it in his arms, walked in with a serious expression, and looked at the marble tombstone in the center.

 Only then did I realize that there was no "section" in the last chapter

  Waffles have no evidence. I don’t know if Newt likes to eat waffles, and I don’t know if Grandma Jacob’s secret recipe contains anything about waffles.

  I don't know if Grindelwald can Quidditch, but I think he has a good balance in the sky, so he should be able to.

(End of this chapter)

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