My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 102 Haierbo's Remnant Soul

Chapter 102 Haierbo's Remnant Soul
In the second half of the night, dark clouds crawled towards the moon from all directions, surrounding it like packs of jackals, gnawing on it bite by bite.The wind also picked up, and the whole of Krakow was shrouded in an atmosphere of rainy weather.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, so avoid traveling.

Nelson got up from the bed, dressed in the dark, leaned his cane against the leg of the chair, took out a sticker in the shape of a snake, and stuck it to the back of his hand.

"Herbo, noble Haierbo."

He put his right hand on the back of his left hand, stood by the window and chanted the mantra softly. As soon as he finished speaking, a piercing tingling sensation traveled along the veins on the back of his hand to the entire left hand, and then a sense of oppression covered his whole body.

"Hiss... I hope you don't lie to me."

A lightning-like green light flashed across the room, and when he opened his eyes again, Nelson had already arrived at the top of the mountain that he had just visited a few hours ago.

"It's for your own good, Haierbo, let me see, where are you?"

Nelson casually tore off the sticker stuck under the railing. After being triggered by magic, it was like a real snake at this moment, spitting out a letter and stretching its neck towards the construction site directly below.

"It's so high." Nelson smacked his lips, looked out and saw a pile of haystacks at the foot of the mountain, and immediately beamed with joy. He climbed to the top of the awning on the viewing platform, raised his hands high, and crossed them to his chest , aimed at the haystack and jumped.

Nelson closed his eyes and opened his hands freely, enjoying the thrill of the rapid descent and the wind filling his arms. The whistling wind in his ears was like the call of a red-tailed hawk, which stimulated his adrenaline soaring.


In the process of falling, Nelson's body turned 270 degrees forward and quickly approached the haystack.

"Float quickly." The wand was pulled out from the cuff, and the moment Nelson fell into the haystack, Nelson's downward momentum stopped. He stepped on it lightly, turned over and jumped off.

"You don't really think I'll jump in, do you? What if there's a pitchfork in it?" Nelson saw that the little snake's head was still pointing firmly at a construction site, so he patted the grass clippings on his body and calmly pointed at the fiery snake. Go to the construction site.


A bright light shone on Nelson. Sentinels around the construction site spotted him, and there was the sound of guns being loaded.

"Look clearly, I'm a member of the Advisory Group of Special Operations Forces, and I'm here to investigate potential safety hazards." Nelson raised his hands and walked towards the sentry box.

A soldier with a Mauser on his back jumped out of the sentry booth, trotted to Nelson, saw the uniform he was wearing through the light, and quickly stood at attention, the heels colliding with each other made a crisp sound of "snap". It was especially harsh in the quiet night.

"Sir! Hello!" After standing still, the soldier raised his right hand and shouted loudly: "Long live!"

"Long live." Nelson raised his arm, echoed weakly, and was about to walk around him and go inside.

"Sorry! Sir!" The soldier's German smelled like the seaside, and his strong accent and sonorous speech made Nelson's eardrums tremble. He took a step to the right, still standing in front of Nelson, "Sorry ! This is an important facility under construction, I need to check your ID before you can let it go!"

"Let me state first, I'm not going to draw a gun." Nelson put his hand into the inside pocket of his coat, and shook his wand with the other hand that had been in the pocket all the time. When he took out his hand, he had already held it A proof material that was almost exactly the same as Andre's, he handed the material to the soldier, "What are you repairing?"

"Long live!" The soldier carefully checked the proof materials, and suddenly raised his right hand and gave another overly energetic salute, "Report to Lieutenant Colonel Karkaroff, the laboratory is built here, and an airtight structure specially designed by domestic experts is adopted. , used for poison gas experiments and research!"

"No wonder I chose this place."

"what did you say?"

"It's nothing." Nelson took the ID from the soldier and exhaled a puff of white smoke, "Can we go in and talk? It's cold outside."

"Yes! Please come with me!" The soldier turned around and walked away with a goose step.

"There's no need to walk like this. I'm not here for a military parade."

"Yes!" The soldier looked a little normal, but it seemed that he was not normal.

After explaining the situation to another sentinel, the soldier took Nelson to the construction site. There was still a distance, and Nelson, who couldn't bear the sound of the soldier's stepping, spoke to him.

"Soldier, what's your name?"

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel! My name is Kahn, a corporal of the Armed Combat Executive Force stationed in Poland!" Kahn stood still, stood at attention, and turned to face Nelson to report loudly.

"You don't have to do this..." Nelson spread his hands helplessly, pointing forward and said, "We're walking and talking, you can relax."

"Good sir!"

Kahn was a young man who was deeply poisoned by the fanatical thoughts of the Communist Party. The only time he traveled was when he joined the army and was sent to Poland. In a few sentences, he almost told the whole story of his life.

The young soldier came from Kukes, a small seaside town with fishing and shipping as its main industries. After graduating from middle school, Kahn stayed at home to manage the fishing business until the Communist Party launched a war across the country a few years ago. Mobilization, when he arrived in Krakow after a long journey, the war in Poland was basically over, so he didn't understand the cruelty of the war at all, but was very excited about it.

"Kane, how long have you been here?"

"One month, sir, I arrived in Poland a month ago, and I arrived in Auschwitz two weeks ago and settled here."

"Oh..." Nelson nodded, "Have you ever fought the Polish army?"

"We have fought, sir." Kahn nodded, "When we first arrived here, we encountered resistance from the local guerrillas, but their fighting power was completely incomparable to that of our great army! Once we encountered them, they would be defeated... Now their leader is still hanging at the entrance of the town."

"Hiss... how many troops do you have here?"

"200 people, we have a combat force of 500 people, plus engineering troops, a total of 200 people." Kahn said proudly, "More troops have already set out from our hometown, and will come one after another Here, and make Auschwitz a stronghold for taking the first step of our great cause!"

"There are only 200 people? I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of Poles in this town? Counting Krakow, isn't there any resistance?"

"The great Aryans can defeat one hundred! Those inferior Poles dare not resist under our machine guns." Kahn's expression suddenly became frantic, "So are you here to test our achievements? ? We have completely occupied this area with several times the number of us!"

"Uh... partly because of this." Nelson nodded solemnly, "Are you shooting civilians with machine guns?"

"No! We don't do that kind of thing!" Kahn said seriously.

Nelson's expression softened a little, but after hearing the second half of Kahn's words, his expression became more serious.

"They have a greater use, it's too wasteful to shoot with machine guns! When the base here is built, they will become the nourishment of our country and make their contribution!"


"Sir? What's the matter, sir, are you dissatisfied with my answer?" The soldier's expression became terrified.

"Uh...haven't you thought that what you have done is too cruel?"

"Don't worry, sir! I have undergone ideological and political education before joining the army, and I have already reversed those wrong thoughts when I was young! I just took a thought test in the police department two weeks ago." The soldier's face was full of pride, "You I have done this test, and I can answer it again! The lives of these lowlifes are worth nothing before the great deeds of the Aryans!"

"..." Nelson lowered his head, hiding his face and expression deep in the night.

"Sir, are you satisfied with my answer?" Kahn asked in a low voice, "Did I pass the test?"

"You passed, Corporal." Nelson nodded. "Your answer is standard."

The excitement on the young soldier's face was so strong that it was extremely conspicuous in the night.

"Sir, have you seen the head of state?" His voice trembled with excitement, "I heard from the commander of our army that if you behave well, you will have the opportunity to see the great head of state in person."

"I haven't seen him." Nelson shook his head, "but my colleagues often see him."

"Okay..." Kahn lowered his head in disappointment, and pointed to a brightly lit barracks ahead, "Sir, this is our garrison headquarters, the commander of our troops lives in Auschwitz, my partner tonight The superior has been notified, you can wait inside for a while, I have other patrol tasks."

"You go, Kahn." Nelson nodded, opened the door of the barracks and walked in. Before entering, he turned his head and looked at the soldiers watching him, and said softly, "You will see your head of state, don't worry. "

It was warm in the barracks, but Nelson's heart couldn't warm up. The first ordinary soldier he met looked like this. He could imagine the future of Auschwitz at the first sight of Kahn. It's hard to imagine how distorted this team and this country have become.

He shook his head, not thinking about these disgusting things, and took out the little emerald green snake from his pocket. The moment he let go of his hand, it opened its mouth wide, bit Nelson's little finger fiercely, and then turned into a A green light and shadow penetrated along the wound.

Feeling a sense of dizziness attacking his mind, Nelson was already prepared. He took out a small glass bottle, opened the cork, and poured a small half of the jumping golden liquid into his mouth.

"Today is my lucky day." He felt much better, found the most comfortable looking chair and sat on it, put on Riddle's ring, no longer resisted the feeling of dizziness, and closed his eyes voluntarily.

A thick white mist filled the air, and when Nelson opened his eyes again, there was another landscape in front of him.

"As expected of the despicable Helbo." Nelson lowered his head and realized that he was still wearing the SS uniform. He reached into the pocket where he had cast the Untrace Stretch Charm, and touched the full things and the cold fir tree Wand, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, took out the wand and hid it in the sleeve, raised his head in confusion, and said to himself, "Where am I?"

"Are you here to pick me up?" Looking around, there is desolation everywhere. This is a wilderness similar to the Gobi, with a dirty gray on the top of the head. There is no wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and there is no sun, moon and stars. Nelson can't feel it. He could feel the air flow, but couldn't feel the temperature. This place was like a ruined case before the Creation God created the world. A translucent white phantom suddenly appeared in front of him, and asked eagerly, "Is it time? Open the door quickly!" , let me absorb those wronged souls."

"Who are you?" Nelson looked up and down the white phantom, "Is it the split soul of Hai Erbo?"

"You don't know who I am?" The white phantom's mood became unstable, which was easy to see because its body was trembling to the point of blurring. It split open and flew towards Nelson as a whirlwind of white, "Then you must be the ration I sent? Do you finally know that I'm hungry?"

Nelson only felt that the skin around him was being torn by thousands of sharp knives with barbs at the same time. As the place where the little finger was bitten by the snake burned, he felt that he didn't seem to be affected by anything other than pain. He suppressed the idea of ​​pulling out his wand, and said: "Despicable Haierbo, your body gave you to me, give it up, you can't hurt me."

The white whirlwind didn't give up, and was doing useless work around Nelson. After a while, Nelson finally couldn't help it, and he grasped the wand that slipped out of the sleeve and swung it vigorously.

"Drowsy!" The red fire swayed along with his movements, touched the white whirlwind, and soon spread to its whole body like a necrosis, and soon dyed it red like a curse .

"Ah! Why did you bring the wand in!" The phantom suffered pain, moved away from Nelson, and burrowed into the sand under his feet.Nelson felt a violent vibration under his feet.

"Your soul is delicious. Although it's hard to chew, it's really delicious." The phantom's voice echoed in the whole space, "Give me to you? Are you kidding me? I'll come eat you!"

Suddenly, a huge pale figure broke through the ground and stood in front of Nelson. He looked up and his breathing slowed down for a moment.

It looks like the skeleton of a giant snake, with deathly paleness all over its body, but it is too huge. In Nelson's eyes, it is even taller than the tallest black tower in Nurmengard, and this is only the part where it protrudes from the ground. It’s just a part, and no one knows how long the underground part is. Nelson couldn’t help but think of the “giant serpent surrounding the courtyard” in Norse mythology. If every myth and legend can find its prototype in the wizarding world, then Jormungandr The prototype of the snake may be the big snake in front of him who has been dead for an unknown amount of time.

"Are you afraid?" Nelson followed the voice and looked up. On the huge head of the snake bone, Bai Wu hid in one eye socket of the giant snake and shouted, "I will crush you! Hang you! Tear you apart! eat you!"

"Why can't you talk well?" Nelson held up his wand, and the ground under his feet rose rapidly with the release of the Transfiguration Curse, becoming a high platform enough for him to look at the white phantom in the giant snake's skull. There are neatly shaped battlements around the high platform , depicting the myth of Odin throwing Yemengade into the bottomless deep sea, with torches stuck in the four corners, Nelson always pays a lot of attention to such small details, he looks at the white phantom in the eye socket of the giant snake skull, He reprimanded in a flat tone, "Don't resist, I am your master."

"Hee hee, I like to fight with young people like you. Young and energetic guys always like to squander their magic power with flashy things." The white phantom showed an abstract smile, and he directed the giant snake to twist its body , slowly winding up the high platform under Nelson's feet, "Don't you know that people will die if they fall from a high place?"

"I know, but... haven't you discovered it for so many years here?" Nelson smiled sarcastically, "This place is also part of the Misty Illusion, so the magic power and the outside world cannot be regarded as the same."

He gently pushed his wand forward, and held his other free hand. The high platform suddenly shone with a metallic cold light, and it had already been transformed into an iron tower. At the moment when Nelson's hand clenched into a fist, suddenly a Countless sharp steel thorns emerged, and the snake's body tightly wrapped around the tower became its shackles. It was instantly pierced into the body by these countless steel thorns, and was firmly locked on the tower.

"Haven't you discovered it yet? The magic here has nothing to do with what kind of wizard you are outside, it only has to do with the strength of your soul." Nelson stepped forward, stepped on the fiercely struggling neck of the giant snake, and slowly Slowly walked towards its empty eye sockets, towards Haierpo's trembling soul, "I know you are a famous dark wizard outside, a famous bad guy in history, but you underestimated my strength—— Overestimate yourself, this shattered shard of soul."

"Don't overestimate yourself!" Haierbo's remnant soul screamed, the giant snake's body shook violently, cracks began to grow from where each steel thorn was inserted, and gradually spread throughout the body, Nelson The dying cry of the ancient corpse was heard.

"It's useless." With a flick of the wand in his hand, sharp barbs emerged from the tip of the steel thorn, hooking on the skeleton of the giant snake that was gradually breaking free, "I said, the power of my soul is unimaginable, let alone I also came in with a wand, give it up, Haierbo, I said it at the beginning, you belong to me."

"Don't be too arrogant!" Haierbo's white remnant soul emitted bursts of red light from those thin places. The giant snake raised its only movable head, twisted it hard, and twisted its own skull, and then Taking advantage of gravity, he slapped Nelson hard on its neck.

"I really underestimated you." Nelson stretched out his left hand, leaving a green Ouroboros brand like a ring on the base of the little finger bitten by the snake. He wiped away the brand, and the moment before he touched it, A mid-spirited voice made its grand debut.

"Good brother! Are you in danger? I'm here to help!"

 I originally wrote this big chapter of [-] words, and I deleted part of it. On the one hand, it was because *** Germany was not easy to write, and on the other hand, I was afraid that the writing would be wrong, so I deleted that part of the content, but it didn’t matter if I deleted it. The main line that affects this chapter is the battle with Haierbo's remnant soul... I feel that the battle scenes are written rather palely. From the first battle with Nagini, it's not very good, and I can't write the kind of martial arts novels Sense, got me thinking about other applications of Transfiguration.

  Everyone can guess who is the last grand debut~
(End of this chapter)

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