My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 100 The first serious gathering of the Death Eaters was actually studying the Iron Armor Cur

Chapter 100 The first serious gathering of the Death Eaters was actually studying the Iron Armor Curse?
Auschwitz is an ordinary town. It is neither big nor small, neither prosperous nor dilapidated, neither famous nor so unknown. In times of peace, it was responsible for the transshipment of sea and land goods for Krakow, the geographic center of Europe. duty, and now, the exchange of military supplies seems to be more lively.

There are many towns like it in Europe. They are built on mountains and rivers. There are churches and government buildings in the center of the city. Some old towns will build a theater next to them. Anyway, as long as you have seen a small town in Europe, then You can get a basic understanding of the appearance of other towns.

"What an ordinary town."

Nelson held on to the railings. The residential buildings in the town were intact. There was a peaceful scene. The lights were twinkling. There were also twos and threes of young people on the street strolling under the street lights. The night market in the southeast corner of the town was also open. are also good.

"Maybe the only unusual thing is their clothes." He shook his head. The buildings in Auschwitz were full of German officers. The young people walking on the streets were actually patrolling soldiers. The night market in the southeast corner was actually The construction site is in full swing, and the original residents here are digging the foundation in the cold night. On this foundation with its grand plan faintly visible, there will soon be prisons and graves prepared for them. Before the people built their homes with their own hands, they had to be wronged to sleep outside.

"They are very efficient." White said with approval, "This can save us a lot of time. I have to say that this idea of ​​letting the prisoners dig their own graves is genius... It only takes a little hope of survival. It will dispel all their thoughts of resistance.”

"Oh, maybe." Nelson was disinterested.

"You seem to sympathize with those Muggles?" White glanced sideways at him and joked, "I didn't see that you were such a compassionate person."

"No," Nelson shook his head, "I'm a Muggle."

"You're so interesting, isn't that saying that I was tied up by Muggles on a cruise ship, and I'm not even a Muggle." White chuckled, "How can there be such a lame wizard."

"Your fiancé." Nelson turned his head and gave her a casual glance.


"I'm just curious," Nelson said to himself, "why didn't they resist? There were only two soldiers assigned to guard hundreds of people, each of whom only had a Mauser with an ammo bag, except for Besides, soldiers are just ordinary people.”

"No, people are the most afraid of people." White raised her eyebrows, she did not agree with Nelson's point of view, "Do you have any animals that you are afraid of?"

"Me?" Nelson pondered for a while. "It doesn't seem to be anything to be afraid of... Just spiders. Those big hairy spiders make me sick. Does it matter?"

He stared warily at White's hand, as if she would suddenly pull a spider out of her pocket.

"Did you know? In the last century, a total of 27 wizards all over the world died from poisonous spiders, including being bitten and dying from their venom in other ways," White said in detail, making Nelson's heart tremble. Seeing Nelson's appearance, he curled his lips and said, "I know a lot about these poisons, but it's not important... The number just now sounds a lot, but can you imagine how many wizards died at the hands of wizards? "

Nelson's face became solemn. After thinking about it, he felt horrified. How could other creatures kill humans as fast as their counterparts?

"Looks like you've figured it out." White nodded and looked at the town down the mountain. "This is commonplace."

"But... what about the massacre?"

"I haven't experienced a massacre, but does it count as a massacre? It's just for them to build a house." White yawned, "It's nothing to see, go back."

After a while, a swaying broom carried two wizards to the moon, and finally landed on the balcony of an old castle, just like a scene from a fairy tale.

"Did you guys go out on brooms?" Coincidentally, Lori Ann was standing on the balcony watching the stars, "Would you like to pour some water for you? Riding a broom in the sky will make your mouth dry."

"Thank you, no need." White declined politely and asked, "Can't Miss Lorien ride a broom? You can try it, you will be obsessed with the feeling of soaring in the sky."

"Haha, I understand." She pointed to the dozing puppy lying in her arms, and whispered for fear of disturbing it, "I have Dinkas, and he doesn't fly too slow~"

"Think about it." Nelson recalled how fast Dinkas leaped to the horizon when he was still in his dragon form, and cast an envious look at Lorraine.

"Go back to sleep. The fireplace is burning just right. It's cooling down recently."


"It's getting colder."

Second-year students can come and go freely in Hogsmeade on weekends. In front of the Two Broomsticks bar, Tom is standing in the snow with a scarf and covering his mouth with his hands.

A group of young Slytherins surrounded him. Looking around, there were more than 30 young Slytherins, more than the Slytherins who participated in the parade last year. In a year, Tom did not spend much time Run your own small club.

"There are more and more people." He thought with satisfaction, and was suddenly jolted by a snowflake that had drilled into his collar.

"Ridel, I have dragonskin gloves here, I don't know..."

"Thank you, Aibo." Tom patted the snow on his shoulders, opened the curtain and walked into the bar.

Tom's roommate George Carroll ran to the bar first, took out his purse and shouted, "Give us a box and get three dozen more—"

"Sorry sir." The bartender stuck his head out from under the bar. He interrupted Carlo's speech, glanced at the number of people in the group, and said, "Our bar is being renovated these days, and there are only outside seats."

"Ridel..." Carlo glanced at the bar and saw that it was full of building materials. He turned around and looked at Tom in a panic, "We...they, there is no..."

"What's the hurry? Why can't you even speak, what does it look like..." Tom squinted his eyes and looked in, then turned and left neatly. The group of people gathered behind him and gathered on the street, Tom thought. After thinking about it, he walked in the direction of Hogwarts, "I remember that there was a pub halfway along the way to Hogwarts. The hygiene there is a little bit worse, but there are very few people. Let's go there..."

The group walked to a gray bar on the edge of Hogsmeade and stopped, but it was also being renovated... It even looked more messy than the two brooms' private room that was being renovated. , On the old signboard, almost all the letters have been deducted, and only the word "bar" remains on the lintel.

The door under the signboard was also removed, leaving only an empty doorway where you could directly see the dusty tables, chairs, and benches. Tom asked tentatively, "Is anyone there?"

"Yes." Behind the stained bar stood a thin old man with thinning hair. He was quite clean. "Would you like to drink something?"

"Is there a box? We want to find a warmer place to have a drink, and there are more people."

"Oh, even if you don't tell me, I'll recommend you to go to the box. There just happens to be a box in the bar that's not messed up." The old man nodded, "What would you like to drink?"

"Butterbeer, any?"

"You..." The old man took out a pair of gold wire glasses from his chest pocket and put them on the bridge of his nose, looking at the group of people who entered the bar, "You are Hogwarts students, no wonder, then you can only Had butterbeer, the only non-alcoholic drink here."

"Butterbeer is piled up over there," he raised his arm and pointed to a few wooden boxes on the corner of the wall, and said with a bit of loss, "you all drink it, just give you some money."

"It won't cost you any money." Tom winked, and soon several attentive young men ran to carry the boxes. He took out his wallet, roughly calculated the price of the boxes of butter beer, and looked at the boss and asked , "Is this store closed? It's my first time here."

"Yes, it's just that I'm going to sell the store." The old man said with a bitter face, "My son always wants me to move to Devon to live with their family. I just found a buyer a few days ago. to move."

"What's the name of this bar?"

"The signboard has been removed, and the name is gone." The old man still grimaced his bitter face, and babbled like every old man would do, "As for what the buyer wants to call it, I don't know. I don't even know if the bar will continue to open here... But if it doesn't, it's a pity, I'll ask when the buyer comes in the afternoon."

"Why do you have to open a bar?" Tom asked curiously. "Anything to say?"

"It's nothing, but this place was a bar hundreds of years ago." The old man explained, "When I ordered it from the previous boss, he told me that this was the headquarters of the goblin's rebellion back then, and it is a historical site. From then on, it was a bar."

The old man's brows suddenly widened, showing an expression of sudden realization after being deceived, "I just said, no wonder business has not been good for decades, how bad it is... I must remind the buyer."

"Tsk tsk." Tom looked at the back of the old man walking away talking to himself, sighed, and got into the box.

"Today, we're learning Iron Armor Spell." Tom sat at the head of the long table, tapped one hand on the table, and took a sip of the butterbeer poured over by Carlo, "This is the first grade me and Gnar have just had. Magic that you can easily cast when you enter school, I didn’t expect that there would be people who are in the second year and still know little about spells.”

The next classmates posed as students and bowed their heads in shame.

"What shocked me even more was that my brothers, young wizards from a noble pure-blood family, always wanted to sit back and enjoy their success and neglected to train their magic..." Tom recalled the time when the dignitaries came to the orphanage to offer condolences. Shishi spoke in a fashionable manner, shaking his head and said, "I think I need to provide you with a little help... Let's start with the simplest defensive magic, the Iron Armor Spell. After all, you can only cast other magic when you are alive."

He looked around, looked at the expectant eyes that everyone cast at him, and gently said the last sentence that everyone expected:
"After laying the foundation, we can carry out some more in-depth studies...such as some small magics, small curses that everyone is interested in, I believe this will be more effective than the ones we learned in school. Rust's spell is much more useful."

Learning, everyone has their own habits, and there are high efficiencies that apply to their own learning habits, but when these little snakes are most efficient, they gather around someone to study—for example, in the classroom, or now.

Between the cups, even if the butter beer is a non-alcoholic drink, some people's faces are already drunk, stroking the iron armor released by their own hands, and they can't help but cast their fanatical eyes on the smiling face, the clouds are light and the wind is light. Tom explaining to a first-year freshman.

Wealth, power and status are too far away from them, and there is nothing more attractive to a child at Hogwarts than learning a spell that can take credit to parents, show off to friends, and be rewarded by teachers.

"Deng... Dumbledore is here." Avery, who was called by Tom to order some snacks, hurriedly pushed the door and ran in, holding the door frame of the box in a panic, and said breathlessly, "Dumbledore The professor came suddenly, did he find us?!"

"What did he find out about you? Did he find you copying your homework? Do you think you're a dark wizard?" Tom frowned at him. "A group of us, on the weekends, come to Hogsmeade for some non-alcoholic drinks. , is there any problem? At most, these first graders shouldn't be here, but so what?"

"What are we studying together? It's the Iron Armor Spell, not the Death-Slaying Curse Avery, why aren't you calm at all?" Tom straightened his collar, walked out of the box with his head held high, and closed the door, "I'll go to the meeting. meet him."

As soon as the door closed, Tom saw the lanky figure of Dumbledore. He was lying in front of the bar and writing something. He immediately greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Aberforth, do you know this place too?"

"Tom?" Dumbledore turned around and seemed surprised to meet Tom here. He blinked and squeezed out of his dry throat, "Long time no see."

Tom stopped moving forward. He stood there, pursing his lips tightly, and a few words came out between his teeth, "Professor Dumbledore? Why are you here?"

"I'm glad you can still think of me, it seems that you and my brother get along well." Dumbledore turned around completely, he lowered his head and faced Tom, "I want to give him a gift that his brother should give, After thinking about it, I think a bar should be a good choice."

"Maybe." Tom looked stiffly at Dumbledore's haggard, gray-bearded face. "Professor, are you ready to go back to school?"

"No, my teaching level may not be as high as Aberforth." Dumbledore laughed at himself, "Don't worry, I'm not going back to interfere with the normal teaching progress."

"Oh..." Tom nodded, and Dumbledore also turned around and continued to fiddle with his own affairs on the bar.

After a few minutes, when Tom couldn't stand still, Dumbledore suddenly asked:
"How is he... how is it? I saw you two in the Muggle newspapers in Paris..."

 3/2 of the big chapter

(End of this chapter)

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