This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 50 Thinking of the way to swipe the 'character card'

Chapter 50 Thinking of the way to swipe the 'character card'

The girl was finally soft-hearted, and even though her head hurt from the anger of her best friend, she still temporarily forgave Yang Jinhua.

"Okay." Pang Mei'er picked her smooth and round chin: "Just explain it. If you say it well, I won't annoy you. If you say it understand."

Yang Jinhua immediately dragged Pang Meier to the fence, and said in a hurry, "Touch this place with your hand, hurry up."

Pang Mei looked at the pale-golden wooden bars of the fence, a little unclear, but she still followed Yang Jinhua's meaning and stretched out her hand.

When the jade finger touched the invisible and invisible thing, Pang Mei'er's eyes widened.

Seeing her like this, Yang Jinhua smiled and then explained.

After about a stick of incense, Yang Jinhua finally finished explaining and said, "That's what happened, so you can't get in."

Pang Mei'er withdrew her hand from the air, and pretended to be vicious and said, "People trust you so much, yet they actually let you take care of the whole family?"

Yang Jinhua said awkwardly, "Lu Xiaolang believes me, is this a bad thing?"

In Yang Jinhua's view, Lu Sen gave him the qualification to enter the yard permanently, and the meaning of the representation is different.

In his heart, he is a person who can be trusted, even someone who can enter the hall.

Generally speaking, this situation only occurs with relatives, or ... partners.

At this time, Zhao Bilian, who had been arguing and didn't speak, came over angrily and said, "Jinhua, you didn't tell me about Lu Xiaolang going out so big."

Yang Jinhua was stunned for a moment and said awkwardly, "I forgot."

Zhao Bilian doesn't believe it.

Pang Meier didn't believe it either.

Yang Jinhua had to laugh twice and said, "Although you two can't get in, we can set up a table outside the yard, eat and chat."

"Go back." Pang Mei'er had never eaten anything delicious, and she just came to see if anything happened to Yang Jinhua.

But Zhao Bilian on the side began to drool, and nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, take out some peach, pear, loquat, and honey water."

Zhao Bilian is very delicious, and the food in the yard is very delicious, she knows it.

Pang Mei'er turned her head to look at Zhao Bilian, then looked at the latter's exaggerated mountains, and said a little unhappily: "Eat, eat, eat, and look at how fat you are."

When it comes to talent, Zhao Bilian doesn't dare to talk back to Pang Meier, but when it comes to her body, she becomes confident. She puts her hands on her hips and says triumphantly, "Envy, eat it, haha."

Pang Mei'er gritted her teeth in anger... This is also the reason why she and Zhao Bilian are best friends, but she always likes to attack the latter with words.

Among the three, she was the most beautiful, but the weakest.

Therefore, Zhao Bilian, who has the most 'big' body, has become her 'eye thorn'.

"You wait here, I'll go in and get something out."

After saying that, Yang Jinhua ran in, and after a while, she moved the table out and put it in the shade outside the yard.

Then he ran a few more times and took out the chair, fruit, and honey water.

Ringo also came to help, and soon the table was filled with fruit and honey water.

Pang Mei'er looked at the fruit on the table, and felt that something was wrong. She sat down suspiciously, and then suddenly realized: "Wait, the peaches and loquats have already passed the fruiting period. The fruits on this are all fresh and have leaves. It wasn't preserved in the ice cellar, what's going on?"

"Lu Xiaolang is amazing. He has great supernatural powers and a kind heart."

As if she was being praised, Zhao Bilian, with a showy expression, told what she knew about Lu Sen's 'deeds'.

Pang Meier was stunned when she heard it, feeling as incredible as listening to the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

At the moment, the four girls were eating and chatting under the shade of a tree, talking about their parents being short-sighted, and they were so happy.

And Pang Mei'er finally knew what kind of character her best friend Yang Jinhua fell in love with.

When it was almost evening, the three girls went home... Yang Jinhua had been staying here for two nights, and it was time to go back to see her mother and the old lady. After all, she wasn't married yet, so it's not good to stay at the man's house for too long. .

At the same time, I followed Pang Meier and Zhao Bilian home, and they could also protect them along the way.

After sending Pang Meier and Zhao Bilian home one by one, Yang Jinhua returned to her home.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, before returning to the boudoir, he was caught by his mother, Mu Guiying.

"Want to come back? I thought you had a man who forgot... Wait!" Mu Guiying was happy, but when she saw Yang Jinhua's face, she was suddenly stunned, walked up to touch it, and asked seriously : "How did your complexion become so good... Could it be that Lu Xiaolang came back last night?"

Having said that, Mu Guiying's expression was a little annoyed.

It is true that Mu Guiying is not a person who follows the rules, but she takes some basic etiquette and shame very seriously.

Back then, she fell in love with Yang Zongbao. Although she forced her to marry, she didn't do anything that would bring her virginity and reputation before getting married.

If Lu Xiaolang really came back from outside last night and ruined her daughter's reputation, she would definitely lead her troops to level the low mountain. It doesn't matter whether you are Lu Xiaolang or Lu Dalang, there is something magical.First break his legs, then tie him home, and directly let him and his daughter marry and become husband-in-law.

Such a man is not qualified to marry his own daughter, not even a man, only a breeding horse.

It's just that Yang Jinhua is still a pure girl, she asked inexplicably: "Lu Xiaolang hasn't come back yet, he said that it will take at least three months, or about half a year to return to Bianjing... Mother, my daughter's complexion has improved, and she has a relationship with Lu Xiaolang. Does it matter?"

Hearing that nothing absurd happened to her daughter, Mu Guiying breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled: "When you and Lu Xiaolang get married, you will know what happened? Now tell me, what did you do last night and today? Your complexion is much better."

"Maybe it's the relationship between soaking in the hot spring water twice!"

"Huh? There shouldn't be any hot springs around the capital, where did you go to soak?" Mu Guiying quickly responded, "Is it something that Lu Xiaolang made again?"

Yang Jinhua nodded again and again: "There is a bathroom that has not been cold for many years, and the warm water is clear. I have soaked it twice, but it is comfortable."

And then the complexion also improved?

Seeing her daughter's creamy complexion, Mu Guiying was quite moved, and she really wanted to go to the hot spring.

Speaking of which, going back to Hangzhou, because of the martial law in the whole city, Lu Sen has no place to play, and he can't even go out.

Not to mention catching fast, even the regiment training troops outside the city moved under the command of Sima Guang, and a large number of people were rampaging in the city. If you don't want to die, don't go out.

Lu Sen was really bored, so he took advantage of this time to read the essentials of Zhan's and Bai's running methods.

Compare again.

Then he discovered that Zhanjia's inner qi method focuses on defense, such as gang qi, inner qi healing and so on, which are written in great detail.

The Bai family's mentality is about breaking out and wandering.

When you think about it, this situation is normal. Only those who are good at defending can do a wide range of moves.

And if you pay attention to outbreaks, you will definitely be powerless in the follow-up, so it is good to be light-hearted.

Otherwise, if you don't win after the outbreak, you won't be able to run.

Lu Sen carefully analyzed his advantages...high survivability, and extremely low attack ability.

Therefore, he decided to continue to increase his defense capabilities and first learn the Zhanjia's bodyguard.

Strengthening strengths is the kingly way.

Then he tried the training direction of the body protection qi, but nothing happened.

He doesn't even have a sense of qi now. If it wasn't for the value of 'Taiyi Hunyuan Gong: 198' displayed on the character interface, he would even suspect that he had no progress in practicing inner qi.

In the evening, the bell tower of Hangzhou City rang the bell, and the alert was lifted.

People who had been holding back for a day rushed out of their homes, some were doing business, and some were shopping and exercising.

Lu Sen also went out with Heizhu. This time he went directly to the east of the city. He saw thousands of boats and sails outside the port in the restaurant before, and now he intends to see it up close.

Song people are very safe in the port, which is similar to Bianjing Chengdong City. There is a temporary government office in the port, and more than 50 arresters are stationed there, which are rotated every six months.

It is still following the strategy of Bianjing City, and it is extremely biased towards the Song people. If something goes wrong, the Semu people will be used to sacrifice the flag.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there would be no shady businessmen who would dare to cause trouble.

Even avoid Song people.

Lu Sen walked to the port and stood on a high place, watching the large and small caravans in the distance almost next to each other, and suddenly felt a magnificent feeling.

There are many merchant ships in the Song Dynasty, you can tell by looking at the shape, and the volume and tonnage are generally large.

The Song people's navigation skills were still good at this time.

If the Northern Song Dynasty had not been destroyed, if it had not had the difficulty of Jingkang, would it have missed the era of great voyages?

Or the age of geographic discovery?
Lu Sen felt that it was a romantic era, so he liked watching sailboats, especially large sailboats.

Whether it is a picture or a real scene, the galleon always gives him a unique feeling.

He felt it here, and Hei Zhu pinched his nose and said, "Lang Jun, let's go back, the Semu people here are so stinky."

It's really a bit... Semu people don't have many hygiene concepts at this time, and after they gather in a large group, the smell will be even worse.

"Okay, let's go back." Lu Sen watched for a while, then walked towards the city gate.

When passing through the city gate, he passed a face-covered Se-mu woman. After walking a few steps, Lu Sen felt that something was wrong. He turned around to look and found that the woman was no longer among the Se-mu people in the harbor.

Lu Sen stood for a while, then turned to leave.

He did not go back to the hut, but went directly to the Hangzhou government office, and told the gatekeeper that he was looking for Zhan Zhao.

Soon, Zhan Zhao came out. He saw Lu Sen clasping his fists and smiled: "Lu Xiaolang took the initiative to look for him, is it because he wants to invite me to dinner?"

"Alright, but I'm afraid you won't be in the mood for dinner after hearing what I said?"

Zhan Zhao took the first two steps and asked, "A very important thing?"

"Well, I saw the seductive oiran in Bianjing City." Lu Sen pointed to the direction of the port: "She left the city about a column ago. At that time, she covered her face and thought I couldn't recognize it."

Zhan Zhao's face turned straight and he asked, "Hidden face? How sure are you?"

"Ten percent."

Lu Sen is so confident, firstly because he remembers the other person's figure and eyebrows.

And one reason is... Lu Sen's system spouse column, there is no new Semu woman, there is still only Semu Hua Kui.

Normally, this kind of person Lu Sen has seen, and the age is suitable, will be put into the spouse pool by the system as a 'character card'.

"I understand now." Zhan Zhao clenched his fists to Lu Sen: "Next time I'll invite Lu Xiaolang to a big dinner."

Then Zhan Zhao hurried to the port.

Because five full-body armors were found last time, Alizee, the escaped oiran, has become one of Song's most wanted criminals.

The kind that must be caught.

Lu Sen, on the other hand, was wandering around. Now that the brothels in Hangzhou are almost done, he can no longer satisfy him.

He felt that if he wanted to get some more good 'character cards', he had to get acquainted with those people in the rivers and lakes, and chat with their female apprentices, or senior sisters and seniors.

It's just that I rashly go up to find someone's girl, and it's strange that I don't get kicked out by others.

You have to find an introducer to bring him into the circle first.

Zhan Zhao?

This person does have a high enough reputation in Jianghu, but not many Jianghu people are willing to 'play' with him.

How can soldiers and thieves play together!

Bai Yutang?Five mice, it's okay.

Lu Sen soon found out that he didn't even have a way to break into the Jianghu circle.

As we walked, the sky was getting dark, so Lu Sen found a nice looking restaurant nearby and went up to have dinner.

As a result, when I went up to the second floor, I saw a vote of Jianghu people sitting on it, and only a few diners who looked like ordinary Song people were sitting.

Lu Sen looked around, slightly surprised.

He really didn't know anything about the Jianghu circle in the Northern Song Dynasty, but there was someone he knew.

Ouyang Chun.

Ouyang Chun had passed by the hut he rented with his caravan, and Lu Sen was 'popular' by the surrounding people.

Be generous and loyal, help people see injustice, and so on!

In fact, the main reason is that Ouyang Chun's green eyes and purple beard are so recognizable.

Lu Sen looked at the bright face of the world number one, and immediately had an idea in his heart.

He walked to the corner, took out the lettuce and held it in his hands, then walked to the table where Ouyang Chun was sitting.

As Lu Sen got closer, Ouyang Chun and his three friends who were drinking with him all looked over.

Lu Sen clasped his fists and smiled: "Dare to ask, is it the Northern Hero Ouyang?"

Ouyang Chun slightly relaxed his vigilance and asked, "Young man, is there something wrong?"

"I heard that Ouyang's chivalry Bo Yuntian deeply admired him, so he came to see him specially." Lu Sen saw that their wine table was full of meat and vegetables, and there were few vegetarian dishes, and said, "It happened that I brought some of my own. Let's come, let's eat together."

Hangzhou is also an important economic center. In such a city, raw vegetables are not cheap, even more expensive than meat.

It's just that Lu Sen said that, the four people's vigilance became stronger.

This lettuce is not poisonous.

And what happened to this young man, he came up by himself.

Seems to be overzealous.

The four of them were a little unhappy, also felt a little troublesome, and wanted to chase people away.

Just as a hero, there are corresponding troubles.

If ordinary martial arts people see Lu Sen leaning over and don't like it, just say 'get out'.

But Ouyang Chun, as a northern warrior, is the number one master of righteousness in the world, and a person who can stand upright cannot collapse.So that kind of direct ignorance of people can't be shown casually.

However, Ouyang Chun is also someone who has seen the big scene. With a calm expression on his face, he folded his fists and smiled, "Thank you for your kindness. We have enough food here."

Lu Sen took a lettuce leaf and ate it, said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's not poisonous."

Ouyang Chun had no choice but to sigh helplessly and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, it's not because we don't trust you, it's just that people are in the arena. It's better to be more cautious."

"I think so too." Lu Sen sat down and said, "Actually, this time to see Hero Ouyang, there is another very important thing, I hope you can listen to it."

(End of this chapter)

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