This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 286 Seeing and Not Seeing

Chapter 286 Seeing and Not Seeing
This young man with the surname Yuan was born very mighty, and at first glance he was of Song blood, otherwise he wouldn't have grown so tall.

Having said that, none of the aristocratic families in Dongying, including the royal family, has any Northern Song blood.

Xuenv Liuyun covered half of her face with one sleeve, looked the man up and down for a while, and said, "Abe's family and my Lu family are just casual acquaintances, and there is no real alliance. Please retreat."

After staying with Lu Sen for a long time, Xue Nu lost her original hostility.

If it was the original Xuenv, seeing her people surrounded by so many soldiers, she would have used spells to kill people.

She spoke softly and very nicely.

As for the young Mu Ai, Yuan Laiyi looked at Xue Nu enthusiastically, and said softly: "Dare to ask the little lady's name!"

Now the two of them are talking in Song dialect, which is the most orthodox and elegant language among the nobles in Dongying.

Yuan Laiyi, as one of the descendants that the Yuan family focused on training, can speak fluent Song dialect, which is a reasonable thing.

"This has nothing to do with you." Xue Nu frowned and looked at the other party. She was originally from the Central Plains, and now she has returned to Hangzhou for a long time. "Once again, please withdraw your troops. If you can't leave before evening, you will bear the consequences yourself."

After speaking, Xue Nu floated up and flew back to the city wall.

Looking at the snow girl with fluttering feathers and flying in the air, Yuan Laiyi felt the mystery and beauty of the other party more and more.

"The mountain of Miaogushe is home to gods and men. His skin is like ice and snow, and his naoyue is like a virgin." Yuan Laiyi was a little fascinated, and he exclaimed: "It turns out that the master of heaven in the west did not tell lies. A woman so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off."

Xue Nu ignored Yuan Laiyi, she flew back to the city wall, sweating slightly.

Flying technique looks very elegant, but the actual spiritual energy consumption is the most famous among all fairy techniques.

She walked up to Lu Sen and said, "The people below are indeed from the Yuan family, and they seem to have a dispute with the Abe family."

Hearing this, the expressions of the two Dongying Miko sisters next to her changed drastically. The two of them stepped forward and asked, "Sister Xuenv, do you have any news?"

Snow Maiden shook her head.

Lu Sen looked at the two of them and said, "Go out and talk to them about what's going on. After all, we don't know Dongying very well, so you are the hosts."

Then Lu Sen looked at the several generals next to him: "Send a few people to protect them. If something happens to you, the safety of the few of you comes first. Kill if you can, and retreat if you can't. Don't lose our Heavenly Kingdom!" style."

When the leader of the family heard this, he grinned and said, "Don't worry, sir, we can save it."

After finishing speaking, the general walked up to the two witches, and said with a smile: "You two young ladies, please rest assured, we rough men will definitely protect you from any danger."

The two maidens hurriedly performed the Wanfu salute to express their gratitude.

After staying in the Lu family for so long, they naturally knew that the family generals were different from ordinary servants. They had a high internal family status, and they were as prosperous as the Lu family, and as they were, they were harmed by each other.

In essence, they are part of the Lu family.

Several people opened the entrance of the Dao Palace and walked out.

Lu Sen took out a table and a few chairs from the system backpack. Several people were standing on the city wall, drinking mead while looking down.

It's a form of protection. If something really happens, several of them have the ability to 'airborne' down to help.

At this time, Yuan Laiyi returned to the tent, hesitating endlessly.

The position of Admiral Ashgaru is not high, but if you count his identity as the son of Genji, it will be extraordinary.

Several generals stood beside Yuan Laiyi, watching Yuan Laiyi sighing from time to time, but also rejoicing from time to time.

They are very clear that their young master is Sichun.

But they also saw Xue Nu's appearance, not to mention son, these rough people are also very excited, but...even if they are excited, they dare not show it, who dares to grab a woman from the master.

"She said that this towering palace has nothing to do with the Abe family." Yuan Laiyi pondered for a long time and didn't know what to do. He turned his head and asked, "Do you think I should withdraw my troops to show my heart to this beauty?"

The generals of these clans said in unison: "Young master just decide."

Seeing that they didn't want to get involved, Yuan Laiyi got a little angry, and when he was about to curse a few words, he saw a confidant soldier coming in.

He said with some displeasure: "Now we are discussing an important battle, you dare to break in without reporting... If there is nothing important to tell me, go outside and kill yourself."

The confidant soldier immediately broke out in cold sweat, and stammered in fright: "Two witches came outside... said to be from Abe's family... and there are a few tall heavenly masters who want to talk to the young master...!"

Yuan Laiyi understood.

Is she going to talk to me?

He immediately rushed out of the tent excitedly, only to find that there were only two priestesses, so he felt a little disappointed, but then he found that these two priestesses were also very beautiful, and his disappointed mood suddenly returned.

"I heard you want to talk to me?" Minamoto Laiyi sized up the two priestesses, then shook his head slightly: "The priestess of Izumo Shrine? She is indeed a rare beauty, but she lacks etiquette, which is a pity."

At this time, in the etiquette of the Heianjing era in Japan, when a woman sees a man, she has to cover at least half of her face with her sleeve or fan.

That's what the snow girl did just now, but the two witches didn't, so Yuan Laiyi felt that the other party lacked aristocratic tutors.

Izumo Akuni just smiled and said: "We priestesses only serve gods and lords. Ordinary people are no different from animals in front of us. There is no need to cover up."

At this time, qian shou simply refers to poultry and beasts, without much derogatory connotation, and is still a neutral term.

Lai Yuanyi saw that the two Izumo witches were generous, and then looked at the generals who guarded them, all of them tall and powerful, with solemn expressions, and he knew that these two witches seemed to have quite a background.

So he restrained his arrogance a little, and said: "Please come to the tent and talk about it, we can have a good talk."

Izumo Akuni turned his head to look at the general next to him.

The leader will say lightly: "Don't worry, we are here."

Izumo Akuni looked back again, and there were a few vague figures on the towering city wall in the distance, who seemed to be looking at this side.

She suddenly settled down, smiled at Yuan Laiyi and said, "Then I will trouble General Yuan."

Minamoto Laiyi, as a samurai, had very sharp eyes. He saw Izumo Akuni's glance back, and he also looked over, and he could see three people standing on the city wall.

One man and two women... It's a pity that they are still too far away to see their faces clearly.

However, he is tall and has an extraordinary bearing. Is it really the case in the rumors?

He kept his composure, and brought Izumo Akuni and the others back to the Omiya camp.

A few dwarfs next to him came forward immediately, trying to disarm the generals.

But the generals would let people take away their weapons casually, and they pushed lightly, and those little dwarfs flew out backwards and rolled into a ball.

In the Heian-kyo period, noble families had the blood of the Northern Song Dynasty, and because of adequate nutrition, they generally grew taller.

But civilians are not good. Few of them are tall. The average height is only about 140cm, and they are thin and small.

As for the generals of the family, all of them are seven-foot men, and they eat and dress well in the Lu family, and they have enough resources for growth, so they are all good players.

Although there are many Japanese people around, they are confident. In a real fight, these little bean dings are not their opponents at all. It is not difficult to fight a bloody way out of the crowd.

Yuan Laiyi saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

A few generals next to him yelled and cursed, and stepped forward with great momentum, trying to support their own people.

But Minamoto Laiyi blocked them with his hand, and then said to Izumo Akuni with a smile: "Our people are ignorant, please don't take offense, please."

Izumo Ah Guo smiled, and led several generals into the tent.

The two sides knelt and sat on the bamboo mat according to priority.

Yuan Laiyi sat upright on his knees, his back seemed very stiff.

He smiled and asked, "Going out, the shrine is located deep in the mountains. Although our Yuan family has not found it yet, it is already narrowing the encirclement. So, are you two here to negotiate with us?"

Izumo Akuni took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, young master of the Minamoto family. For more than a year, I have lived in Shangguo in the west, and when I came back today, I found that you surrounded the Dao Palace. So Lang Jun asked me to come down and ask for clarification."

"Dao Palace?" Minamoto Laiyi was a little puzzled: "Since you already have Izumo Shrine, why did you build another Taoist Palace like this? And how did you build it? This is already a miracle. Do you really get it? Got the support of the Izumo country?”

This is the Izumo Kingdom, but the Izumo sisters know that the Izumo Kingdom that Minamoto Laiyi said refers to the legendary Izumo Kingdom.

Izumo Akuni smiled: "There is no problem if you think so. We have indeed found the divine master."

"The fairy who can fly in the sky before, is your divine master?" Yuan Laiyi's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously: "May I ask her name, or the name of a god."

"That's Sister Yuki." Izumo Akuni said flatly, "Our divine master is someone else."

Snow Maiden?

Yuan Laiyi was stunned, because according to the rumors, Xue Nu was a "violent monster", and the woman just now was wearing a neon dress and feathers. Although her face was half blocked, her eyes were big and energetic, full of aura, just looking at her figure , you know she is a peerless beauty.

Such a fairy is a snow girl?

Could this be the true appearance of the rumored Snow Maiden?
"Let's not talk about the matter of the God Lord, and it's not the purpose of our sisters coming here." Seeing Minamoto Laiyi's expression of seeing a ghost, Izumo Akuni continued: "You Genji's army surrounded our Dao Palace, where did you come from? Depend on?"

"Little lady, you really don't know?" Yuan Laiyi was slightly surprised.

Izumo Akuni shook his head.

"That would be a little troublesome to say."

Minamoto Laiyi smiled, and I have to say that he is quite charismatic and charismatic.

Next, he explained the general situation of the matter.

It turns out that nearly a year ago, Genji and Abe had a conflict...or they already had a big conflict.

Now it is fully aroused, Genji has completely defeated Abe, and now Abe has entered the situation of fleeing around.

And the Heike family... also had a big rift with Genji because of this.

"Now only the Izumo country is left and we haven't searched it completely." Minamoto Laiyi smiled a little complacently: "Although the Heike family is helping you, the far water can't save the thirsty near. Miko, if you are willing to take The rest of Abe handed over, and I can guarantee that the Izumo Shrine will be safe and sound."

Although Genji was in the limelight, he was unwilling to offend these people who served the gods.

It turned out to be the case.

Izumo Akuni nodded, she stood up, and said, "I thought it was something. It turned out to be just a struggle for power among the common people."

Lai Yuanyi looked at Izumo Akuni, a little puzzled.

He didn't understand why Izumo Akuni, after hearing the news, was still so calm and not agitated at all.

"As I said just now, as witches, we have already found the divine master and serve him, so we are no longer members of the Izumo family, let alone the Abe family." Izumo Akuni saluted slightly and said: " Therefore, whether it is the safety of the Izumo Shrine or the ordinary affairs of the Abe family, it has nothing to do with my sisters. The young master of the Minamoto family, although this Taoist palace is located in the Izumo country, it has nothing to do with the Abe family. Izumo Shrine has nothing to do with it, please retreat."

Hearing this, several generals next to him immediately stood up with a bang, pointed at Izumo Akuni and cursed.

"Little girl, how dare you talk to our young master like that?"

"How can a mere city wall stop our Yuan family's army? If you are wise, open the city gate quickly and turn against us."

"Two witches and a snow demon dared to be enemies with the army, and they became impatient."

The voices of several generals were very loud, as is the case with Dongying people, who like to shout loudly to boost their momentum.

But in fact, people will feel very 'virtual' and artificial when they look at it.

Several generals stepped forward to protect the two Izumo sisters, and their weapons were half unsheathed.

The atmosphere between the two parties was extremely cold, and it seemed that an explosion was imminent.

But at this moment, Yuan Laiyi suddenly stretched out his hand, and with one movement, all the generals beside him became quiet.

He looked at Izumo Akuni and asked, "Is your divine master allowed to meet people?"

There are so many gods, ghosts and ghosts in Dongpu, each with its own rules, it's annoying to death.

Some 'divine masters' just don't want to meet people.

Or not being able to meet people.

"Of course the divine master can appear in front of people." Izumo Ah Guo smiled and raised his head high: "But the young master of the Yuan family, why can you see our divine master?"

"Thousands of troops, see or not?"

"Can't see you."

"What about the family status of the Yuan family?"

"I can't see you either!"

Minamoto Laiyi thought for a while, and then said: "And what about the emperor in Heian capital? What about the site where the Yin Yin masters are fighting against each other?"

"Huh?" Izumo Akuni was stunned.

If it was ordinary power and wealth, she naturally knew that Lu Sen didn't care.

This involved religious beliefs, so she didn't dare to help Lu Sen make up his mind.

She took a deep breath: "Perhaps, I can talk to the Almighty. As for whether he will see you, I can't guarantee it."

"It's okay, as long as you tell him, it's fine. I'll wait."

Yuan Laiyi smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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