Chapter 283
Xu Yan's voice can be said to be extremely tragic, and people can't help but feel compassion after hearing it.

Yaoyao and Kunkun were not very old at first, but they were quite kind-hearted, and they felt even more uncomfortable when they heard it.

However, they remembered Lu Sen's teachings, to see and think more about everything, but not to express opinions at will.

Therefore, seeing Xu Yan's behavior, the two endured the pain in their hearts, took two steps back, and then were surrounded by a group of yamen servants, and left quickly.

After Yaoyao and Kunkun left, Lu Huiqing walked up to Xu Yan, snorted coldly and said, "You are clever and know how to ask for help. If those two asked, maybe I would really let you go, but it's a pity... Master Lu put you They were well taught what to do and what not to do."

Xu Yan raised his head and looked at Lu Huiqing fiercely: "Don't be complacent, you will always be punished for killing and viciously."

"Retribution?" Lu Huiqing laughed: "Before, I also thought that if Master Lu asked me to clean up you, it might shake people's hearts, but now you look around, but someone is pleading for you people, and they want you to die!"

Xu Yan looked around subconsciously. At this time, there were many people watching the theater. They were dressed in tatters and looked numb, but they could always see excitement and pleasure after venting their resentment from their eyes.

Then his body became cold and he shivered subconsciously.

With the liquidation of the 'nobles' one by one, the law and order in Dingzhou City improved greatly.

Especially the Han people, the cohesion is getting higher and higher.

And a small number of original Xixia people didn't have much opinion.

Although they are the one being discriminated against now, their real life is better than that under the Xixia people's rule.

It's no big deal to be scolded a few times, but every time the government liquidates a "noble man", it will take out part of the confiscated grain and distribute it to the poor, and treat them equally, whether they are Han people or Xixia people.

As a result, Dingzhou, which was originally turbulent, became more and more stable.

After more than two months, the area of ​​Dingzhou has almost completely stabilized.

Lu Huiqing finished today's case file, rubbed her face, and then looked at the two girls, Yaoyao and Kunkun, leaving the government office full of vitality, not at all like they had worked hard for a day.

Then he shook his head helplessly, thinking that his spirit was not as strong as the two little ladies.

Yaoyao and Kunkun arrived at a manor not far from the government office, and then saw Lu Sen chatting with Di Qing.

This manor was originally surnamed 'Li', but almost all the adult men in this family were beheaded, and the women and children were exiled to Jingdong Road.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to let them go back to the vicinity of Bianliang and find a place to live again.

This is the benevolence of the laws of the Song Dynasty.

Then the vacant Li Mansion became a temporary 'coach camp'.

Di Qing drank his tea and said, "Now the big gangsters near Helan Mountain have almost been wiped out, but the small gangs of horse bandits and those elusive martial artists are quite troublesome. Can Master Lu have a solution?"

Lu Sen said with a smile: "The new army trained by Marshal Mu is almost ready to take shape, and then let her give you some manpower."

"There is a way." Di Qing thought for a while, and asked, "When will Master Lu send his troops north again, or move to Xiliang?"

"At least until next year." Lu Sen sighed and said, "I have a bad habit. I have to take good care of the things I pick up in the bowl. Helan Mountain is the place where Diyi started, and it's also a place to raise horses. , we have firmly occupied it for hundreds of years, thousands of years, and there will be almost no twists and turns in the northwest."

Di Qing thought for a while and said, "I understand what Master Lu means."

"And if there are no accidents, it is estimated that the military commander of Baimaqiang Town in the north may come to test our strength soon."

Hearing this, Di Qing smiled and said, "Just leave this matter to me. I have always wanted to touch the main force of the Xixia people in the north."

"Well, I'll leave it to General Di." Lu Sen said with a smile, "If there's anything you need to do about ordnance logistics, feel free to mention it."

After all, Di Qing left excitedly. Judging by his appearance, he had been holding back for a long time, and he wanted to find someone to fight for a long time.

In fact, it was mainly made too disgusting by those wandering Jianghu people. The terrain here in Xixia is complicated, and it is very difficult for a large army to hunt down small groups with strong mobility.If you want to fight but can't catch up, you can't catch up, buzzing around like a fly, which is extremely annoying.

After seeing Di Qing leave, Yaoyao and Kunkun trotted over, and they happily asked, "Master, we're done with today's work, let's go for a walk around the city together."

Women, they all love shopping.

Lu Sen shook his head: "You two go, and then call your Mrs. Jinhua."

"Master isn't going?"

"I have to sit here, it's not suitable to walk around."

"Master doesn't need to work much, just sit and drink tea every day." Kunkun said coquettishly, "Just hang out with us."

At this time, Yang Jinhua turned out from the backyard, and she said: "You two girls, don't bother your master, the three of us just go shopping."

"But wouldn't it be better to call the master?" Kunkun said with some frustration.

"Don't look at the official sitting every day, his importance is much higher than all of us." Yang Jinhua pulled the two little girls away, and explained at the same time: "It's like the head of the family. You don’t have to do anything at home, just sit there and drink tea, and the whole family can settle down without chaos.”

The two girls seemed to understand but not understand.

In fact, although Yang Jinhua's metaphor is more vivid, there are still some differences.

Now whether it is Mu Guiying, Di Qing, or even Lu Huiqing, they can do things freely because of Lu Sen here.

All the pressure and all the criticisms were resisted by Lu Sen.

This kind of pressure is very heavy, both inside and outside, and other people can't resist it, and they can't face it directly.

Once Lu Sen leaves Dingzhou, no matter how powerful Di Qing is on the battlefield, Tian Zhen will feel his hands tied when he fights with the commander of Baima Qiang Town in the north.

Don't dare to use too much force.

The meaning of Lu Sen's sitting here and not moving is also very simple, that is, to tell everyone who has their eyes on this place, and to convey a meaning: I am watching Dingzhou, don't mess around!
Not long after the three women left, Bai Yutang came again.

His face became much clearer, and he was also very energetic: "Really Lu, I have learned a little bit, and finally understand the difference between mundane Qi training and Xianjia Qi training."

Bai Yutang is also quite qualified, although he is far inferior to Yaoyao and Kunkun, but with the help of the Reiki Brick, he managed to find the secret to practice.

"Congratulations." Lu Sen clasped his fists together, "Brother Bai will find a place with beautiful mountains and green waters and practice hard."

"This matter is postponed for the time being. Next, I have to go to the warriors of Xixia to make gestures."

Lu Sen was stunned for a moment, looked at the other party steadily, and then said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Bai."

Bai Yutang didn't say a word, he just clasped his fists together and left.

He said it was a gesture, but he was actually trying to help Lu Sen solve the problems of those Xixia warriors.

If it is an ordinary person, once they have the cultivation method and the spiritual energy brick, they will hide it long ago, and it will be strange if they don't practice until the end of time.

But Bai Yutang was different, he valued loyalty and wanted to repay his kindness.

There was no one around, Lu Sen was very bored, and started sipping tea again, reading the past case files, each case as a story.

It feels like a civil servant who is about to retire in the future.

Seven days later, Mu Guiying came over with a smile on her face: "Sen'er, I have already trained those people like soldiers. Next, they should be able to fight."

Lu Sen took out the military order that he had prepared earlier, and then took out the tiger talisman in the system backpack, stamped it, and said, "Let Marshal Mu take care of those grasshoppers that are jumping around on the ground. "

Looking at the military order in his hand, Mu Guiying smiled happily: "I have the feeling of dreaming back to the time when I was not married. I was also like this back then. I brought a group of brothers and sisters from the village to fight in the rivers and lakes. Until I met Zongbao."

She was full of nostalgia, then sighed and left.

The previous excitement was a little less.

Then, Mu Guiying led this group of trained 'special forces', and within two months, killed all the horse bandits and villains near Helan Mountain, and his heart was trembling.

Greatly stabilized the law and order in the Helan Mountain area.

Even the prestige of these people has spread to Khitan and Song, because this new army has a habit of wearing red belts behind their weapons, so they are also called "Red Satin Army" by outsiders, but their official name is actually It is 'Tiger Wing Camp'.

Like a tiger with wings added!

When Lu Sen was sitting in the town and passing Helan Mountain, the situation on Khitan's side was also quite interesting.

Whether it is the 'Xiao' country or the original Khitan country, there is a temporary balance.

The two sides are attacking and defending each other, but the territory has not expanded or decreased for the time being.

In the Linhuang Imperial Palace, Yelu Hongji was coughing all the time, he couldn't help covering it with his hands, but then he managed to stop the cough, and when he stretched out his hand, there was a piece of bright red blood scum in his palm.

He took a deep breath, with a dark expression on his face.

At this time, the father-in-law standing beside him saw it, and turned pale with fright, and shouted in a sharp voice: "It's not good, the emperor is coughing up blood again, hurry up and let the imperial doctor come over."

After a while, the imperial doctor hurried over, and after taking Yelu Hongji's pulse, they all prostrated themselves on the ground.

Yelu Hongji said: "Can't I stop my coughing up blood?"

"Your majesty, this is a wind-heat syndrome caused by excessive fatigue." One of the imperial doctors said, "Weigan decoction can be cured, but your majesty, if you don't rest and sleep for less than two hours a day, this disease will flare up quickly." If there is a relapse, there is nothing we can do."

In fact, Yelu Hongji was just suffering from common pneumonia. For people in ancient times at this time, this kind of pneumonia would be fatal, but for high-ranking officials and nobles, as long as they hire a doctor with some experience, they can be cured.

But Yelu Hongji couldn't help but not sleep much.

He smiled wryly, waved his hand and said, "Go down and decoct the medicine."

Several imperial doctors breathed a sigh of relief and retreated.

Next to the desk was the bed. Yelu Hongji walked over and lay down for a while, but couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. Looking at the sky outside, it seemed that it was already dawn, so he stood up, put on some clothes casually, Said: "Go to prepare the dragon chariot, take Captain Zhou and two hundred forbidden troops with you, I will go to Xiao Mansion."

The father-in-law went to do it immediately.

About half an hour later, Yelu Hongji left the palace and came to Xiao's mansion.

Let the forbidden army protect Xiao's mansion, and he went straight into it, and saw the little 'Xianjia Resort'.

In the faint morning light, across a wooden fence, there are beautiful flowers and plants, as well as flying butterflies.

This is the beautiful scenery only in the south of the Central Plains, but it can also appear here.

He coughed and shouted, "Queen, I'm here to see you."

After a while, there was a sound from inside, the small wooden house creaked and pushed open, and Xiao Rongrong, who was wearing a long coat, came out.

She has neither dressed nor washed, but in this way, there is a pure beauty of a woman's nature.

Yelu Hongji looked a little dazed, but in fact he hadn't seen his queen for nearly half a year.

"Your Majesty, what wind brought you here?" Xiao Rongrong opened the wooden door of the fence, and smiled neither humble nor humble: "And it's still early in the morning."

Yelu Hongji was a little embarrassed, he said as he walked in, "I'm in the palace, I can't sleep, so I wanted to come to you to try."

As soon as he entered it, he felt relaxed all over his body, and he didn't know if it was an illusion or it really had such a miraculous effect.

Xiao Rongrong was a little surprised, she wanted to refuse, but seeing Yelu Hongji's tired face, dark circles under his eyes, she couldn't help but soften her heart, and said: "Then please go into the small room and lie down."

Yelu Hongji heaved a sigh of relief, in fact he was still a little afraid of the other party's rejection.

The wooden bed in the hut is very small, just enough to sleep alone.

Yelu Hongji couldn't wait to lie down, and within a short time, he fell asleep, and then began to snore lightly.

Xiao Rongrong shook her head helplessly, she sat on the chair outside and sat quietly, she felt a sense of peace.

Then she looked into the hut, heard the man's snoring, and couldn't help muttering: "It would be great if it could be like this for the rest of my life."

After all, a one-night couple, a hundred days of grace, women are more in love, and it is not so easy to forget their own men.

Yeluhong basically wanted to sleep longer, but less than two hours later, a father-in-law rushed over and said to Xiao Rongrong through the fence: "Madam, can you wake up the emperor, something serious happened."

Xiao Rongrong was very aware of the importance of state affairs, she immediately went into the small room and woke Yelu Hongji up.

Yelu Hongji who woke up was a little unhappy.

For more than half a year, he managed to fall asleep once, and he was woken up before he had slept enough, feeling a little angry and irritable.

But Xiao Rongrong said: "The prince is outside, he said to inform the emperor about important matters."

Yelu Hongji got up immediately, he knew very well that the prince would not dare to wake himself up like this if there was no real big event.

So he got up in a hurry and returned to the palace with the guards.

Not long after Yelu Hongji left, those women came, and they brought a lot of food and fun things as usual.

A group of women are having a good time here.

But a woman found a gap and asked, "Empress Xiao, Master Lu has already conquered Dingzhou in Xixia. When do you think he will come here and pick you up?"

Ok?Xiao Rongrong was a little puzzled.

"At that time, sister, please don't forget about my younger sister. You must take your younger sister and leave together to serve Master Lu."

Hmmmm?Xiao Rongrong was so frightened that she almost became stupid, why suddenly... this kind of situation happened?
(End of this chapter)

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