This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 270 It's time to show the real technique

Chapter 270 It's time to show the real technique
Theodora left happily holding the silk.

She felt that Lu Sen's ability to present such a valuable thing to herself proved that her reputation and prestige were indeed acceptable.

Even though her appearance is old and her youth is no longer, she is still the noble purple person who was born!
If the emperors of China are quite golden, then the royal family of the Roman Empire prefers purple.

So the purple room refers to the real royal family members.

Domenico also followed, his expression a little envious.

Although he already had a bolt of silk himself, who would mind a few more?
It's just that when I think that if I complete the task given by the Great Master of the East, not only can I get more silk, but also get the legendary Eastern magic elixir, I feel happy when I think about it.

After waiting for these people to leave, Alizee asked with a smile: "Mr. Lang, didn't you say that you don't like the title 'Longtuge direct bachelor'? It's still used after all."

"When I go out, I personally represent not only myself, but also the race behind me." Lu Sen said helplessly: "At home, I can make troubles as much as I want, but when I go out, I have to keep my manners and don't give up on myself. shame."

Blinking her eyes in surprise, Alizee was a little surprised.

In her eyes, Lu Sen didn't say he was rebellious, but at least he didn't care about world affairs and didn't care about other people's opinions.But he didn't expect that he actually cared about the image of the entire group.

But then she immediately felt a little guilty: "Mr. Lang, according to what you say, I'm not embarrassing to Semuren."

Hearing this, Lu Sen couldn't laugh or cry.

Leaving aside the word 'Semuren', which has a certain derogatory meaning, she is actually worried about the image of her ethnic group.

Does Semuren have an image in the eyes of Northern Song people?

Lu Sen looked at Alizee's beautiful blue eyes, and said with a smile, "You are from Song Dynasty now, and you have a household registration."

Oh yes!

Alizee was happy immediately, and didn't feel guilty anymore, and happily continued to go out to find other Assassin's troubles.

It's just that not long after she left the manor, two Roman light shield guards wearing brown leather armor and daggers stopped her.

Alizee frowned slightly, and pressed her hand on the hilt of her waist.

"Please don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions." One of the soldiers looked very calm. He felt Alizee's vigilance and a touch of murderous intent, and quickly said, "His Royal Highness Princess Theodora is here to invite you."

your Highness?

Alizee thought about a lot for a moment, but then she looked at the little golden monkey standing on her shoulder, and her confidence immediately surged.

She was confident that no matter what situation she encountered, she could escape the danger, so she said, "Please take me to see Your Highness the Princess."

"Please follow."

Not long after, Alizee met Her Royal Highness Princess Theodora in the most luxurious guest room of the Governor's Mansion.

The ground was covered with a soft bearskin blanket, and Her Royal Highness sat on a chair. When she saw Alizee, she smiled and said, "In Rome, you are the second most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"Who is the most beautiful?" Alizee couldn't help asking.

At this moment, Theodora was a little surprised. She was surprised that this girl who didn't look like a nobleman dared to ask herself a question, which was rare.

Ordinary citizens have always had to bow their heads and listen to instructions.

After being slightly surprised for a while, Theodora smiled: "Of course it was me when I was young."

Alizee is dumbfounded!
She did hear that Theodora was a great beauty when she was young, and at the same time was extremely narcissistic, and ordinary men could not look down on her at all.

Originally, Theodora could become the queen directly after marrying a certain important person, but she thought he was ugly, so she refused to die!

So later this marriage was topped by her sister, who became the queen, this is the quite famous Queen Zoe.

Then she suffered the loss of her high self-esteem.

Queen Zoe was jealous of her and imprisoned her in the monastery for more than ten years.

The best years are gone at that time!

So Theodora regretted it very much. She always thought that her most beautiful self did not appear in front of the world, which was a waste and a sin.

She wants to restore her youth and beauty more urgently than ordinary women!
Alizee was a little unconvinced at first, but thinking that the other party looked old, and she was young and beautiful, why bother with her, Yingying made a million blessing ceremony and said: "Indeed, Her Royal Highness is the most beautiful woman in the Roman Empire." !"

At this time, Alizee acted like a good girl, she just said that the other party was the number one beauty in the Roman Empire, and that didn't count Song Guo.

If counted, it would be difficult for the other party to rank as the tenth most beautiful woman.

The main ones are the women in Lang Jun's family, they are really beautiful and have a lot of temperament.

Hearing what Alizee said, Theodora was very satisfied, and she liked the other party's wit.

"The etiquette you performed just now is an oriental etiquette?"


"You are already from the Song Dynasty?" Theodora asked curiously: "Is it difficult to become an Oriental?"

"Yes, it's very difficult." Alizee said quite complacently: "If it wasn't for the help of my husband... the master, I would have no chance at all."

"You are a rare beauty, your master must love you very much."

At this time, Theodora was very envious. She envied the other party's youth, the other party's vitality, and the other party's freedom to walk around.

Unlike her, who was imprisoned when she was young, she still has to run for power now.

Alizee shook her head and said, "Master never touched me."

"He's not interested in women?" Theodora asked with a smile.

"No, the master has three wives." Alizee shrugged helplessly: "He is very loyal to his wife, and he will not do anything to other women casually."

"Having three wives is still called loyalty?" Theodora asked puzzled.

"Because his three wives were all married back, conforming to the laws and rules of the Eastern Song Dynasty." Alizee sighed helplessly: "The master values ​​and respects his three wives very much, without the permission of the three of them, The master will not touch women outside casually."

"As expected of an Oriental, what a strange idea." Theodora clicked his tongue.

Alizee would like to say that the customs here are even more strange to the oriental people. There is nothing to say about oriental men marrying two or three more wives. A bunch of people messing around.

She now considers herself a Song person, and naturally she can't understand the customs of the Roman Empire.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Theodora continued to ask: "Your master looks very young, he must be over 16 years old. If you are so young, you can be a grand master or a mage. It must be passed down from generation to generation. Noble blood."

"Actually, the master is already 23 years old." Alizee laughed.

Lu Sen's real age cannot be tested, but on the system interface, it shows that he is 23 years old.

When he came to Time and Space in Northern Song Dynasty, the system helped him reshape his body. Now more than five years have passed, and he is naturally 23 years old.

Thanks to the credit of the system, as well as the nourishment of fruit and honey, etc., he has never seen his appearance before, and he still looks the same.

Westerners are generally precocious, and Lu Sen looks very young, so Theodora mistakenly thinks that Lu Sen is not very old.

With such a high status at such a young age, there is no other possibility other than being born noble.

Only when she heard that Lu Sen was 23 years old, Theodora's eyes moved.

Men in the Roman Empire, when they were 23 years old, were almost all rough men with stubble and thick chest hair. There were almost no men like Lu Sen who were smooth and smooth, but possessed the masculinity.

She couldn't help asking: "It seems that Master Lu is very good at maintaining his youth."

Alizee smiled and said, "The master is a mage, so he naturally has his own way."

"Then how old are you?"


When Lu Sen first met Alizee, she was only 16 years old!

She was already a top Asa at the age of 14, and she worked hard at the age of 15. She accepted Hassan's order at the age of [-], and it took nearly a year to travel from the Silk Road to the Northern Song Dynasty.

"But you only look like eighteen!" Theodora looked at the other party with fixed eyes: "Your master can also help you maintain your youth?"


Theodora narrowed her eyes and smiled, she had already noticed something unusual.

After all, Alizee is just an Assassin. Although she is very good at managing expressions, she doesn't have much experience in verbal confrontation.

What Theodora asked was "whether Lu Sen will help Alizee maintain her youth", and Alizee's answer was only "the master will not help me", rather than denying that "the master can help others maintain youth".

After all, she is the princess who was tricked back then, and she is also an old woman with a lot of eyes. It is impossible for this little girl, Alizee, to compare with her in this respect.

"That is to say, your master really knows how to restore a woman's youth?" Theodora smiled happily, with blazing flames burning in her eyes.

Alizee shook her head quickly and said, "Master will not maintain youth."

"I see." Theodora waved his hand: "You can go."

Alizee still wanted to say something, but she also knew that it was impossible for the other party to believe what she said.

Rather, the current Theodora only believes in her own judgment.

Depressed, Alizee left the governor's mansion. She returned to the manor, told what happened, and then said: "Mr. .”

Lu Sen laughed dumbly: "It's okay, I don't want to reveal that I have flat peaches because I don't want to be troublesome, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble. Besides...Princess Theodora knows, it may not be a bad thing."

"So I have nothing to do with your husband."

"No, go ahead and do your own thing, don't care about these details."

"Okay." Alizee saluted and left happily.

As Lu Sen said, there is no need to care about the details.No one's plan is perfect, even Zhuge Liang missed several times.

Therefore, any plan should not be too complicated and detailed. There must be a backup plan, which is likely to improve the fault tolerance of the plan, so that there is a possibility of correction.

But now, Theodora knew that she had the means to restore her youth, so she had to consider some changes.

The unilateral intelligence collection by the Governor of Venice turned into a two-strong alliance between him and Her Royal Highness, and then multi-polar assistance?
The reason why Lu Sen stayed here for one more month was simply to wait for the banquet, and then he took the opportunity to meet more 'friends', in order to induce others to help find news about the whale disease and the hibiscus tree.

And Theodora's appearance, as well as the other party's "desire", made Lu Sen have new considerations.

The Governor of Venice also said before that this Theodora has a chance to become a queen. If she becomes a queen, as long as she can satisfy her current "desire", wouldn't she be able to mobilize the entire Eastern Roman Empire to help her? ?
As for using the entire country to do this, will it cost the Eastern Roman Empire a lot of money... What does this matter to Lu Sen, a Song native!

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Sen felt that this idea should indeed be feasible.

On Alizee's side, when she went out to the manor, she wandered around the city on a 'gondola' boat.

After all, it is a city on water, the main means of transportation in Venice is the boat, and the main 'road' is also the waterway.

She wandered around for a while, and finally saw a sign faintly outside the wall of a shop by the river. She ran from the boat to the street, and walked straight down following the sign's instructions.

After turning many turns, she came to an uninhabited alley, and after walking a few hundred meters, there was an open terrain in front of her, and an old manor appeared in front of her eyes.

Alizee felt something was wrong and was about to leave, when suddenly four men in gray hoods appeared behind her, their faces hidden in the shadow of the hats.

The iron gate of the manor directly in front of it opened with a croak, and four men dressed in the same attire came out, and behind these four men, an old man in a white robe appeared.

The other party showed his face very openly, he stopped about ten meters away from Alizee, and smiled kindly: "Alizee, I didn't think you were really in Venice."

"Hassan!" Alizee took a deep breath, "I didn't expect you to come to Venice in person."

"A great nobleman from the east, and a mage." The old man named Hassan smiled heartily, "It's another gathering of great Roman nobles. Such a grand event is estimated to be rare in two or three hundred years. If If we don't come, we will miss it!"

When Hassan was speaking, Alizee couldn't help but look around, looking for a way to escape.

"Look into my eyes, kid." Hassan continued, "The eight elite members of the organization, plus the old man, you have no chance of escaping."

Alizee looked back at Hassan and asked, "Then Hassan, are you here for the banquet, or for the great nobles in the East?"

"A great nobleman in the East? Shouldn't you call him master?" Hassan smiled pointedly, "It doesn't matter if you betrayed me. If you just stay in the East and don't come back, I can't do anything about you, but why are you Why do you want to come back with your new master? Or, do you think you can escape our pursuit by returning to Rome, the land bestowed by the Lord?"

"Hassan, what would you think if I said yes?" Alizee put her left hand on the little monkey on her shoulder and smiled smugly.

"You are probably deluded by the devil!"

"No!" Alizee's body began to emit golden light: "It's the real god who gave me new power, transformation."

(End of this chapter)

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