This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 242 Su Shi is coming to Hangzhou

Chapter 242 Su Shi is coming to Hangzhou
Lu Sen walked over, and Lu Xianxian put a book in front of his eyes.

There is a clear contrast between the slender fingers and the slightly yellowed book, which further highlights the cleanliness and transparency of the vixen's fingers.

Lu Sen's eyes fell from the other party's fingertips to the book, and he saw "Jang Lin's Travel Notes on Famous Places" written on the cover.

Taking the book from the fox's hand, Lu Sen opened it.

There is a small preface at the beginning, 'Rang Lin' is the author of the book, and the so-called scenic spots refer to various small worlds.

The first place of interest recorded by this person named Rang Lin was Kunlun.

Kuncang is also a sect of practice, but they have long been hidden in the world, and they will never step into the mortal world unless necessary.

And this Rang Lin was fortunate to stay in Kunlun Middle School for a few days as a guest.

It is mentioned in the book that there are flying fairies in Kunlun who are as beautiful as Qingqiu fox... When Lu Xianxian saw this line of words, her little mouth pouted, and then she snorted softly to show her disdain.

It's ridiculous that there are people in the world who dare to compete with Qingqiuhu in beauty!
Then the next part of the book is to praise the magnificent buildings in Kunlun, which is worthy of a practice school that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Because he only stayed for a few days, 'Rang Lin' did not describe much about Kunlun, only four pages or so.

It is also mentioned that he climbed Kunlun in the northwest of the Central Plains, the most snowy peak in the world.

The No. [-] Snow Peak in Northwest China?

Lu Sen thought of a Xuefeng that almost everyone in later generations had heard of.

And Lu Xianxian was also stunned: "Yaoguang Mountain?"

Lu Sen turned to look at her: "Who are you talking about Yaoguang Mountain?"

The two were quite close at this moment, Lu Sen turned his head and saw the fox's clean face.

Lu Xianxian gently plucked the black hair around her ears, and said, "I have never been to Yaoguang Mountain, but I heard from Grandma Daji that Yaoguang Mountain is the highest mountain in the world. It's not that cold, and there is a white strange beast named 狌狌, which is good at eating and walking."

The strange fragrance on her body seemed to be stronger.

Subconsciously, Lu Sen tilted his head back a little, so as not to get too close to the other party. He compared the two information for a while, and felt that Yaoguang Mountain should be the "Himalayas" as later generations called it. After all, there were rumors of white snow monsters in the Himalayas before.

The entrance of Kunlun Mountain is in the Himalayas?
This is a bit exaggerated.

But thinking about it, it doesn't seem surprising.Hundreds of years ago, spiritual energy was abundant, and practitioners were all regarded as "little supermen". For ordinary people, the insurmountable natural danger, the severe cold and heat that can kill people, to them, it is estimated that the breeze in spring Let it rain.

At least now I am not too afraid of severe cold and scorching heat, let alone successful practitioners.

Next, fellow Taoist 'Rang Lin' went to Shushan, Tianjimen and other schools of practice.

Among them, Shushan is particularly admired. At least half of the words in a book are touting the Shushan School, which is worthy of being the No. 1 school in the world, much stronger than those hidden schools.

There is no mention of the 'Tianchi' practice sect.

Lu Sen closed the book and said with a smile: "It's a good start. I found the location of Kunlun so quickly. I think we should be able to find the location of Tianchi soon."

Seeing that Lu Sen was happy, Lu Xianxian also smiled.

Then the two separated and continued to read the books in the Sutra Pavilion.

However, the luck of the three people seemed to be like this. It took them four days to search through all the books on the first and second floors, but none of them found the information they wanted.

It's not that the place 'Tianchi' has not been mentioned, but it has not been pointed out where it is.

And based on the content of 'Tianchi' mentioned in several of the books, it is such a concept.

Tianchi is a purely male practice sect, and even discriminates against female practitioners a bit, and the race is mixed, there are Central Plains people, Semu people and so on.

The most outrageous thing is that this sect seems to be outside the Central Plains, but the exact location is not clear.

After extracting this information, Lu Sen was a little dazed.

He also knows a 'Tianchi', but it is clear that this Tianchi is not the other Tianchi.

Why is Tianchi outside the Central Plains?
This was something Lu Sen couldn't understand. If it was within the Central Plains, it would be easy to locate Qingqiu's current location, but outside the Central Plains, it would be troublesome.

Even if the location of Tianchi is known, there will be a large error when determining the coordinates.

All three sighed and bid farewell to Rong Yuan.

"Isn't Master Lu staying for more time?" Rong Yuan sat cross-legged and asked calmly, "We can talk to each other."

Rong Yuan is telling the truth, in fact, she really wants to know how Lu Sen's 'artifact making' technique works.

Especially the rumored Dongfu technique is definitely not simple.

It is completely different from the current practice system.

It's just that Lu Sen knows his own business, and the system's capabilities are none of his business.He evaded and said: "I'm really sorry, Master Rongyuan Mountain, we still have some urgent matters to deal with, and we will definitely come to visit Lishan again after we finish the processing."

Now that Lu Sen had said that, Rong Yuan could only nod regretfully.

Then let his apprentice Qin Cailu send the three of them out of the mountain.

After a while, Qin Cailu came back, and Honghong did her own work, and sat down in front of Rongyuan.

Rong Yuan, who was still meditating with eyes closed just now, opened his eyes and asked, "Hong Hong, is there any sign that they went up to the third floor."

"I checked, no. They are indeed gentlemen, and they haven't set foot on the third floor."

Rong Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that my judgment is not wrong, Master Lu is indeed the same."

Qin Cailu couldn't help asking: "Why did the master specially test Lu Zhenren's heart?"

"Testing? I was forced to do nothing." Rong Yuan laughed at himself: "Of course, if you say that I was testing him, it can barely count. Two months ago, an elder from Tianjimen came to worship the mountain, and the master received him. This person mentioned Mr. Lu, saying that he is a villain with duplicity. He also said that Mr. Lu will come to Lishan Mountain in a month or two, and maybe he will do something to us. Now it seems that it is their mouth It's a lie."

Secret door?
Qin Cailu and Hong Hong looked at each other.

They have heard about the Tianjimen.

Apart from the Shushan School, the other sects are also well-known decent sects.

It is said that before the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exhausted, Lishan faction and Tianjimen were allied, but after the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exhausted, they probably thought of how to save themselves, so they broke off contact.

"I don't really believe it. If Master Lu is not what he is, he would have killed us all in Lishan last time and seized the treasure." Rong Yuan laughed: "So Tianjimen is a deception We, they must have a grudge with Lu Zhenren, and want to drive us to play forward."

Qin Cailu couldn't help snorting: "This Tianjimen is really hateful."

"There is a hibiscus tree in the Tianji Gate, which is a treasure of heaven and earth, much stronger than our mountains and fires." Rong Yuan showed a rather envious expression, and then snorted: "Fortunately, we also took it from Master Lu. When it comes to the fetish that can provide spiritual energy transfer, although it is still not as good as the Tianjimen, it should be enough to protect the mountain gate."

Hong Hong's personality is relatively straight, she couldn't help but said: "Master, we just put up with it like this? Tianjimen is pointing at our noses and calling us idiots."

"No hurry, no hurry." Rong Yuan's expression looked a little cold: "After our Jingyang Kungfu gets stronger, we arrange a large formation to cover the sky, and after the calculation of the gate of heaven is covered, we can be with them slowly." It’s slow to settle accounts.”

The Lishan sect has never been a very kind sect, otherwise an organization dominated by women would not be able to survive in the cruel practice world.



On Lu Sen's side, he drove the aircraft around the city of Xi'an, and found that the Song army was chasing the Xixia army.

He immediately smiled and said: "As expected of General Di, the few defeated the many, and the weak defeated the strong! The history books will definitely record this great victory in the future."

Yang Jinhua lay prone on the glass cover, watching with relish.

After all, she is a child of generals, and it is an instinct imprinted in her bones that she likes to watch such scenes.

Lu Xianxian took a few glances and lost interest. She lightly parted her red lips and asked, "Mr. Lang, the Lishan faction has lost their clues. Where should we go to find news about Tianchi?"

"I don't know either. The Tianji Sect may know, but we can't ask them."

Lu Xianxian nodded, it was indeed.

The Tianjimen wanted to eat her flesh and drink her blood. If Lu Sen went to beg them, the terms and conditions of these people must be to offer the 'fox spirit'.

There is no need to think about it.

"Besides Tianjimen, Lishan, Xianxian, what other sects of practice do you know that may be passed down when the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted?"

Lu Xianxian shook her head.

She is a demon race herself, and although she knows some cultivation schools of the human race, she doesn't know much.

After all, the relationship between humans and demons has not been very good.

"Then what about the monster clan? Besides the Wanshengmen, there are other monster clan's cultivation sects? Small sects are fine too." Lu Sen asked.

Lu Xianxian recalled, and she looked sideways at Lu Sen: "There are things I have to say. But I don't like them, and there are only two human sects with a solid background. Monster beasts that can only survive with a large amount of spiritual energy will definitely not be able to survive now."

This is true.

Lu Sen had no choice but to drive the aircraft back to Hangzhou.

After resting for two days, he began to help Yang Wenguang build a treasure ship.

At this time, Yang Wenguang had recruited quite a few sailors, and he was just waiting for the big ship.

A lot of wood is needed to build a treasure ship, so these days he has been using the channel of Runan County King to buy wood and pile it up to the coast.

Naturally, this situation cannot be hidden from the attention of some interested people.

When he appeared by the sea, preparing to build a ship, King Xiangyang and Lu Huiqing appeared at the same time.

Lu Sen thought that the two of them came together, but Lu Huiqing bowed to King Xiangyang in front of him and said, "Your Majesty has seen King Xiangyang."

Although saluting, there was not much respect, nor was there any fawning.

In the eyes of a real civil servant, all the "princes" are just worms waiting to die.

Even the king of Runan County.

Of course, they will not show this emotion on the surface.

The King of Xiangyang saluted casually, then looked at Lu Sen, cupped his hands slightly and asked, "Really Lu, are you going to build a big ship again?"

"Yes." Lu Sen smiled.

"Then can you help me build a big ship, it's best to be this one." King Xiangyang paused, and his tone was a little proud: "There must be good rewards."

Lu Sen refused without hesitation, without any hesitation: "Sorry, this ship already has an owner. As for when the next ship will be, it depends on the opportunity. Treasure ships are not built to be built."

King Xiangyang's eyelids twitched slightly, and he smiled as usual: "That's such a pity, I originally thought that the golden ship in the sky was beyond the reach of ordinary people like me, but at least this treasure ship floating on the sea should have a share, I didn't expect it, Even as a member of the Zhao family, they are still not as strong as ordinary people."

What he said was full of guns and sticks, mocking Lu Sen for not respecting the imperial power and not respecting the imperial power.

If it were someone else, even a civil official like Bao Zheng would have to complain a few words when he encountered this scapegoat.

But Lu Sen is really not afraid.

He said with a smile: "Where is it, the King of Xiangyang is better than the common people in the market after all, at least you are the prince."

"Puchi!" Lu Huiqing, who was listening on the side, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Lu Sen and King Xiangyang turned their gazes away.

Especially the king of Xiangyang, his face was ashen.

Lu Huiqing immediately straightened her face, changing her face so quickly, as if the previous smiling face was an illusion.

He calmly said to himself: "The lower official was rude, and accidentally let out a loud fart."

Now it was Lu Sen's turn to smile.

King Xiangyang's face turned black now, he snorted, turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves, and if he stayed, he felt that his chest would be blown off with anger.

It's just that the back of King Xiangyang's departure looks a bit embarrassed, even a bit like a dog.

Lu Sen looked at Lu Huiqing and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that the king of Xiangyang will remember your little book?"

The word "small book" did not exist in the Northern Song Dynasty, but it did not prevent Lu Huiqing from understanding its meaning from the artistic conception.Hearing this, he said with a smile: "It's just a prince. After a generation or two, he will be no different from a rich man. He is not the king of Runan County."

The King of Runan County is also a rice bug in the hearts of most civil officials.

But the difference is that behind the Runan County King, there is real Lu Lu standing behind him.

Most senior officials can look down on the King of Runan County, but they cannot look down on Lu Zhenren.

Especially after the fairy rice was offered to the palace.

Who doesn't point their eyes at the seeds of fairy rice.

Offended Master Lu, he said that he would not offer immortal rice seeds to anyone. Could it be that the Zhao family would go against his will?

Absolutely not.

One season of Xianren rice has the harvest of ordinary rice for three years. Now the world is rich and people's hearts are stable, which can play a role in stabilizing the country.

The Zhao family still sees this very clearly.

However, Lu Huiqing can be considered young and vigorous if he can say such a thing.

It is estimated that in another five or six years, after being immersed in the officialdom for a period of time, after people become tactful, they will not be so outspoken.

Lu Sen walked to the edge of Haiyan, looked at the sea level in the distance, and asked, "Is there anything you want to do when Governor Lu is here this time?"

"In two months, I will go to Beijing to participate in politics." Lu Huiqing smiled happily, even a little proudly.

The money and food donated by the merchants before were sent to the capital by him, which made a great contribution.

What's more, he has the right to know the affairs of Hangzhou, and managed the whole Hangzhou in an orderly manner. The combination of the two merits, and the lack of talents in the imperial court, made him an exception and promoted him to be an official in Beijing.

From a sixth-rank civil official to a member of the household department Uai Lang, he can be regarded as a position of real power.

The most important thing is that if you work in the household department, you will be promoted very quickly.

"Congratulations to Commander Lu for being promoted." Lu Sen cupped his fists.

"Thank you, Reverend Lu." At this moment, Lu Huiqing suddenly felt a little awkward: "It's just that there is a distance between Hangzhou and the capital, and I can't take a river boat, so I want to take the land route. However, the land route is easy to be tiring. Can Reverend Lu give some honey to the officials? So that the next official’s journey will be smoother.”

Lu Sen thought for a while, then took out a bottle of honey and handed it to him.

Lu Huiqing is quite controversial in history, but here in Hangzhou, he has done a good job.

Lu Sen and him are considered acquaintances, so it's nothing to send a bottle of honey. In the capital, Yang Jinhua did not give away honey indiscriminately.

Seeing Honey, Lu Huiqing hugged her immediately, her mouth almost bursting into laughter: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, thank you, Mr. Lu. In the future, Mr. Lu will urge you, and the subordinates will not dare to refuse."

Lu Sen didn't take his promise to heart, but asked, "Who will be in the Hangzhou prefecture when Governor Lu comes to Beijing?"

"The student who was at the same time as the lower official, went home to observe filial piety for the past three years, and returned to the court more than half a year ago to report his duties. He heard that he was quite organized. Some nobles in the court felt that he had a bright future, so they sent him to Hangzhou to work and practice." Lu Lu Huiqing thought for a while and said, "I remember that his surname is Su, his name is Shi, and his courtesy name is Zizhan."

(End of this chapter)

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