Chapter 235 I Was Stalked
The 'recovery' in Lu Sen and Yang Jinhua's mind means to search this place all over.

But the 'turning' in Lu Xianxian's concept is really turning!

Literally the one.

She used the 'demon method' to directly 'pull' up the entire upper half of the mound, exposing the pothole in the middle.

A hunter in the distance watched this scene in horror, then turned and ran.

Not long after, there were rumors of a 'mountain god' reappearing in Qingqiu.

After half of the small hill was suspended in the air, Lu Xianxian also changed back to the giant fox state because of the loss of a lot of aura.

She quickly ran to the 'broken section' of the hill and looked around for a while.

Lu Sen and Yang Jinhua also followed, and when they passed the ground, they found the fox-like Lu Xianxian coming back with a 'plate'.

When she walked in front of Lu Sen, she lay on the ground with all four legs weak, and whispered: "Mr. Lang, build me a small cave, I can't hold it anymore."

Looking at the fox whose eyes could hardly be opened, Lu Sen surrounded a small 'home' on the ground and came out.

At the same time, the mound that was suspended for several meters crashed back to the ground, and the entire area shook several times.

The aura in the system's homeland was slowly growing, and Lu Xianxian's strength was gradually recovering, while Yang Jinhua, who was at the side, stuffed a few fruits into the fox's mouth to speed up the former's recovery.

Lu Sen sat aside, looking at the plate in his hand.

It's not quite right to say it's a plate.

This thing is a slightly concave disc, with many black lines tattooed on it like ghostly symbols. From Lu Sen's eyes, it seems a bit like a circuit board hand-made by a newcomer.

After watching for a while, there was no hint in the system's field of view, so Lu Sen put it down.

At this time, Lu Xianxian finally had some strength, she put a furry paw on her chin, and said slowly: "Mr. Lord, that is the magic weapon to enter Qingqiu, but the aura symbol on it has been scattered. Now it is no different from ordinary things."

"Can it be filled with spiritual energy to restore its function?" Lu Sen asked.

Lu Xianxian said embarrassingly: "It should be possible, but I don't know how to restore it. This is made and maintained by a special person in the clan."

Oh!Lu Sen nodded to show that he understood.

Lu Xianxian looked at Lu Sen's expression and felt a little embarrassed.

Actually... She is quite rebellious among the Qingqiu clan, she likes to go crazy and play around, just like Daji back then.

I don't like to study, and I am a 'poor student'.

Ordinary Qingqiu foxes like to stay in the small space world of the group, where there is plenty of food and a vast living space.

You can study what you like, so although the number of Qingqiu foxes is small, they have their own inheritance.

Also because of the strong learning atmosphere in the Qingqiu fox clan, the Qingqiu foxes who come out to play in the world prefer scholars, because their own clan has a culture of adoring learning.

"That is to say, as long as you hold this thing, one day, when Qingqiu reopens, you will be able to go back, right?" Lu Sen asked.

"The premise is that the aura of heaven and earth is sufficient, and Qingqiu can feel the aura of the Central Plains from the 'inside', otherwise they will not open the entrance."

Lu Xianxian murmured and then sighed.

For her, being unable to return home is a tragedy in itself.

Qingqiuhu is actually a creature that loves family very much. Although the Lu family is also her home now, Qingqiu will always have special meaning and an irreplaceable part to her.

She came this morning only with a glimmer of hope... hoping to go back.

But now this glimmer of hope is gone. Although I have been mentally prepared, I still can't stop the uncomfortable mood.

Yang Jinhua squatted beside her, stroking the top of the giant fox's head, and said, "Don't worry, Xianxian. Now your surname is Lu, and we are also a family. I believe that after a while, the officials will find the real whale patient and restore it. He sealed it."

"Then let me trouble you here first."

Lu Xianxian glanced at Lu Sen and grinned lightly.

In fact, she didn't have any hope in her heart.

It is true that whales are not strong in combat, but if you really want to hide them, you can hardly find them.

Under normal circumstances, only deduction magic can barely find such things as 'demons and ghosts', but the whale has the ability to devour the spiritual energy of the world, and the deduction method has little effect on the whale.

And the current whale disease should be accompanied by the Western world tree.

The world tree is called the hibiscus tree in the Central Plains, and it has "air luck" in itself. The whale is combined with it, one provides aura, and the other provides air luck. It is an almost seamless combination.

I dare not say how powerful they are, but they are absolutely capable. As long as they don't die, no one can find them.

Unless that person's aerodynamics are strong enough to overwhelm the world tree.

Lu Xianxian was still feeling lost.

But at this time, Lu Sen looked to the side, his expression gradually dignified.

Yang Jinhua discovered this and asked, "Officer, did you find anything?"

Lu Sen pointed to the direction he was looking at, and said, "There are people spying on us, but they are hiding."

Yang Jinhua looked over, but saw no one, only a green forest, some animals and birds.

Lu Sen looked at Lu Xianxian and asked, "How long will it take you to transform?"

"Another half an hour should be enough." Lu Xianxian showed a wry smile: "Fortunately, I didn't ask you too much, so I called Mr. Lang to accompany me."

She was afraid of encountering someone following her, but she never thought that being cautious was really right.

"I guess it should be someone from Tianjimen." Lu Sen sighed, "It's only been a few days since we came out, and we have been followed by them. I think they have been calculating you. When you estimate that you may be 'weakened', you will Appeared. It's just that they didn't seem to count me, and they didn't expect me to follow."

Shandong was called Jingdong at this time, and it was generally the place where the family members of officials were exiled, but in fact very few family members of criminal officials were exiled here, and they were usually thrown symbolically near the capital.

Jingdong is considered to be near the sea, and the people of Tianjimen are very good at activities in the sea, so it is not difficult to chase here.

Besides, Lu Sen and others were still on the road for a few days.

Lu Xianxian said with a sneer: "Tianjimen still seems to be obsessed with my foxtail and foxheart."

Lu Sen smiled and said, "That means you are very valuable, Xianxian. Thinking about it from another angle, it's actually pretty good."

Lu Xianxian looked at Lu Sen, and suddenly asked: "Then why doesn't Mr. Lang want my fox heart and fox tail? You are also an alchemist, and you are also good at practicing weapons and alchemy. My fox tail and fox heart, do you want to come here?" They should all come in handy.”

In fact, Lu Xianxian's question was not unexpected.

But all monsters, no matter good or evil, all parts of their body are good things, which are the dream of many alchemists.

Not to mention that now that the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted, it is difficult to find monsters in the world, but Lu Xianxian has become a "magic object" in the eyes of all practitioners.

Refining her body and eating it, I can definitely live for hundreds of years longer, maybe I can last until the spiritual energy of the world recovers.

In addition, many of Lu Sen's system formulas require 'monster' organs, and even a few formulas specify the need for something like a 'fox demon's heart'.

It's just that Lu Sen is not interested.

Whether it is life, wealth, or powerful equipment, they can all be obtained from other formulas. Why should I kill the only 'Qingqiu Fox' in the Central Plains?
This is even rarer than giant pandas. Wouldn’t it be good for the guards to look at them from time to time?
Besides, this fox demon can not only chatter, but also know how to protect the family.

Lu Sen planned to chat casually here, and after half an hour, he left with the aircraft. It was just right that the people from the Tianjimen didn't come out, and he didn't bother to trouble him.

Because it is uncertain whether the other party will set a trap there.

Half an hour is actually quite a long time. As soon as he made up his mind, someone appeared on the opposite side.

Then walked over slowly.

Lu Sen and the others turned around and watched.

This person looks quite immortal, with a white face like a crown, a long black beard, wearing a blue robe, holding a sword in his hand, the scabbard is black with some lines on it, looking simple and restrained.

"Elder of Tianjimen, Xiang Qingying has met real Lu Sen. He never thought that he would be able to meet a nobleman in such a remote place. He is very happy." Then he glanced at the huge fox behind Lu Sen, and said with a smile: " I heard that Master Lu's technique in the cave is quite miraculous, can you let me go in and open my eyes."

All three of Lu Sen laughed.

The color of disdain is almost overflowing.

Lu Sen smiled and said: "Elder Xiang also knows that this is a remote place. It is said that when you go out, you should be cautious when you see people. If you have anything to say through the fence, it is good for everyone."

Xiang Qingying subconsciously squeezed the long sword in her hand, and said, "Really Lu is so cautious that he seems a little timid."

Lu Sen just smiled, unmoved.

He was not interested in what the other party said.

As long as Lu Xianxian can transform into form, he will leave immediately.

It's not that she's afraid, but that Lu Xianxian is weak now, and if she really fights, she can't guarantee what kind of backhand the opponent will have.

It's better to be cautious.

Time is on Lu Sen's side, as long as he "gou" for a few more years, when his World Tree grows bigger, and his strength becomes stronger, then he will bring Lu Xianxian, Lu Jingjing and Xuenv to push the Tianji Gate Shouldn't be a problem.

Why do you have to fight against a strong enemy at this time.

If it doesn't work, there are redstone bombs as a deterrent.

Seeing that Lu Sen was not provoked by her own words, Xiang Qingying frowned, then parted it slightly, and said, "Really Lu, the fox demon behind you is a thousand-year-old evil. You are a decent person, why should you be such a monster?" If you are in the army, you will lose your share."

Heh... The provocation is not successful, is this to say 'reason'?

Lu Sen said with a smile: "I like to be with monsters. Tianjimen has an opinion? Besides, the hibiscus tree on your Tianji Island is also a monster. Isn't Tianjimen associating with monsters? The thief shouted to catch the thief." Quite interesting."

The intelligent creatures of the non-human race are all demons.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the hibiscus tree is a demon.

Xiang Qingying's face turned dark when he heard the words, and he snorted: "It seems that Master Lu is not only supernatural, but this mouth seems to have been specially practiced, presumably he learned it from a monk."

These words hide deep malice. At this time, Buddhism and Taoism are somewhat 'conflicting', all for the purpose of promoting their own beliefs and ideas.

Now Zhao Songxin has more "Taoism", but before Zhao Zhen ate the "elixir" and died, the power of Taoism has faded, and Buddhism took this opportunity to occupy a large "territory". trend.

Ying Qingying said that Lu Sen had learned reasoning from the bald donkey, which means that he worshiped the enemy as his teacher and deceived his master to destroy his ancestors.

Lu Sen could understand that he had seen a lot of yin and yang comments on the Internet in later generations. As soon as this Qingying said something, Lu Sen knew what the other party was thinking.

He sneered and said, "Tianjimen is going to make an enemy of my Lu family?"

"What do you mean?" Xiang Qingying pretended not to understand: "I don't seem to have offended Master Lu."

After the world tree of Tianjimen was healed, the whole island 'produced' a little more aura, and now the overall strength of Tianjimen has greatly improved.

But the 'Redstone Bomb' that Lu Sen dropped before had too much impact on the entire Tianjimen.

Before being completely sure, Tianjimen didn't want to tear itself apart with Lu Sen.

"Since you don't want to be an enemy of my Lu family, then spray the dung out of your mouth before talking to me." Lu Sen's face turned cold: "Elder Tangtang, even when you say something, you just beat around the bush. I'll tell you now Putting this aside, the fox behind me is now surnamed Lu and named Xianxian. She is from my Lu family. If you want to touch her, you have to ask me if Lu Sen agrees first. But if she suffers any grievances outside, I will Go to your island of Tianjimen and plant the hibiscus tree for you."

It was blunt and merciless.

But the people who listen to it are different, and the feeling is different.

The huge fox was still lying on the ground, but her eyes were narrowed into crescent shapes.

Yang Jinhua looked at Lu Sen, very happy, but also a bit appreciative, with her small mouth slightly raised.

But Xiang Qingying's face turned black into charcoal when he heard it, and he stared at Lu Sen tightly, his hands holding the long sword tightened more and more.

And Lu Sen looked at him without hesitation.

The momentum of the two sides was clashing, and after a while, Xiang Qingying spoke first, and he said coldly: "Realist Lu should also know that the fox demon behind you has a feud with my Tianjimen, and we are determined to determine her life. If you do something convenient, you will be rewarded."

"What kind of feud, don't you just want her fox heart to make alchemy?" Lu Sen mercilessly exposed the other party's plan: "Based on my family's slender skills, if she is refined into a elixir, it may be enough for everyone in your entire Tianjimen." Let's all eat one."

After Lu Xianxian reappeared in her original form, her body was so huge that it couldn't be cooked in a pot, which should raise the strength of the entire Tianjimen to a higher level.

Of course, this is Lu Sen's guess!

But the face on the other side changed drastically, with a little anger in surprise.

He stared at Lu Sen, and suddenly said: "Really good Lu, when did you plant spies in my secret door!"

This matter is a secret of the Tianji Sect, and the entire Tianji Sect is working hard on it.

They gathered the strength of the whole sect to calculate Lu Xianxian's whereabouts and 'lucky'.

Just thinking about finding an opportunity to train this thousand-year-old fox to achieve the goal of 'uplifting the faction'.

But it was broken by Lu Sen.

How could this not make Xiang Qingying angry.

It stands to reason that only the management and core disciples of Tianjimen know about this matter, that is to say... there is something wrong with them internally.

He looked at Lu Sen coldly, and without waiting for Lu Sen to speak, he backed away slowly.

It seemed to retreat very slowly, but in fact it was very slow, like a ghost, and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

"Very powerful Miyingbu." Lu Xianxian snorted: "The Tianji Sect seems to be less affected than other sects."

(End of this chapter)

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