This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 231 The Earth is Round

Chapter 231 The Earth is Round

According to the rules formulated by Lu Huiqing, it is very difficult for a male sex-eyed person to become a Song citizen, and it can even be said to be harsh.

He didn't intend to let too many Semu people in, but let some elites become naturalized, and at the same time let these people control other Semu people, forming the labor groups and mercenary groups that Lu Zhenren said.

Of course... He will hold tightly to these Semu people's food, weapons and other supplies.

Even the bandit army of the Song people had to be treated harshly, not to mention the army of the Semu people. Lu Huiqing would still do basic precautions.

Unlike men, it is much easier for semu women to join the priest, and if they are beautiful, it is even easier.

Alizee filled in some information at random, got a sign, and entered the city.

Then a group of lustful men next to him were extremely envious.

The Song soldier next to him was joking: "Deputy Captain, that seductive woman is very interesting. After she makes a living in the priest's workshop, why don't you visit her?"

The young lieutenant next to him smiled and said, "If the adults in my family know about it, my legs will probably be broken. It's better for you, go if you want."

"I'm thinking about it, but I don't have the money to enjoy it." A soldier next to him said helplessly: "It looks like an oiran. We can't get in. I guess only rich businessmen can touch her. I just don't know that those who are physically weak Rich merchants who can't afford it, can't withstand the madness of the sex-eyed woman!"

Having said that, a group of people burst into laughter.

Alizee entered the city, looked at the solar ship in the sky, her fair and pretty face was full of sighs.

She first took the sign and went to Jiaosifang, the madam received her, and at the same time she was amazed: "You have a clean face, the corners of your eyes are not opened, you can see that you are a virgin, why did you come to Jiaosifang. "

Although Alizee was a woman of color, the madam still felt it was a pity.

She has seen too much. In her eyes, all women who want to enter the priest's workshop are poor people, and they should be treated equally, regardless of high or low.

Although it is said that the family members of criminal officials in the Northern Song Dynasty would not be thrown into the Jiaosifang for tricks, but there are always poor people who sell their daughters to the Jiaosifang.

This is also one of the meanings of Jiaosifang's existence, at least to provide a way for those poor women who can't survive.

Alizee smiled, and said without hesitation: "This is the only way for me to become a Song person, there is nothing I can do."

The madam sighed softly, and led the people into the priest's workshop.

About one mile to the east of Jiaosifang, Lu Sen received Lin Yuanwai in Bitian Pavilion.

After burying his father and keeping his filial piety for one month, Lin Yuanwai came to Hangzhou City, and then asked Zhang Yuanwai to pass the news on his behalf, and met Lu Sen.

Bitian Pavilion was temporarily emptied of outsiders, and the two stood on the cloud platform, each standing in front of the railing, looking at the bustling street below.

Member Lin took a sip of his wine, turned his head and asked, "Really Lu, I want to know what capital is."

"The word capital can be big or small." Lu Sen said with a smile: "Capital in the usual sense refers to the extra value and surplus value owned by individuals, but what I want to tell you is capital in a broad sense, a kind of Something that can devour people."

Lu Sen's words are all words of later generations, but Lin Yuanwai is a businessman himself and has also read books, so he pondered for a while, and vaguely understood what Lu Sen meant.

"So what Master Lu means is...the sum of the extra value or surplus value of many people is the so-called capital?" Member Lin frowned slightly: "But it's just a lot of money. What does the word matter?"

Lu Sen looked into the distance and looked at the bustling city of Hangzhou. There was a lot of people here, and there were countless goods here: "My master just told me superficially, and I will tell you the superficial theory I understand."

Next, Lu Sen slowly talked about what capital can do, and the "side effects" inherent in capital.

After listening, member Lin broke out in cold sweat.

In the past, he thought that Hangzhou City was very prosperous, but now the whole Hangzhou City gave him the feeling that darkness and people-eating monsters were hidden everywhere.

In the past, I also felt that the whole of China always put merchants at the last place, which was unfair. After all, he was also a merchant.

It is unreasonable that even technical personnel can be ranked ahead of merchants.

But after listening to what Lu Sen said, he really felt the horror of long as Lu Sen didn't lie to him.

"Since Master Lu thinks capital is so scary, why do you still let it out?" Member Lin wiped the sweat from his brow, and asked puzzledly: "I want to seal this 'capital' with your strength and reputation. It shouldn't be difficult."

"This is an inevitable stage in the evolution of the world." Lu Sen sighed: "If we don't go first in Huaxia, then Xiyi will have to take this path."

Now he feels more and more that what Lu Jingjing said before, the whales went to the west to find the world tree, so as to raise the luck of the western barbarians, it should be true.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why those ignorant barbarians in the West suddenly broke out.With the era of great geographical discovery, the Renaissance, the great leap in science and technology, and the ability to boil water in tricks.

At this time, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, which were most likely to give birth to the budding capital society, were wiped out twice by the northern barbarians.

It's incredible to think about.

It can only be explained by the word luck.

Member Lin was stunned for a moment: "Did Master Lu see any ominous signs?"

Naturally, Lu Sen would not tell Lin Yuanwai about the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, let alone what he said was a century of shame, because it was too incredible, at least in the eyes of the current Song people, it was impossible.

"I don't know the details, but it's not a good thing to be preempted into the new era by the Western barbarians." Lu Sen chuckled: "So I think it's time to create some opportunities for you businessmen."

Confucian culture has already reached its peak in the Northern Song Dynasty. If we don’t find a new path, make innovations, or create new theories, it will only decline slowly and then become decayed.

"Really Lu works for the country and the people, and the villain deeply admires him." Clerk Lin clasped his fists outside, his eyes gradually brightened, and he even had a sense of mission in his heart: "If you need a villain to do something, Master Lu, please speak up."

Lin Yuanwai had tried and failed many times before becoming a businessman, but the education he received and the thoughts in his bones were still Confucian.

Serving the country, the people, and the king... This is the limitation of the times, and it is not a big problem.

"Nanshan Society, you must control it well and try to grow as much as possible." Lu Sen put a huge map on the table and said, "These are the topography of the world I drew from my memory. Take a look."

A large color map was placed on the table, and the national borders and general terrain were carefully marked on the map.

Lin Yuanwai was a little shocked at first, and then after looking carefully, he was even more amazed. He gently stroked the labels of each country on it, and sighed: "It turns out that apart from our Great Song Dynasty, the world is so big. I have heard of it before. , Lu Zhenren has the magical power of the fairy family shadow puppetry, which can record the customs and landforms thousands of miles away, but it has not been seen for a long time, which is quite a pity, and now I can see the topographic map of the world, which can be regarded as fulfilling my wish."

Lu Sen didn't speak. He was waiting for the forester to discover the truly shocking part of this map.

Lin Yuanwai is not stupid, and has a certain ability to recognize topographic maps. After reading for a while, he suddenly froze for a while, and repeatedly looked at the left and right borders of the topographic map, and his body gradually began to shake.

Then he lay down on the table without giving up, confirmed the terrain on both sides, and then raised his head, looking at Lu Sen with a pale face: "Master Lu, is there something wrong with this topographic map?"

"Oh, what's wrong?" Lu Sen asked with a smile.

Lin Yuanwai pointed to the left and right sides of the map, he licked his lips, and said in a trembling tone: "It seems that the drawing here is the same, and it seems to be connected together. Is... isn't the drawing wrong?"

He looked at Lu Sen carefully.

Lu Sen chuckled: "Mr. Lin is really careful, it's really different there."

"Sure enough, the drawing is wrong..."

"There is no mistake in the drawing." Lu Sen looked at the outside of the forest member and said seriously: "There is a connection there."

Lin Yuanwai's whole body was stiff.

The sky is round, the sky is round!
This is the most simple and even natural concept engraved in the ancients.

But now Lu Sen told him that as long as you keep going east or west, you can return to the original place.

The pupils of Lin Yuan's outer eyes dilated a lot. He subconsciously took out the silk scarf, wiped the coldness on his forehead, and said, "If this is the case, then our land is not a roll?"


Oh... Lu Sen understands that the North Pole and the South Pole are not connected on the map, and because of the 'rectangle' of the map, the map near the North Pole and the South Pole is 'expanded'.

Lu Sen smiled and said, "It's not a roll, it's a circle. We're standing on a sphere."

"It's impossible!" Lin Yuanwai's eyes were a little red: "Then why don't we fall?"

This question... Lu Sen also had it when he was about six years old.

He took out the projector from the system backpack and said, "This is the fairy shadow puppet show you've been thinking about so much. I'll show you the reason behind it, and you'll understand."

Lu Sen pressed the button on the projector, and a small picture screen appeared on the white wall behind the gimbal, and there was a sound.

The first thing that catches the eye is the jungle overlooking from a high altitude, and then the camera gradually zooms out, and the terrain becomes smaller and smaller.

Finally, there is a blue sphere that is slowly rotating.

There are layers of white clouds swimming on the surface of the sphere.

The video continued to play, and the entire solar system was seen.

But Lin Yuanwai had already stood still, unable to receive more information.

Just assimilating the concept of 'the earth is round' has already caused him to temporarily fall into a state of 'dementia'.

After a while, his body shook violently, and he woke up with a start.

Then he looked at the map made by Lu Sen again. With his excellent memory, he found that the map was very similar to the terrain on the Xianjia shadow puppet show just now.

That is, it should be true.

Besides, Master Lu did not lie to himself for the world.

Lin Yuanwai sat down abruptly. On his thin cheeks, there was an unimaginable sense of confusion that arose after he could not think.

Lu Sen was not in a hurry, he sat aside, poured himself a glass of water, and drank slowly.

After about one stick of incense, Lin Yuanwai came back to his senses. He looked at Lu Sen and said faintly, "Really Lu, you are trying to drag me into the water."

Lu Sen laughed loudly and said, "How can it be said that you are dragged into the water? This is obviously to show you what the world really looks like."

Lin Yuanwai took a deep breath: "Then what does Master Lu want me to do?"

"I think your people, or you can do it yourself, go from west to east until you come back to us from the east. Then write records and bring back specialties and information from various places." Lu Sen laughed: "For Here I will support you with a treasure ship that I personally made. With a big ship to protect you, and the chart I gave you, you can safely ride through the general wind and waves."

Member Lin was stunned: "Really Lu is trying to sanctify me?"

If he really walked from the west to the east and came back, as soon as the news came out, he would have discovered a new atmosphere in the world. From then on, he would be famous in the history books, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he became a "sage".

"Sanctification is risky, maybe you will die."

"It is our duty to keep our name in the history of the Qing Dynasty." Member Lin stood up, with some fanaticism on his face: "It's a mere risk, what's the point?"

Orthodox Confucian disciples have always been very concerned about this kind of thing that can be remembered in history.

Although Lin Yuanwai is not talented, he has learned a little about the core essence of the Confucian spirit.

"I hope you will find a way to grow the Nanshan Society, and then go sailing around the world." Lu Sen said with a smile: "Food is eaten one bite at a time, and the road is also taken step by step. There is no rush."

Member Lin suppressed his excitement: "It's the villain Meng Lang."

Lu Sen put the projector back into the system backpack and said, "If you really succeed in sailing around the world, I don't mind helping you change Nanshan Club to Taishan Club."

Lin Yuan's eyes froze: "What do you mean?"

"You'll understand in time."

Lu Sen smiled, did not speak any more, and left the Yuntai first.

He turned around and went to Zhao Mansion, Zhao Zongshi's home.

At this time, Zhao Zongshi was seriously looking at the books, which were handwritten by Lu Sen.

He looked at it so seriously that he didn't even know that Lu Sen was here.

However, when Lu Sen entered the Zhao Mansion, there was never a need to notify him. Even if Lu Sen was unhappy, he would drive Zhao Zongshi out of the Zhao Mansion and declare himself the owner of the house.

All the servants in the Zhao Mansion will not have any opinions and will only obey orders.

That's how the King of Runan believed in him.

A child about 12 years old is struggling to read the content above.

Lu Sen's handwriting is very good now, and for the convenience of reading, he still uses italics when writing books.

Although cursive script looks more elegant and artistic, but as a book font, the more square the better.

The role of books is to disseminate content and knowledge, not to show off calligraphy 'skills'.

After reading for a while, Zhao Zongshi put down the book in his hand, rubbed his eyes, and sighed: "This book is so difficult to understand."

"Where is it difficult to understand, tell me and listen, and I will explain it to you."

Zhao Zongshi was taken aback, turned his head to see Lu Sen, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "When did brother-in-law come?"

"Soon." Lu Sen said with a smile: "If you don't understand, hurry up, in half an hour, I will go back to accompany you, Sister Lian."

Zhao Zongshi pointed to the page he was looking at just now: "All relationships in the world are linked by interests. As long as the price is right, everything can be bought and sold."


"What about family affection?" Zhao Zongshi pursed his lips: "Didn't it be said that a thousand dollars can't buy true love in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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