This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 203 The role of rainbow silk

Chapter 203 The role of rainbow silk

Khitan's Zhongjing Dading Mansion is also considered a prosperous place.

The resident population is about 30, and there are a large number of caravans from Xixia, Song Dynasty and northern barbarians, so it seems quite lively.

The caravans of the Song people were particularly large.

After all, as long as the tea, porcelain, and silk of the Song Dynasty can be transported, it will be extremely profitable.

It is also not a small business to transport the horse leather, wool, sheepskin jerky and other things here back to the Song Dynasty.

Merchants seldom have trouble with money, and in their view, Khitan and Song Dynasty at this time are brothers.

Look at the clothes of the Song people all over the street, the plaques are almost all square characters, and even the words spoken are more frequent in Song dialect than Khitan dialect.

Under such circumstances, saying that Khitan is a barbarian...doesn't seem right.

Moreover, the treatment of Song people in Khitan is actually not bad, as long as they don't meet the Khitan nobles who hate Song people so much.

Besides, based on the feelings of so many businessmen, the probability of being made things difficult by officials in the Song Dynasty seems to be greater than the probability of being made things difficult by officials in Khitan.

This is a bit of magical reality.

Pinghaiju is a grocery store from the Song Dynasty. It is quite large and sells a lot of things.

Needless to say, the three major pieces of the Song Dynasty also sold paper, pen and ink, green salt and rouge, and even weapons and iron ingots.

Song people's forging technology is much higher than that of Khitan, so weapons are also a high-profit product of Song people.

Of course...they don't sell armor.

The head of Sihaiju was checking the accounts behind the counter, while the three Song clerks were cleaning.

Cosmopolitan Residence usually doesn't have many customers, but as long as there is business, it will be a big deal!
A typical year does not open, open for five years!

During the busy time, you guys saw someone coming in from the outside, looked up habitually, bent down and bowed, and said with a smile: "A distinguished guest came to the door, dare to ask the distinguished guest what they plan to buy?"

Then when he looked up, he was stunned.

Because there are two women and one man in front of them, all of them are elegant and graceful, and they don't look like ordinary people.

While he was dazed, the three of them passed him and came to the counter.

The person in charge saw the figure swaying in front of him, put down the book in his hand, raised his head and was about to speak, he was also stunned for a while, and then he said calmly: "The three nobles are here, the small shop is full of splendor, please sit down... What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and serve some good tea."

"No need." Zhao Bilian took out a token and said, "We are here to check the accounts."

"It turns out to be a nobleman from the master's family." After bowing to each other, the head of the family said, "Then please follow me to the backyard. The ledgers are all in the backyard."

The three followed the head of the house to the backyard and sat down.

The head of the family stood aside, waited for the assistant to bring the tea, the head of the house saw that there was no one around, then bent down and saluted, and said excitedly: "Little man Zhou Yuming, I have seen Master Lu and his two wives!"

The three of them were taken aback, Lu Sen and Lu Xianxian were both a little speechless, while Zhao Bilian laughed out loud.

Lu Xianxian sighed and said, "I am not the real wife of Lu Zhenren."

Zhou Yuming knew that he was pretending to be smart, and his face became irritable.

No way, it's really easy to be misunderstood, because Lu Xianxian is really beautiful, and according to rumors, Lu Zhenren's third concubine, Pang Meier, the granddaughter of Grand Master Pang, was born with a beautiful beauty, almost a fairy.

Lu Xianxian was a real fairy, so it was normal for outsiders to mistake her for Pang Meier.

This Four Seas Residence is also one of the properties of the Runan County King. Zhou Yuming was originally the general of the Runan County King's Mansion, and was later sent to Khitan to be in charge of the business here, and at the same time secretly collect some information.

People who are born in the family generally have no problem with loyalty.

"If you're being polite, let's not say more." Lu Sen handed a scroll full of small characters to the other party: "You will help me spread the news on this paper in the future, so don't expose yourself."

Zhou Yuming took the scroll, opened it, and took a deep breath: "My lord, how much of the content on it is true and how much is false?"


"This is something that kills people. Maybe the Khitan Kingdom will change."

Lu Sen smiled and said, "This is what I want."

"The villain knows, this matter must be done well, even if I am smashed to pieces, I will..."

Zhou Yuming became excited, his cheeks flushed, he seemed to see the disintegration of the Khitan Kingdom.

"Don't be so exaggerated." Lu Sen interrupted the other party's arrogance: "It's not good to do too much. You don't have to go to the battle yourself, just let the Khitan people know these words once in a while."

"Why, in this way, the effect is not very bad?" Zhou Yuming was a little puzzled!

Lu Sen said with a smile: "Every piece of the above content is fatal. If you release it all at once, there is too much information. Under normal circumstances, the Khitan's dignitaries would not believe it. There are not many stupid people in this world. But Occasionally, a piece of news like this leaks out, and out of curiosity, they casually check...and find out that it's true, what do you think will happen?"

"They will be convinced that this is true." Zhou Yuming suddenly realized: "The information obtained from other people's mouths is not as reliable as the ones found out by themselves."

"That's it."

Lu Sen stood up and took out a piece of rainbow silk from the system backpack: "This can be used to make clothes, and it can also increase one's lifespan by ten years. Master Zhou should have heard of it."

"Naturally." Zhou Yuming looked at the rainbow silk with glowing eyes, and sighed, "Sure enough, it's just like the fairy satin."

"Spreading information is a bit dangerous after all." Lu Sen said seriously: "This is my own care, please accept it."

Zhou Yuming originally wanted to refuse, but he suddenly thought of something, so he accepted it, and said solemnly: "The villain will definitely live up to the trust of Master Lu."

Afterwards, Lu Sen chatted with him for a few more words before leaving.

After sending Lu Sen out of the store, Zhou Yuming ordered someone to close the store. He first read the content on the white paper a dozen times, then closed his eyes and silently recited and compared it several times. After confirming that he had not misremembered a word, he will It is lit on an oil lamp.

Then he took out the scissors and the measuring ruler. After staring at the rainbow silk for a long time, he reluctantly cut the ten-foot rainbow silk into three parts.

"It's a pity."

He touched the three pieces of rainbow silk, then put away two of them, put one of them in a lacquer box, and went out with a buddy.

The governor of Dading Mansion is called Yelu Shanchuan, who is a collateral branch of the Yelu family, separated by eighteen generations of ancestors.

But even so, he can still be a magistrate.

After all, the chief doesn't need to have any skills, as long as he can let the people below show their talents.

As for Dading Mansion, more than half of the officials are Song people... so the functions of Dading Mansion are quite good.

And Yelu Shanchuan usually has nothing to do, so he collects some rare treasures.

Zhou Yumin came to the Yamen of Dading Mansion and said something to the guard: If there is a rare treasure that you want to present to the governor, you will have the opportunity to be summoned.

In the main hall, Yelu Shanchuan with dark brown eyes was gnawing on a bear's paw. When he saw Zhou Yumin coming in, he smiled and said, "Master Zhou from Sihaiju, long time no see. What treasure did you find this time?"

To do business in Dading Mansion, it is quite big. Zhou Yuming must have managed it from top to bottom. He has presented treasures to Yelu Shanchuan twice. Although they are not considered rare treasures, they have made the other party happy for a while. Then he was able to gain a foothold in Dadingfu.

"The governor of Yelu Mansion tore up the black blind man again?" Zhou Yuming bent down and bowed and said with a smile: "This bear's paw smells delicious."

"You like to eat too? I still have one untouched one left, and I'll take it with you when you leave."

"Thank you for your care and love." Zhou Yuming showed a grateful expression: "The villain has been taken care of by the governor a lot on weekdays, and I am deeply terrified. Today, I send a real rare treasure here to repay your kindness."

"Real rare treasures? Gemstones, or strange things?"

"Not at all, this rare treasure, I dare to guarantee that the Great Khitan Kingdom does not have it yet!"

Yelu Hongji, who was not very interested before, became curious: "So powerful?"

"Have you ever heard of the real Lu, the half-immortal of the Great Song Dynasty?"

"I heard some rumors."

"The governor of Yelu Mansion should also know that I, Sihaiju, have some relationship with the Runan County King, and Lu Zhenren is the son-in-law of the Runan County King. Therefore, if Lu Zhenren has any good things, he will give a copy to his father-in-law."

Yelu Shanchuan nodded: "I've heard of this before, and then, what's in the box in your hand is..."

"Realist Lu has a strange object called rainbow silk." Zhou Yuming searched for the box with both hands and lifted it up: "If you use it to make clothes, it will be fairy clothes, water and fire will not invade, if you eat it, you can increase your lifespan. It is the best thing in the world." An extremely rare treasure. This is a reward from the King of Runan County when he saw that the villain worked so hard."

"The rainbow silk in your hand?" Yelu Shanchuan stopped eating the bear's paw, stood up immediately, walked over hurriedly, and took the box in Zhou Yuming's hand: "Let me have a look."

The box was opened immediately, and Yelu Shanchuan looked at the folded cloth in the box, his eyes were full of amazement, and he sighed deeply: "Is this cloth that is difficult to weave in the world?"

"Renren Lu is half immortal and half human!"

Yelu Shanchuan covered the box and sat back on the chair just now: "Master Zhou, I like the things you sent me very much. Tell me, what do you want?"

"Fu Yin usually takes good care of me..."

"Bullshit!" Yelu Shanchuan snorted, "Usually I don't take less tax from your Universal Residence. I know how good I am to you. But I really like this thing. Say, what do you want? Don't say it. What kind of nonsense to repay a favor, if you send such a good thing, you must ask for something."

Zhou Yuming hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that General Xiao is staying in the Zhongding Mansion for the past two days, can the governor introduce you to the villain?"

Yelu Shanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "This matter is easy to handle, come to my door and wait at noon tomorrow, and I will take you to meet General Xiao."

"Thank you Fu Yin, thank you Fu Yin."

After Zhou Yuming thanked him a thousand times, he left.

After Zhou Yuming left, Yelu Shanchuan hooked his hands, and a strong man walked over beside him, clasping his fists to obey the order.

"Go and find out who has come to Universal Residence these two days, and also find out where Zhou Yuming has been recently."

The strong man nodded, turned around and left without speaking.

Lu Sen didn't know that the rainbow silk he gave away was used by Zhou Yuming for public use.

He was hovering high in the sky at this time, while Lu Xianxian looked down at the city through the glass.

"I can feel that it's nearby, but I'm not sure whether it's in the city or the suburbs."

Zhao Bilian said from the side: "Then it's okay to go down and get closer?"

"The range is too large, and the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted, which interrupts perception. It's very difficult!" Lu Xianxian sighed helplessly.

"Then go down and have a look." Lu Sen flew the aircraft into the forest, and walked out with the two girls.

But when the three of them approached the city and looked at the city name above, Lu Sen was stunned.

Linhuang Mansion!
Go to Beijing?

The capital of Khitan.

Lu Xianxian didn't know much about this era. Seeing that Lu Sen and Zhao Bilian had strange expressions, she couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's a bit difficult. This is the Khitan capital, and the defense should be very tight. I guess we can only find a way to get in at night."

"It's not difficult." Lu Xianxian waggled her fingers, "I'll cast an invisibility spell on you two, and then use the fairy clothes to bring you in."

"Won't it consume your aura?"

"It doesn't consume much, and after entering the city, sir, you can build a small cave and give me a reply."

"Then do it."

At that moment, the two of them were brought into the city by Lu Xianxian. I have to say that the feeling of invisibility is very interesting. I can't see my hands and feet, but I can feel their existence.

It's just a pity that Lu Xianxian's invisibility spell is a monster spell, not a human spell... They can't learn it.

Just like Xuenv's ice-type kung fu, they couldn't learn it either.

After entering the city, the three of them hid in a large family's Yuanlin, then dug a hole with picks and hoes, drilled in and sealed the entrance, so no one could find it.

"Ah, comfortable."

Lu Xianxian, who had turned into a fox, lay on her stomach in the temporary home of the system, moaning softly.

This voice made one's heart beat faster.

Lu Sen was flipping through some formula sheets. After a while, he synthesized a beard for himself and stuck it on his upper lip.

Disguise Beard: You can type other people's perception and make others pay less attention to you.

There are many such gadgets in Lu Sen's system formula.

And Zhao Bilian was shocked when she saw Lu Sen posting this thing, and ran over, a little worried, but she didn't dare to recognize it: "Is it an official?"

Well, I always feel that the person in front of me is my official, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Even the perception of his own woman can be blurred?
It's really good.

Lu Sen tore off his beard and said with a smile, "I'm going out to collect some information, you wait here for me."

Seeing the officials 'back' again, Zhao Bilian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Lu Sen climbed out of the cave entrance and sealed the cave entrance, the big family in the garden where he lived welcomed a distinguished guest.

The master greeted him outside the door with a large number of servants.

The elderly male host looked at the woman who came down from the sedan chair and said with a smile, "Welcome to the queen."

The beautiful young woman in Chinese clothes also laughed: "Father, why bother to be so polite, no matter who I am, no matter how high or low I am, I am still your daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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