Chapter 200 Nanshan Club

100 years of Yangshou?
This is no longer a question of temptation, but a naked throwing of bait.

He almost said: Sigh, come and eat!
In these 100s, if you tell me to give a [-]-year lifespan, it is tantamount to dropping a nuclear bomb in someone else's heart.

The rich merchants below were all excited, their faces turned red, their necks turned red, and then their eyes turned red again.

But after all, there are still "calm and sober people".

One of the businessmen stood up. He was different from other rich businessmen with big bellies.

Is this the so-called Confucian businessman?

He clasped his fists and asked: "Real Master Lu, everyone wants Yangshou, and everyone present understands that lifespan is far more valuable than money, so how many gemstones, gemstones with high or low composition, can have Yangshou? Can you let me know, so I can have a bottom line in my heart."

These words immediately attracted the attention and approval of all the businessmen, and they all looked at Lu Sen eagerly.

"What is the official's name?"

"Let your surname be Lin."

"Wai Lin, regarding the question you asked, I can give you an answer now."

Zhang Yuanwai, who had been standing next to Lu Sen, took some blank papers to the stage and handed them to Lin Yuanwai and several other well-known businessmen.

The blank paper was passed in the hands of a person, and the excitement just now gradually calmed down a lot.

"It turns out that one year of Yangshou requires so many gems in exchange?" Member Lin looked up at Lu Sen: "Is it too expensive?"

Lu Sen chuckled lightly: "If you think it's expensive, you don't have to!"

In business talk business, these wealthy businessmen also know how profitable monopoly business is.

But the price inside is still beyond their expectations.

In fact, it is not unexpected. If they have such resources, it is estimated that they will sell Yangshou several times higher, or even dozens of times.

In contrast, Lu Sen has actually sold very conscientiously, but this still makes these wealthy businessmen feel heartbroken.

Lin Yuanwai was stunned by Lu Sen, but he didn't feel annoyed. After slightly frowning, he asked, "Really Lu is trying to empty out the gems of Tianzhu Kingdom?"

"You can say that. Gems are of great use to me, and they can be used in alchemy and qi refining." Lu Sen is not afraid to expose his own truth: "Or I can build a few more treasure ships to go to sea, and I can earn a lot of gems. Come back, but I'm lazy, you understand."

The rich merchants were all stunned for a moment, lost in thought, it seemed that Master Lu didn't really need their help, as long as he was willing to expand his power... All troubles would no longer be troubles.

However, this was not Lu Sen's original intention.

Letting the sea merchants look for gems is just an excuse. In fact, it wants them to go far away slowly, slowly see the world, and guide them to go outside step by step.

The outside world is wonderful.

Seeing a lot, traveling a lot, and slowly spreading the news, the "character" of the Northern Song Dynasty will gradually change.

Even a stubborn stone like 'Bao Zheng' is changing, why can't other people change!

Lu Sen saw that the sea merchants had calmed down a lot, and then continued: "And... Yangshou is limited. I can only give you all a total of 1000 years of Yangshou at most, and the limit for a single person is 100 years! Come first first served."

These words once again made the people below explode.

The whole scene was buzzing.

Originally, these sea merchants still had some thoughts of waiting for a price in their hearts, such as hoarding gems, waiting for Lu Zhenren to come to him, and then bargaining better.

But when the "quantity" of Yangshou came out, everyone felt that their dirty thoughts were simply ridiculous.

It's still up for grabs, but it would be nice to grab it.

When Lu Sen saw that the people below seemed to be anxious, he was quite satisfied, and this effect was what he wanted.

The words are almost finished, the fire is almost lit, and it's time to go.

He stood up and was about to leave when the thin middle-aged businessman clasped his fists and shouted, "Really Lu, Xiaomin ask again, even if it's not a gem from Tianzhu, would you accept it?"

"Absolutely." Lu Sen smiled: "But how many can you have?"

Two or three years ago, Lu Sen asked the King of Runan County to help him collect the gems.

Among the formulas provided by the system, gem consumption is the largest, and it is also relatively rare.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, precious stones were not produced here, and most of them were beautiful jade.

So after two or three years, the gems circulating in the market in the Northern Song Dynasty were collected by the Runan County King.

The rest are either other people's family heirlooms, or precious oddities, which are difficult to collect.

"It's okay to change the life span of two or three years." The middle-aged man clasped his fists and said with a smile: "If we make up our minds, it will not be a problem to change it to ten years."

Lu Sen smiled: "Then how do you divide it? Add ten years of life at a time, and give it all to one person?"

"That's right, Xiaomin Menglang." The middle-aged man folded his fists and bent over.

Lu Sen looked at him for a while, then asked, "Mr. Lin, do you seem to have something else to say?"

"Really Lu, I still want to ask, can we keep this matter a secret for the time being?" Clerk Lin's eyes were burning.

The sea merchants in Bitian Pavilion were stunned for a moment, and then someone reacted and closed the window next to them.

There is a total number of Yangshou, and it’s fine if they know about it, if more people know about it, wealthy businessmen will come over, no matter how many Yangshou they have, it’s not enough to give them.

"It's up to you, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

Lu Sen smiled and finally left this time.

After Lu Sen left, the merchants who were still in Bitian Pavilion were discussing a lot.

After arguing and arguing with each other for a while, Lin Yuanwai went to the high platform where Lu Sen was standing just now, cupped his hands, and said loudly: "Everyone, colleagues, please listen to what Lin said."

Everyone was quiet at the moment. After all, he was the one who spoke to Lu Sen just now, so don't spread the matter.

It is also a skill to be able to fight for the interests of one's own people in front of big shots.

So no matter whether they obey him or not, everyone feels that they should listen to what he has to say first.

The member surnamed Lin glanced around, seeing that everyone was looking at him, he didn't show any timidity, and said after cupping his hands: "Renren Lu is very kind, he gave us these lowly business opportunities a great opportunity. Yangshou has always been a thing of the past. It is something that noble people can get their hands on, and this time it is finally our turn to merchants, what a blessing!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Indeed... Only fame and power can impress those Taoists and alchemists who can make alchemy.


Those who stink of copper also stay aside.

"So this time we should unite and eat the thousand-year Yangshou plate together. Lin has just calculated that there are 24 people here. Even if they are divided equally, each person will be able to share at least 40 years of Yangshou. It is better than each other. Is it reasonable to suppress internal friction?"

This is indeed reasonable, and everyone nodded straightly.

Seeing this, Member Lin continued, "It's destiny for everyone to be here. This day allows us to prolong our lives. We are naturally different from other merchants."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

"Lin has an idea. Since we all have the opportunity, why not take advantage of this opportunity to join hands and advance and retreat together?" Lin Yuanwai's clear eyes seemed to have a flame.

All the merchants in the audience glanced at each other, and then they all became excited. Someone shouted and asked, "Mr. Lin, what do you mean, the 24 of us form a party and build a society?"

"That's a really good idea."

"Lin Yuanwai is indeed a person who has studied for a few years, and his vision is long-term."

"Since the society has been established, it must be given a name."

Member Lin pressed his hands down, and the people below immediately quieted down. He took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "But every high-ranking and honorable person is also called Mount Tai, and even the emperor wants to enshrine Mount Tai. Lin originally wanted to give me Wait for the name 'Taishan Society', but this name is too ostentatious, and we are currently weak, so we cannot obtain this honorable name for the time being."

Everyone nodded, they knew very well that this name was indeed a bit of a bottom line, especially the bottom line of scholars.

Member Lin continued to laugh and said, "So let's change the name and call it Nanshanhui from the meaning of 'Shoubi Nanshan'. How about it?"

"Okay, good wake up."

"Good meaning!"

"Good sign."

All the sea merchants clapped their hands and praised, their faces were full of excitement.

"Next, let's talk about how to distribute the thousand years of life. Since we want to form an association, we must first establish the rules."

At present, this group of people discussed in Bitian Pavilion for nearly a day and a night before they dispersed.

Although they didn't sleep all night, these sea merchants were all flushed with excitement and full of energy.

Lu Sen found out about this not long after.

"Lang Jun, do you think you want to show off their vigor?" Zhang Wei, a member of Bitian Pavilion, half-bent, looked at Lu Sen respectfully.

Lu Sen flicked the water cup on the table with his fingers, watching the tea in the cup rippling slightly: "Mr. Zhang, are you also a member of the Nanshan Club?"

"Of course they don't dare to get rid of me. After all, Bitian Pavilion also has my part."

Lu Sen smiled and said: "That's fine, you can play around with them and watch them for me."

"Is Mr. Lang optimistic about this Nanshan Club?" Zhang Yuanwai was a little surprised, and his fat cheeks twitched twice.

Lu Sen nodded: "It's okay, it doesn't hinder me anyway, and there is no conflict of interest with me. Besides, this world is too boring, it's good to have a little fun."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanwai suddenly thought of something, and swallowed subconsciously.

My son-in-law is a half-immortal, so there should be explanations and reasons for the people and things he likes.

And in my uncle's words, there was a very subtle taste just now, as if... this Nanshan meeting will be great in the future?

Can you stir up the smooth water of Da Song?
Thinking of this, not only the flesh on Zhang Yuanwai's cheeks trembled, but now even his lips trembled a little.

His voice was trembling slightly: "The villain will stay in the Nanshan Society first... He will definitely report every move of the Nanshan Society to the Lord."

"Well, please excuse me."

"Doing things for your lord is a lifelong blessing for a villain!"

The excited Zhang Yuanwai left with a basket of fruits. Of course, he was blindfolded when he left.

Lu Sen stayed in the gazebo, feeling both amused and emotional.

Tarzan meeting?Nanshan Club?
Is this a coincidence, or a joke of history?

Capital grouped together to form larger capital.

When the capital is strong enough, it starts eating people.

There is one thing to say, as long as capital is properly controlled, it is not completely harmful.

It's just that you Nanshan Society, are you going outside, wolves and tigers, and attacking the territory; or are you sticking to the old ways and eating the bones of your own people?
Not long after Zhang Yuanwai left, Lu Xianxian walked over with her waist slightly twisted. She sat down in front of Lu Sen and said with a smile, "Lang Jun, you look very preoccupied again."

"Yes, I thought of something." Lu Sen took a sip of his tea.

"I vaguely heard some of your conversations just now, but I didn't do it on purpose." A pair of white fox ears suddenly appeared on top of Lu Xianxian's head. She touched it and said with a smile: "It's just some merchants. , is it worthy of your honor?"

Lu Sen thought for a while and said, "Because I saw the turning point of history appear."

Lu Xianxian had a look of incomprehension.

Lu Sen smiled and said, "Let's put it this way, I saw Fate come to a fork in the road, go left or right, or stay in place? I don't know."

Now Lu Xianxian understood, and her expression was even more surprised: "It's just some merchants, can they really promote the general trend of the world?"

"It should be possible." After thinking for a while, Lu Sen said, "Sure."

Seeing Lu Sen's determined expression, Lu Xianxian gradually became sad. She sighed and said, "Mr. Lang, I have something to say to you. Don't be angry!"

"Say it, they are all from my own family, so there is nothing to be taboo about."

"The concubine and I can all see that you have a big plan, sir, and you seem to want to use the world as a chessboard and control the situation." Lu Xianxian kept staring at Lu Sen's eyes: "But we are just women, we all look at it." I don’t understand what you are doing. You don’t look like you want to fight for the throne, nor do you look like you want to disrupt the world and dominate the world. But why do you spend so much thought and material outside, and it’s useless to outsiders.”

Lu Sen looked not far away, the other girls were playing around.

Zhao Bilian had just learned the art of shikigami summoning and controlling, and she was yelling: "Snow Girl, Binghua has come to the world!"

Bai Xue, who had reincarnated as a Snow Banshee, heard Zhao Bilian's order, raised her hands, and swung forward. Then, a small blizzard suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Ice cones are thousands of miles away."

A dense patch of thorns appeared on the ground in front of them.

Then there were excited cries from several girls, even Pang Meier was mixed in, they were all extremely excited.

Lu Sen withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "Actually, you are interested in my layout, Xianxian."

Lu Xianxian raised her eyebrows: "Why did you say that, the three ladies are also very..."

"They really care about me." Lu Sen interrupted the vixen: "But they are very virtuous women. They never ask me too much about what I say or do. They only support me with all their strength. If I want to kill someone, they will help me." I sharpen my knife, I kill someone, they will help me bury the body. They will not ask me why I kill people, nor will they want to ask me what I plan to do."

Lu Xianxian suddenly felt her face burning.

Indeed, what she said just now was an excuse, and she wanted to know what Lu Sen was planning to do after all.

The three wives are involved, just to enhance the persuasiveness.

Foxes are, after all, very curious animals.

Daji was then, and so is Xianxian now!

Lu Sen looked at the shy fox and asked, "Are you bored at home?"

(End of this chapter)

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