Chapter 113
Time is gradually entering autumn, and the breeze is gradually rising.

The leaves of some trees on the dwarf mountains have begun to turn yellow, and they are slowly falling with the wind.

But in Lu Sen's homeland, there are still birds singing and flowers fragrant, and a hundred flowers blooming.

Sitting opposite Lu Sen, Qi Quan, a stone merchant, subconsciously half bent over, looking very nervous and respectful.

Lu Sen, on the other hand, held the crystal fragment in his hand, stared at it for a while, then put it down again, and said, "The painter has a heart."

"Where, it should be, it should be." Qi Quan smiled happily, and the facial features on his face seemed to be crumpled due to obesity.

Qi Quan is one of the 'white gloves' of the King of Runan, and Lu Sen has seen it before. The last time the King of Runan hosted a banquet for these white gloves, they gathered again, and by the way, let Lu Sen know more people.

The status of these people is indeed not high, but in life, there are always some troublesome things that need someone to help solve, and these people are very good helpers.

"How about those sexy women?" Lu Sen asked.

"Let's put it in the servant's field for the time being." Qi Quan bent over and said seriously: "If they want a place to live, then give it to them. Also, please rest assured that Lu Zhenren, I only take in women, and all men with sex eyes don't want."

"That's good." Lu Sen picked up the teacup.

This is the meaning of seeing off guests.

Qi Quan got up, said some farewell words, and when he went out to the door, Hei Zhu walked over from the side and presented a fruit basket.

Seeing the fresh fruit, Qi Quan smiled.

Among the things that Immortal Lu can give away now, the most powerful one is naturally the wood carving of spiritual beasts.But only Bao Xianggong got one, followed by honey, and then fairy fruit.

But don't think that the fairy fruit is worthless... In the entire Bianjing city, except for the civil and military officials who can go to court, it is even more difficult for others to eat a fruit.

It's a big profit for Qi Quan to get a basket.It is almost impossible for him to get a fairy fruit to eat normally.

"Renren Lu is really generous, it's really a good thing to do things for him." Qi Quan left happily.

In the gazebo, Lu Sen picked up the crystal shards again.

Looking at the system description, this thing can make people hallucinate, but how to use it is a problem.

After all, he is not a real supernatural person, but just a waste of cheating.

After playing with the crystal shards for a while, he didn't find anything special, so he gave up and put the shards into his system backpack.

For the next ten or so days, he seemed to have nothing to do. Apart from showing movies routinely, he practiced calligraphy and bow and arrow.

Archery is currently the only deterrent attack method, and Lu Sen plans to put more effort into this aspect.

At the same time, his 'Taiyi Hunyuan Kungfu' can be regarded as a real introduction now, and he can already use his inner energy to swim away.

Although it is still impossible to achieve the state of releasing the internal energy like Zhan Zhao, but it is still possible to attach the internal energy to the bow and arrow.

This made the arrows he shot slightly more powerful.

The flying speed of the arrow is also a little faster, but it is not obvious.

It's just that this is finally a good start. As long as there is progress, Lu Sen believes that he can always practice this skill to a very good level.

Such a leisurely life was very comfortable, until the king of Runan County brought a team of troops to the mountain.

Several mules were carrying heavy baskets, waiting to transport these things to the yard, and then pouring them out. Amid the rattling sound, Lu Sen was helpless.

Under the sun, there are a large number of colorful gems, all the size of a thumb, piled up on the ground in a large area.

Yang Jinhua was dazzled by the sight, but her pride as a fairy wife made her try to put on a calm expression, pretending not to care.

But Zhao Bilian didn't have so many worries, she threw herself into the pile of gems and rolled, and laughed endlessly.

The Prince of Runan County's face turned dark when he saw it. Such an uneducated woman is actually his own daughter?
But for the married daughter and the splashed water, he looked at Lu Sen and was relieved to see that the latter didn't respond.

Although Zhao Bilian's actions were indeed bad in his opinion, the young couple didn't mind, and as his father and father-in-law, there was no need for him to be a villain.

"That's too much." Lu Sen looked at the pile of gems, quite speechless.

"Most of them are the treasures of my Zhao Mansion, and about one-third of them were purchased quietly from the market." The Runan County King said with regret: "Except for Bianjing City, the gemstones in the neighboring cities have all been bought by the old man's subordinates. , The acquisition is almost done, and the average price of gemstones on the market has doubled. If it continues to be acquired, it will be very uneconomical."

After all, he is a prince, and his background is sufficient.

"Jinhua, take the storage box and put the gems first." Lu Sen then looked to the side and said, "Heizhu and Lingo, you stay in the yard, if any guests come, tell them that I am practicing in seclusion and invite them to come back tomorrow .”

Hei Zhu and Ringo nodded again and again.

Lu Sen said to the King of Runan County again: "Please come with me on Mount Tai."

After that, Lu Sen turned around and left. Yang Jinhua took a small box, sucked all the gems into it, and followed behind Lu Sen.

On the other hand, Zhao Bilian tugged on the sleeve of Runan County King, and said with a smile: "Father, follow up."

The four of them walked to the garden, then walked among the white eucalyptus trees, and found a place close to the rocks.

There was a strange square stone pier built here. Lu Sen kicked his foot on it, and then the stone pier cracked, revealing a tunnel.

Lu Sen and Yang Jinhua went down first, and then Zhao Bilian walked down, pulling on the sleeve of King Runan.

It was very dark inside, Lu Sen took out a torch from the system backpack, and it burned with a light wave, and then the surrounding area was brightly lit.

This is a large square-shaped space. King Runan went to the side, touched it, and found that the walls and the ceiling above his head are all made of stone bricks, which can't be done by just digging.

"How big is this place?" Duke Runan couldn't help asking, because he also saw that in this prescription-shaped space, there are three passages leading to other places, and there is also a staircase going down.

"It's huge. We have almost hollowed out the entire short mountain." Lu Sen smiled and said, "Now I plan to continue digging down."

The King of Runan County was silent for a while, and sighed: "I guess the imperial mausoleum is only of this size, are you guarding against the officials?"

If something really happened, Lu Sen led people to drill in here, and no one would be able to force them out.

Even if fire attack and water irrigation are not effective, after all, this kind of project can be done, and it is impossible not to consider the problem of fire prevention and waterproofing.

"Not only to guard against officials, but also to guard against all officials." Lu Sen explained: "People's hearts are changeable, so it's always good to be prepared."

The King of Runan County was a little touched at this time. Lu Sen was able to show him this place, which showed that he really regarded himself as a relative, and it was really worthwhile for him to spend more than a year with all his heart and soul.

"My son-in-law brought me here just to show me this underground residence?"

"It's just one of the reasons." Lu Sen explained: "Since Taishan sent so many gems, I will naturally make many creations. I can't guarantee what I can produce. In case there are some peerless treasures that shine all over the sky, Or if the multi-colored clouds rise to the sky, won't that tell the whole world that I have produced a treasure?"

What Lu Sen means is that the wealth is not revealed. With so many gems and so many blind boxes, some real treasures can always be opened.

The Runan County King was still a little confused at this time, and then under the explanation of his daughter Bilian, he finally understood what opening a blind box was.Immediately became interested: "Fight for fortune, right? My fortune is pretty good."

In fact, not only the King of Runan County, Yang Jinhua and Zhao Bilian were also a little impatient.

Lu Sen asked Yang Jinhua to pour out the gems, and he poured out the other materials in the backpack himself, and then started the rapid synthesis.

He is only responsible for manufacturing, while the other three are responsible for unboxing.

This way the efficiency is greatly improved.

The boxes are made very quickly, and they are also opened very quickly. Although most of them are garbage, occasionally they are opened, and something shiny will appear.

More than three hours passed, at first Yang Jinhua and the others were very excited to open the blind box, but by the last hour, the three of them were no longer excited.

It's just that occasionally when it comes to a 'luminous' item, it will make a small exclamation.

If you play too much with anything, you will feel short-term boredom.

After consuming all the gems, Lu Sen made more than 300 happy blind boxes.

Among them, more than 600 boxes were opened with stones, and the remaining more than 600 boxes were opened with real objects with different prices.

Among these real items, there are also a lot of tasteless sundries. It is a pity to lose them. Don’t throw them away, because they feel like they take up space.

For example... chairs, towels, things like that.

The sundries accounted for [-]% of the total, and the remaining [-]% were the things that Lu Sen felt were more useful.

For example, high-year medicinal materials, such as 100-year-old Tianshan snow lotus, 200-year-old ginseng, etc.

In addition, there are many formula materials, even a piece of meteorite from the sky.

Lu Sen roughly estimated that some special formulas can be made.

Synthetic materials accounted for [-]% and the remaining half was the real good stuff.

22 pieces of 'Exotic Treasures'.

Ten of them are contract items, such as Qingqiu woodcarvings, void kuns, blue slimes, and so on.

Five pieces are special magic weapons: windbreaker coat, white feather cover, Dayan lantern and so on.

The remaining seven pieces are all 'elixirs'.

What foundation building pills, body strengthening pills, etc.

Lu Sen was very happy to prescribe these things, but when he looked at the system notification, he found that the names of these pills were all red, and there was a reminder at the back: Your strength is too weak, you will explode and die after eating, please improve your Strength, at least until the inner gas is transformed into a gang.

The so-called inner qi transforms the inner qi into a circular protective cover in the body, and it exists for a long time.

This is already something that can only be done by top-notch experts, not to mention Lu Sen, even Zhan Zhao and Ouyang Chun have not touched the edge.

So things like pills can only be put first.

As for the magic weapon, it is indeed very powerful, but it can't be used.

Immortal power is needed to drive the magic weapon, and Lu Sen and the others don't even have strong internal energy, let alone immortal power.

So next, the focus of the four people's concerns was on the ten contracted wood carvings.

Except for Lu Sen, the other three chose one.

The king of Runan County took a wooden carving of a green tortoise. The tortoise looked quite simple and honest, lying on the ground, and there was a red silk scarf tied around the eyes. I don't know what it means.

When the tortoise was in the Northern Song Dynasty, it was an auspicious thing. Because Taoism was prevalent, the tortoise was also called "Xuanwu" at this time.

Another reason why the King of Runan County chose the tortoise was that Lu Sen said the benefits of contracting the green tortoise woodcarving: with 20 years of life for nothing, it is not easy to get sick, and the fortune will increase.

The King of Runan County is almost sixty now, and he already understands the importance of longevity.

Compared with prolonging life, what is handsome or not, or powerful or not, are all illusory.

Zhao Bilian chose: Qingqiu woodcarving, a white fox.

As a woman, the purpose of choosing Qingqiu is so obvious that no explanation is needed.

And Yang Jinhua chose a firebird.

Phoenix, also called flamingo.

After choosing their contract object, the three made the blood contract without hesitation.

In an instant, green, red and white lights intersected in the entire space, shaking Lu Sen's eyes so much that he was about to go blind.

About half an hour later, Lu Sen returned to his bedroom.

The King of Runan County had already left the short mountain, and when he left, there was a green turtle lying on his head.

Lu Sen looked at it, and it felt funny no matter what.

After rubbing his hands a little, Lu Sen sat on the bed and sighed.

At this time, Yang Jinhua came in after taking a bath, and at the same time a fiery red bird that seemed to be emitting flames landed on the window.

It's just that its flame is not real, it's just a special effect, so it didn't burn the windows up.

Yang Jinhua wiped the water from her hair, sat next to Lu Sen, and asked, "Officer, why don't you contract a spirit beast?"

"I don't like it." Lu Sen shook his head.

In fact, the contract between the three of them is already the best three spirit beasts.

The rest of the contract wood carvings are all weird!
It's not that it's not powerful, but it's too weird.

What blue slime, little yellow chicken, courtship dancing frog and so on!

He is not in a hurry to make a contract now, he will talk about it later when he has a good wood carving.

That's it!Yang Jinhua has no doubt about it.

In her opinion, all the things made by her family's officials are very powerful, but the appearance may be a little different.

Yang Jinhua dried her hair and was about to help Lu Sen undress and go to bed, at this moment, the door opened, Yang Jinhua looked over and said at the same time: "Bilian, why are you up so late... Wait, what are you doing? Transformed into a fit?"

There was a woman standing by the door. In terms of appearance, she was still Zhao Bilian, but she had a pair of white fox ears on her head. She was leaning sideways, with her hands resting on the edge of the door.

Then, a white, furry fox tail swayed gently.

She smiled coquettishly, seductively.

Lu Sen and Yang Jinhua took a breath at the same time.

As time passed, the rhythmic noise in Lu Sen's room lasted until dawn, and then fell silent.

And the king of Runan County came to the gate of the palace early, and soon all the civil and military officials also came.

They looked at the little green tortoise lying on the cap of the prince of Runan County, and then at the black kitten standing on Bao Zheng's shoulder, and they were extremely envious.

Grand Master Pang took the initiative to walk to the King of Runan County, and said in a low voice, "King of Runan County, please tell me something, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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