Chapter 10 Golden Ringo
The refugee street outside the north wall of the city is one of the dirtiest places in the whole Bianjing city.

It is said to be a 'street', but it is actually a very large area.

The Han people who had fled from the north had no land or fields, so they gathered here, reunited and warmed, and lived in the world.

At first there were few people, it was really just a street.

But as the number gradually increases year by year, there are nearly 2 people here.

They are already the population of a large county.

But compared with the nearly 200 million population of Bianjing City, it is only a small area.

The refugee street is a pain point for the upper class of the whole Da Song, which means that the north is suffering, but Da Song has nothing to do.

Can't beat the neighbors to the north.

In fact, the refugees gathered here are only a small part of the Han people who fled to the south, and more died on the way to escape, or were diverted to other areas.

The street is very smelly, and the leftovers in the palace are all dumped here, and the sanitation system here is like the difference between heaven and earth compared to the city of Bianjing.

There are no sewers, and the refugees excrete physiological sewage everywhere.

Excrement everywhere on the dirt track.

So when Lu Sen came here, he was reluctant to move forward.

But when he thought that this place was the only place with a lot of bones or bone meal, he endured it.

The place where the leftovers are dumped in the palace is to the east of the refugee street.

And Lu Sen came from the west of the city, so he was bound to pass through the area of ​​Refugee Street.

Walking inside the refugee street, Lu Sen covered his nose all the way.

On both sides of the winding mud road, there are low and ugly mud brick houses.

There were many poor people who looked no different from beggars and were barely clothed sitting under the wall, staring blankly at the occasional passers-by on the dirt road.

Many people stared at Lu Sen and Hei Zhu with strange eyes.

Like a hungry wolf staring at fresh meat.

The two walked for a while, and suddenly two men stood beside them, blocking their way.

They also look like beggars, but their energy is obviously much better than the numb-eyed people next to them.

One of them was holding a black wooden stick and a clean porcelain bowl in his hand. He looked at Lu Sen with a smile and asked, "Young man, this is not the place you should come. Didn't your lord say it?"

Heizhu was about to speak, but Lu Sen reached out to stop him, then clasped his fists and said, "I don't intend to stay here, I'm just passing by."

"Really just passing by?" The beggar's eyes were sullen, as if mocking: "It's not that you have nothing to do, come here to play with the prestige of a high-class person."

"Playing prestige here? Then I might as well go drink flower wine." Lu Sen smiled slightly, staring at the other party's eyes without showing weakness: "I will go back later, do you have any opinion?"

Often times, just being humble is not enough.Lu Sen understands this very well.

The talking beggar frowned, then smiled and stepped aside: "I hope you will do what you say, young man, we are in charge of this land, you are the son of a tiger, there is no need to fight with us local snakes. eat."

Lu Sen didn't speak, just smiled and walked past him.

Heizhu lowered his head and quickly followed.

When Lu Sen walked further away, another beggar said inexplicably, "Tang Master Li, why did you let that kid run away? He is thin and tender. We tie him back, and a tael of silver won't be able to escape."

"It's not easy to tie it up." Hall Master Li shook his head, and there was no expression on his black face: "The boy's eyes are wrong, he looks like a wolf, it is estimated that he is behind the door."

"The people behind Jiangmen are not afraid. It's not like we haven't been tied up. The illegitimate son of the Cao family is still there in front of us."

Hall Master Li snorted: "You dare to tie the three guards of the Yang family, the Chong family, and the Di family?"

The beggar next to him immediately stopped talking: "Then definitely can't be tied up, although I'm not afraid, but revenge afterwards is really troublesome. It's just that he doesn't look right. The only son of the Yang family is on the Northwest Army's side, and the whole family of the Zhong family is in the north. As for the garrison, the men from the Di family have all gone to the southwest. That kid should not belong to these three families."

"No, it's the same." Hall Master Li shook his head: "Now only these three families, or Xungui who are related to these three families, can cultivate such a wolf-like young man."

This Hall Master Li shook his head regretfully and left.

And Lu Sen continued to walk along the mud road, and he would ask, "Heizhu, you are very scared, know them?"

Hei Zhu nodded, he was really frightened just now: "They are members of the Wuyoudong Beggar Gang, they are lawless, and they dare to attack anyone except for a little bit of scruples. I heard that many boys and daughters of dignitaries and dignitaries are They were kidnapped and turned into slaves and prostitutes.”

"Does the government care?"

"I can, but I can't handle it. Wuyoudong and Guifanlou are quite troublesome."

Then, Heizhu said what he knew.

Bianjingcheng has the best underground sewage system in the world.

The size of Bianjing City is as large as the range of underground sewage channels.Moreover, the underground passage in Bianjing City is large and wide, and the height and width are enough for six or seven adults to run side by side.

The environment inside is complicated and the passages are densely covered.

After those perpetrators escaped into the underground waterway, they would hardly be caught again by taking advantage of the complicated terrain inside.

At night, they jumped out from other passages to find food, or committed crimes.

Over time, there were more and more villains in the underground waterway, and then they began to form gangs, and finally formed two organizations, Wuyoudong, headed by the Beggar Gang, and Guifanlou, headed by Jianghu people.

Wuyoudong likes to 'operate', grab sites, and collect protection fees.

Kidnap children, use boys as servants, or brainwash them into their own.

The vast majority of girls are raised for a few years, trained as prostitutes and sold into brothels, or left directly in Wuyoudong as a means of venting.

Another organization, Ghost Fanlou, has few people, but has a relatively high combat power and likes to engage in assassination business.

Not open for three years, open for three years.

At the same time, they also do some middle-end businesses, such as helping people launder money or something.

The government deeply hates these two organizations, after all, many ministers' children have also been poisoned by Wuyoudong.

Some officials died under the assassination of Guifanlou.

Every year, the government will encircle and suppress these two organizations, especially when Bao Zheng became the governor of Kaifeng in just half a year, he swept it three times.

Zhan Zhao took the lead every time, and every time he was able to kill two or three hundred scumbags in Wuyoudong, or some elite forces in Guifanlou.

But the effect is not obvious... The environment in the underground sewer is too complicated, and the space is large enough.

It is conservatively estimated that there are nearly 300 to [-] villains living there for a long time, and two to three hundred people are wiped out each time, which is really not even a hair.

Heizhu also wanted to join Wuyoudong three or four years ago.

But the other party didn't want him, and even beat him half to death.The person who took the shot was Hall Master Li who was talking to Lu Sen just now.

Therefore, Heizhu was quite afraid of that person.

Lu Sen shook his head, feeling rather ironic.

Originally such a magnificent underground sewage system, which should have benefited the people of Bianjing, turned out to be a haven for villains.

Even in turn hurt the people of the city.

When he shook his head, out of the corner of his eyes suddenly caught sight of a small figure beside the road, lying on his back on the yellow soil, motionless.

Swarms of black flies covered her body like black rags, covering even the young child's face.

do you died?
Lu Sen stopped, stopped for a while, and when he saw the little figure was motionless, he walked away again.

If he was alive, he would naturally help.

But if he died, he didn't care about it anymore.

Sighing slightly, Lu Sen moved on.

If an adult died, he would not be so melancholy, but if a child died, he would feel much more uncomfortable.

It's human nature.

There is a protective instinct for cubs.

After another ten minutes, he finally passed through the core area of ​​the refugee street and came to the place where the leftovers were dumped in the palace.

In front of you is a rotten garbage dump.

A large amount of domestic waste accumulates here.

In addition to dumping garbage here in the palace, many big families or dignitaries also dump household garbage here.

Over time, the garbage here has piled up into mountains.

The garbage on the top of the mountain is still fresh, but starting from the middle of the mountain, the garbage has been corrupted into black soil.

In addition, there are a lot of skinny people here, looking for food on the garbage mountain.

Lu Sen covered his nose, looked at the mountain of garbage in front of him, and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I don't need to find bone meal anymore."

Because at this time, in his field of vision, there is a large amount of 'black soil' in front of him.

One unit of clod and one unit of bone meal can make one 'black soil'.

However, the mountain of garbage in front of him was full of black soil.

Lu Sen stretched out his hand, and the black soil at the foot of the garbage mountain first collapsed into black squares, and finally turned into golden streamers that disappeared into his palm.

Many people around were stunned, and some beggars had even knelt down and were kowtowing. This was to worship him as an immortal.

After collecting more than 300 units of black soil, half of the foot of the garbage mountain is missing.

If you suck it further, the mountain of garbage is estimated to collapse.

Lu Sen turned around and left.

Hei Zhu followed and asked in a low voice, "Langjun, why don't we go back from the east gate, the place on the street is really dirty, the villain is afraid of dirtying your body."

"It's okay, I'm not that delicate."

Lu Sen smiled.

In fact, in his mind now, the small figure that was almost completely covered by black flies was still emerging.

I always feel uncomfortable.

He wants to go back and confirm again. If the child is really dead, he will help find a place to bury it.

If you don't die, save it if you can.

With this thought in mind, he walked quite fast this time.

Almost a trot.

Heizhu was a little uncomfortable following him.

Soon, Lu Sen returned to the place just now, and the little body covered by the black fly was still there.

It's just that with more time for such a stick of incense, there are more black flies covering the little guy.

It was pitch black, covering the entire body of the little guy on his back.

Seeing this scene, Lu Sen shook his head in his heart.

Generally, only dead bodies attract so many flies, because dead bodies rot.Now that the weather is hot, the rot will be faster.

He took a piece of clothing out of the system backpack and used it as a piece of cloth to fan the black flies away.

Driven away, these black flies flew up and hummed like a scattered dark cloud.

There are some who refuse to go, and continue to stay on the body of the little thing to bite.

"The body is not rotten...but it smells very bad. No wonder there are so many flies. It is estimated that it is not far from rot."

Lu Sen was stunned for a moment, but he still walked to the little thing and squatted down.

The small body on the ground is very thin, with thin arms and thin legs like toothpicks.

A strong sour smell rushed out of the nose, and the clothes on the little things were already hard and caked, and it was estimated that they had not been washed for a long time.

His hair was very long and messy, like water plants coated with asphalt, and it was tied together, which was very ugly.

Lu Sen put his hand on the little thing's left chest.

He has no hope for the survival of this little thing. It is just a gesture of comfort to try to see if he has a heartbeat.

But then, Lu Sen's expression was surprised.

Under the palm, is the beating of the heart.

Although faint, it is indeed beating.

Still alive!

Why are the living being thrown to the side of the road?
This thought flashed through Lu Sen's mind, but then he didn't think about it, he put his hand under the little guy's back, trying to help him up.

As a result, he had just lifted the person's body up a bit, but the little guy with his eyes closed and motionless suddenly screamed, and his whole body was shaking with pain.

So frightened, Lu Sen immediately lay him back on the ground gently.

This is... Lu Sen is a little puzzled, where did he get hurt, and then was touched by himself?

Just when he was puzzled, the middle-aged beggar who had been sitting beside him said aloud: "Young man, that little girl hurt her waist, her mother threw her out, but I saw her legs can still move before. , it is estimated that the waist is not broken. If you take care of it, you can still do some rough work. If you are a good person, you can take her away. If you stay here, she will die sooner or later. "

Injured waist?

No wonder!
Lu Sen took out two wooden sticks from the system backpack, and made a simple small stretcher out of that piece of clothing.

Finally, together with Heizhu, one person lifted the upper body and the other lifted the legs, and put the small things on the stretcher.

During this period, the little girl screamed softly in pain, but she was still in a coma and did not wake up.

"Go to the city to get a doctor." Lu Sen shouted.

Hei Zhu shook his head: "Lang Jun, she is a homeless, dirty and smelly. No medical center will admit her. The soldier guarding the city will not let her enter the city."

Lu Sen frowned, and he had to say that Hei Zhu was right.

If Lu Sen entered the city by himself, with his appearance and temperament, he would not be an ordinary person at first glance. It is estimated that he would be released without even checking his household registration.

But with this little girl, things are different.

The soldiers guarding the city would not let a dark, dirty, smelly, dying refugee enter the city.

"Then go home, I'll figure out a way myself."

Lu Sen and Hei Zhu were one after the other, carrying the little girl back to the courtyard of Dwarf Mountain.

Originally it would take at least an hour to walk, but with the two of them running fast, it took half an hour to arrive.

Back in the yard, the two immediately put down the stretcher.

Heizhu went to the nearby aqueduct to fetch some mountain spring water and fed the little girl with a porcelain bowl.

Lu Sen sat on the ground breathing heavily... His physical strength was no better than Hei Zhu, after all, he was pampered and his level was lower.

The little girl subconsciously sucked the water a few times, and her mouth stopped moving.

Lu Sen put his hand on her nose and put it on her heart, and found that her breathing and heartbeat were weaker.

If it goes on like this, it is estimated that it will not survive tonight.

Lu Sen opened his system recipe bar and looked at what could quickly save his life.

Then frowned.

If it is the food produced in the system home, even if it is the most basic vegetable leaves, eating it has the effect of restoring life.

As long as you eat a piece of vegetable leaf, it is estimated that this little girl can be pulled back from the death line.

But now he has just brought back the black soil, and the land has not been reclaimed, let alone planted, and there are no seeds, no vegetable leaves.

In the absence of home food, the only thing that can be quickly crafted now is... golden apples.

Hei Zhu was on the side, looking at Lu Sen with anticipation.

He wanted to see the scene where his master used fairy magic to save people.

Lu Sen turned his head to look at Hei Zhu: "You have a way to enter the city."

"Yes, but you need some copper coins to give to the soldier."

"You also know where Tianbo Yang Mansion is."

Heizhu continued to nod again.

"Take it." Lu Sen stuffed a handful of copper coins into Hei Zhu's hand: "You have a quick leg, go to Tianbo Yang Mansion and find Mrs. Yang. Just say I want to concoct alchemy to save people. It costs eight yuan a tael. Gold, and a ripe apple, please help her to fund these materials. After she becomes successful, I am willing to give her half of it."

Hei Zhu held the copper coin and asked suspiciously, "Lang Jun, what is an apple?"

Lu Sen thought for a while and said, "Oh, it should be called Ringo now."

(End of this chapter)

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