People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 98 The Torture Department Is Really Scary! ([Nine Girls from the Su Family] Ten Thousand Rew

Chapter 98 The Torture Department is really scary! ([Su Family Nine Girls] Ten Thousand Rewards Plus More)
This chapter is a reward for the [Su Jiajiu Girl].



Qing Yu nodded in agreement immediately.

It was definitely a good opportunity for him to come to Yile Ramen's noodle shop to get in touch with the ninja parents.

If you can find a suitable reason, pat your head.

Especially Konoha White Fang's head.

Not to mention rewards.

It is the reserve of rich life experience and life learning.

That was a very impressive gain.

"Then it's settled, I can rest assured if you come."

Satisfied, I drank the shochu in the cup, and the whole person was very comfortable. The doubts about the membership system were solved, and it was like solving a major event in life.

"I have nothing else to do." Qing Yu said immediately.

"What's the hurry, let's drink some more." He shook the half-jug of shochu in his hand, and his slightly flushed face looked a bit overwhelmed.

"Don't drink anymore."

Qing Yu waved his hand, then pointed to the sky outside and said, "It's dark, I'm afraid."


Uchiha Mikoto directly squirted the noodles that had not been chewed in her mouth.

Is this what a ninja said?
Still a ninja.

This word sounds incredible to her!

"You kid...I'm still thinking about asking you to send Mikoto back." Hands winked at Qing Yu, and the meaningful smile on his face seemed to be matching something.

"Forget it, this is the female ninja of the future security department. If any bad person encounters her, it is not her who is in danger, but the bad person." Qing Yu said lightly.

"It makes sense!" The hand beat for a while and was speechless.

"Then I'll send it to you!" Uchiha Mikoto stood up suddenly, staring at Qing Yu and said.

"No, you'd better let me go!" Qing Yu waved his hand indifferently, turned around and left the Yile Ramen Noodle Shop.

"I..." Uchiha Mikoto had never seen someone who avoided her like this before, how could she feel that in Qing Yu's eyes, she was like a beast of a flood, with a strange look on her face, she looked at the hand next to her, Asked: "Hands on big brother, am I so scary?"

"This...that...I have to clean up and get ready to close." Shouba stood up immediately, according to his rich experience, this question is likely to be a proposition, and the answer is wrong.


After Aoba left Ichiraku Ramen, he walked directly towards the Anbu dormitory.

He avoided Uchiha Mikoto, not only because the girl was curious about him, but also because the girl belonged to the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha clan will bring him incalculable trouble.

He didn't want to be friends with the Uchiha clan at all.

There is no connection.

There are no fetters.

No fetters.

There is no messy feeling.

Qing Yu didn't want some so-called emotional problems to entangle his peaceful heart in the torture department.

Even if it were another girl, he didn't want to make friends, let alone Uchiha Mikoto.

This family is too troublesome!
As the manipulator behind the remnant party incident in the old era, Qing Yu knew very well how exaggerated the impact of this incident was.

Now Danzo has linked the remnants of the old era with the Uchiha family.

Whether it was Tetsu Nara or Mitsuro, the Uchiha information conveyed in the two corpses completely focused Danzo's attention on the Uchiha family.

He can be very sure.

There must be a life-and-death battle between Danzo and Uchiha.

Not only that.

Before this life-and-death battle, I don't know how many calculations there are between them.

He didn't want to be involved in it!


It didn't take long.

Qing Yu returned to the dormitory.

After a simple wash, he fell on the iron bed and fell into a deep sleep, recovering the energy he had spent.

The next day, early in the morning.

Aoba put on an Anbu ninja uniform, put on a cat face mask, and came to work in the torture department as usual.

Came to the cubicle where he worked.

Just when he opened the cubicle door, there was a feeble sound inside.

"'re finally...back..."

There was a dark smell of blood in the cubicle.

Suddenly there was such a voice.

Qing Yu was really taken aback.

I thought it was haunted.

Take a closer look.

Just now, I found a middle-aged man with his head down tied to the stake.

with a faint light.

Qing Yu saw that the middle-aged man's face was full of haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was in a state of exhaustion.

Good guy!
Forget about this man!
Qing Yu immediately recognized that this middle-aged man was the suspect who had been locked up in the cubicle before he went to carry out the Danzo mission.

At that time, the middle-aged man did not immediately confess his guilt, so he was forgotten here.

I just remember now when I come back.


Qing Yu ran into the spirit of torture, and logically regarded these as part of the torture.

"who are you?"

Qing Yu pretended to be puzzled and asked, preparing to give this middle-aged man a mental shock.

"My name is Fukuyama Tang Ze, I took advantage of the three generations of Hokage-sama to be attacked and burglarized, and was caught by the guards who were on patrol. I have many times of theft experience before, I recruited them all, please don't Leave me here again."

The middle-aged man raised his last strength and frankly recruited what he had done.

Two whole days and two nights.

He was locked in this dark cubicle.

There were occasional footsteps outside.

He ignored his cries for help.

The screams of being tortured kept coming from the surrounding compartments, which, combined with the bloody smell in the room, stimulated his nerves to a great extent.

During this time...

He was terrified!
The repentance in my heart has reached the level of enlightenment, and I no longer want to be a snitch.

The torture department is really scary!

"Fukuyama Tang Ze."

Qing Yu faintly called the middle-aged man's name. He slept very comfortably, his energy was fully recovered, and he was ready for the long-lost interrogation.

"Yes, yes, Fukuyama Tangze is me, I am Fukuyama Tangze, I recruit, I recruit all, please don't torture me, if I stay in this place for another day, I may die!" The man said frantically, he was afraid that the ninja in the torture department in front of him would mistakenly think that he would still insist.

"Write a confession."

Qing Yu looked at the middle-aged man, and suddenly felt a little dull.

This class of suspects is too spineless.

So easy to recruit.

It's over before he even started...

I can't help but miss the spy in Shayin Village I met before, which can make him useful!

"thank you!"

When Fukuyama Tangze heard that he could write a confession, tears burst into his eyes instantly, he was just a delicate little Snitch!

 Thank you [Happy Oracle] for the reward and support!
  Thank you [Yuan Sangai] for your reward and support!
  Thank you [Book Friends 20190914151836482] for your support!
  Thank you for the reward and support of the [Smoke and Rain in the Mid-Levels] boss!
  Thank you [Xian Xiaoqi] for the reward and support!

  That's all for today, I will update more tomorrow, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket, and thank you Tianfeng!
(End of this chapter)

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