People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 89 Qingyu, do you understand? (for collection)

Chapter 89 Qingyu, do you understand? (for collection)
Qing Yu's puzzled and curious voice was clearly heard in the ears of Izumi Yamanaka and Kazuma Yamanaka.

all of a sudden.

Both Izumi Yamanaka and Kazuma Yamanaka focused their attention on Aoba.

There was no displeasure in their eyes, but they thought.

"Qing Yu, have you thought of any possibility?" Yamanaka Izumi asked directly.


Qing Yu nodded, and then said: "Is it possible that... someone implanted a memory on this person after he died?"


Before Aoba could finish speaking, Izumi Yamanaka and Kazuma Yamanaka shook their heads at the same time.

"Why?" Qing Yu asked again.

"Qingyu, your body is weak, resulting in weak mental strength. You may not have been exposed to the problem of implanting the memory level. That is a very, very, very labor-intensive thing!" Yamanaka Izumi explained.

"Yes, it is very difficult to implant memories while alive, let alone after death, even Captain Yuta cannot do it!" Yamanaka said firmly.

"Is it... difficult?" Qing Yu's eyelids twitched slightly, and asked like Xiao Bai.


Izumi Yamanaka stared at Qing Yu in surprise, then looked at Kazuma Yamanaka next to him.

The eyes of the two looked at each other, and both could see each other's thoughts in the eyes of the other.

"How difficult it is!"

Yamanaka Izumi sighed, a wry smile on his face.

"You may not understand the concept of implanted memory, let me briefly explain it to you."

"You must first understand that memories are stored in the hippocampus of the brain. When we read memories, we use secret techniques to perceive the neurons in the hippocampus and explore the neural signals inside to read the images stored in the other's brain. ."

"After you understand this concept, let's talk about changing the memory, then we need to change the memory stored in the hippocampus."

"Regardless of whether the person whose memory has been changed cooperates or not, this requires an extremely complicated procedure, and it is necessary to give the person whose memory has been changed to take psychotropic drugs, which will weaken the mental will."

"After completing this premise, a very complete memory must be passed on in the form of a heart-to-body picture. Under the disturbance of nerves, the other party will have a real feeling like a dream."

"Such a process is not a simple one-time process. It must be repeated day in and day out, and it will take at least a month before the memory implantation can be completed."

"Of course, then, if the person whose memory is implanted is willing to cooperate and brainwash himself to make himself believe that this memory is real, then the process will be faster."

"However, no matter what the situation is, it will take a while, and the mental strength of the person implanted with the memory is extremely demanding, and it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time!"

"What I just said was about implanting memories in the living. Implanting memories in the dead is ten times more difficult than implanting in the living!"

When Izumi Yamanaka said this, his tone paused, and then he continued to teach Qingyu science.

"After a person dies, the brain also dies, and the memories stored in the hippocampus will not last long, and will quickly dissipate over time."

"Generally the best time to read a dead person's memory is within 6 hours of death."

"The second is within 48 hours!"

"If it exceeds 48 hours, that is, 2 days, and then 15 days, the memory during this time will gradually become blurred, and the information that can be found will become less and less."

"After more than 15 days, the remaining memories are almost impossible to read!"

"This is the point at which the hippocampus can store memories after a person dies."

"After you understand this time point, you will understand why you can't implant memories into dead people."

"First of all, dead people can't use drugs to weaken the nerves in the brain, which makes the transmission of pictures into the hippocampus very difficult to accept."

"Secondly, the neurons in the hippocampus of the dead are no longer active, and it is very difficult to read the memory, let alone pass the memory in."

"The most important thing is the time issue I told you just now. Dead people don't have enough time to receive memories."

"Generally speaking, the time period for memory implantation is about a month. No matter how fast it is, it will not be less than half a month, but half a month is enough to make the hippocampus of a dead person wither."

"Qing Yu, do you understand?"

Yamanaka Izumi patiently explained the question of memory implantation to Qingyu Popular Science, especially the memory implantation of dead people.


Qing Yu nodded, it was not that he did not know these questions, but he hoped that Izumi Yamanaka and Kazuya Yamanaka really thought he did not know.

In Yuta Yamanaka's memory, these are all explained in great detail.

There is not only the concept of implanting memory, but also the practice of implanting memory.

These experiences are all that Izumi Yamanaka and Kazuma Yamanaka do not have.


Qing Yu had a little bit of disagreement with what Izumi Yamanaka said just now.

Dead people can have memories implanted!

As long as the implantation process is violent enough, the memory can be put in before it fades away.

The premise is to have a strong mental strength.

This is the limitation on their cognition. They have never seen an existence with such strong mental power, and naturally feel that such a thing is impossible!

"This piece of Uchiha's memory, whether it's going to be taken away or implanted, is all his life?"

"Is it possible that Mr. Yuta did it?"

After Aoba asked the question, he began to draw the thoughts of Izumi Yamanaka and Kazuma Yamanaka at his rhythm.


Izumi Yamanaka immediately stretched out a finger, put it in front of his lips, and made a gesture of silence.

"very possible!"

Izumi Yamanaka nodded, and when he was talking, he looked around to make sure that no one heard him, and he was relieved.

"In this case, I don't think we should talk about it. Let the team who will search for this person's memory find it." Qing Yu expressed his thoughts.

"This really can't be said!" Yamanaka Kazuma echoed.

"I think so too..." Yamanaka Izumi smiled helplessly and said, "I just feel a little pity."

"What a pity!"

Yamanaka was really annoyed, he stared at Yamanaka Izumi and gave the latter a hard look.

"Quan, wake me up, do you know what is involved in this matter!"

"The Uchiha family!"

"And Captain Yuta!"

"There isn't any clear evidence now, we told this thing, who knows what will happen to us!"

Yamanaka was really scared. It stands to reason that they only need to say what they saw, and the rest has nothing to do with them.


If it is false.

Then the Uchiha clan must hold a grudge against their slander.

if it is real……

That was an unstoppable discovery!
"Forget it, if we don't talk about it, we don't know, let the other team talk about it, don't go into this muddy water!"

(End of this chapter)

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