People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 491 The frontline ninja army is defeated! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Chapter 491 The frontline ninja army is defeated! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Every ninja in Konoha Village on the scene has realized the seriousness of the matter.

Only now did they understand.

It turned out that things were far from as simple as they imagined.

It seems that they are constantly pulling and pulling with the ninjas of Yanyin Village.



They've all been targeted.

Among the three major ninja villages except Yanyin Village, two ninja villages launched an attack on Konoha Village at this time.

If the water gate is not there.

This would be a devastating blow to Konoha Village.

for a while.

The ninjas of Muye Village had chills down their spines. They all realized that even if they escaped the attack of Yanyin Village in front of them, they could not avoid the sneak attacks of the two villages behind.

Whether they want to admit it or not.

Now they all understand such a truth.

Muye Village is already standing on the edge of a cliff.

It was the yellow-haired boy who was at the focus of their eyes, Namizumono, who pulled Muye Village back from the edge of the cliff.

at this time.

Just when they thought the war in a short period of time had come to an end.

They got it.

They can't even wait for them to return to Muye Village.

They are about to face the sudden attack of the army of ninjas in Hidden Sand Village.

Almost everyone became very terrified in their hearts, but this did not delay their mental preparations for everything.


At this moment.

The country of soil, Yanyin Village.

A team of ninjas rushed towards Yanyin Village quickly. The faces of each of them were full of tension and anxiety. Now they want to send back very important information, which is information about the future of Yanyin Village. .


The figure of this team quickly passed through the woods, arrived at the gate of Yanyin Village, and came into the sight of the gatekeeper ninja.


These gatekeeper ninjas saw this team coming. They were members of the ninja army that went to the battlefield before. They all knew each other, but these people should be on the front line now, not here.

"Why did you come back?"

These gatekeeper ninjas asked cautiously. After the assassination of Master Tsuchikage Onogi for three generations, they were extra cautious about anyone who wanted to enter Yanyin Village.

"No time to explain!"

"We want to see Lord Tsuchikage!"

"The situation is very urgent!"

The tone of everyone in this team is extremely eager. They are the advance intelligence team for the army of ninjas returning here, and they are responsible for quickly reporting what happened on the front line to Lord Tukage of Yanyin Village as soon as possible.


The gatekeeper ninjas looked at each other, and then each took a step back to make way for the team to pass quickly.

Followed by.

These ninjas quickly walked towards the Dokage Office of Yanyin Village.


The gatekeeper ninja suddenly realized something, and then looked at the ninjas of Yanyin Village, and said, "Master Tukage is not in the office now, but in the hospital. Go straight to the hospital!"


The ninjas who were in charge of delivering the information nodded, and quickly rushed towards the Yanyin Village Hospital. After hearing the words of the gatekeeper ninja, they all suddenly remembered that Master Lu Ting said at that time that Tu Shadow-sama was attacked by Konoha Village.

After thinking about something like this...

The faces of the ninjas in this team became even more serious.

It can be said that each of them wanted to avenge Lord Tukage at that time, but in the end no one did it.


Now it is no longer something that has not been done.

Not only did they fail to avenge Lord Tukage, but they also wanted to tell Lord Tukage a very frightening information, that is, their Yanyin Village has been completely defeated.

the most important is……

Still defeated by one person!
thought here.

The faces of the ninjas in this team became even uglier. They really didn't want to tell Mr. Tsuchikage about such things, but there was no way. Information of this level had to be known to Mr. Tsuchikage.


There is really no way for these ninjas.

Bite your head and walk in the direction of Yanyin Village Hospital.

Yanyin Village is not big.

As long as you enter the gate of the village.

Then there is not much distance from the hospital.


These ninjas came to the gate of Yanyin Village Hospital.

The location of the hidden rock village in the hall is not used at all.

They immediately saw Huangtu, the son of the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi.

"Lord Yellow Earth!"

The three ninja figures flickered past quickly, and stood in a row directly in front of Huangtu, greeting Huangtu uniformly.

Such a sudden appearance of the ninja squad.

Huang Tu was also taken aback.

"What's your situation?" Huang Tu looked at these ninjas suspiciously. Yanyin Village is not big, and almost every ninja knows each other. He immediately recognized that these were some of their ninja army in Yanyin Village. personal.


These ninjas suddenly took a deep breath, and then looked at each other in the same way. Everyone knows such words, and it is very difficult to say them.

At last.

The captain of this team nodded, his lips twitched slightly, he hesitated to speak a few times, but he finally spoke out.

"Something happened on the front line."

Simple five words.

It is so heavy to say.

Not only the faces of the people in this team were ugly, but even the face of Huang Tu who had just heard the information became extremely dignified.

"I see, you come with me."

Huangtu didn't directly ask about the specific content. After all, his father, the third generation of Tuying, didn't die, and it wasn't that he was completely incapable of handling things. He was just recuperating from his injuries in peace of mind.


Although he is Tuying's son.

But he is not qualified to deal with such important matters.


Huangtu took the ninjas to the ward where Onoki was in Yanyin Village Hospital.


Several people have already arrived in the ward.

At this moment.

Onoki lay on the bed with his eyes closed, enjoying the comfort brought by minor injuries. After all, being a Tukage was a tiring job, and he didn't want to let go of the status brought by this right, so he took advantage of the Taking this opportunity, get ready to take a good rest.

Accompanied by a soft sound.

The door of Onoki's ward was pushed open.

Several ninjas headed by Huang Tu came in one by one, and they lined up in front of Ohnoki's hospital bed.

Huang Tu didn't stop, but walked straight towards Onomu's hospital bed, and leaned close to Onoki's ear, and said in a very soft voice: "Father, the information from the front line is urgent."


Onoki sat up in a state of illness, opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the few ninjas who came to report the news and stood up in a row in front of him, and he looked tired for a long time.

"What's going on at the front?"

Onogi's tone was full of eagerness. It was not a trivial matter when it came to the front line. After all, it was related to the entire Third Ninja World War.

Onoki's move.

The ninjas who came to report directly were dumbfounded.

When they first came in, they were still wondering what happened to Master Tuying's injury, but when they saw Master Tuying sitting up as if nothing had happened, they immediately felt confident.

Master Dokage is fine.

The pillars of Yanyin Village have not collapsed!

"It's like this..."

The squad leader of this team took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with strong unwillingness and distress, but he knew very well that things were beyond his ability to change.

"When we aggressively attacked the Nation of Fire, we encountered..."

Before the team leader could finish speaking, he was immediately interrupted by the third Tsuchikage Onoki.

"and many more!"

The voice of Dokage Onoki of the third generation suddenly sounded, his tone was very serious, like a class teacher.

As soon as this word comes out.

The captain's voice stopped abruptly.

Stop talking.

Instead, he quietly listened to what Onoki was about to say.

"Didn't I ask you to guard the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire?"

"How did you go to the Land of Fire?"

"Who told you to attack?"

The third Tsuchikage Ohnoki suddenly became very serious, and he keenly caught the abnormality inside.

He didn't care what went wrong at the front.

At least to be sure first.

The ninja army on the front line...

It seems that he did not follow his rules!

The team leader was stunned for a moment, he immediately reacted, quickly lowered his head, not daring to look into Onogi's eyes.

That day.

He was lucky enough to hear Master Lu Ting's conversation.

I understand some of the tricks.

Lord Tuying only ordered that the distance from Yanyin Village not be too far away, and then sent Lord Lutu to issue an order with extended meaning. At that time, Lord Luting had already given the blame.

of course.

After that time.

Master Lu Ting only moved forward tentatively.

There was no immediate attack on the Land of Fire.

Until Master Huang Tu's information came.

Lord Lu Ting just announced to everyone the news that Master Tsuchikage was injured.

It is because of news like this.

Directly fill up the emotions of the ninja army in Yanyin Village.

Just now, he headed towards the country of fire in one fell swoop.


I never expected to meet such a heaven-defying existence as Namikaze Minato!

The team leader's mind quickly became active. He first went to the previous analysis of Lord Lu Ting, and understood that the three generations of Lord Tukage are not simple characters, especially the sentence that Lord Lu Ting said, Lord Tuying is You can't go wrong.


This order must not be issued by Tsuchikage-sama!

In addition...

Lord Green Earth and Lord Loess cannot say the same!
If you say what they say...

In the future, my own days will be over!


Master Lu Ting is dead!


The team leader thought a lot in an instant, and then he looked up at the third Tsuchikage Ohnoki.

"Master Tukage, the order to go deep into the Land of Fire to attack Konoha Village was given by Master Lu Ting!"

The captain said with a firm face.

Just at this time.

He felt he had found the best solution.

How can a living adult be wrong!

If I said the fault of the adults, wouldn't I be in danger!

The dead adults are all right!
Master Lu Ting!

You're dead anyway!
Then it's nothing to be blamed a little bit!
so be it!
The team leader made an analysis that he couldn't have imagined in an instant, and on this basis, he made an answer that he thought would satisfy many parties.

As the captain of this intelligence team.

He is very clear.

The most important thing is to inform Mr. Tsuchikage of the rout of the frontline ninja army.

Instead of tracing back who is responsible.


Someone has to take the blame for this defeat!

The third generation of Tukage Onoki frowned, and he faintly felt that there was something he didn't know about it. Based on his understanding of Lu Ting, the latter was a cautious person who was good at guessing other people's thoughts. Such a person didn't seem like a A person who can impulsively give orders to attack.

"Where are the Luting people?"

Ohnoki felt that it would be better to find time to ask Lu Ting clearly about these questions. He trusted Lu Ting very much in his heart, otherwise he would not let Lu Ting be the commander of the ninja army in Yanyin Village.

" Lu Ting..." The squad leader pursed his lips, and finally said in a low voice, "He died on the battlefield!"


Onogi's eyes widened, this was the most outrageous news he had heard today.

"Lu Ting is dead?"

"how is this possible?"

"Lu Ting is the elite Junin of our Yanyin Village!"

"Even Konoha Baiya can't easily keep Lu Ting in the battle!"

"Why did you die?"

"What happened on the front line?"

At this time, Onogi suddenly realized that there might be a bigger problem on the front line, and it shouldn't be the kind of principled problem he thought that he didn't follow his order.

Lu Ting is dead?

He knows Lu Ting's strength too well!

He knew that Lu Ting would not be Konoha Baiya's opponent, but he would definitely not be easily killed by Konoha Baiya, as long as Lu Ting wanted to leave, he still couldn't keep him!
Lu Ting is a ninja of this level!

Lu Ting is actually dead!

Onoki's face became extremely solemn, he stared at the small leader in front of him closely, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

"The frontline ninja army is defeated!"

The captain knew that he still wanted to say this to Lord Tuying after all. After all, this was his purpose of reporting, but when he said this, he was still very unconfident, as if he had said it. I'm sorry for what Mr. Tsuchikage said.

As soon as this word comes out.

Onogi's eyes widened even wider, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, he couldn't believe his ears at all.

Not only Onoki was shocked, but even Huang Tu next to him was also shocked.


Both Onoki and Huangtu stared at the team leader in surprise. They both knew how powerful the ninja army in Yanyin Village was, and they also knew how loose the ninja army in Muye Village was.

How could this possibly fail? !

(End of this chapter)

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