People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 444 So You Are Really a Member of the Uzumaki 1 Clan! (seeking subscription and monthly tick

Chapter 444 So You Really Are from the Uzumaki Clan! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
Sandai stared at Qingyu firmly, he had already seen that the masked person in front of him was the one who treated Danzo's injuries not long ago.


He can feel like that person.

But not exactly like that person.

If the other party hadn't come here by himself, even if he saw it in the streets, he might not be able to combine the two of them.

"Are you the medical ninja who cured Danzo?"

Sandai stared at Qingyu with wide eyes, and when he said this, he had already noticed the change in the color of Qingyu's eyes.

It was these changes that gave him a strange feeling in his heart.

So much so that he failed to recognize Qingyu in the first place.

Look at it this way.

The third generation thought silently in his heart. When he was looking for this person before, he might have gone in the wrong direction.

Things change a little fast!

So much so that he was limited by a fixed mindset.

"You finally recognized it."

Qingyu nodded slowly, he stared at the third generation without any fear at all, and his whole body showed a feeling of ease, which directly conveyed to the third generation that he was confident.

"It's really you!"

After hearing Qingyu's words, the third generation immediately reacted, and his face immediately became stern, and he had already made a lot of preparations in his heart.

after all.

In his opinion.

Qingyu belongs to those who come who are not kind and those who are kind do not come.

If not for something.

There is no need to come here at this time and appear in front of him in person.

Plus that confident look.

It made him feel a little bit uneasy, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and silently handed over the initiative to Qingyu.

"Third Hokage-sama, I came to you this time mainly for Danzo-sama's affairs." Qingyu said softly.

"What's the matter with Danzo?"

Sandai's heart skipped a beat, he instinctively felt that there was nothing good about Qingyu's coming to him, and the matter involving Danzo made him faintly feel something was wrong.

Now this time.

The third generation also relies heavily on Danzo.

Many things are difficult for him to handle alone.

The matter of Danzo immediately caught his attention, which made him dare not neglect even a little bit.

"do not worry."

Qingyu keenly captured the change in the eyes of the third generation exposed at that moment.

It's not that the three generations are careless or the city is not deep.

It's really that Qingyu's insight is too subtle, every little movement of the eyeballs and subconscious reactions will be discovered by him.

"I didn't come to hurt Danzo."

Qingyu shook her head, the corners of her mouth behind the mask slightly turned up, and said immediately, "I'm here to re-examine him."

"Re-examination?" Sandai stared at Qingyu, his eyes filled with vigilance.

"That's right!" Qingyu nodded and said, "It's been a while since the last treatment, and now it's time for a reexamination. I want to see how he is recovering."

"Did Mori Yiton tell you?" The third generation immediately responded to Mori Yiton. After all, he had just approached Mori Yiton not long ago and talked about this matter. Let's look at the pictures to see if he can let the group Hidden to speak, but did not get a positive response.

"That's not..."

Qingyu shook his head again, he didn't want the third generation to always go to Mori Yiton to talk about such things, and wanted to pick Mori Yiton out as much as possible.

"Now he can't find me either."

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

"I think you should be very clear."

"From the time you doubted my identity..."

"None of you will find me."



"Senai Yiton is still very good to me."

"So I hope you can come to me directly for something!"

"Instead of going to Sennai Eaton at every turn."

Qingyu said one sentence after another. His purpose of saying these words was to not let Mori Yiton continue to be troubled by the matter of the third generation.

Mori Eaton didn't say anything before, it was based on his promise to him.

He cherishes this very much.


Mori Eaton didn't say anything now.

It's because Mori Yiton couldn't say anything after being stamped with the tongue.

Don't say you don't want to.

Even if you want to say it.

Can't say it.

and so……

No matter how much the third generation asks, they will not get any results. Instead, it is easy for Mori Yiton to be oppressed by the third generation while keeping his mouth shut.

This is something Qingyu doesn't want to see.

"What do I suspect of you?" Sandai narrowed his eyes slightly, he immediately grasped this point, he felt that this was a very important key point, and he could use Qingyu's words to make sense of it.

"Of course it's because you doubted my identity." Qingyu blurted out almost subconsciously. Of course, this is what he wanted to show. When the third generation spoke, he had already guessed what the third generation wanted to achieve, so he used this One point directly shows the identity he wants to create.

"Is there any problem with your identity?" The third generation didn't wrinkle tightly. He felt that he was getting closer to the truth, but at this time, he couldn't be careless. He tried his best to control his tone and let He seemed fine.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

After hearing the words of the third generation, Qingyu immediately raised her head and laughed, with a hint of arrogance in the laughter.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

"Stop playing charades like this between us."

"Isn't it all about being honest?"

"Let me tell you the truth."

"My name is Uzumaki Nagato."

Qingyu said meaningfully, since he felt that since he had become Nagato, he would simply use Nagato's name.

When he was watching Naruto before, he didn't know whether Nagato's surname was Uzumaki, but he only knew that Nagato was of Uzumaki's bloodline.


It doesn't matter anymore.

Now he wants to use Nagato's name.

"It turns out that you are really a member of the Uzumaki clan!"

After the third generation heard the name that Qingyu reported himself, a big stone hanging in his heart suddenly fell to the ground.

He wasn't worried that Qing Yu was from the Uzumaki clan.

He just wanted to figure it out.

I don't want to think about whether that person is from the Uzumaki clan all day long, so that he can have a bottom line in his heart, so that he won't always be unclear about what is going on.


Qingyu nodded directly to admit that his eyes exposed behind the mask still showed a calm look, as if he didn't take this kind of thing seriously at all.

"I'm from the Uzumaki family."

"I know everything you've done."

"Now I've told you all."

"You don't need to guess wildly."

"Are you satisfied now?"

Qing Yu stared at San Dai and said, he used his shadow clone to find San Dai here, in fact, he came here for a showdown.

After all, he is not a real Uzumaki ninja.

So the showdown meant for him a new identity to use.

This is not too difficult to think about.


Hearing Qingyu's frank words, the third generation didn't know what to say, and Qingyu couldn't fix it all of a sudden.

Everything that's happening here right now.

All beyond the expectations of the third generation.


Just at this time.

A strange force surged out and spread over Qingyu's body, and then he raised his hands uncontrollably.

There is a force in his body that is pulling him.

"I caught you."

A voice passed through the door of Hokage's office, and then Qingyu walked towards the door of Hokage's office with his hands raised uncontrollably.


two steps.

Three steps.


seven steps.

Just when Qingyu was about to reach the door, he passively raised his hand and made a movement of pushing the door.


The door of Hokage's office was pushed open.

In front of him was a person who made exactly the same movements as Qingyu.

That person is Nara Shikahisa, the staff officer of Hokage Office.

"It's an interesting technique."

Qingyu's eyes fell on the shadow connected to the two, the shadow just now extended from the door along the crack of the door, just stuck in the blind spot of his vision.

Shadow-like art!
The timing of this technique Nara Shikoku is just right, not to mention Qingyu standing here, even if it is replaced by anyone, it is possible to be hit.

"Now let me see your real face."

Nara Shikahisa retracted the right hand that was pushing the door, just touching the place facing the door.

at the same time.

The shadows under their feet pulled Qingyu to make the same movement, and his right hand also grabbed towards the mask.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

"Is this your way of hospitality?"

"Don't you want me to heal Danzo?"

Qingyu asked faintly, the movements of his hands still moved with Nara Shikaku, but he didn't panic at all, instead he used this to ask Sandai.

"It's not polite to speak while wearing a mask. Besides, I don't know the specific purpose of your coming here. It's better for us to be honest." Sandai said in a deep voice. When he said these words, he didn't Any intention to stop Nara Shikahisa, and even came up with an excuse, typed back Aoba's words.

"Third Hokage-sama, you are still so hypocritical. I think I have been very honest here. As long as the mask is involved, you must give me some privacy."

As Qing Yu spoke, his hand stayed in front of the mask, but did not grab it.


Shikahisa Nara suddenly felt a strong force coming back through the shadow, making it impossible for him to grab his face with his hands.

So important!
Nara Shikahisa felt that his shadow resemblance technique seemed to be acting on the statue, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake it at all.

This kind of situation was only encountered when he was learning the technique of shadow reality.

Most of the time it doesn't feel like that.

"Do you think you can restrain me with this kind of shadow?" Qingyu said lightly, and when he was speaking, he tilted his head and looked in the direction of Shikahisa Nara.

Following Qingyu's action.

Shikahisa Nara felt his neck stop moving.

This feeling is very painful.

Accompanied by a sound similar to the breaking of a rope, the shadows between Shikahisa Nara and Aoba were cut off directly, and the shadow resemblance between the two was cut off just like that.

"Didn't you think about my identity before you shot?"

Qingyu put on an indifferent attitude, and he walked towards Nara Shikahisa step by step.

"You should have heard what I said just now!"

"I already told you."

"I am a ninja of the Uzumaki clan."

"Don't you know what the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan are best at?"

Aoba walked while talking, and he had already walked in front of Nara Shikoku, his eyes were fixed on Nara Shikoku, and he directly ignored the third generation who was facing the desk.

"Sealing... sealing technique..."

Nara Shikahisa's voice trembled a little, it wasn't that he was afraid, but that his instantaneous consumption was a bit too much just now, and his body had an instinctive reaction, which led to his present appearance.

"That's right!"

Qingyu nodded, a look of relief flashed in his eyes, but his steps didn't seem to slow down in the slightest.

"It's the sealing technique!"

"Your shadow is amazing!"

"But in front of our Uzumaki clan..."

"It's still not enough to watch."

In order to make himself act more realistically, Qing Yu has already substituted himself into the identity of the Uzumaki Clan, as if he is what he called Uzumaki Nagato.


At this moment, Sandai who was standing aside let out a loud roar. He had already realized the problem, and suddenly stepped out, appearing directly between Aoba and Nara Shikahisa, separating the two.

do not know why.

A very strange idea came into the mind of the third generation.


If he doesn't do it again.

Shikahisa Nara will be in big trouble.

"What exactly do you want to do?" The third generation stared at Qingyu firmly, with intense vigilance shining in his eyes.

"I've already said it."

Aoba stared at Sandai meaningfully. After what happened just now, he felt that both Sandai and Nara Shikahisa had already believed that he was a Uzumaki clan ninja.

Just accept this setting.

Then follow-up is much easier.

"I'm here to treat Danzo!"

Qingyu said clearly word by word that this is indeed the purpose of his coming here. He wants to completely recover Danzo's injuries, so as to restore Konoha Village to a normal rhythm.

Now is the best time.

If it was a little earlier, Hatake Sakumo might not have left, and Danzo would propose a new decision for the third generation.

"Are you serious?" The third generation frowned tightly. He felt that there was something wrong, so he couldn't help asking: "Is there any benefit to you?"

"I look happy."

Qingyu smiled slightly, although his smile was blocked by the mask, but from his eyes, he could still see the smile.

Such an answer.

The third generation and Shikahisa Nara were directly confused.

Especially the third generation.

He vaguely felt that Qingyu's purpose in doing this was to take revenge on Muye Village. After all, Muye Village played a vital role in the extermination of the Uzumaki family.

 Thank you [Book Friends 20211112154720714] for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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