People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 440 Commander of Konoha Village Fighting Ninjas! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Chapter 440 Commander of Konoha Village Fighting Ninjas! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

After Qingyu finished speaking these words, she didn't care about these things any more, and she didn't intend to continue on this topic.

Shou Da looked at Qing Yu who was eating noodles not far in front of him, and nodded silently, as if he understood some of the reasons.

"Qingyu, I have another question, you must answer me seriously..."

The hand beat didn't continue to entangle the topic just now.

"After the war breaks out, can Minato really come back?"

Asking suspiciously, he brought the topic to Minato. This was the thing he was most concerned about at the moment, and it was also the most important thing he came to find Qingyu.

He believed Qing Yu's words in his heart.

Understand that as long as Minato can appear on the battlefield, the battle can be ended.


The problem is obvious.

When will Minato come back?
This is a very important issue that is more concerned about hand-playing.

"Slap big brother, I have a very strong feeling that Minato will return in a short time, and it will definitely be before the end of the war!"

Qingyu said slowly.

He is still very confident about Minato.

After all, in the course of the original story, Minato has already learned the fairy mode, but he has not mastered it so proficiently, and he is not very good in terms of battery life.


Even if the battery life is not enough, it is not durable enough, but the short burst is still there!
Qingyu faintly feels that Minato has mastered the sage mode now, but the turmoil in the ninja world is not so strong, so that Minato is not in such a hurry to come out, and is still practicing in Mt. Myogi.


Qingyu judged that Minato was practicing in Miaogi Mountain, waiting for the outbreak of war at any time, as long as the war started, Minato would return to the battlefield.

That's why Qingyu wants to do things as much as possible, so that the war can develop rapidly and become more and more intense.

"I'm relieved if you're sure." Nodding his hand, he said he was relieved, but it seemed that he was still a little worried, and he hadn't completely dealt with his mood.

"Brother hand fight, don't worry, this war has little impact on our Muye Village, the flames of war will not burn to the village." Qing Yu said comfortingly with his hand.

"I see." He shook his hand and nodded heavily.

After the two chatted casually for a few more words, Qingyu finished the ramen that was packed in front of him.

"Qingyu, there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first, come and eat noodles when you're free."

After explaining another sentence with his hand, he left Qingyu's dormitory, which restored the tranquility here.

"Looks like the war is about to start!"

Qingyu sighed silently, these few days he has already felt a feeling that the rain is about to come, coupled with the work he has done before, this makes him very clear, basically it will be like this for a day or two.

This is in line with his expectations.

He expected the development of the war to be what it is now.

Everything is going well.


Qingyu lay down on the iron bed again, slowly closed his eyes, he didn't want to go out during this time, he just waited here silently for the war to start.


Qingyu fell into a state of sleep.

After all, it was dark here, and he had nothing to do, so he fell asleep easily.

dong dong dong...

I don't know how long it took.

There was another knock on the door of Qingyu's dormitory.


Qingyu slowly opened her sleepy eyes, and looked towards the door of the dormitory.

What's going on these days? !
In the past, no one would come to the dormitory once a year, but recently, people have been coming here.

It seems that there are more people coming these days than after he lived in this dormitory.


Qingyu didn't know who was knocking on the door, but he still walked towards the door quickly.


Accompanied by the sound of friction between the dormitory door and the door frame, the dormitory doors were all opened, and two girls came into Qing Yu's eyes.

These two girls are Nara Saki and Qiu Daoling.

"Why are you here?"

After Qingyu saw the two girls, he frowned undisguisedly, and his eyes fell on the two of them. After the previous incident, he didn't have a good impression of the two girls, and he didn't like I would like to have more in-depth exchanges with these two people.

"Qingyu, we've thought about it for a long time, and there's still something I want to tell you..." Nara Saki took a step forward, she looked at Qingyu with rather complicated eyes, and there was a solemn meaning in her voice.

"You still don't say anything more."

Qingyu shook his head directly, and interrupted Nara Saki, since the Chunin exam began, he had no feelings for the two girls, Nara Saki and Qiu Daoling.

"For me, the Chunin exam is over, and there will be no more intersections between us. What you think of me is all your own business, and has nothing to do with me."

There was indifference in Qingyu's tone, he didn't want to say such words at all, especially at that time when the two girls sent Lu San to read his memory, these things had already touched the uneasy place in his heart.

It was those prejudices and prejudices at the beginning that made him more aware of the special feeling of arrogance in a family like Zhuludie.

Now he's out of the scope of the Chunin Exam.

Then he didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

But he didn't want to have any more interaction with the two girls, which was meaningless to him.


After Nara Saki heard Qingyu's indifferent words, the expression of guilt on her face suddenly changed. She originally felt sorry for Qingyu and wanted to apologize to Qingyu, but after the words rushed here, she suddenly felt angry a feeling of.

"You look fine!"

"We heard that you went to the battlefield, and we were quite worried, afraid that something would happen to you!"

"But thinking about it..."

"Since you can come back, it means that you are fine!"

"It seems that we are worrying too much!"

Nara Saki said angrily, even she didn't know why she became like this while talking, she was here to care about Qingyu, but her emotions came up all of a sudden, and she couldn't control it at all .

Qiu Daoling, who was standing at the side, fully saw the change in Nara Saki's mood, and her eyes flickered with worry.

At this moment, she suddenly discovered that Nara Saki was actually a knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

She is still clear about this!
Although Qiu Daoling didn't say anything, she hardly expresses any opinions at ordinary times, and it is mainly based on Nara Saki's opinions, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have the ability to think, she still sees many things in her eyes.

For example, they came here to look for Qingyu this time.

It was entirely Saki Nara's idea.

in fact.

As early as when Qingyu went to the front line with Anbu Ninja, the two of them had come here to look for Qingyu.

At that time, the two of them didn't know Qingyu's specific room number.

of course.

It is useless to know.

Because the Anbu dormitory is already empty.

There was no trace of Qingyu at all.

after that.

They also went to Ichiraku Ramen, chatted about Aoba with Gengshou, and talked with Uchiha Fugaku about Aoba.

at that time.

Qiu Daoling knew that Nara Saki had always wanted to find a time to apologize.

That time can only be a matter of waiting for Qing Yu to return from the battlefield.

Good times are not long.

Just a few days ago.

The two of them heard and watched a piece of bad news.

That is, those perception ninjas who went to the battlefield of Yanyin Village were almost wiped out!

You must know that among these perception ninjas, there are many ninjas from the three major families of Zhuludie, especially the mountain family.

At that time.

They thought that all the ninjas Qingyu went with died on the battlefield.

The mood was once very low.


It didn't take long for the peak to turn around.

The two of them suddenly discovered that Qingyu happened to be among the two people who survived the battlefield.

Such a thing shocked Nara Saki. After struggling in her heart for a few days, she decided to come here to see Qingyu in person, and apologize to Qingyu for the previous incident, and then share with Qingyu what they have become. Chunin story.


After Nara Saki saw Qingyu's indifferent look, and then thought of her worries about Qingyu in the past few days, she suddenly felt that kindness was like a donkey's liver and lungs, and she was very upset.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

The more you think about it, the more unbalanced you become.

In the end, one couldn't hold back and said a lot of words.

Qiu Daoling heard these words, he knew very well what happened to Nara Saki, and at the same time she also understood that Nara Saki was not what she thought in her heart, but she couldn't explain why things turned out to be in the end. this way.

"I am fine."

Qingyu nodded faintly, his whole body exuded a feeling of repelling people thousands of miles away, and now he didn't want to have any interaction with these two girls at all.

"If you have nothing else to do, you can leave, I'm going to rest."

Qingyu directly issued the order to chase away the guests. After the previous contact with these two girls, he understood that as long as he had a relationship with the two of them, he would be contaminated with many karma that should not have appeared, and instead provoked himself to appear in more places. in people's sight.

This is not what he wants!


Nara Saki didn't expect Qingyu to be so unfeeling, she came here personally, Qingyu expressed her concern, but before she could say anything, she was coldly turned away, how could he bear it Got it.

"Don't go too far!"

"We came here specially to see you!"

"I didn't come to see your face!"

"Why don't you know good from bad!"

Nara Saki's face became flushed, she put her hands on her hips, and she looked like she was puffed up, then she grabbed Qiu Daoling who was next to her, and dragged her towards the corridor.

"Ling, let's go, he doesn't deserve us to care about him!"

Nara Shaxi was speaking out of anger, but after she pulled Qiu Daoling over, she found that Qingyu didn't stop her.

Now if she wants to turn back, she has to lower her proud head.

But she doesn't want to do that!

Now that she has gone out, she is in a state where the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, so she just bites the bullet and continues to walk out, not paying attention to Qingyu at all.


Nara Sahiro took Qiu Daoling and left.


When the two had just walked out a few steps, they heard a door being closed heavily, as if the door had been welded to death. It could be seen that they didn't want them to go back at all.


Nara Saki snorted again, her heart that was still hesitating just now became even more angry, her steps became faster, and she walked directly to the outside of the Anbu dormitory.


Qiu Daoling looked at Nara Saki's appearance, and felt a little distressed for no reason. She knew that Nara Saki didn't think so, but after the matter reached this level, it developed towards this place.


After Qingyu closed the door of the dormitory again, he shook it silently. He knew that it was a bit extreme for him to do so, but as long as he didn't do it, it might bring a glimmer of hope to the two girls.

He doesn't mind apologizing.

There is no need to forgive.

After the previous incident, he didn't want to have any intersection with these two girls.


Qingyu returned to her original state.

This time I was not disturbed again.


At the same time.

Leaf Village.

During this period of time, the village has been in a state of tranquility, but this tranquility does not make people feel comfortable, but uneasy and uneasy.

Naruto Office.

The upper ninjas of Muye village have already gathered some of the ninja captains here, all dressed in the costumes of the ninjas of Muye village, looking quite imposing.

In front of these ninjas.

Standing is the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen wearing a Hokage robe.

"Cough cough cough..."

Sandai cleared his throat, and drew everyone's attention to him, and then his eyes swept over every ninja.

"Gathering all of you here today, you must have already guessed what it is!"

"That's right!"

"It's the battle with Hidden Rock Village!"

"Not long ago, Yanyin Village suddenly invaded the border, and our Anbu ninja team in Muye Village was almost wiped out!"

"This kind of thing is simply intolerable!"

"The ninjas in Yanyin Village are still restless, and they are expected to come to the border soon. We must fight back strongly!"

When the third generation said this, his tone paused, and his eyes fell on a silver-haired man wearing a half-sleeved Naruto robe among the ninjas.

"Sakumo Hatake!" Sandai immediately shouted to Sakumo Hatake.

"Yes!" Hatake Sakumo immediately responded.

"Now, as Hokage, I order you to become the commander of the fighting ninjas of Konoha Village, and lead the ninjas of Konoha Village to a full-scale war with Yanyin Village. We must win this war!" Sandai said solemnly, he I've already figured it out, instead of worrying about Sakumo Hatake's affairs, it's better to worry about the current situation first, and let's get over the crisis in other places.

"Yes!" Hatake Sakumo immediately nodded in response, with strong confidence on his face, and determination in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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