People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 415 All dead! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Chapter 415 All dead! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

The third generation didn't have time to think about why Mori Yiton returned to Muye Village. Now he has found that the situation is gradually out of his control, and he is a little confused.


Nara Shikahisa nodded, then exited Hokage's office and walked outside, his face was a bit complicated, even he didn't know why these two people came back suddenly.

If calculated according to this time!
Shouldn't they have just arrived at the front line not long ago?

Did something happen on the front line?

Small question marks popped up in Nara Shikahisa's head, he didn't say these questions, but he was already thinking about these questions in his heart.

after all……

There was something involved in it that he found very strange.


At this moment.

Aoba and Mori Yiton were waiting outside the Hokage office building.

Qingyu's face was indifferent, almost without any emotional fluctuations, she looked like an emotionless ninja.

As for Mori Eton...

Then Qing Yu would not be so calm.

Although nominally he came here to meet the third generation, but in his heart he was extremely anxious, and he didn't know how to face the third generation at all.

after all.

In his heart.

Three generations have been determined to kill them.

Tread, step, step...

Accompanied by the sound of a series of footsteps, Shikahisa Nara walked out quickly. He first glanced at Mori Yiton, then quickly turned his gaze to Aoba, and then brought his attention back to Mori Yiton's body.

"Master Eaton, please come in!"

Nara Shikahisa said to Mori Yiton, and then raised his hand in a gesture of invitation.


Mori Eaton took a deep breath.

Up to this time.

That is, the cannon is at the entrance of the cave and has to go in, otherwise it would be a shrinking turtle!


He threw out all his fears, and regarded himself as a living dead, after all, he crawled out of the battlefield, and there were only two survivors, him and Qingyu.

Qingyu followed behind Mori Yiton, without saying a word, maintaining his own quietness.

On the way back.

Qingyu can express all kinds of opinions.

You can lead Mori Yiton towards Konoha Village.


After entering Konoha Village.

Mori Yiton is his superior leader.

He still wanted to follow behind Mori Yiton, hiding himself, without revealing any problems at all.


Mori Yiton took Qingyu to the second floor of Hokage's office.

The two of them were accompanied by Shikahisa Nara.

Mori Yiton looked at the door of Hokage's office in front of him, and he had already made up his mind. This time he was very decisive, so he had no other special thoughts, and directly raised his hand to knock on the door.

dong dong dong...

A series of knocks rang out.

"Please come in."

The deep and magnetic voice of the third generation was transmitted directly through the door of Hokage's office, and was clearly introduced into the corridor and into Mori Yiton's ears.

Mori Yiton's heart is now down.

It can be said that there is nothing to be afraid of.


Mori Yiton directly opened the door and walked in, and instantly met the eyes of the third generation. At this time, when he saw the third generation, he was no longer in awe.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage of Konoha Village.

All decisions in the village are made by this man!
In the past...

He felt that Hokage was right in everything.

Even if he were to die immediately, he would be a very professional ninja to make sacrifices.


just now.

Everything has changed.

He found that the third generation was less and less like what a Hokage should be.

Ever since he went to Qingyu to save Danzo and was followed, he discovered that things here are getting more and more difficult. He gradually began to question the concept of the third generation, and he no longer trusts him so much.

People are often like this!
When the things he has trusted all the time find that he is not what he imagined, and even starts to collapse, then the collapse of belief is often accompanied by it.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

Mori Yiton stared at the third generation indifferently. All the fears he imagined now, from the moment he saw the third generation here, he no longer felt so much, and now he can look at the person in front of him calmly up.

"Eaton, I just wanted to ask you, why did you come back suddenly, did something happen to the front line?" Sandai immediately asked, and when Nara Shikahisa went to invite Mori Eton in, he suddenly realized When it arrived, Senai Yiton had already gone to the front line, and now that he came back suddenly, he felt that things were not that simple.

Mori Yiton didn't answer the question raised by the third generation at the first time, but squinted and stared at the third generation.

do not know why.

He felt that the third generation's questioning was particularly hypocritical.

After all, they went to the front line, so they probably always have a little idea in their hearts about what they came back for!

Look now.

The three generations seem to know nothing.

For him, he felt that the third generation was extremely hypocritical. He already had a strong prejudice against the third generation, so no matter what the third generation did now, he felt that there was something wrong with the third generation.


After a while, Mori Yiton breathed a sigh of relief.

His gaze was still fixed on the third generation.

He seemed to have mixed emotions throughout the process.

"What happened?"

The third generation looked at Mori Yiton's appearance, and small question marks appeared on his face. Up to now, he still doesn't know what Mori Yiton wants to express.

Not just three generations.

Even Nara Shikoku, who was standing aside, stared wide-eyed, his pupils filled with doubts. In his impression, Mori Iton was not such a hesitant person!
"They're all dead."

Mori Yiton said such a sentence indifferently. His sentence did not seem to have any emotion, but in fact it still contained extremely strong sadness.

Those who died on the front lines of the battlefield.

They were all people from the Torture Department and the Anbu Department that he got along day and night.

Except for Qingyu, none of these people have come back now, and all of these are thanks to the third generation of Hokage in front of him.


If it wasn't for Qingyu making such a strange seal.

He might not even have a chance to run back.

After all, there are so many ninjas left in Yanyin Village, even if he has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to completely resist them, and he will still be submerged in the crowd after all.


The third generation suddenly stood up. He didn't particularly understand what Mori Yiton meant, but he had an extremely bad premonition in his heart, which made him seem to realize something.

(End of this chapter)

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