People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 194 Is Right Under Your Feet, Seeping Into the Ground (Please Subscribe for Monthly Pass)

Chapter 194 Is Right Under Your Feet, Seeping Into the Ground (Please Subscribe for Monthly Pass)

Qing Yu didn't look back.

But he could feel the condensed chakra in the rear sight.

Rely on the judgment of body instinct.

It can be noticed that the Uchiha world has opened Sharingan.

And staring at him full of caution.

"Brother Jie, what are you talking about, why can't I understand!"

Qingyu turned his head slowly, his face was still wearing a cat face mask, and the moment he turned around, he stared directly at the other party's toes, and no Uchiha world looked at each other.

Sharingan for the Uchiha clan.

Qingyu was still very cautious.

You must know that the Uchiha world is the Jonin of the Uchiha clan, and his strength should not be underestimated. What he has is Sangouyu's Sharingan.

If one accidentally looked at each other.

Under an illusion or something.

Then it's not worth the loss.

"Since you don't understand, then I will speak slowly until you understand!"

The eyes of the Uchiha world stared at Qingyu, even if Qingyu was still wearing a mask, but it was nothing in front of him, as long as Qingyu looked at him a little bit, he could pull Qingyu into the In the world of illusion.

"When we first met, if I remember correctly, it was during the period of the missing persons case in the village and the corpse case in the river."

Uchiha Kai spoke slowly, and he deliberately slowed down his speech, just to avoid what Qingyu said that he didn't hear clearly.

While saying these words.

While staring at Qingyu.

Now this time.

He suddenly felt that Qingyu's mask was in the way.

Not only can it help Qingyu to cover some of his sight, but it also prevents him from seeing Qingyu's expression.

"You mistook me for Fuyue."

"I didn't think much of it at the time."

"Afterwards, no matter how I thought about it, it didn't feel right."

"I'm so much more handsome than Fu Yue."

"How can you admit your mistake so easily?"

When Uchiha Kai said this, his tone paused for a moment, took a light breath, and then let it out slowly, as if calming down.


"That made me think of a possibility!"

"You are not a fan of Fuyue at all!"


"You don't know Fu Yue at all!"

Uchiha Kai raised his finger and pointed at Qingyu. Judging from his posture, it seemed as if he had discovered some secret, and the tone of his voice became louder.

"What is your purpose of approaching Fuyue!"

Uchiha Kai's eyes suddenly widened, and the whole person became very fierce.

Since the last time in the noodle restaurant of Yile Ramen, he found that Qingyu took the initiative to carry the heavy box, but he just stopped pulling it, and he felt that Qingyu was hiding something.

At that time, he kept some thoughts in his heart.

Later, he dragged Fuyue and waited outside, staring at Qingyu to leave, but he didn't see Qingyu pulling the box, but opened an umbrella.

This in itself is suspicious.


The Uchiha world felt more and more something was wrong!

Reminiscent of when Uchiha Kenliang disappeared, Lord Yao asked him to go to the torture department to invite Qingyu, but he was stopped by Mori Yiton.

These things go together in tandem.

Let his thinking continue to spread out.

He thought a lot.

It's all things he didn't dare to think about before.

"Brother Jie, you are just joking. I am really a fan of Big Brother Fuyue. You have also seen that Big Brother Fuyue signed my autograph." There was a trace of helplessness in Qingyu's voice.

After hearing Qing Yu's words, Uchiha Kai showed a sneer on his face.


"Go on!"

"You say you're a Fugaku fan..."

"It's fine for you to lie to Fuyue, but you dare to lie to me!"

Uchiha Kai said disdainfully, his face was full of wisdom, as if he had forgotten the fact that he had been fooled for so long.

"I didn't lie to you..." Qingyu spread her hands out in a helpless gesture, but she was thinking about other things in her heart.


Uchiha Kai suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard such a funny thing.

"Now you are still acting, don't you know that I am from the Konoha Security Department!"

"Before you appeared, Fu Yue had never heard of your name, and had no idea of ​​your existence!"

"But since that day..."

"You will always appear in front of us!"

"What kind of purpose do you have to work so hard to get close to our Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha circle questioned Qingyu again.

When he said this again, he went over the matter again.

He found……

The more I sort out this matter, the more I feel that Qingyu is very suspicious!

Now he has to ask here clearly.

If Qingyu really has any problem.

Then he will bring Qingyu to the Konoha Security Department for investigation!
"Brother Jie, what you said is a bit exaggerated. I didn't take the initiative to approach your Uchiha clan. It's obvious that your people are everywhere. I can't hide no matter what!"

Qingyu shook her head helplessly.

What the Uchiha world said just now made him speechless.

He knew what the Uchiha world saw.

I was quickly thinking about the degree of danger of this person in the Uchiha world and how to best deal with this matter in my mind.


Qingyu protested against what the Uchiha community said that he took the initiative to contact the Uchiha clan.

There is no such thing at all!

This is all your imagination!

Just like now that you have come to find me, how can it be said that I approached you on my own initiative!
Deep helplessness appeared in Qingyu's heart.

"You don't need to quibble!"

The Uchiha world couldn't listen to Qingyu's words at all, and they were not the kind of people who could listen to other people's explanations, they just insisted on what they believed in.

Regarding the matter of handling the Uchiha clan.

The person who does the best is Heijue.

Directly follow what the Uchiha clan wants to hear, follow the hair, and then bring the self-righteous characteristics of the Uchiha clan to the extreme.

"Now you just have to answer my question."

"If there's anything about you that dissatisfies me."

"I'll take you to the security department immediately."

"Let Lord Yao personally interrogate you!"

The Uchiha world now has great hostility towards Qingyu, and in his heart he believes that Qingyu is purposefully contacting the Uchiha clan, and even the disappearance of Uchiha Jianliang may have something to do with Qingyu relation.

"Where have you been so late?!"

Uchiha Kai looked at Qingyu coldly, and directly asked Qingyu what he was most curious about at the moment.

Not long ago, he was on patrol.

From afar, he saw Qingyu and Fuyue getting into the grove.

Later Fu Yue came back.

But he didn't see Qingyu's figure.

When he visited the torture department, he happened to meet a ninja from the torture department, who was the gatekeeper at that time.

The Uchiha world inquired about Qingyu's dormitory with that person, and found that Qingyu was not in the dormitory, and then he kept observing secretly, until now, only now did he find that Qingyu came back.

"Brother Jie..."

Qingyu shook his head, his dark eyes became indifferent, he was still staring at the toes of the Uchiha world, but his mood had become unhappy.

"Does your security department all do things like this?"

"I'm going for a walk at night..."

"Are you going to be questioned?"

When Qingyu said these words again, her tone became more and more indifferent.

"I will report your matter to Lord Yao later. I believe that at that time, Master Yao will naturally judge whether I am acting in accordance with the rules!"


Qing Yu nodded, then looked towards the direction of the grove, the corners of her mouth behind the mask were slightly raised.

"Since Brother Jie, you want to know what I did."

"Then come with me."

"I'll take you to see what happened!"

After Qingyu finished speaking, she immediately stepped forward and walked towards the direction of the forest.


The Uchiha world looked at Qingyu coldly, stopped Qingyu immediately, and said, "Where are you going?"

"I'll take you to have a look."

Qingyu's face behind the mask became gloomy, he really didn't want to hear this person yelling in front of Anbu's dormitory anymore.

It's better now.

If he yelled a few more times, the others would wake up.

That would be too much trouble!

"You just need to answer me honestly, don't play tricks with me, I won't accept your tricks!" Uchiha Yao said coldly, he had already recognized that something was wrong with Qingyu, and thought that Qingyu's words were not Is making excuses.

"There were ninjas from Yunyin Village invading just now. I found them. They are just to the east of the woods. If you don't believe me, I can take you to see them." Lead over.

"Yunyin Village intruder?"

Uchiha Yao frowned slightly, he took a deep look at Qingyu, and suddenly thought of Uchiha Kenliang that night, and had a feeling of deja vu.

"lead the way!"

Uchiha Yao originally didn't want to walk into the woods, but he had to confirm whether this kind of thing was true or not, so he had to follow Aoba's intention.


Qingyu didn't say anything more, and walked towards the direction of the woods step by step. His pace was not fast, so that the Uchiha world could catch up.

Now this time.

The Uchiha world did not follow directly.

A look of hesitation flashed in his eyes, his brain turned quickly, and his eyes focused on the background of Qingyu.

Could this be a trap or a trap?

Uchiha Yao was secretly doubting in his heart, but at the moment of his doubt, the pride in his heart convinced himself again.

What happens to the trap?

What about traps?

In the final analysis, Qingyu is just a mere ninja!

Even if Qingyu hides some ulterior secrets, it is only a matter of identity and purpose, and cannot directly affect strength.

the most important is……

The Uchiha world knew very well that he came out suddenly to look for Qingyu, and he didn't give Qingyu time to react.

Even if Qingyu wanted to set up any traps, there was absolutely no time to set them up in advance.

For these reasons.

Uchiha Kai immediately took a step.


I'm going to see what kind of medicine is sold in Qingyu's gourd.

for a while.

Qingyu and Uchiha Jie walked into the woods one after the other.

As the woods get deeper and deeper.

The surrounding environment became quieter and quieter.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The two kept walking towards the depths of the woods. No one spoke during the period, and the atmosphere became very depressed.

The Uchiha world has been staring at Qingyu, maintaining an extremely high level of vigilance.

After a while.

Qingyu brought the Uchiha world to the place where he had just fought with the ninja of Yunyin Village.

He stopped and stood where he was.

The ground here is still a little black now
"The intruder from Yunyin Village came from here just now." Qingyu said suddenly, her tone very calm.

"What about them?"

Uchiha Kai looked around and didn't hear any movement. The woods were as quiet as ever.

"It's right under your feet, seeping into the ground." Qingyu replied lightly.

"You dare to play with me?"

After hearing Qingyu's answer, the Uchiha community suddenly became angry. This kind of low-level play made him feel very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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