People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 182 Uchiha Fugaku's Book! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Chapter 182 Uchiha Fugaku's Book! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"Thank you!"

Qing Yu immediately thanked her hands, then raised her hands to grab the big box.

and many more……

Qingyu immediately realized that something was wrong.

His hands were on the handle of the box.

But he didn't lift the box, but looked at Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kai.

"Big brother, I've decided. Give me a whole bowl of ramen. I'll leave after I finish." Qingyu said with a slight smile, then patted the big box and said, "Put this box back first."

"Are you kidding me?" Handa gave Qingyu a fierce look, but who made this person Qingyu, not only provided him with the membership model, but also allowed him to obtain huge profits through the membership model .

"You wait!"

Shaking his head helplessly, he raised his hand and put down the very heavy box full of books, then turned around and started cooking noodles for Qingyu.

"Thank you, big brother!"

Qingyu thanked the hands, and then once again set his sights on Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kai.

Followed by.

He took a step and walked towards the position of the two of them.

"Brother Fuyue, Brother Jie, I think we are destined, so I'm here."

There was a smile on Qingyu's face, but he could see it now, as long as he didn't feel embarrassed when talking to the Uchiha clan, the other party wouldn't feel embarrassed either.


Uchiha Fugaku's face suddenly showed an excited expression, and then he turned over the ninja bag and rummaged through it for something.

After flipping for a while.

Uchiha Fugaku took out a notebook.

On the cover of the book is a scantily clad woman who looks a bit like "Mai Shiranui".

for a while.

Qing Yu's mouth twitched fiercely.

He couldn't help but look towards Fu Yue's face, with doubts shining in his eyes.

This Fuyue looks like a dog.

How do you like something like this!

Really are……

"Qingyu, when we met last time, you told me that you wanted to sign, but I never had anything. After that time, I specially bought a notebook and prepared to sign it for you." Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile.

"???" Qingyu was stunned for a moment, he never thought of it, he was just making excuses casually, who would have thought that the other party would actually take it seriously.

"I picked this book specially for you. I think it will suit your preferences. I'm guessing right!" Uchiha Fugaku winked at Aoba and said with an expression that I understand you, and then he He took out a pen and wrote the words 'Uchiha Fugaku' on the notebook.

"???" The small question mark in Qingyu's head suddenly became bigger.

my hobby?

What the hell?

The cover of this book...

Qingyu yelled for being wronged!

This is simply using your XP to speculate on my hobbies!
"Here, Qingyu, I gave it to you, you're welcome!"

After Uchiha Fugaku wrote and signed the book, he handed it to Qing Yu directly, with a meaningful smile on his face.


Qingyu was completely speechless during the whole process.

He looked at the notebook handed over by Uchiha Fugaku.

Neither is it.

No answer is not.

He really wanted to complain.

Why can't you give it in private?

Qing Yu took a deep breath again, he slowly raised his hand, fingers trembling and stretched towards the book.

This is no longer something he feels embarrassed about.

This is simply Uchiha Fugaku sending him to death.

for a while.

Qingyu looked towards the Uchiha world next to him from the corner of his eyes.

Immediately, he saw that Uchiha Kai's eyes were completely focused on the cover of that book, his eyes were full of envy, and he was about to cry.

Good guy!
Qingyu called it a good guy!
In addition to Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Obito, there is another person who is interested in women in the huge Uchiha clan.

It's not like Uchiha at all!

Qingyu even has the urge to give this book to the Uchiha world.


Qingyu took the notebook tremblingly.

Slowly put the notebook on the table here.

He looked at the fierce girl in red on the cover, and felt awkward no matter how he looked at it.

"Face is ready!"

Just at this time.

The sound of hand beating came to Qingyu's ears.


Qing Yu's heart tightened.

If this thing is seen by hand, it will be shameless in the future, and it will be completely ruined.

At the moment when the handmade ramen came over.

Qingyu was quick to develop wisdom.

He turned over the book in front of him, turned the front of the book to the table, and let the back of the book face up.

Just after Qingyu finished operating, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the scenery on the back of the book.

good guy...

Qing Yu almost went blind when she saw it.

The front cover of this book is the front of the girl in red, while the back of the book is the back of the girl in red.

The smooth back that would be wasted without cupping and Fengtun with high slits...

It's quite possible to say.

The back is even better than the front.

"Surprised or not, I thought you didn't discover the key points of this book so quickly, but I didn't expect you to understand so well!" The expression on Uchiha Fugaku's face instantly became more exciting.

"..." Qingyu's face turned dark, what is this, there is still such a notebook.


Just at this time.

Handa put the steaming ramen on Qingyu's table, his narrowed eyes stared at the back of the book on the table.

"I wonder why you didn't leave all of a sudden, it turned out that you were attracted by this thing!" There was an expression of 'I understand you' on the hand-slapped face, as if he had seen Qingyu's true nature.

"I'm not..." Qing Yu quickly explained.

"It's okay, there's no need to explain anything, it's all normal, when I was your age, I thought the same as you." Means blinked his eyes and said.


Qingyu was completely speechless.

You LSPs!

Even if you have such a hobby!
I still feel that I am the same kind of person as you!
This is too much!
Qingyu raised his eyes to look at the hand, and met the hand's gaze, and immediately felt the expression of "I understand you" on the other side.

Then Qingyu looked towards the Uchiha world again, colliding with the extremely envious eyes of the other party.


Completely speechless.

Qingyu felt that he hadn't explained clearly at all.

"Thank you...thank you..."

Qingyu said to Shuida, what he thanked was Shuda for bringing him the ramen.

Just his words.

It was directly misunderstood by Uchiha Fuyue.

"Hahahahaha, you're welcome. If you like it, I'll give you a few more copies next time. Most people can't buy this kind of books. I have a channel!"

Uchiha Fugaku raised his eyebrows at Aoba, and the smile on his face became more meaningful.

Uchiha Fugaku's voice just fell.

With his hands on, he leaned over and stared at Uchiha Fugaku's face.

"The next time you come to eat noodles, bring me a few copies, and I'll give you a free order!" Hand said.

"no problem!"

Uchiha Fugaku assured, patted his chest, he and Fugaku exchanged a look, and then both of them had the same smile on their faces.


Qingyu immediately saw in their hearts how those LSPs exchanged experience when they were in school.

That's it.

Qingyu didn't explain directly, and started to eat noodles with her head down.

Now he just wants to finish eating quickly.

its not right!
It’s not okay to finish eating quickly!
The reason why he stayed here on purpose was to wait for the two Uchihas to leave.


Qingyu's eating speed began to slow down, and he no longer cared about the people around him.

The appearance of hand hitting successfully distracted Uchiha Fugaku's attention.

After some time.

It was only now that Uchiha Fugaku realized that Aoba was eating noodles silently beside him.

"Oh, Qingyu, I talked too deeply just now, I forgot about you..."

Uchiha Fugaku patted his head in frustration. He originally wanted to talk to Qingyu a few more words, but he also understood that the question he wanted to ask Qingyu was beyond what he could say now.

"'s okay..." Qingyu shook her head. .

"Qingyu, we still have patrol missions, so we won't stay here any longer. When I have a chance, I want to chat with you alone." Uchiha Fugaku put away the smile on his face, and his face suddenly became serious. As if to say, you know what I'm looking for you.


Qingyu nodded, without saying anything, he was waiting for the two of the Uchiha clan to leave.


Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kai looked at each other.

Neither lingered too long.

Just walked out.


Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent the two of them away.

"Brother Shouda, give me the things, I'm going back." Qing Yu immediately got up, glanced at the notebook on the table, picked it up anyway, and walked to Shouda.

"You're not playing with me this time!" Hand said jokingly.

"No, no, hehehe..." Qingyu smiled slightly.

"wait a minute."

Handa bowed slightly, lowered his head from under the counter, took back the very heavy box, and placed it directly on the table.

"Qingyu, you can handle it!"

Handa's slightly squinted eyes stared at Qingyu, his eyes seemed to see through something, but also seemed to know nothing.


Qingyu raised her right hand, grabbed the handle of the box, and instantly lifted the box up, as if it was weightless.


Qingyu took the box and left.

His body is not that weak, and it is not a secret in front of the hand-slapped.


He is not afraid of knowing by hand.

But those two Uchihas were different.

Now he still wants to maintain a weak body as much as possible in front of the Uchiha clan.

Qingyu walked out of Yile Ramen's noodle shop with a suitcase in hand.

The moment he went out.

A piece of paper fluttered in his hand, and a piece of paper was pasted on the box, instantly turning the box into an umbrella.

Qingyu made an umbrella gesture, lifted the box in the palm of her hand that was disguised as an umbrella through the technique of the paper of the gods, and assumed an umbrella gesture.

The moment Qingyu was carrying the box, she had applied the ultra-light and heavy rock technique to the box, making the box as light as a feather.


Qingyu held an umbrella and walked towards Anbu's dormitory.

He had just walked out an alley.

Then I felt two gazes.

Follow the gaze.

As if Qingyu didn't feel anything, she walked away slowly and leisurely.


The other side of the street.

"Kai, let me tell you that you are thinking too much. That umbrella is in the box. You are too sensitive!" Uchiha Fugaku said helplessly.

"It doesn't make sense!" Uchiha Kai frowned and said.

"Since Lord Yao asked you to go to Qingyu last time, you have been doubting Qingyu in your heart. I think you are a little bit overwhelmed. You are definitely thinking too much!" Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said, he I still believe in Qingyu in my heart.

"According to the information I got, Qingyu's health is not good. The box that the boss took out just now is so heavy. It stands to reason that Qingyu should not be able to lift it. If he took it out, then it means that he has something wrong... "Uchiha circle analyzed.

"What you said is correct, but Qingyu didn't take it out, he just opened an umbrella!" Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said.

"Do you think it's normal to open an umbrella on such a sunny day?" Uchiha Kai couldn't help asking.

"Maybe this is Aoba's hobby..." Uchiha Fugaku didn't understand it very well, but he didn't think there was any problem here, so he continued: "I think even if it's sunny, it can be some special hobby. .”

"Where's that box? Is it a little too heavy? You can't even lift the boss with your hands!" Uchiha Kai asked suspiciously.

"Jie, you have also seen the hobby of playing by hand. He likes that kind of book, and it is normal for his body to be boring. Besides, I think we are members of the security department, so we shouldn't be so suspicious." Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said: "We Go on patrol!"

(End of this chapter)

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