People are in Konoha, Anbu tortured ninjas for ten years!

Chapter 150 There is a very bold idea (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Chapter 150 I Have a Very Bold Idea (Please Subscribe for Monthly Pass)
Scene after scene of memory fragments flashed in front of Qingyu's eyes, and they were substituted in from the first perspective.

in the world of memory.

Qingyu seems to have transformed into Auteuil.

I am experiencing what Auteuil has experienced from the perspective of No.1.

It looks like playing a VR game.


Over time.

Regarding Yunyin Village, this mission has become clearer.

The purpose of this mission is to hunt Uzumaki Kushina.

By means of a surprise attack, capture the only existing human figure in this Konoha village.

Once the task is successful.

Not only can it increase the strength of Yunyin Village, but it can also weaken the strength of Muye Village.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!
As for the enchantment in Muye Village that can serve as an early warning for detection, it has already been cracked by the enchantment class of Yunyin Village.

of course.

Solve the problem of the enchantment of Konoha Village.

The original purpose was to find an opportunity to snatch members of the Hyuga clan, so as to get supercilious.

"The barrier in Muye Village is really useless!"

Seeing this, Qingyu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

When watching anime.

He didn't even notice that there was an enchantment in Muye Village.

Almost anyone who wants to come can come.

Only Payne was detected when he invaded, but it was not fully detected.

Now it is read in the memory of the Anbu ninja of Yunyin Village that the barrier of Muye Village has been found to be opened.

This is really...

It's hard to say!
Qingyu no longer knows how to describe his tasteless enchantment to Muye Village.


Qingyu refocused on Auteuil's memory.

He didn't read it in detail.

Instead, look at what has happened recently.

Clarify the mission of Yunyin Village.


After half an hour.

Qing Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"A total of four teams came to Yunyin Village this time, with a total of eighteen people."

"The task is led by Ruri Uehara, the boss of Anbu in Yunyin Village, and Troy, the guard captain of the third generation of Raikage."

"The four Anbu ninja teams are composed of one Jōnin and three Chunin."

"Except for the Chunin who is already trapped in the torture department and the dead Autei."

"There are still sixteen people in Muye Village!"

After Qingyu saw such information, she slowly opened her eyes, and a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes.


Muye Village is considered his home here.

He didn't want Muye Village to be bullied too hard by Yunyin Village.

"Let me think of a way to remind the senior management of Muye Village about this matter."

Qing Yu pinched her chin, her brain was running fast, and she began to think.

He didn't want to get too involved in this matter, but he didn't want Muye Village to be caught off guard by this kind of bullying to the door.


The best solution he could think of was to send the information to Shimura Danzo and Uchiha Yao.

One of these two is in charge of the dark department of Muye Village, and the other is in charge of the security department of Muye Village.

Just let them handle it.


Qingyu doesn't know how to pass on the information now, the secret whistle of Mori Yiton has been used up before.

Need to find a new way to communicate.


at the same time.

Konoha Village Hospital, in the corridor.

Uchiha, the contemporary captain of the Konoha Security Department, is already waiting here.

Behind him stood several members of the Konoha Security Department.

Among them are Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kenyoshi.

"Didn't you find all of them?" Uchiha Yao asked in a deep voice.

"There is no one who can." Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said.

"I didn't find anything either." Uchiha Kenliang glanced at Fuyue, then said in a deep voice.

"The identity of this person is still unclear, but he is definitely not from Muye Village, nor is he registered to enter Muye Village. Judging from his appearance and clothing, he should be a ninja from Yunyin Village, the Kingdom of Thunder. We must continue Check, there can be no slack, this matter is no small matter." Uchiha Yao ordered, as the captain of the security department, he understands what kind of impact this matter will have if it is not handled properly.


Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Kenliang and others responded in unison.


Just at this time.

The door to the room ahead opened.

A middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s came out. He was the famous medical ninja in Konoha Village Hospital, named Takeshi Yamaguchi.

"What's the situation?" Uchiha Yao immediately asked.

"I've been a medical ninja for so many years, and I've never encountered such a scene." Yamaguchi shook his head and said.

"What scene?" An ominous premonition rose in Uchiha Yao's heart, feeling that things were getting more and more troublesome.

"Listen to me and speak slowly."

Yamaxing Ken took a deep look at Yao Uchiha, his mood was still in an indescribable shock, which could not be explained in a few words.

As soon as this word comes out.

Behind Uchiha Yao, Uchiha Fugaku and others all became curious.

What kind of scene is it?

For this old medical ninja to be able to say something like that.

for a while.

There are big question marks in everyone's head.

"Where do you start?"

Yamaguchi organized his own language in his head.

The autopsy was an eye-opener for him.

"Let's talk about this person's identity and strength first!"

As soon as Shan Xingjian said this, everyone's attention was immediately raised, and the curiosity in their hearts reached the extreme.

"Based on our investigation of his body's muscle strength and chakra meridians..."

"This person should practice Ninjutsu in Yunyin Village."

"If I'm not mistaken..."

"This person is the upper ninja of Yunyin Village!"

After Yamaguchi Ken finished speaking, all the personnel present at the Konoha Security Department stared wide-eyed, with shock flashing in their eyes.

"Junin of Yunyin Village?!"

Uchiha Yao was stunned for a moment, the thing he was most worried about happened. The identity of the person who died in Konoha Village was not simple, but the jounin of Yunyin Village.

This identity is still very important!
If it's just people from the Land of Thunder, then it's no big deal!
But if a ninja...

Still a mighty Jonin.

Then things will be relatively troublesome!

At present, the Jnin in any village is wrong, not to mention that there may be wars in the near future.

The loss of every jounin.

in such times of peace.

will appear to be crucial.

If it is not handled properly, it may rise to the political level of the village, giving Yunyin Village something to say.

"That's right!"

Takeshi Yamaguchi nodded, his eyes swept across several members of the Uchiha clan behind Uchiha Yao, and finally fell on Uchiha Yao again.

"This person is not a simple ninjutsu, he is definitely an elite of Yunyin Village. I can feel the very obvious Thunderbolt Chakra on his muscle fibers. He is definitely someone who has used Thunderbolt Ninjutsu all the year round. If you If someone confronts him head-on..."

The corner of Shan Xingjian's mouth slightly raised a meaningful smile, and then he shook his head, posing as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What will happen if we fight against him?" Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help asking when he saw the posture of Yamayuki Ken.

"If you didn't use Sharingan in the first place, there would be a great possibility of defeat or even loss of life." Takeshi Yamaguchi said in a deep voice.

"Impossible!" Uchiha Fugaku said without hesitation.

"Yes, absolutely impossible, and you haven't seen him make a move, why do you think we will die in his hands!" Uchiha Kenliang stood on the other side with Uchiha Fugaku extremely rarely.

"Hahahahaha, the strength of this man's muscles, coupled with the speed and destructive power of Thunder escape ninjutsu, once you let him get close, he will either die or be injured!" Shan Xingjian said with a sneer.

"Okay! Don't argue! This is not an important topic!"

Yao Uchiha spoke immediately.

Stop this discussion about strength.

Pointless things!
It can be said that it has no meaning at all!
The living and the dead fight over who is stronger.

There is no conclusion at all!
"Master Yamaxingken, since the Jonin of Yunyin Village is so powerful, how did he die? We didn't see any traces of fighting on him? Could it be that he was poisoned by some special poison?" Uchiha Yao asked the question he cared most about.

How did such a strong person die?

If he died in battle, then he can also use the traces of the battle to analyze who the murderer was!
But there are no traces.

It looks very bizarre.

Let him, the captain of the Konoha Security Department, find no basis for judgment at all.

"He died in battle, not from poisoning, and... there are traces of fighting on his body." Shan Xingjian said with a complex expression.

"How is it possible? We checked at the scene, and he didn't even have a bleeding point, and he didn't have any scars on his body. What kind of battle is this?" Uchiha Yao asked suspiciously.

"That's a good question!"

Shan Xingjian showed a helpless smile on his face, and said slowly: "This is the fault of this matter!"

"How?" Uchiha Yao asked.

"This person has two injuries in total, and the cause of death is that the heart was pierced!" Shan Xingjian said.

"The heart is pierced? How is it possible? I didn't see the wound?" Uchiha Yao seemed to have heard a supernatural event. Not only was he puzzled, but the Uchiha clan behind him were all very puzzled.

"His heart was pierced through an extremely small wound, which is easily overlooked if not checked carefully. The wound is only slightly thicker than a silk thread, and his epidermis didn't even bleed, and his heart was pierced." Shan Xingjian explained.

" this a hidden weapon?" Uchiha Yao couldn't help asking, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he immediately realized that this was not a simple matter. In his impression, there was no ninja who used this method to kill people.

"It's not a hidden weapon, but Chakra. Judging from the state of the wound, it is very similar to the Chakra scalpel in our medical ninjutsu, but it is just like that. It is impossible for someone to control the Chakra scalpel to that fine Extent!" Takeshi Yamayuki said convincingly, as a medical ninja, he is very aware of how high the Chakra scalpel's demand for Chakra control is. possible things.

"Forget it, let's stop guessing, I will send this person's body to the torture department, and let them read the memory of his life, and then they will know how he died." Uchiha Yao said helplessly.

But there are other ways.

He wouldn't even send people to the torture department.

over the years.

He had a lot of exchanges with the captain of the torture department, Mori Yiton.

There was even a secret post for secret communication between the two.

Based on his knowledge of the torture department.

The people over there will not tell everything about Kandu.

I wouldn't lie to him.

He just hides things that he doesn't want him to know.

If the death of Yun Yin Murakami Shinobi would involve any important person in the village, the information of this memory may be suppressed.

After all, the pressure from a certain adult is too great!
Uchiha Yao has been fighting against Danzo during this time, so he doesn't want to hand over the matter at hand easily. Compared with other departments, he believes in the Uchiha clan more.

"This is the second injury I was talking about just now!"

When Yamaguchi Ken heard that Uchiha was going to say that he would send the corpse to the torture department, the expression on his face suddenly became exciting.

next second.

He just said a sentence that shocked everyone at the scene.

"This person's brain was blasted into a mass of paste by an extremely gentle Chakra force. The brain is full of a mixture of blood and brain matter. The brain has been completely destroyed, and it is impossible to read any memory!"

When Yamaguchi Ken said this.

He was still thinking about the unrealistic judgment in his head no matter how he thought about it, but it couldn't help but come out of his head.

The sharp force that pierced this person's heart can be seen from the extent of the damage and the fact that it failed to cause bleeding.

Obviously it is the Chakra scalpel!

But he knew that it was definitely not a Chakra scalpel!

It is impossible to control the Chakra scalpel to that effect!
No one can do it!
Not even Tsunade, the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world!

If I must say a name.

What Yamaguchi Ken could think of was the Sage of the Six Paths, known as the ancestor of the ninja.


He didn't even know if there were Sages of the Six Paths.

For him, Sage of the Six Paths is just a myth and legend in the ninja world.

In reality, no one can achieve this effect at all.


If it's just a chakra scalpel, forget it.

But that soft power that shakes the brain.

This gentle force.

Let Shan Xingjian have an extremely strong feeling that it is the palm fairy technique he often uses in his daily life.


He simply couldn't imagine how much he needed to control the Palm Immortal Art.

And how profound is the understanding of the medical theory of the brain.

Only then can the brain be accurately shattered without destroying the shape of the bones.

Let the person's brain be like a water balloon filled with brain and blood mixed fluid.

Could it really be done by medical ninjas?
Are there such medical ninjas in this world?

The more Shan Xingjian thought about it, the more complicated his mood became. Reason told him that this was absolutely impossible, and strange feelings kept drilling into his mind.

"His head turned into a paste?"

Uchiha Yao's brow jumped violently, and he was speechless for a while.

Judging from his rich experience in the security department, this was a well-planned assassination, and every step was well-designed.

"That's right, it's impossible to read any memories anymore. Based on these conclusions, I have a very bold idea. Would you like to hear it?" Shan Xingjian asked.

"Say it!"

Uchiha Yao nodded fiercely, he was very curious about how bold this idea was.

for a while.

All the members of the surrounding security department looked at Shan Xingjian, and there was deep curiosity in everyone's eyes.

 I really can't hold it anymore, that's all for today, I owe you guys one chapter of regular updates, two chapters will be updated on Saturday, and five chapters are expected to be updated, I'm really sorry, I beg for your understanding~
(End of this chapter)

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