Chapter 498

the other side.

Jimmy's place.

in the villa.

Jimmy kept walking back and forth in the hall, cigarette after cigarette in his hand, smoky.

"Oh shit!"

Jimmy sat down on the stool, pinched out the cigarette in the already full ashtray with his fingers anxiously, and frowned.


Brother Jiaqian came back from outside.

"How about it?"

Jimmy stood up from his seat all of a sudden, staring at Brother Jiaqian with a gloomy face: "Have you found anyone?"

"Not yet, the whereabouts of this group of people are too fast and stealthy, leaving no clues."

Brother Jiaqian shook his head, his expression was not very good: "However, the latest information shows that Xu Sheng may be at Guoji's coffin shop."


Jimmy's tone sank: "What do you mean?"

"Someone is delivering a message outside."

Brother Jiaqian opened his mouth and explained, "Now someone is spreading rumors that your big backer, Xu Sheng, was tied up at Guo Ji's coffin shop."

His tone was a little quicker: "I guess, this is spread by Le Shao and the others, deliberately creating pressure for you."

"There must be a trap over the coffin shop. Someone must be ambushing there now waiting for you to pass. Once you pass, you will be held there immediately and cannot get out."

"damn it!"

Jimmy cursed under his breath, and of course he guessed the intention, but he still had to go.

Xu Sheng was a partner with him, and was kidnapped because of him. If he didn't go, then this kind of thing would spread, and no one would dare to cooperate with him in the future.

Distraught, Jimmy lit a cigarette again, took two quick puffs, came to the phone, picked it up and started dialing.

a while.


"Sir Zhong, this is Jimmy."

Jimmy spoke quickly, and stopped being polite to Zhong Wenze, and went straight to the point: "There is something I want you to help me with."

After briefly describing Xu Sheng's affairs, he expressed his needs:
"I want you to bring your buddies to help me sweep this coffin shop and bring Xu Sheng back to me. Nothing will happen to him."

"Ah, so that's what happened."

Zhong Wenze nodded in response, and immediately agreed: "Okay, I don't have any problems here, I will send someone to help you sweep the coffin shop in a while and rescue him."

"Thank you, Sir Zhong."

Jimmy thanked him immediately.

Xu Sheng's safety is very important. If something happens to him, his business will most likely be over.

and so.

At this time, it would be most appropriate for a policeman like Zhong Wenze to come forward to deal with this kind of matter.

"Leave Xu Sheng's matter to me. As long as your informant is correct, I'm sure I'll be fine."

Zhong Wenze made a promise again, but then his conversation suddenly changed:
"But there is one thing I need to mention to you. I don't know if you have considered some things."


Jimmy was stunned for a moment, holding the microphone and looking at the mural on the wall in front of him with flickering eyes: "What does Sir Zhong want to say."

"As for the matter of Xu Sheng you mentioned just now, I made a simple deduction for you in my heart."

Zhong Wenze's speech speed increased, and the whole person suddenly entered the state, just like when investigating the case and inferring:
"Look, you didn't find out the specific information about Xu Sheng yourself. You got the news that Xu Sheng was hidden in the coffin shop. It was spread outside."

"Since it was spread by the outside world, can I make a judgment: this news was passed on to you by Le Shao."

Zhong Wenze took out a cigarette and lit it, took a strong puff before continuing:

"Since Le Shao kidnapped Xu Sheng, why did he take the initiative to deliver the news?"


Jimmy nodded, thinking of this himself: "He wants to circle me in?"

"It's right to make a game, and you can definitely be sure to circle you."

Zhong Wenze nodded in response, nodded and said: "But have you ever thought that he has another meaning?"

Jimmy didn't speak.

"He is testing you. He knows that we have cooperation now, and he wants to take this opportunity to test our cooperation relationship."

Zhong Wenze didn't wait for Jimmy to speak, and continued to talk about his analysis:

"I don't know if Xu Sheng was hidden in the coffin shop, but I can be sure that he is using this incident to test our relationship, to test how good our relationship is."

"For this reason, I can make the following two assumptions and guesses."

Zhong Wenze tapped lightly on the table with a finger holding a cigarette, and said in an extremely clear way:
"The first situation: Xu Sheng is in the coffin shop. The person is indeed there, but there is already an ambush there, waiting for you to go there."

"However, I think the possibility of this situation is relatively small."

Zhong Wenze talked eloquently: "He tried his best to kidnap people, and he couldn't really hide them there. If I take people there, why would they dare to confront us in front of the police? Isn't Xu Sheng just for nothing? you?"

Jimmy just frowned and smoked a cigarette, did not answer, and listened to Zhong Wenze's analysis silently.

"In the second case, Xu Sheng is not at the coffin shop. He gave you news and tried to trick you to go there. The second is that he used this incident to test whether I would go there."

"If I really brought someone there, then he would know what happened to Xu Sheng. He would avoid me even more about Xu Sheng's affairs, and it would be difficult to find Xu Sheng's trace."


Jimmy let out a heavy breath, pressed the cigarette in his hand heavily into the ashtray, and crushed it hard.

Zhong Wenze's analysis is very reasonable.

This was something he hadn't considered before. He only thought of the role Zhong Wenze could play, not the side effects.

"Then what does Sir Zhong think about this matter?"

Jimmy pondered for a while, and asked tentatively: "Is it just letting it go like this?"


Zhong Wenze couldn't help laughing: "How could it be possible that you don't care, you don't care about Xu Sheng, if this matter gets out, you Jimmy will mess around in the future."


Jimmy nodded, agreeing with Zhong Wenze's words.

"I think the best way to deal with this matter is."

Zhong Wenze paused for a moment, and then continued: "Whether Xu Sheng is in the coffin shop or not, you have to go there."

"Le Shao has set up a game for you, you must enter this game, but we can do this."

"You take your people over there, rushing across the coffin shop, I must also go over there, and be in charge of putting the finishing touches on you."

"At that time, if Xu Sheng is there, I will come forward to clean up the mess, and I can logically wipe them all out."

"If Xu Sheng wasn't there, I wouldn't have to show up. I'm sure you'll be able to escape unscathed, right?"


When Jimmy heard this, his whole eyes lit up, and he couldn't help being enlightened.

What Zhong Wenze said is good.

It's the best way to do what he says.

"That's fine."

Jimmy thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "Then do as Sir Zhong said, and I will take people there after tonight."

"Well, write to me then."

Zhong Wenze nodded in agreement, and tapped his finger on the table: "There is one more thing, I need to remind you."


Jimmy froze again.

"Le Shao is making a fuss about Xu Sheng's matter. He has already shown a very strong idea in this matter: confront you Jimmy head-on!"

Zhong Wenze's tone became serious: "What you have to do, you can't just start with saving Xu Sheng, today he can kidnap Xu Sheng who is cooperating with you, and tomorrow he can kidnap Li Sheng and Zhang Sheng who are cooperating with you. "

"Le Shao has already revealed a very strong signal on this matter, he is going to decide the position of the speaker, you don't want to fight with him!"

"And now, what you Jimmy does is like a businessman's attitude."

Jimmy squinted his eyes, thoughtful, but didn't understand what Zhong Wenze wanted to express.

"One piece of bread, two people want it, how do we divide it?"

Zhong Wenze grinned, and his tone became playful: "The bread can't be cut in half and one person has half. Both of them want a whole bread, so what can we do?"

Without waiting for Jimmy to answer.

Zhong Wenze's tone turned a little cold in vain: "It's very simple, one bread for two."

"Kill one, fair and just!"

"How to do it is up to you."


Zhong Wenze cut off the phone directly.

Jimmy held the busy phone, listened to the "beep beep" sound inside, and fell into deep thought.

This Zhong Wenze is far more powerful than he imagined.

Judging from his analysis just now, Zhong Wenze's thinking is very meticulous, and he can analyze all the pros and cons of the matter in just a few moments.

Not only that.

His decisive and ruthless side was fully displayed.

at this point.

Jimmy thought he couldn't compare to him.

"How to say?"

Brother Jiaqian came over and observed Jimmy's expression: "You don't have to find that poor guy, just give me the money, and I'll take care of this for you."

"Go, go, go!"

Jimmy reached out and patted Brother Jiaqian on the shoulder, walked into the inner study, and opened the safe.

Door open.

A box full of banknotes inside is bundled with rubber bands, which is full of visual impact.

Jimmy took the canvas bag on the side, opened it and began to put money into it, one bundle after another.

Nuo Da’s canvas bag was half stuffed, so he stopped, picked it up and handed it to Brother Jiaqian:
"Here, here's your share."


Brother Jiaqian looked at the bag full of banknotes, but felt a little embarrassed:

"Jimmy, I'm very clear about accounts, you paid too much."


Jimmy scolded angrily: "When I invited you over, I told you very clearly that I, Jimmy, will never treat others badly when it comes to treating my brother."

"You work hard for me, and I'll give you money. The extra money is the one I gave you. Take it."

"That's fine."

Brother Jiaqian didn't refuse any more, and generously carried the canvas bag containing the banknotes in his hand:
"Then I'll take it, as long as you add more money, everything will be fine, and I will help you with this matter."

"it is good."

Jimmy nodded and waved his hands: "Go down and get ready. Let's go to the coffin shop tomorrow and snatch Xu Sheng back."


Brother Jiaqian took the banknotes and went out.

Silent all night.

Guo Ji coffin shop.

Dongguan boy woke up from the stool, and pushed the three horse boys beside him: "Let's go, let's have breakfast, and come back to replace the brother who is on duty."

In a breakfast shop one street away from Coffin Shop.

Dong Guanzai and his three younger brothers ate roasted duck noodles, chewing big mouthfuls.


Ma Zai stuffed the duck meat into his mouth, and took another sip of the noodles: "Do you think Jimmy and his gang dare to come?"

"That's right, the news has been released, and there has been no movement all night. They won't be collecting heads."

Immediately someone chimed in.

"Ha ha."

Dongguan Tsai sneered, chewing the noodles in his mouth vigorously: "Whether he comes or not, as long as they dare to come, they will all be chopped down here, and no one can escape."

"Eat, eat, eat, and eat enough to have the strength to kill people!"

"They will definitely come, Xu Sheng, he Jimmy dare not abandon."


Ma Zai responded.

Eat and eat.

Suddenly a boy ran in from outside, rushed to Dongguan boy quickly, gasped and said: "Brother boy, someone is here."

"So fast?"

Dongguan Tsai raised his eyebrows, put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, and sucked hard:
"Let's go, let's go to work."


He took the lead and walked to the door.


The three boys followed immediately.

"damn it!"

Dongguan boy swaggered out of the breakfast shop, put out the cigarette in his hand on the wall, looked at the railing in front of him, and easily hurdled over the hurdle, with a chic movement.

"Scatter, scatter!"

Dongguan boy opened his hands and waved to the streets on both sides: "Block me up all around, don't let anyone go."

talking room.

He reached out to take the long strip wrapped in newspaper that Ma Zai handed over, and tore open the newspaper outside.


The blade of the watermelon knife appeared, reflecting the sunlight under the sun, which was a bit dazzling.

"Pay the coffin to me and keep it!"

Dongguan Tsai held the watermelon knife in his right hand, and the watermelon knife shook rhythmically in his hand with force from his wrist:

"Don't let anyone go in."

His eyes were fixed on the car in front of the alley.

Through the windshield.

Jimmy, whose skin was slightly darkened and bronzed, was clearly seen sitting in the co-pilot.

"Give me his car!"

Dong Guanzi pointed forward with the long knife in his hand, and slashed down in the air: "Drag Jimmy down!"

a time.

Several horse boys rushed towards Jimmy's car with long knives and steel pipes.

"Reverse, reverse!"

Jimmy sat in the co-pilot, tightening his seat belt: "Reverse the car and attract them."

Four or five horse boys charged forward mightily.

Just then.

There were screams from the coffin shop.


Dongguan Tsai frowned, and roared: "Leave him alone, go to the coffin shop, and block him!"

Xu Sheng is the top priority.

As long as Xu Sheng is controlled, Jimmy will not run away.

a time.

Everyone quickly surrounded the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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