Chapter 494 Happy Cooperation
"Zhong Wenze's mind is broken."

Le Shao held the cigarette between his fingers, rubbed his thumb slowly on the cigarette butt, squinted and looked out the window:

"And he is very shrewd, although at present, Jimmy has a better chance of winning when he is the talker."

"But this kid wants to get more benefits in the middle, so he came to me today, and now he hopes that we can fight Jimmy as hard as possible."

"Only when we fight more and more fiercely can he obtain the best and maximum benefits for himself."

That's what he thought.


How could Zhong Wenze disclose this important information to himself.

It's not that Le Shao didn't think about messing with Jimmy's business, but he hasn't figured out who the supporters behind Jimmy are.

after all.

Xu Sheng's business is in the Mainland, and their relationship is also in the Mainland. Basically, they rarely show up on Hong Kong Island.

So for so long, they were all puppets under Xu Sheng's hands, and they couldn't catch the real master at all.

it's good now.

Once the most critical information is available, the rest will be easy to handle.

Catch Xu Sheng and use it as a threat to Jimmy to stop competing with him for the position of speaker.

For the sake of his own business, Jimmy couldn't ignore Xu Sheng's life and death. In this way, he would naturally no longer compete with himself for the position of speaker.

"it is good."

Dongguan Tsai completely lost his opinion at the scene: "I listen to my godfather's arrangements for everything."


Le Shao nodded in satisfaction, looked at Dong Guanzi, and patted him on the shoulder: "Godfather said so much for your own good. I'm very happy that you can listen to godfather."

a time.

Neither side spoke any more.

in fact.

The reason why Le Shao stopped Dongguan boy from attacking Zhong Wenze and Azu was not because he cared much about Dongguan boy.

Not to mention whether he can succeed or not.

Even if Dongguan Tsai succeeds, it will do him no good, and it will only affect the community.

This is one of them.


It is also the most critical point:
Dong Guanzi still has some combat effectiveness. He contributed to kidnapping Xu Sheng and threatening Jimmy.

Let him take care of these things, deal with Deng Bo and other uncles by himself, and persuade them to support him.

Detailed division of labor.

As a talker, you can't let your age go, and you have to appear on the stage by yourself in everything.

If Dong Guanzi rushed to the street and let the police catch him and put him in prison, then he would lose a lot of generals under his command.

Not cost-effective.

This is Le Shao's own thinking, so he wants to stop Dongguan Tsai from acting recklessly.

If there were no such factors in it, Young Master Le would not care about him, wishing that he would rush to the street now, so that there would be one less person who would compete with him for the talker's position.

"In a while, you find some good players to keep an eye on this Xu Sheng."

Le Shao made a simple calculation in his heart, and directly issued an order: "Find Xu Sheng, tie him up directly, and take him to the coffin shop. Then I will talk to Jimmy."


Dong Guanzai nodded in response.


on the road.

Jimmy, in a black suit and white shirt, got out of the business car and came towards Zhong Wenze and the others.

By the pond.

Zhong Wenze and Azu sat on folding stools, concentrating on fishing.


The fishing line was dragged straight down, driving the float, and ripples spread on the water surface.

"The fish is hooked."

Zhong Wenze grinned, and began to lift the pole to reel in the line, and brought the fish up:
"Jimmy, you see, my fish is hooked as soon as you come, it's wonderful."

"Ha ha."

Jimmy laughed, took out a cigarette and lit it, and stood beside Zhong Wenze, staring at the river:

"Sir Zhong, you asked me to come here, is there anything you want to talk about?"


He added: "I just met Le Shao earlier, and now I'm here again, and it's at the same place. It's a seamless connection. You've saved all the gas money for driving."

Just now.

Although he didn't see Le Shao, he also saw Le Shao's car just now, and after a little guessing, he knew what happened in the middle.

"Oh, no way."

Zhong Wenze sighed, and did not deny the matter. He reached out and took the fish off the hook, and threw it back into the river again, with an innocent expression on his hands:

"The funds given by the police station are limited. When I drive out by bus, I have to strictly control it. Otherwise, if the car stops halfway, I will have to pay for it myself, so I can only do this."


Jimmy laughed and said nothing, staring at the river with flickering eyes, smoking a cigarette.

Naturally, he would not believe Zhong Wenze's nonsense.

It's just for comparison.

Jimmy thought about Zhong Wenze calling him here, and he didn't shy away from meeting Le Shao first.


See myself again.

He didn't bring a little bit of change in the place. Is this intentionally done for himself to see, or is he trying to remind himself?

As Jimmy sucked on the cigarette, it made the sound of burning tobacco and burned out quickly.

Jimmy pinched his middle finger and flicked the cigarette butt in the middle into the river: "I'm a little curious, what did Sir Zhong and Shao Le talk about?"

Although he couldn't guess what Zhong Wenze's purpose was, but one thing is certain:
Zhong Wenze made this for himself.

That being the case.

Just ask him directly.

Zhong Wenze will tell himself his purpose, the hint must be necessary, otherwise what is he planning.

"Talk, just chat."

Zhong Wenze pursed his lips and motioned for the fishing rod he held in his hand:

"Here, Young Master Le gave it to me. It's a gift between us."

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

Jimmy raised his eyelids, his dark skin looked even darker in the sun:
"Isn't it just two fishing rods? If Zhong Sir wants it, I have a lot of them for you."


He added: "It's not the first time we have dealt with each other. I haven't thanked you for what happened last time."

Jimmy was showing his kindness to Zhong Wenze, and at the same time made clear his attitude, conveying strong kindness to Zhong Wenze.


Jimmy didn't like Zhong Wenze before, but now he wants to show kindness to Zhong Wenze?
Naturally, it was because of Baoli's case.

In comparison.

Jimmy is a person with a deeper mind and a deeper city than Le Shao, and he is more concerned about collecting information.

After Guilo Baoli's accident, as soon as the news came out, Jimmy and Zhong Wenze had dealt with him before to inquire about Guilo Baoli's affairs, and he guessed it immediately.

The case of Guilo Baoli must have something to do with Zhong Wenze.

A small trainee inspector can actually put down a chief superintendent and an assistant director, regardless of what happened in the middle, just this courage is impressive.


It is to look at the essence through the incident: kill the chief superintendent and the assistant director, but nothing happens, then there must be someone standing behind him.


Zhong Wenze is a little trainee inspector, why should he!

at this point.

Like Le Shao, Jimmy has maintained a full sense of smell.

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze raised his head and laughed loudly, as if he liked Jimmy's words: "It seems that you are better."

"Look at Le Shao, just give me two fishing rods, what a stingy guy, unlike Jimmy, give me as much as you want."

"That is."

With a faint smile on Jimmy's face, he nodded slightly: "Sir Zhong is a real person, I really want to call you friends."

"I heard about this case. Guilo Baoli illegally imprisoned a girl at home. Is this a fucking thing that a human can do?"

"It's just Zhong Sir. I admire you for being able to find out Baoli without fear of the powerful."

What he said is half true.

The reason for doing this is because his competition for the position of speaker did not go as smoothly as expected.

A week later, although Deng Bo strongly recommended him, and his uncles who were close to Deng Bo also supported him, but there were also many voices of opposition.

The dispute over speakers is still at a stalemate.

My business in the mainland was directly photographed dead by the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau. Without the position of the speaker, I can only go to the mainland for sightseeing and travel, and cannot engage in any business activities.

For business.

The speaker's position must be seized.

and so.

At this time, Zhong Wenze has become a major support choice for him.

There is a policeman helping him on the bright side, and he is afraid of a gang like Liansheng.

If Zhong Wenze can be pulled into the camp, it will be beneficial for him to compete for the position of speaker.

"Then I thank you for your compliment."

Zhong Wenze smiled and licked his dry lips: "Let's talk about the things between us."

"You said."

"I'll help you grab the speaker's position."


Jimmy first cupped his hands, and after hearing Zhong Wenze's words, he said very politely:

"As long as Sir Zhong is willing to support me, don't worry, I will definitely not let you do this for nothing."

Jimmy is very knowledgeable about bribery, and immediately expressed his attitude.

"No no no."

Zhong Wenze shook his head, and did not accept Jimmy's explicit statement: "I don't want your benefits, I just want to support you."


Jimmy squinted his eyes, looked at Zhong Wenze for a while, and said with a smile: "Could it be that Sir Zhong supports me because he sees my beauty?"


Zhong Wenze laughed again, and pointed at Jimmy: "You really know how to joke."

"That's right. As for me, I have now reached the position of inspector, but I feel that the promotion speed is still too slow."

"I need influence. If He Liansheng can support me at certain times, I'm sure I'll get up to positions like senior inspector and superintendent soon."


Jimmy understood it all at once, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense: "Of course, as long as Sir Zhong helps me, everything is easy to talk about."

just now.

He got a little bit of Zhong Wenze's bottom line:

This person is very ambitious, and he is very obsessed with things like power.

Just like you want to do business with your own heart.

That being the case.

Then the cooperation between the two parties will be much easier, and everyone will get what they need.


He still expressed his opinion: "Since Zhong Sir just wants to seek help, why not help Le Shao instead of me."

"Look, I'm alone. I'm so young and have no qualifications. But Le Shao is old-fashioned and has a lot of people under his command. If you support him, you should be able to handle things better."


Zhong Wenze rolled his eyes, and looked at Jimmy sullenly: "Mr. Li, don't you look down on Zhong Wenze too much when you say such things?"

"Young Master Le has many people under his command, that's true, but which one of those under his command doesn't want to be the talker?"

"This kind of person already has internal conflicts, and they are constantly intensifying. If I help him? If something happens, it will affect me. Isn't that causing trouble for myself?"

"Look at his subordinates. Airplanes have no brains. He will believe whatever Le Shao says."

"Dongguan boy, there is a bone boy, and he is a big gun and has no brains. Do you expect this kind of person to be willing to help me in the future? I will help them to the top now, and I will ask them to help me in the future. If you are not sure, you have to negotiate with me. Woolen cloth."

Zhong Wenze paused for a moment, looked at Jimmy, and talked eloquently: "As for you, Jimmy, the situation is much better."

"First of all, you Jimmy has enough brains, and you are also smart in doing things. You are very scheming and very stable."

"Secondly, you are not very interested in associations like He Liansheng. Your greatest interest is doing business and making money."

"If He Liansheng is taken over by you, it will definitely be much better than it is now, and it will save me trouble and won't give me trouble."

His tone became a little quicker: "Imagine, a society with a long history, under the leadership of Jimmy, transforms into a society that does business."

"Then the leader of this club supports me, Zhong Wenze. How much does this improve my prestige?"

"Not to mention anything else, at the Saigon Police Station, at least I walked sideways, and the position of the superintendent was waving to me."

"Look at Le Shao again. He has become the talker and engaged in this kind of shady business. Even if he supports me, I dare not accept it. Do you think it makes sense?"


When Jimmy heard this, he couldn't help being speechless, looked at Zhong Wenze for a few seconds, and then gave a thumbs up:

"It seems that Zhong Sir is also a smart person. You should have studied me for a long time on this matter."

What Zhong Wenze said is good.

Jimmy only wants to do business, but he is not so interested in club affairs.

What Zhong Wenze said was exactly what he wanted.


Zhong Wenze spoke Jimmy's heartfelt thoughts, and the two of them couldn't help but hit it off.

"That's fine."

When Jimmy arrived here, he was no longer so defensive: "Then I will deal with my affairs first."

"Well, you just need to get rid of these old bones in your society."

Zhong Wenze waved his hand: "I'm in charge of standing in line for you and putting some pressure on your club's business."

"Thank you, Sir."

Jimmy stood up and held out his hand.

Zhong Wenze stretched out his hand.

shook hands with it.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Happy cooperation!"

(End of this chapter)

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