Chapter 49

"Sorry, I'm a policeman!"

Zhong Wenze looked at Mark Lee with flickering eyes.


Mark Lee immediately raised Ingram in his hand and put it on Zhong Wenze's head.

Zhong Wenze took a deep breath, threw the gun in his hand aside, took out a cigarette and lit it, slowly raised his hands above his head, and sucked the cigarette vigorously.

After Song Zijie heard the news, his expression changed slightly. Zhong Wenze was an undercover agent, which he never thought of.

Song Zihao covered his wound, looked at the two with sweat on his forehead, and didn't speak.

a time.

The scene was deadlocked instantly.

Outside the pier.

Mo Sir personally led the team, and called the Flying Tigers to come over to assist, surrounded the pier from the outside, and shrank inward with a tactical formation.

As for Mo Sir himself, he was in charge of holding a loudspeaker, conducting tactical persuasion, putting down his weapons and surrendering, and so on.

by his side.

Superintendent Wu from Taiwan pushed the big round glasses on the bridge of his nose, scanning the chaotic pier with gloomy eyes.

He came for his own goal: to catch Mark Lee and solve the shooting case of Fenglin Pavilion Restaurant.


Condescending, they found Mark Lee and his party besieged by the sea.

"Help me arrange a special group of people to catch that Mark Lee!"

Superintendent Wu turned his head to look at Mo Sir who was holding the intercom, and pointed to their positions: "It seems that they are fighting among themselves."

"Oh? Is it?"

Mo Sir is now only thinking about how to quickly capture Tan Cheng and his group, and then ask Song Zijie to get the tape of their making counterfeit banknotes to bring the counterfeit banknote case to an end.

Want to compare.

The outdated Song Zihao and Mark Lee.

Relatively speaking.

It doesn't seem so important anymore.

He also completely forgot about Zhong Wenze who provided him with information.

The specific action plan for tonight, the time, and the information that the counterfeit banknote tape has arrived in Song Zijie's hands, etc., were all provided to him by Zhong Wenze.

When Superintendent Wu reminded him, Mo Sir remembered this incident.

Following the direction of his fingers, he saw Zhong Wenze who was pointed at the head by Mark Li with a gun.

"Fall on the street!"

Mo Sir's eyelids twitched, and he slapped his head and immediately took out the intercom, and quickly gave instructions: "Divide into a group and go to the unloading area of ​​the dock. Don't shoot easily. They have hostages in their hands, and they have hostages."

"Don't shoot lightly, don't shoot lightly."

the end.

Mo Sir repeated a few words again.

I don't know Zhong Wenze well, so I asked him to be an undercover agent the first time I saw him.

He even said that he was ready for this kid's identity to be revealed and sacrificed, or to be instigated by HSH.

At that time.

The reason why Zhong Wenze was chosen was that the task was urgent and time was tight, and he needed a new face too much.

and so.

Strictly speaking, his operation was actually illegal.


Zhong Wenze's performance far exceeded his original expectations.

According to his expectations, if Zhong Wenze can provide a little clue, he will be satisfied.

who knows.

This kid provided the maximum amount of information in the shortest possible time. Whether it was providing information or helping him kill Chou Xiong, he was very satisfied.

Especially today.

What's more, it allows him to catch the big fish directly in advance. This kind of unexpected joy all comes from this creamy niche.

and so.

Mo Sir didn't want this person to make any mistakes.

This person is too easy to use, too worry-free and useful, and he can play a greater role for himself in the future.

In the intercom.

Qiu Xiong's voice sounded:
"Mo Sir, isn't that person Zhong Wenze the suspect that night? His relationship with Tan Cheng and his group is unclear. Who knows what he is doing in there now?!"

"Maybe, he is also a member of a criminal gang, so he can't be regarded as a hostage!"

Qiu Xiong, who was leading the team to press down.

After seeing Zhong Wenze in the unloading area, he tightened the .[-] in his hand, and a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

last time.

Qiu Xiong remembered it deeply.

He hated Zhong Wenze to the core.

just now.

This is a very good opportunity.

Find an inconspicuous corner, take advantage of the chaos and shoot him, any deep hatred will be resolved.


Qiu Xiong's little plan is shrewd.

In such a chaotic scene, with his black gun being fired like this, who would have known that Zhong Wenze was killed by himself when he threw himself into the street.

Mo Sir frowned when he heard what Qiu Xiong said.

He knew what kind of temperament Qiu Xiong had.

This person is vengeful, and he is extremely narrow-minded. Zhong Wenze has conflicts with him, so there is no guarantee that he will mess around with him for a while.

But he didn't want to disclose that Zhong Wenze was an undercover agent.

Because he found out, as far as his subordinates in the current police station are concerned, Zhong Wenze is the best undercover candidate.

If Zhong Wenze ranked second, no one would dare to claim the first place.

The most important thing is that after Zhong Wenze came to the police station, the first person he came into contact with was himself. Strictly speaking, he could be regarded as his absolute confidant.

If it is used well, it will definitely be a good gun.

and so.

Mo Sir didn't want to disclose Zhong Wenze's undercover identity, he had other plans.

Just then.

Mo Sir scanned the fire scene on the pier, and looked in Mark Lee's direction again. This time, he saw Song Zijie standing beside Zhong Wenze.

"Why is Song Sir here?!"

Mo Sir's eyes lit up, and he took out the intercom again to issue instructions: "Please pay attention to all teams, please pay attention to all teams, Mark Li Song Zihao and his party in the unloading area, surround them first, and don't shoot without my order, don't shoot! shot!"

"There are not only hostages inside, Song Zijie and Song Sir are also held hostage by them!"

"Once again, no one is allowed to shoot without my order!"

Each intercom.

Mo Sir's repeated emphasis sounded.

"Damn it! Hit the street!"

Listening to the instructions in the intercom, Qiu Xiong frowned all of a sudden, how could Song Zijie, who is so street-smart, be in there?
Song Zijie is Mo Sir's subordinate, and he is not on the same road as him.

If Song Zijie who was standing with Zhong Wenze found out that he fired a black gun, and then told Mo Sir about the matter, it would be difficult.

If Zhong Wenze is really a HSH member, then it's okay to say, just kill him casually.


Once Zhong Wenze's body is really clean, then this matter will become Mo Sir's handle to control himself.

Once this matter gets out and is exposed by the media, it will definitely cause an uproar in the society.

By the time.

Even if it's the relationship above him, he can't keep himself.

The worst question is:

He himself didn't know whether Zhong Wenze was clean or not.

If he is clean, then he is finished.

There's no point in ruining one's bright future for such a rush.


Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, to relieve hatred in an instant, just give up like this?

He himself was not reconciled.

How to do it?

Just then.

There were shouts of yelling from the front line.

"Hands up! Don't hold back."

"I surrender and I accept arrest."

Qiu Xiong glanced over and saw this face. After being stunned for three seconds, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked over at a faster pace.

He was worried about how to find a chance to forcefully kill Zhong Wenze.

Here comes the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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