Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 430 Even Jesus Can't Stop It!

Chapter 430 Even Jesus Can't Stop It!

As many people have said:

In this world, there is never a fixed boundary between good and bad people. A person can be a good person or a bad person.

Because everyone may have a dark side in their hearts.

Either it is disguised in the deepest part, or it is just a sprout, and I have not discovered or noticed it myself.

When a certain day, a certain thing happens, the hidden dark side may suddenly appear.

Many people have a kind of thinking: If you want to die, everyone will die together, and if you die, hold me back, then I will not lose at all.

It's like a certain novel author's book has very good grades and data, but because the subject matter is too sensitive, he is suddenly notified to forcibly finish the book.

Continue to write, only to be removed from the shelves.

How to do it?

no way.

He can only finish the book by force.


He has a new question: why he writes a book with the same subject as mine, which is more arrogant and sensitive than me, why can he continue to write even if I forcefully finish the book?

Not satisfied.


fuck you

That line.

I fucking go to report under your book every day.

It doesn't matter if he has dates or not, he hits a shot first.

If it really doesn’t work, reporting is useless, then I DISS you, can you do it.

This is the simplest example.

Zhong Wenze came here today, and what he was able to grasp was Liu Zhengfu's mentality: My son is already on the street, why should the people who dragged him survive?
This makes no sense.

Under Zhong Wenze's rhetoric, although Liu Zhengfu hated Zhong Wenze very much, he finally chose to tell Zhong Wenze the situation and fight for it.

10 minutes of conversation.

Liu Zhengfu said many details:
That night, Liu Tian called him to contact him, and after a quarrel between the two parties, Liu Tian was willing to come back.

Liu Zhengfu started to clean up his relationship at the first moment of the night, and after many struggles, he found his relationship with Guilao.

That relationship is Senior Superintendent William.

Although this kind of thing is very euphemistic, it is basically a lice on the monk's head, which is obvious.

You want my work, I want your money.


Liu Zhengfu simply and rudely put the banknotes in place, and at the same time told him the location of the hotel where he had agreed to meet with Liu Tian.

William said he would arrange for someone to contact him.

That's the end of the matter.


What happened later: Liu Tian and Max were shot dead by gunmen in the hotel.

after the incident.

How could William dare to accept their money? This case is sensitive, so he arranged for someone to return the money immediately without leaving any evidence.

But William is not responsible for the shooting of the gunman.

He just said he had no idea.

What can Liu Zhengfu do in this situation?

There was nothing he could do.

He knew that the shooting incident by the gunman must have something to do with William, and there must be something wrong with the people he arranged.

But did he do it, Senior Superintendent William?

surely not.

He is a dignified senior police superintendent, and he has no grievances against him, so he will definitely not arrange for a gunman to kill Liu Tian.

Where is the problem?

He didn't know either.

After Liu Tian's death, William would not have any involvement in this matter at all, and immediately separated the relationship.

This is the most basic sensitive attitude and awareness.

One to two to go.

What can Liu Zhengfu do with William?

No way.

You can't take a gun and go to the police station to kill William, can you?

and so.

Naturally, Liu Zhengfu transferred the hatred of losing his son to Zhong Wenze, hating him to the bone.

"Ghost William?"

Zhong Wenze sorted out the conversation with Liu Zhengfu, and muttered to himself: "The relationship Liu Zhengfu is looking for is Senior Superintendent William, there is no reason to do such a thing!"

William, Zhong Wenze knows.

Because of the case of Chen Xianghu, the second-generation flag soldier, William suffered a big loss in front of Zhong Wenze.

even though.

William didn't like Zhong Wenze very much, and hoped that he would hit the streets in the Bank of Asia robbery case, but not to the point of buying a murderer.

"It shouldn't have much to do with William."

Chen Guorong chimed in and said, "These ghosts are all foreigners, and they look down on us Chinese from the bottom of their hearts. There is no friendship relationship, only a transaction relationship in terms of financial interests."

"He would not take such a big risk to find a gunman to kill Liu Tian."

His analysis is right.

William is also a senior police superintendent. He has many ways to deal with Zhong Wenze, which are legal and reasonable. There is no need to use this lowest-level strategy.

Too retarded.


Zhong Wenze nodded, expressing his agreement with Chen Guorong's statement: "Ghost William did something for Liu Zhengfu, but it is impossible for me to ask William for a question."

He frowned involuntarily, staring at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window for a long time, sorting out clues in his mind, and fell into deep thought.

It is now certain that:

The problem was with the man who was working for William.

This person is definitely a member of the police force.

And the position is not low.


There is definitely a great interest relationship between him and Huobao, otherwise he would not have disclosed Liu Tian's information to Huobao.

But who is this person?

I'm afraid only William knows.

But now that things have developed like this, will William admit that this matter has something to do with him?

Absolutely impossible.

It doesn't make any sense to ask William, he will never say a word, and he is completely clear about such sensitive matters.


Zhong Wenze couldn't help taking a deep breath. The case that seemed to have progressed seemed to have entered a dead end again?


A flash of lightning flashed in Zhong Wenze's mind, and he captured an important message.

His eyelids shrank, as if he remembered something important, he raised his hand to look at his watch, and then looked at Azu who was driving:

"Go to Yuen Long Police Station."

Now it's eleven 45 minutes.

It was less than 15 minutes before the deadline for RICK to ask Superintendent Hou to let him go.

The group quickly arrived at the Yuen Long Police Station.

The hour hand of the watch is still a little bit away from twelve o'clock, which is 3 minutes away.

Zhong Wenze got off the car, Azu and Chen Guorong quickly followed, and they wanted to go to the police station with Zhong Wenze.

"Don't follow me in."

Zhong Wenze reached out to stop the two of them, and then looked at Chen Guorong: "Chen Sir, take Azu and give me a very important thing."

"You said."

Chen Guorong naturally nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"you are like this"

Zhong Wenze hooked his hands, surrounded the two of them together, and quickly explained in a low voice:
"You bring Azu"


After Chen Guorong listened, he responded subconsciously, and looked at Zhong Wenze in disbelief: "No way? Your inference"

"Do as I say, fast!"

Zhong Wenze said with great certainty: "After the investigation, I will give you a series of numbers. If you are from the United States, you can contact him."

"That person over there is called Ah Jian, please exchange and share information to see if there are any new points of agreement."

"it is good."

When Chen Guorong heard that there was no more nonsense, he immediately took Azu and left in a hurry.

Arrange for two people.

Zhong Wenze raised his arms and walked towards the police station lobby.

Just in time for this crop.

Police hall.

RICK is standing in the middle of the hall wearing a peaked cap.

beside him.

Superintendent Hou led several men to surround RICK, and the two sides just looked at each other, which seemed to be a confrontation.

"It's twelve o'clock!"

RICK was surrounded by several of them, but he didn't panic at all. He raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist:

"It's time, Xiaoyi, do you want to let go or not?!"

Under the brim of the peaked cap.

There was no expression fluctuation on a handsome face, and the slightly red eyeballs looked a bit pervasive at the moment.


Superintendent Hou didn't want to wave his hand and refused directly: "Peng Yixing, what are you thinking?!"

He sneered, and looked at RICK disdainfully: "She herself admitted that the modified air gun is hers, the evidence of the crime is solid, let her go?"

"that is!"

A Liang took a step forward and looked at RICK coldly: "The gun she modified exceeds the legal standard, so it is legal to arrest her!"

"Heh, is there something wrong with my gun, you know best?!"

RICK sneered, stared at A Liang for a long time, and lost interest in continuing: "Let me ask one last time, should I let him go?"

"Don't let it go!"

A Liang was very annoyed by RICK's tough stance, so he replied very hard: "What do you want?!"

"good very good!"

RICK laughed when he heard this, and nodded in praise.


He turned around and strode outside without stopping.


After Zhong Wenze finished watching the show, he stepped in and ran into RICK who was walking outside.

He greeted with a smile: "RICK, what a coincidence."

RICK glanced at Zhong Wenze coldly, but ignored him.


He seemed to remember something again.


turn around.

"Then let's start with you!"

RICK raised his hand, pointed at A Liang who was standing in the front, and shouted:
"You, I'm RICK."

"What I said, even Jesus couldn't stop it!"


He strode straight out.

In the lobby of the police station, the echo of his words seemed to be echoing back and forth above the lobby.

Superintendent Hou's group didn't react, they just watched him leave like this: How dare this person openly threaten them at the police station?

Simply lawless!
Other people in the police station looked at Superintendent Hou and his group, and the scene was completely silent.

"Tsk tsk."

Zhong Wenze's voice sounded, and he was speechless, gloating: "I didn't expect to catch up with me."


He took a few steps forward and looked at A Liang with a smile: "Sir, be careful, RICK is very strong, don't be attacked by him."


Zhong Wenze stretched out his thumb and index finger, and made a shooting posture to shoot A Liang's forehead again and again, along with the BGM of "biubiu":

"RICK's marksmanship is very accurate, and his combo strikes are amazing."

"His combo hits you on the forehead, and the bullets will precisely open your skull. The white brains are mixed with the red fresh ones, and they are scattered all over the ground. It's sticky. The kind that can’t be dragged clean.”


Zhong Wenze is simply a bitch.

Incomparably cheap.

Ah Liang's teeth itch with anger.

"Zhong Wenze!"

A Liang gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "You attack your colleagues so recklessly, I will complain to your superiors!"

"No complaints will be accepted."

Zhong Wenze spread his hands indifferently: "Didn't I help you imagine how you will die later?"

"Oh, it's so kind to treat you like a donkey. I just want to remind you to be careful. I have good intentions. Don't be retaliated by them!"

"Hmph, die laughing!"

A Liang looked sideways at Zhong Wenze, and said coldly: "I'm doing what I do. Since I dare to arrest him, I'm not afraid of his retaliation. Changing the gun in violation of the rules is changing the gun in violation of the rules."

"Whether there is any problem with the air gun in his house, you know for sure!"

Zhong Wenze also sneered, glanced up and down at A Liang, reached out and patted his shoulder: "It's always right to be careful."


Zhong Wenze waved, and waved to Song Zijie who was watching the play next to him: "Ajie, let's go."

The two left in tandem.

"Die on the street!"

A Liang stared at Zhong Wenze's leaving back with gloomy eyes, gritted his teeth and did not speak.

This Zhong Wenze is a mad dog, he will get involved in everything.

"Leave him."

Superintendent Hou sent away the guys around him, and patted Ah Liang to express his comfort: "He won't be jumping for a few days, the last madness is all, let him go."


He added: "Be careful and be safe."


Superintendent Hou also turned around and left, leaving only A Liang standing there alone, with a changing expression on his face.

The day passed quickly.

A Liang didn't have anything to do today, and he didn't leave work directly after the o'clock. When the team members were almost gone, he opened the drawer and took out the [-]. After careful inspection, he put it in his back , turned around and went out.

Come outside the police station.

Ah Liang didn't leave directly, but sat on the steps and smoked a cigarette, not knowing what he was thinking.

a while.

He turned back to the police station again, opened the drawer again, and took the note that had been approved by Superintendent Hou in advance, and went to collect the bullets again.

Seeing the two extra rounds of spare bullets and the fully loaded .[-], A Liang felt a little more secure in his heart.

Isn't Ah Liang panicking?

That is deceiving.

He panicked more than anyone else.

He knew RICK's marksmanship, what Zhong Wenze said during the day was not an exaggeration.

And RICK is also a mad dog.

He really dared to do it to himself.

A Liang drove the car, and didn't go home directly, but drove the car aimlessly on the street.

He kept his eyes on the rearview mirror to see if anyone was following him.

After walking around for several times, A Liang was relieved to make sure that there was no suspicious vehicle behind him, but he still made a detour before walking towards his home.

It took nearly two hours for A Liang to return home, which was originally only a 10-minute drive.

A Liang parked the car in the yard, got out of the car and looked around to make sure there was nothing abnormal, then took out the room key and inserted it into the key hole.

at the same time.

Right behind Ah Liang, about ten meters away.

RICK wearing a peaked cap stood under the big tree, his figure perfectly hidden under the shadow of the street lamp and the big tree.

He looked at Ah Liang who was opening the door directly in front of him, and just looked at him expressionlessly.

Right hand.

He lifted a modified air gun, and pointed the black muzzle at A Liang's head.

Three o'clock on the line.

RICK was very calm, and pulled the trigger without any disturbance in his heart, as if he was killing chickens and dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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