Chapter 423 I want to surrender
Villa in Nanshanli.

Zhong Wenze and his team were in full swing, and the atmosphere was hot. Everyone pushed and changed cups, and the atmosphere was extremely relaxed.

This is because of Zhong Wenze's perfect operation.

What will happen next, everything is under planning, so you don't have to worry too much.

Drink halfway through.

Zhong Wenze got up and left, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall, smoking a cigarette, not knowing what he was thinking.

a while.

He stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, turned to the telephone beside him, picked up the receiver and started dialing:
"Hey, Mo Sir, it's me."

"Did you read the news? I made it up."

Mo Sir naturally knew what happened today, and after a little thought, he knew why Zhong Wenze did this:

"It's done very well, what new deployment is there next? I will fully cooperate."

"I reckon that the three of them will soon be overwhelmed."

Zhong Wenze was also polite, and said quickly: "But I may not be able to catch them."

"These two are not ordinary characters. If they find a relationship to operate and ask someone to help cover the case, then the case will not meet my expectations."


Mo Sir was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed and said, "You really are going to die with evil!"

From Zhong Wenze's point of view, this is to completely hold the person down before giving up.

"more or less."

Zhong Wenze nodded, and looked back at the people who were drinking enthusiastically: "You ask Chief Superintendent Wu to help you pay attention to the situation over there."

"If they were looking for someone, they would definitely be looking for the ghost."

The case has progressed to the present.

The nature and impact are completely different.

They find someone to cover their bags and go directly to the police station to surrender?

Certainly not realistic.

For such a big case, it's not so easy to fool someone casually.

and so.

They had to find a big connection in the police force, and it had to be a big connection that could speak with weight in this case.

Only when someone helps to suppress the case and cooperates with the person who surrendered himself, can the case be fooled.

and so.

It would be best to let someone at the level of Chief Superintendent Wu help keep an eye on him.

"it is good."

Mo Sir agreed without thinking.


An unremarkable villa somewhere in the suburbs of the North District.

The villa curtains on the upper and lower floors completely covered the windows, making it impossible to see what was going on inside the villa.

"Push the street!"

Liu Tianbai reclined on the sofa bored, and put aside the Playboy magazine in his hand: "Staying in the villa is so boring!"

He has only lived here for a few days without going out, and he can no longer bear the feeling of being locked up at home without going out.

"Should have brought two girls over to play."

Max looked up and drank the can of beer in his hand, then threw the can aside, looking at Liu Tian with a reddish face:

"The girls you told me about last time are just right, call them now and ask them to come over?"

As he said, his hands moved up and down in front of him, as if a woman was sitting on his lap: "Damn it, I should have thought of this a long time ago."


Liu Tian's eyes lit up when he heard what he said, he snapped his fingers to express his agreement, and immediately rushed to the side of the phone.


Huo Bang opened the door and came back from the outside, and saw Liu Tian who was about to make a phone call.

Liu Tian just picked up the microphone.

A fiery slap slapped on the back of his hand, with such force that it directly made the back of Liu Tian's hand red.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Liu Tian withdrew his palm in pain, frowned and complained, "I'm your brother, I hit the street so hard!"

"What are you doing? Playing house?!"

Hot and angry, he cursed angrily, and sat down on the sofa: "Now is a special period, and you still call outside, what should you do if you are followed?"

"Follow? Who is following? Who the hell knows what we are doing?"

Liu Tian curled his lips disapprovingly, with a disdainful expression on his face: "Besides, just relying on Zhong Wenze's attack on the street? I will definitely be him if I find a chance!"

"Get rid of him, that's a matter of the future."

There is no doubt about the fiery tone, and he said very firmly: "But right now, all we have to do is stay here for seven days."

"As soon as Zhong Wenze resigns, kill him immediately!"

"It doesn't have to be like this, does it?"

Liu Tian spread his hands and snorted softly, looking indifferent: "If you want me to say, we shouldn't be hiding here like this now."

"You don't even allow us to go out. What's the difference between staying here every day and going to jail?"

"I went out today, and something seems wrong."

Huo Bao turned sideways, stretched his right leg, and groped in his pocket: "I went to find Huang Sen today, but he was not at home. I chatted casually with his neighbor."

"The neighbor said that someone came to look for Huang Sen today and took Huang Sen away. According to his description, among the three people who came, two of them were very beautiful."

Speaking of it.

His tone paused, his face gloomy: "The two good-looking people should be Zhong Wenze and Azu."

"Zhong Wenze took Huang Sen away?"

When Liu Tian heard this, his indifferent expression disappeared instantly, and his tone became tense:

"How did Zhong Wenze know about Huang Sen? Why is he looking for him?"

Max, who was still reading magazines at the side, heard this, and didn't bother to read magazines anymore, so he immediately surrounded him:

"Impossible? How could he find out about Huang Sen? "

"Who knows!"

Huobao let out a sigh of relief, put the small packet of powder that he took out of his pocket on the table, and began to fiddle with it:

"If Huang Sen spits us out, then things will be troublesome."

Speaking of it.

His tone became impatient again: "Guan Zu, that trash, actually works with Zhong Wenze."

"We played so well with him before, with Huang Sen's evidence, Azu is likely to suspect us."

"So, just stay here for a few more days honestly."


Hearing this, Liu Tian slapped the table and muttered irritably, "This is fucking annoying!"

"Look, look, I told you to do Huang Sen at the time, but if you don't do it, it's all right now, is it out of the basket?"

Max's mood also exploded: "When you were in the hospital, if you just killed Huang Sen, wouldn't there be no follow-up?"

"If we are targeted by Zhong Wenze, a mad dog, what will we do next? Damn it!"

"Are you scared?"

Liu Tian squinted at Max: "So what if you're recognized? It's fun, I tell you, it's exciting!"


Max was immediately unconvinced.

The two looked like they were about to quarrel.


Huo bang gave a soft drink, opened the small bag of powder in front of him, and chopped the powder into small pieces with cardboard:
"It's just a small matter. Wait for a few days. After Zhong Wenze is dismissed, kill him directly. Nothing will happen again."

that's it.

After the fiery final decision, Liu Tian and Max calmed down honestly, but their mentality changed obviously.

Originally, they still held the attitude of playing with Zhong Wenze, but now the situation has changed, and the mentality of the two of them is a little irritable.

Liu Tian read the magazine for a while, but couldn't read it anyway, so he simply threw the magazine and turned on the TV to watch it.

look at.

Both Liu Tian and Max's expressions were wrong.

On the TV.

The news about the arrest warrant at Shengshi Cinema during the day is being broadcast, and the situation of Yongyu International and Jinfu Securities is also reported.

Both companies were greatly affected by the incident, but that wasn't their concern.

Instead, the news indicated that the robbers had a relationship with these two companies. Isn't that just setting them on fire?

"Grass mud horse!"

With a roar, Liu Tian grabbed the ashtray on the table and threw it at the TV.

The TV flashed sparks under the impact of the ashtray, and the screen burst directly and the picture was lost.

"It must be Zhong Wenze who did it, it must be him!"

"Zhong Wenze of the muddy horse!"

It's not just Liu Tian, ​​after Max saw the news, his restless heart couldn't hold back, and he cursed loudly.

Max looked at Liu Tian and said in a very unconfident tone: "It must be fake news! Right?"

"Yes, it must be fake news!"

Liu Tian quickly nodded to express his affirmation, and muttered to himself: "Fake, fake, it must be fake news deliberately arranged by Zhong Wenze."

The two of you talk to each other, talking to yourself.


For a while.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other again.

They cannot convince themselves.

False news?
They don't believe it themselves.

"Call up!"

Liu Tian gritted his teeth and said something, and rushed to the telephone beside him again.

"lay down!"

Hot and gloomy, he looked at Liu Tian coldly: "Put the phone down!"

Liu Tian didn't answer and picked up the phone.

"I let you put it down!"

Furious suddenly stood up from the sofa, and looked down at Liu Tian: "Put down the phone, this is all Zhong Wenze's fault!"


Liu Tian followed suit and stood up, looking at Huo Bang, and shouted emotionally: "Hoo Bang, what a fart you are!"

"Damn it, you went out today, don't you know such a big news? Why didn't you tell us when you came back?"

He is not stupid.

Huo Bang went out for a walk all day today, so he must know about it, but he never mentioned it to the two of them.


Max echoed and questioned Hotao loudly: "That's not what being a brother is like."

"Such a big incident happened in our family, and it has nothing to do with you, so you want to treat us as fools and hide it from us?!"


Gritting his teeth hotly, he said coldly: "This is all Zhong Wenze's tricks, he is deliberately leading you out!"

"you shut up!"

Liu Tian stretched out his hand and pointed hotly, and began to dial the phone: "I don't want to hear anything from you right now!"


The call is connected.

Liu Tian's old bean Liu Zhengfu's voice sounded weakly: "Who is it?"

"Old Dou, it's me!"

Liu Tian organized his words and pretended not to know anything: "Have you gone home now?"

As soon as I heard that it was Liu Tian who called.

Liu Zhengfu's voice suddenly became louder, and he shouted into the microphone:
"Fuck your mother, what the hell are you doing outside? How the fuck did you have anything to do with the Bank of Asia robbery?"

Liu Zhengfu is not a fool.

What happened at Shengshi Cinema during the day, although Shengshi Cinema clarified afterwards, everyone knew that this incident must have something to do with them.

They asked the company's legal affairs to send a lawyer to negotiate with Shengshi Cinema, but their attitude was completely different from what was stated in the statement.

The legal affairs and lawyers of Shengshi Cinema who came to contact them were simply going around in circles with their legal affairs, talking and running around the world, and they were completely procrastinating.

The impact of this matter was not small, but Shengshi Cinema's handling attitude made Liu Zhengfu realize something unusual.

So ever.

He naturally thought of the wanted video.

He also watched the video of the Bank of Asia robbery. Although the robber was wearing a mask, he was his own child after all, and he was guided by the direction.

Liu Zhengfu is 50.00% sure that this robber might really be his son.


He immediately arranged for people all over the world to look for his son, but he couldn't find him at all.

just now.

Liu Tian took the initiative to call back, can he not be angry.

"I do not know!"

Hearing Liu Zhengfu's roar, Liu Tian felt that the saliva was sprayed on his face along the phone line, and subconsciously stepped back, sophistrying:

"What kind of robbery is not a robbery, I'm playing with my friends on Ao Island now."

"Play with you, old wood!"

Liu Zhengfu roared louder: "I order you to appear in front of me immediately, otherwise, you will die!"

"Things are making such a big fuss now, you are still wandering around the fuck, do you want me to be killed?!"

"Come back to me immediately, and go to the police station to explain to me that this matter has nothing to do with you."

Panting, he pressed the table and said into the microphone again: "Do you know how much impact this incident has had?"

"The company is fucking about to be ruined by those gangsters. Once the company collapses, I owe a whole lot of debt, so you can live a fucking rich life!"

"Come back quickly."

Speaking of the end.

Liu Zhengfu had a powerless posture, and he was breathing heavily.


Hearing this, Liu Tian opened his mouth and felt a dryness in his throat. For a long time, his tone was trembling, and he stammered:
"I can't come back, this thing."

He didn't finish.

But Liu Zhengfu on the other end of the phone was stunned.

Although the son didn't explain it, he had told him the answer indirectly.

a time.

Liu Zhengfu felt dizzy, and almost threw himself into the street.

It will take a long time.

Only then did he adjust, and his tone of voice became trembling: "Did you really do it?"


Liu Tian was silent again.

On the other end of the phone, there was an instant sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, which lasted for a long time.

"I really killed your father!"

Liu Zhengfu roared angrily: "You are such a useless trash, a worthless trash!"

"What if I didn't give you any money? Are you living a smarter life than anyone else? You can live a life without worrying about food and clothing without working."

He muttered to himself, and asked sarcastically: "Why, now our brother Tian is playing big? Are you tired of living a life without worrying about food and clothing? Did you go to rob a bank?"


His voice amplified again, growling: "You're a fucking pig brain!"


Liu Tian was silent again.

Both sides were silent for a long time.

"You, come back now."

After all, Liu Zhengfu is an old character with rich social experience, and he quickly made arrangements:
"I'll arrange a hotel for you first, and ask my assistant to find you. Bring a lawyer with you. Let's go to the police station to find the police. I'm spending money to go to the ghost to operate it, and deal with this matter secretly."

"You have to cooperate with me now is the only way out."

"I'll arrange for someone to go to the police station to surrender in secret first, and to fight the case first, so that the incidents of Shengshi Cinema will stop, and my company will not go bankrupt!"

This is the conclusion he came to after a short thought just now.

Liu Zhengfu actually arranged for someone to investigate the relationship between the characters of Glory Cinema today, and he knew that Zhong Wenze seemed to have a good relationship with the person in charge of Glory Cinema.

He guessed that this incident must have been done under Zhong Wenze's behest.

and so.

He can only go to the ghost.

Stuff the ghost with money, find someone to take care of it, suppress this matter quietly, let the ghost take over the case, confirm the charges of the person who topped it, and make the final decision on the case as quickly as possible.

This is how it works to the max.

It works fine.

His company is still alive.

"No, I don't want it!"

Liu Tian quickly shook his head and refused, very resolutely: "I don't want it, I don't want to go to prison, it's better to let me go to prison than to let me die!"

"Grass mud horse!"

Liu Zhengfu swears frequently, touching his head with a headache: "How could I give birth to such an idiot son like you!"

"I'm just making a long story short. Am I really going to let you turn yourself in? Didn't I tell you that I will contact you to help you?"

"Go to the hotel I arranged. The lawyer will wait for you there with the top bag. You have finalized the details of the robbery and completed every link."

"When he takes on the robbery, don't you fucking pick it up?"

the first:

After all, Liu Tian is his precious son, and his Liu family is only such a precious son, how could he let Liu Tian go to prison.


If his son is a robber, he will definitely occupy the headlines of public opinion on Hong Kong Island and have a great impact on the company.

and so.

In any case, he couldn't let his son have anything to do with the Bank of Asia robbery, not even a little bit.


Liu Tian couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this.

Liu Zhengfu is right.

I don't have to do anything, and I live a life of a master every day, so why do I have to do this kind of robbery?

He didn't think it mattered before.

but now.

When he knew that the company might collapse because of him, when he knew that he would soon turn from a life of being a leader to a problem of eating.

He was afraid.

"It's still you, you, you, your mother gave me a batch!"

Liu Zhengfu greeted his wife countless times today, and yelled: "What? You fucking want to continue committing crimes? Now that the limelight is so hot, you still want to shoot at those gangsters to the death?"

"While things are still going to be saved now, hurry up and stop me, you want to kill me?!"

"it is good!"

Liu Tian readily agreed.

This is the end.

The conversation between the two ended here.

Liu Tian hung up the phone, and looked at Hot and Max in the hall with dodge eyes.

Huo Bang was sitting on the sofa and finished smoking the powder in the plastic bag. Seeing Liu Tian looking at him, he also looked up at Liu Tian.


Fierce's nostrils fluttered, he kept sucking his nose, shook his head and said, "What do you want to say?"

"I'm not playing anymore!"

Liu Tianyi gritted his teeth and stood up, staring at the fire: "I won't play anymore, things are getting worse, there is no time to play."

"Stop playing?!"

Huobao snorted coldly, looked at Liu Tian for a few seconds, and suddenly reached out to touch the shotgun under the coffee table.

"do not move!"

Liu Tian had been guarding against his move for a long time, and he drew out the pistol in his lower back and put it directly on the fiery head: "If you move again, I will shoot!"

The fiery eyeballs froze, and continued to reach for the shotgun.


Liu Tian decisively raised the butt of the gun and smashed it on the hot forehead: "I told you to stay still!"

The hard butt of the gun easily tore the fiery browbones, blood flowed down the corners of the eyes, and there were several blood paths on the face.


With a hot sneer, he looked at Liu Tian in disbelief: "You rebellious boy, how dare you fucking hit me now?"

"I'm leaving now, I'm leaving!"

Liu Tian gripped the pistol emotionally, aiming the gun at the hot fire: "Don't force me, I won't play anymore, I just want to leave."

"If you want to play, you can continue to play. If you don't play, everyone can work together to work on this matter."


He picked up the car keys, turned his back to the door, and backed away slowly with the gun on Max.

Max's body followed suit.

Liu Tian's gun was aimed at him immediately.

"Don't get excited!"

Max immediately raised his hands and looked at the tense Liu Tian: "I don't play anymore, let's go together, let's go together."

Liu Tian called just now, although he didn't hear what the other party was saying, but from Liu Tian's words such as "I don't want to go to prison", combined with Liu Tian's current attitude, he more or less guessed the follow-up method.

Liu Tian just looked at Max and didn't speak.

"I have nothing on me!"

Max turned around in a circle: "Look, I don't have anything. Take me and let's go together. The two of us will join together and pay money to find a relationship. Isn't this a better business?"

Max is the same as Liu Tian, ​​both of them are playboys, playing with Hot is just for the sake of excitement.

In fact, the psychological quality of the two is the same.

After the sudden change in the situation, their little thoughts immediately became unstable.

at the moment.

He also wanted to leave with Liu Tian.

Stop playing.

"it is good!"

Liu Tian thought for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement.

The two quickly got out of the villa, got into the car in the yard, and flew out with a kick of the accelerator.

Liu Tian drove the car quickly on the road: "Let's go to the hotel arranged by my old man now, he arranged someone to wait for me there."

"When you arrive at the hotel, you contact your family and ask them to arrange someone to come over."

"it is good!"

Max nodded quickly.

In the hall of the villa.

Hot sat on the sofa without any reaction, just sniffed from time to time, looking at the empty villa.

a while.

He raised his palm and wiped the blood on his face indiscriminately, then stuffed his blood-stained fingers into his mouth and started to suck.

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Huo Bao raised his head and laughed loudly, the laughter echoed in the hall for a long time.

Between the teeth.

The bright red blood stains looked very dazzling, making his smile look even more creepy.

a while.

Only then did the hotness stop, and he slowly got up, picked up the phone at the side, thought for a while, and then dialed a series of numbers:
"it's me!"

"The robbery of the Bank of Asia was done by me."

(End of this chapter)

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