Chapter 390 That's it?

The TV screen continued to play.

next moment.

The cropped picture went directly to the moment when the robbery happened.

The robber Chen Xianghu walked out of the bank with a robber, shot the security guard with a May [-] gunshot, and started to rob.

The screen was then paused.

"according to my understanding!"

The TV host's tone was impassioned, and he began to explain quickly: "This arrest operation is because the police received a tip in advance that there will be robbers robbing!"

"So Liang Feifan was specially sent to lead the team to carry out the arrest operation, but as a commander, he did nothing but shit."

He pointed to the frozen screen on the screen behind him, Chen Xianghu who was standing at the door of the bank and shooting: "The robbers came out of the bank and started to rob. In other words, they have already entered the bank and waited."

"Liang Feifan arrived at the scene early with the police, but he didn't find this problem. He was too busy shitting and neglected to check the people on the scene!"

"This is a very serious dereliction of duty. It is because of his inaction that this arrest failed!"

The newscaster was also a well-known mouthpiece. After a series of accusations, he immediately began to criticize Liang Feifei.

"My God!"

"Is this true or not?!"

"Sir Liang arrived at the arresting scene ahead of schedule that day, but instead of checking the situation immediately, he kept using the toilet?"

In the hall of the police station.

All of a sudden, everyone started to stir up a commotion, and the discussions became a sensation. This heavy news gave them a new understanding of the case.

all the time.

They all thought that the failure to arrest the robbery at the Marina Cove Shopping Center was largely due to the fact that Chen Xianghu and his gang were too powerful.

But now it seems.

Liang Feifan has committed a very serious dereliction of duty.

You arrived half an hour early, but you kept shitting, and you didn't control the scene and check the personnel at all.

Since you have already guessed that the bank will be shot, you have not understood the most basic personnel situation in the bank. This is a serious dereliction of duty.

"Sir Liang, please explain!"

"Yes, yes, besides going to shit, what other things did you do that day?"

Someone has already started asking questions of their own.

"Fall on the street!"

Looking at the TV screen, Liang Feifan felt his heart thump, and his scalp felt numb.

He subconsciously turned his head to look at Liu Xing who was standing beside him, his eyes widened and he was furious.

Liu Xing's heart was beating faster at this moment, and he felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

The video broadcast by the TV station is exactly what happened on the spot that day, and I have obviously bought all those reporters.


Why are there still videos streaming out now? !
"Fake, this is fake!"

Liang Feifan didn't care about pursuing Liu Xing's responsibility, so he rushed forward with big strides and directly blocked in front of the TV.

After blocking the picture, the condemnation on TV continued.

He tried to reach out to pinch the TV, but was stopped by 5703.

5703 looked at him with disdain: "Why, Sir Liang, are you afraid that the scandal will be known by everyone? What right do you have to turn off the TV?"

"Yes, what qualifications do you have!"

"Step aside!"

a time.

Everyone blamed them one after another.

do not know when.

Superintendent Huang and Mo Sir came out of their offices.

The two came to the front of the line, and glanced at Liang Feifei expressionlessly: "So there is such an inside story."

"Let's take a look at Sir Liang's heroic performance."


They waved their hands.

Immediately, someone came up and dragged Liang Feifan down, holding him aside, which meant monitoring and restricting his movements.

The TV screen continued.

on the screen.

The camera clearly captured the scene of Liang Feifan walking out of the toilet passage. He didn't even hold his gun firmly, and was directly held in the head by the robbers.


next second.

Liang Feifei immediately fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, bowing his head in a pleading gesture.

Although there was no sound from such a distance, even a pig could guess with his butt that he was begging for mercy from the robbers.


There was an uproar in the entire police station hall.

"He was kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy from the robbers!"

"Liang Feifan!"

"The leader of the criminal investigation team, the commander-in-chief of this operation, the first reaction after encountering the robbers was to kneel down and beg for mercy?!"

"Too fucking embarrassing for us!"

This scene.

In an instant, it aroused a strong reaction from the police officers in the hall.

"Fall on the street!"

"Shit, Liang Feifan!"

"You fucking embarrass us all!"

"In the future, Saigon Police Station will become a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone in the police force!"

Everyone scolded directly, expressing deep contempt for Liang Feifan from the commanding heights of morality.

"Everyone listen to my explanation!"

Liang Feifan's mind exploded at this moment, and he opened his mouth to explain something.

But now that everyone has seen the video, the truth is right in front of them, who will listen to his explanation.


No one knew who was the first to smash the pen in Liang Feifan's face.


Folders, staplers and other things flew towards Liang Feifan.

I don't know who it was, where the eggs and rotten vegetable leaves came from, and threw it over, instantly smearing him.

Superintendent Huang and Mo Sir looked at each other, but didn't say anything to stop them, their eyes continued to lock on the TV screen.

The TV screen freezes again.

"Ha ha!"

The host stretched out his hand and clapped his hands, and there was a straight "clap clap" sound:
"Wonderful, it turns out that Hong Kong citizens like us are stupid pigs in the eyes of the Royal Police!"

The TV screen behind him cut into a new photo following his words.

on the photo.

It was the photo of Liang Feifei kneeling on the newspaper with the perfect personality.

The photo only captures Liang Feifei alone.

But this angle.

Substituting him into the video screen, it is clearly a picture of kneeling down to the robber and begging for mercy.

"In order to protect the safety of pregnant women, the royal police knelt down and asked the robbers to use themselves as hostages to replace pregnant citizens?!"

The host excitedly pointed at the screen behind him, and asked loudly: "Shit! It's just a piece of shit!"

"The dignified Hong Kong Island Royal Police, who knelt down and begged for mercy from the robbers, even tampered with the fact that they were kneeling and begging for mercy, and instead created a scene where they were desperate to protect the citizens of Hong Kong Island."

"This is simply playing us as stupid pigs, it's so incompetent!"

The host sighed and shook his head.

At this moment.

The news on TV was only broadcast on the Hong Kong Island Media Station at first, but as the ratings surged, other stations immediately rebroadcasted it.

The picture has almost started to be broadcast on most of the TV stations on Hong Kong Island.

private house.

TV sets in shops on the street.

The video broadcasting station at the intersection of the commercial center was broadcasting the news almost simultaneously.

Countless citizens of Hong Kong Island stopped to watch, and the whole people became angry.

The video continues to play.


Everyone was silent.

on the screen.

After Liang Feifei narrowly escaped death, with the hostages in Chen Xianghu's hands, he took the guns of the Flying Tigers and started shooting directly.

The whole process ignored the life safety of the hostages.

so that follow-up.

Liang Feifan has always been changing bullets and shooting, and has never considered the safety of the surrounding citizens at all.


"The police force is incompetent! Why can this kind of music become a policeman!"

"What qualifications does he have to protect our safety?"

Countless people roared impassionedly, and the street was instantly chaotic and noisy.

When the patrol police saw the angry crowd, they didn't dare to go up to stop them.

Stopping at this time, isn't it courting death?

The TV screen continued.

But no one in the police station paid any more attention, and everyone's anger was directed at Liang Feifan.

"Liang Feifan! Is this the deed published in your newspaper?"

"It's fine if you kneel down and beg for mercy from the robbers in fear of death, no one will know, but you actually tampered with this matter and created your own character design!"

"Now, the human setting collapses, do you know how big the consequences will be?"

"In the future, the citizens of Hong Kong Island will lose trust in our police, and they will no longer trust us!"

"You're such a jerk!"

a time.

Everyone is attacking!
The matter of Liang Feifan was exposed, and everyone who was his colleague would become the object of contempt.

Liang Feifan stood there with his head down, not daring to look at everyone.

he knows.

It's useless to say anything at this time.

The matter is already in front of my eyes, if I speak again, I will only be scolded even worse.

"Sir Liang!"

Superintendent Huang turned his head, looked at him with a serious face, and said in a dignified tone, "You need to give an explanation for this matter."

"As the commander of the arrest operation team, you have committed such a great dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty, and your behavior has seriously discredited the police force!"


His tone was a little higher: "For your behavior, you are still trying your best to push all the responsibility on Zhong Wenze Zhong Sir afterwards!"

"Your shameless behavior made Zhong Sir so angry that he just quit. It caused our police force to lose a real elite. It really stinks!"

Superintendent Huang slapped the table, furious!


Liang Feifei trembled, wiped the egg liquid on his forehead, and said falteringly: "Huang Sir, listen to me."

"What are you trying to quibble about?"

Superintendent Huang tapped his fingers on the table quickly: "With your behavior at the scene of the robbery, what do you have to argue about?"

"Yes, it's all my fault!"

Liang Feifan lowered his head, not daring to say anything more.


He saw Liu Xing standing beside him, thought about it, and reached out to grab Liu Xing: "But Liu Xing is also very responsible for this matter!"

"Liu Xing also played an important role in this matter. During the arrest process, he was slack in his actions and let the four robbers go, which caused the defeat of the battle."

Liang Feifei spoke very fast, trying his best to push Liu Xing out.

this matter.

If you can pull a padded back, pull a padded back.


Liu Xing just stayed where he was, and immediately put aside his relationship with Liang Feifan: "What does this matter have to do with me?"

His tone was a little higher, and he directly began to criticize Liang Feifei: "Your performance Liang Feifei was extremely disappointing during the entire arrest process!"

"Kneeling down to the robbers, begging for mercy, ignoring the safety of innocent citizens and shooting with a micro-gun, no matter what you do, it's shameful!"

at this time.

No matter how stupid Liu Xing was, he would never stand with Liang Feifan.

There was a pause.

Liu Xing rolled his eyes and thought of something: "Let me tell you the truth, the content in the newspaper is actually what Liang Feifan instructed me to do."

"In order to reduce his responsibility in this matter, he bought the reporter who took the live video, and then falsified the content!"

in fact.

He, Liu Xing, gave Liang Feifan this idea, but now he had to beat him up, otherwise he would have to be implicated too.


Liang Feifan's mentality burst instantly, he excitedly grabbed Liu Xing's collar, and stared at him with red eyes:
"Didn't you fucking tell me, did you handle all those reporters? Why, why is the video coming out again now?"

"You're done, how did the video get into the hands of the TV station? You fucking point me?"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Xing snorted coldly, curled his lips in disdain: "You ask me, how do I know? Anyway, people like me don't bother to be with trash like you."

"Liu Xing, you dare to scold me?!"

Liang Feifan roared: "How dare you talk back to your boss?!"

"Sorry, not only do I dare to talk back to you, but I also want to scold you!"

Liu Xing stretched out his hand to push Liang Feifan away, pointed at his nose, and cursed loudly: "Shit, Liang Feifan!"

"You are a scum of the police force, rubbish!"


The two immediately scolded each other.

Everyone watched with cold eyes, watching the two dogs biting dogs, with contempt on their faces.


Superintendent Huang scolded, and signaled his subordinates to go up and pull the two apart: "Take them both back to the interrogation room and keep them under strict supervision!"

"We have a very serious internal problem in this case. Before all the investigation results come out, the two of them must not leave the police station for half a step!"

"Anyone who makes mistakes will be punished with the same crime!"

at the moment.

The specific circumstances of this robbery have been announced to the general public on Hong Kong Island, and what they will face next


It is the ghost faction that will face the wrath of countless Hong Kong citizens next.

After Superintendent Huang made the following arrangements, he got up and walked outside facing Mo Sir.

"Smoke a cigarette."

Superintendent Huang took out a cigarette, gave Mo Sir one, took a puff happily, and looked at Mo Sir:

"Ah Ze, where did you find it? You're so good at making trouble."

The details of the robbery were revealed, and it must have something to do with Zhong Wenze.

"He is a treasure I picked up."

Mo Sir also took a puff of cigarette happily: "On this matter, Aze made the arrangements clearly."

"Actually, I really didn't expect that he really dared to do it, and even exposed this kind of video to the public directly."

"this boy"

Superintendent Huang, smoking a cigarette, squinted his eyes and looked ahead: "This time, the Guilao faction is about to stumble, and you and I can benefit a lot."


He turned his head to look at Mo Sir, and praised him full of approval: "This kid, Aze, is a dragon, and he has turned the world upside down."


Mo Sir grinned, stretched out his hand to flick the cigarette ash, and shook his head meaningfully:

"Do you think that Aze is capable of this?"

"That's it?!"


Superintendent Huang was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him puzzled: "Such a great skill, what's the point?"

He is looking.

Zhong Wenze was able to make a prediction in advance and asked the reporter to film the whole process of the robbery.

Now take out the video and slap this group of people in the face, it is already very bullfrog.

Without Zhong Wenze's initiative, the Chinese faction would be passive now.

Ghosts can beat them back.

"No and no."

Mo Sir showed a profound expression: "You really don't understand the character of A Ze."

He took a breath of smoke, and talked eloquently: "Ah Ze, if you are famous, if you don't offend me, I won't offend you. If someone offends me, he is more than just a prisoner. You must kill him once and for all."

"Could there be a follow-up to this matter?"

Superintendent Huang showed a thoughtful expression: "It seems that there is no follow-up, right?"

According to his ideas.

A series of impacts brought about by this video incident:

Low-level Liang Feifan and Liu Xing were killed immediately.

The entire Saigon Police Station was able to take advantage of this incident to successfully eliminate some members of the Ghost faction.

As for the top.

The few responsible ghosts will be dealt with lightly.

The Chinese faction can successfully take over the right to speak in some things in this matter.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"That's it?"

Mo Sir squinted at Superintendent Huang: "Then you underestimate this kid, Aze, and he has another big move."

"What action?"

Superintendent Huang's eyes lit up.

Mo Sir shook his head directly: "You will know when the time comes."

"Push the street!"

Superintendent Huang rolled his eyes when he heard that, "You're still playing tricks."


Villa in Nanshanli.


"Tsk tsk..."

Zhong Wenze sat on the sofa, leisurely drinking Li Yunxin's successful new milk tea.

He watched the TV host impassioned and loudly scolded Liang Feifan, and commented:

"Yunxin, you are a good friend."

This host is really good, and he knows how to speak well, and the angle of speaking is easy for the audience to enter.

"That's not it."

Li Yunxin wore an apron and helped Zhong Wenze refill his cup of milk tea, triumphantly:
"This is my apprentice, can the apprentices I teach be inferior?"

"Ha ha.."

Zhong Wenze could only praise him: "Yes, yes, the apprentice you taught is really good, but compared to you, it is still a little bit worse."

"That's not it."

Hearing this, Li Yunxin proudly puffed out her sizable breasts, like a victorious little hen:
"A product produced by Yunxin, it must be a high-quality product."

This time, she arranged for the capture of the robbers directed by Liang Feifei.

As for the negative, Liang Feifei spent money to buy those videos.

However, the film was still in Li Yunxin's hands. Under the guidance of Zhong Wenze, the editor was asked to edit and edit, and made a little ghost effect, and the theme of the video immediately became prominent.

"However, your guidance is a bit interesting."

Li Yunxin blinked, and was very interested in the finished video under Zhong Wenze's guidance. This was an action she had never seen before.

After watching the video edited under the guidance of Zhong Wenze, it turns out that the video can also be made like this:

"When will I teach my baby?"

She has shown great interest in this video processing method of the next few decades.

"if you have time."

Zhong Wenze nodded and agreed: "Then what, call Ajie for me."

Song Zijie stayed here for a day and refused to leave.

The villas in Nanshanli have everything to eat, drink and play.

What karaoke, private cinema, too common.

"Brother Ze, you call me."

Song Zijie came in from outside wearing beach shorts: "Quickly say, I'm playing cards with Brother Xiaoma and Xiaoliu."

"Just kidding."

Zhong Wenze rolled his eyes: "Clean up and get to work."

PS: Thank you Brother Frostwolf for your 1500 point reward, and thank you for your monthly pass, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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