Chapter 375 New Toys


As soon as Zhong Wenze came out of Mo Sir's office, he heard 5703 standing in the hall with his big mouth stuck in his waist, proclaiming loudly:

"On the first day after Zhong Wenze and Zhong Sir returned to the police force, he ran into three gangsters of Y nationality who committed a crime in Tsim Sha Tsui and fled to Saigon with the hotel. They dared to interrogate the gangsters without any weapons during off-duty hours."

"Under the sudden attack of the gangsters, Zhong Sir led his team member An Sir to fight against them. With their extraordinary bravery and skill, they finally killed the trio of gangsters on the spot."

Speaking of it.

5703 picked up his thermos cup and unscrewed the lid.


The yellow chrysanthemums are blooming delicately, and they are just adorned by a few round and plump red goji berries.

He took a sip of wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea happily, and continued: "Imagine, everyone, under the pressure of the huge firepower of the gangster trio with a small charge and sweep, Zhong Sir shoots a child!"


He slapped his hands suddenly, startling everyone who didn't know the details and listened intently.

"Just ask!"

5703 slapped his hands again, looked around the hall, and asked: "Who among the people here has the ability to easily complete the anti-kill under the deterrence of three micro-punches?"

this case.

In fact, there was already an uproar in the police station that night.


Everyone has never seen what the scene was like, and Liang Feifei and Liang Sir, who witnessed the whole process and participated in it, were injured, so everyone can only listen to 5703.


Those with good intentions were somewhat dismissive of 5703's bragging: "5703, you speak so excitedly, as if you were at the scene?"

"Besides, you didn't do this case. You see you are talking so vigorously. I don't understand. You are so excited."

"Yes yes yes!"

Someone immediately refuted it.

This group of people are people who have a prejudice against undercover agents.

Zhong Wenze, who had already seen the limelight, was unhappy, but now 5703 is still promoting it with admiration, how can they be happy.

They may not dare to hate Zhong Wenze, but it is still easy to beat an unknown 5703.


It is an indisputable fact that there is a huge disparity in firepower between .[-] and micro punch.

In the past cases, the police have always been unable to win when the gangsters have superior firepower, so they have no way to talk about this matter, and they can't spray it. They can only grasp the starting point of 5703 and suppress it.

"You people!"

5703 shook his head in disappointment, curled his lips in disdain and said, "Is it really so difficult to admit that others are strong?"

"Besides, you recall Liang Feifei Liang Sir who is still lying in the hospital and was shot in the thigh."

He glanced at the colleague who had just retorted again, showing a sneering expression: "Is he present at the gangster case? Was he hit on the thigh by the gangster?"

"How did he survive?"

5703's tone couldn't help but raised a little bit, raised his head and held his chest high: "Sir Zhong, thanks to Sir Zhong being present, he led the team member Sir An to turn the tide."

"If there is no Sir Zhong, then what Sir Liang is lying on now is not a white bed in the hospital."


The small group of people snorted coldly again, and lashed out at 5703: "If I'm here, I can do it. If Sir Liang is injured, I will definitely protect him."

This group of people resembles the keyboard warriors of later generations.

I'll do it.

Anyway, as long as you move your mouth and tap the keyboard.

"Laugh to death."

5703 sneered, and his voice deepened: "Everyone, don't forget that Sir Liang has a lot of prejudice against Sir Zhong. On the first day of Sir Zhong's employment, he was the person who opposed him the most, right?"

"However, instead of caring about his face, Sir Zhong saved his life in such an emergency. Who can compare to his demeanor alone?"

Speaking of it.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone's expressions became weird.

The police later released a video of the scene of the crime. The bullet holes on the wall can reflect the extent of the firepower at that time.

There is a little devil in everyone.

If it were them, and met their opponent in that situation, would they really save his life?Instead of shooting them to death on the spot, and then pushing them onto the gangsters who had already died at the scene?
If it is them.

Maybe he will make up a few more shots for his deadly enemy? !

"to be honest."

Seeing that no one dared to reply, 5703 added something meaningful: "Actually, what Sir Zhong did is undoubtedly an indirect indication that he didn't take Sir Liang into account at all."

"Some people have a deep prejudice against Zhong Si, so they should reflect on it."

5703 is good at this, he likes to speak the truth.

He already had a good impression of Zhong Wenze, but when he saw Zhong Wenze being hostile by his colleagues, he couldn't stand it, so he took this opportunity to make a lot of comments.

That's what's wrong with him.

He likes to speak the truth so much, so he has been mixed for more than ten years without any faction, and he can't rise up the level at all.

Simply outrageous.

"5703, I'm not happy when you say that."

Liang Feifan's four team members stood up, filled with righteous indignation: "According to what you said, our Sir Liang didn't have any credit at all that night?"

"He has."

5703 reached out and pointed to the notification document on the wall: "Didn't Sir Zhong say that the .[-] was provided by Sir Liang, he must have merit, without Sir Liang's .[-], Sir Zhong would not be able to kill the robbers with his bare hands, right? "

"Hmph, just have an idea in mind."

The members of the fourth team snorted coldly with disdain: "That's right, without our Brother Fei Fei's gun, what can Sir Zhong do?"

His words.

Embodies another layer of meaning:
Liang Feifei, Liang Sir, in this case, in addition to being shot, he also played the role of providing firearms.

The rest depends on Zhong Wenze and Anjie.

a time.

The surrounding quiet down.

After a brief silence for a few seconds.


Everyone burst into laughter.

"This subordinate of Sir Liang is really a little simple-minded."

"Tsk tsk, my subordinates are really good at complaining about their bosses."

"It is true that there are subordinates wherever there are bosses."

"Three groups are still strong."

Someone has already started to taunt.

heard here.

The three members of the three groups felt an inexplicable sense of superiority.

I don't seem to have done anything. I am hanging in Zhong Wenze's group, so the ability gap between myself and the people in the fourth group has come out?

"It's actually fine!"

The members of the three groups were a little flustered: "Everyone, don't underestimate our Zhong Sir, although he is a newcomer, he is not weaker than Liang Sir."

"That's right, Sir Zhong has been an undercover agent for several major cases, and his ability is evident."

Another person from the third group said: "I believe that under the leadership of Sir Zhong, our three groups will definitely become the strongest group in the criminal investigation team."

Everyone is human.

Being able to hang out in the system for so long, the most basic stakes are still known.

Although they were not involved in the case that night, they also knew that 5703 was bragging, but it is an indisputable fact that the gangster took the micro-punch and Zhong Wenze took the [-].

Zhong Wenze solved the three of them unscathed, and Liang Sir didn't have any meaning for the question of credit for this case, which means he really didn't do anything.

This can be seen.

Zhong Wenze must have dominated the entire battle situation.

They were dissatisfied with Zhong Wenze, because they felt that Zhong Wenze was not qualified enough, so they had prejudice against this new team leader.

But if Zhong Wenze's ability is good enough, and Zhong Wenze becomes the team leader, then he will be the team leader. It is also very good for me to follow him to get credit.

"Cough cough."

Zhong Wenze listened for a while, and couldn't help but walked out of the corridor.

He was embarrassed listening in the corridor just now.

Originally, the scene where the gangster had just one micro punch, was bragged by 5703 to be three micro punches, and he also boasted that it was true for a moment, which made him feel a little embarrassed.


Zhong Wenze reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and casually stuffed the tea Mo Sir just gave into his arms: "Mo Sir just gave it to him. I'm not in the habit of drinking tea, so I gave it to you."

"real or fake?"

5703 grabbed the tea in his bosom and looked at it: "Looking at the packaging, you know it's definitely not a parallel import. I remember that Mo Sir is usually reluctant to drink it."

He looked at Zhong Wenze with some surprise: "Are you sure you will give it to me?"

"That's natural."

Zhong Wenze nodded casually: "Who told you to be eloquent? Naturally, I want to give you a good tea to raise your mouth. I like people like you."


5703 laughed and accepted it without being polite.

Zhong Wenze also smiled, and turned back to the departments of their three groups, sat down at their workstations, and began to look through the materials.

The other members of the criminal investigation team looked at Zhong Wenze thoughtfully.

Zhong Wenze's character seems to be somewhat like those who follow me prosper and those who go against me perish.
the following few days.

The police station was very calm, nothing happened, and there were no new cases.

Zhong Wenze didn't eliminate everyone's prejudice against him because of this case, but there have been great changes.

The people who were originally very hostile to him seemed to be a little weaker now.

Zhong Wenze himself is not interested in this kind of thing, he is more concerned about his own system tasks.


The last task: destroy the international counterfeit banknote group led by Deng Jiayong.

Now Deng Jiayong has been arrested.

Why is the task not completed?

The coveted reward has not yet arrived, and there is no movement at all on the mission.

Is there any reversal and backhand?

Zhong Wenze murmured in a low voice: "Should we do this? It's boring to play like this. I don't want to continue to have any involvement in this case."

After waiting for a day.

There was finally movement on the system side.

"According to the latest news, the prosecution is currently investigating the international counterfeit banknote case involving the suspect Deng Jiayong."

On the TV.

The results of Deng Jiayong's international counterfeit banknote case are being announced. This case is of great significance, and they have accelerated the process.


"Congratulations to the host, the task is completed."

The long-lost voice from the system finally sounded.

"Is the system so strict now?"

Zhong Wenze heard the system's voice, and muttered in a low voice: "It won't be over until Deng Jiayong is sentenced?"

"Earn rewards."

The system notification continued: "Unlock the virtual storage space, the size of the virtual storage space is thirty cubic centimeters."

"In the later stage, you can use attribute strengthening points to manually expand the space."

Thirty cubic centimeters?


Zhong Wenze repeated that he has not touched the concept of cubic for a long time, and cubic seems to be a unit of capacity calculation.

Thirty cubic centimeters, neither too big nor too small.

After reviewing the rough concept of cube, he continued to wait patiently.

Waiting for the follow-up rewards from the system.


The system stopped talking and fell into silence.

"That's it?"

Zhong Wenze was immediately dumbfounded: "The last set of rewards is just this?!"

Not to say.

Does this superimposed mission get richer rewards as it progresses to the end? Why is there only one useless reward when the mission is completely completed?

The system will not answer him.

Zhong Wenze stared wide-eyed, looking at the square box with transparent texture in front of the virtual light curtain in front of him, and was speechless for a long time.

Said it was a box.

In fact, it is just a square frame.

Zhong Wenze still doesn't understand, an intangible thing is better than the task reward given earlier?

The previous rewards, whether it was a hundred-step flying sword or attribute enhancement points, in Zhong Wenze's opinion, were hundreds of times stronger than this transparent square box.

"Mr. Zhong."

An Jie didn't know when she appeared beside Zhong Wenze, and put the pen in her hand into the pen holder: "I borrow your pen, and I will return it to you."

After saying that, he left.


Zhong Wenze looked at the signature pen entering the pen holder with a bang, and was speechless for a moment.

I am forcibly lowering my intelligence.

Storage space.

Isn't the storage space just for storing things?
"Really stupid!"

Zhong Wenze complained to himself, looked left and right to see that no one was paying attention to him, and called out this storage box with a thought, grabbed the signature pen on the table and stuffed it in.

A miraculous scene appeared.

After the pen enters the storage box, it directly changes to the same transparent texture color as the storage box.

"It really disappeared? Isn't this too bug?"

Zhong Wenze had some self-doubt, and was a little uncertain about this heaven-defying ability, so he stopped Anjie who had just left: "Ajie, where is the signature pen I lent you?"

"Fuck, no."

An Jie came back in a daze: "Brother Ze, you are such a trickster. I just said that I gave it back to you, so you came to cheat me."

He looked at the pen holder, the pen had disappeared, and then looked at Zhong Wenze: "Brother Ze, are you bored and making fun of me? Come on, let's smoke."

Ever since Anjie and Zhong Wenze experienced the battle of the gangsters in the restaurant, he has been full of admiration for Zhong Wenze.

Zhong Wenze was far ahead of himself in terms of his ability to react in battle and his skills. Coupled with the cooperation in this battle, the feeling of unfamiliarity basically disappeared.

Talking is much more casual.

"It's alright, let's go."

Zhong Wenze looked at the transparent pen in front of him, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Smoking, go yourself." The thing he wanted to verify already had the answer, and the role of the tool man An Jie had disappeared.

"Brother Ze, you are a little strange."

Anjie grumbled and left again.


Zhong Wenze reached out to grab the storage box, and the signature pen inside immediately appeared in his hand again, and the original transparency became materialized.

After verifying the ability of the storage box, Zhong Wenze started various experiences like a child who got a novel toy.


I always love a new toy, and I can't help but want to keep playing with it like this.

At this moment, Zhong Wenze's mentality has also changed from a deep disappointment at the beginning to a full of surprise now.


There is a breath of surprise.

It's like
a man likes transformers

It's like saying we really want a toy.

Your goal is not high, and the inflatable is very satisfying. As a result, when you get the toy, you open the box and find that it is not inflatable, but made of silicone.

That's a fucking surprise.


very happy.

After a simple experience.

Zhong Wenze finally found out the properties of the storage box thoroughly.

First of all.

The storage box literally means that it can only be used to store items, but it cannot store other things, such as pets and other small living things.

Why do you say so.

It's because Zhong Wenze tried to put his palm into the storage box, but the part of the palm that went in didn't turn transparent, which means it wasn't put in.


The storage space's volume of [-] cubic centimeters has already limited its storage capacity.

Once the object to be stored exceeds the length of [-] centimeters of the storage box, it cannot be stored.


Fortunately, the space of this storage box can be strengthened and expanded through attribute strengthening points in the future, although Zhong Wenze guessed that the improvement brought about by the strengthening will not be too large.


The storage box has a strong storage capacity.

Putting one item in, the item seems to be stabilized by a layer of invisible medium, and there will be no shaking. If two items are placed, the two are also relatively independent, and there will be no collision.

Very practical.

At last.

In practicality.

The things stored in the storage box are still very convenient to access.

As long as he moves his mind, the things stored inside will automatically appear in his hands, which is very ginkgo.

With less waiting to cast spells, access to items will be much faster.


"Oh, what a pity."

After Zhong Wenze found out all the functions of the storage box, he sighed regretfully: "It's a good thing, but the space is a bit small."

Thirty cubic centimeters of space.
It's really small!
This made Zhong Wenze's idea of ​​storing a rocket launcher in vain.

If you can store the bazooka in, next time you encounter a trio of gangsters in a hotel, you will not have so many pictures if you pull out a bazooka backhand.

No matter how powerful the firepower is, the bazooka fired a rocket, and the whole world became quiet.

Zhong Wenze's smile gradually became abnormal.

Still not quiet?

That's two shots.

Still not quiet?
Go directly to Katyusha!

(End of this chapter)

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