Chapter 370

Liang Feifan and Zhong Wenze looked at each other with ice-cold eyes, his heart seemed to tremble, his Adam's apple twitched and he swallowed with difficulty.

He asked himself, he has handled many cases over the years, and he has encountered all kinds of vicious prisoners, and he has never been afraid of threats.

But like Zhong Wenze, who is very calm, has no rage, no verbal threats, and just a look makes him feel dazed, and there has never been a person.

"Are you threatening me?"

With so many people watching Liang Feifan, he gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face, "Zhong Wenze, you dare to threaten me?"


Zhong Wenze didn't answer, just looked at him blankly.


Li Yunxin took out a recording device from his pocket and patted it on the table, her eyebrows raised: "I have already recorded what I said just now!"

"I will publicize this incident, I will inform the general public of Hong Kong Island about this incident, and I will let the public judge it!"

She yelled coquettishly, and looked at Liang Feifan coldly: "It turns out that in our police force, some policemen treat their undercover colleagues like this!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was a small commotion among the people present.

Although Liang Feifan didn't directly say what it was like to be an undercover agent, his every word and deed showed his extreme disdain and contempt for the undercover agent.

If reporter Li Da hadn't shaken up this matter, and then exaggerated it in words, it would undoubtedly be a huge scandal, which would arouse public outrage.

"Miss Li!"

Mo Sir, who had been watching from the sidelines without interrupting, finally spoke. His tone seemed to be severe, but he seemed to have a hint of a smile on his face: "This matter is a misunderstanding. I think the matter of recording should be forgotten."

"Sir Liang didn't mean that, did he?"

talking room.

He turned his head to look at Liang Feifan, and said in a more serious tone: "Sir Liang, discriminating against undercover personnel will have very serious consequences, what do you think?"

Mo Sir's words directly put the high hat of discrimination against undercover agents on Liang Feifan's head.

If Liang Feifan didn't deny it, then once this matter fermented, Liang Feifan would be indifferent, and he would definitely be dealt with internally.

The police force is an authoritative institution on Hong Kong Island, and it is extremely concerned about its reputation. The spread of scandals such as discrimination against undercover agents with meritorious deeds will greatly affect the public's trust in the police force. He cannot take the blame for it.

"I never said that!"

Liang Feifei only felt his scalp go numb, and immediately shook his head in denial: "I don't discriminate against undercover agents, never."

"Ha ha!"

Li Yunxin did not give an inch, and took a step forward, domineering: "Since you don't discriminate against undercover agents, then please call a bell, Sir, to prove your attitude!"


Liang Feifan gritted his teeth angrily.

"Don't want to?"

Li Yunxin grabbed the recording device with her backhand: "Okay, since you don't know how to be a good person, then I will teach you how to be a good person!"

"Just wait!"


She turned around to go outside.

Li Yunxin at this moment is like a little hen protecting her calf, with a domineering attitude and a firm attitude.

"Sir Liang!"

The corner of Mo Sir's mouth twitched slightly, and he held back his laughter and raised his voice: "You just wait to write the report, I can't help you with this matter!"


Liang Feifei's eyes were gloomy and cold. He looked at the recording equipment in Li Yunxin's hands and became anxious. He gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice, "Sir Zhong!"

"I have never discriminated against undercover agents, especially undercover agents who have made great achievements like you. I have full admiration for you!"


Li Yunxin snorted coldly and stopped in her tracks. Finally, she didn't continue to worry about it: "That's all right? You're a dead duck!"

"I really don't understand, is it so difficult to be a good person?!"


Liang Feifei took a heavy breath, took a deep look at Li Yunxin and did not continue speaking.

After a few seconds.

It seems to be trying to save the last bit of face.

"Pay attention to me!"

Liang Feifan wiped the sweat off his forehead, and gave Li Yunxin a vicious look: "For the sake of being a woman, I don't care about you scolding me this time!"

"Next time, I will definitely let the lawyer sue you!"


He reached out and grabbed the baton that Zhong Wenze handed in front of him, snorted coldly, turned and walked towards his own area.

"Oh my god, Sir Liang is subdued!"

"Tsk tsk, after being scolded bloody by Reporter Li, you have to apologize obediently and give in. Reporter Li is really too powerful."

"I've become a fan of Da Li's reporter."

"The criminal investigation team will have a good show to watch in the future."

The people watching from the sidelines began to discuss in low voices one by one. Today's farce made many people understand a lot of things in their hearts:

First, although Mo Sir has been silent during this farce, his attitude is obviously biased towards Zhong Wenze.

Obviously, he attached great importance to this undercover agent.

Second, some people who hold prejudices against undercover agents subconsciously restrain themselves a lot, at least they dare not show it blatantly.


Mo Sir made a summary and waved his hand: "Reporter Li, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the reception room and wait. I'll ask someone to pour you coffee."


He secretly gave Li Yunxin a look of approval.

Mo Sir has long been displeased with Liang Feifan's attitude. Li Yunxin's appearance today taught Liang Feifan a good lesson, and he is still very satisfied.

"Let me pour the coffee!"

The administrative 5703 appeared next to them at some point, and pointed to the reception room outside: "Miss Li, I'll take you there."


He tilted his head and looked at Zhong Wenze: "Sir Zhong, long time no see, you left a deep impression on me the last time we met."

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze had a good impression of 5703 in the previous few contacts, he was a very distinct person.

He smiled friendly: "Then I'll trouble you, take Miss Li down."

"Oh, you are so rude."

5703 smiled and stretched out his hand: "My surname is Li, Li Gongpu. You can call my police number 5703, or you can call me by my name."

"Sir Li."

Zhong Wenze stretched out his hand and shook it: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Ha ha."

5703 smiled and patted the back of Zhong Wenze's hand, then turned and walked outside: "Miss Li, let's go? Don't delay their work."

"Miss Li, what kind of coffee would you like to drink?"

"Let me tell you, I like watching your show very much."

As he walked, he whispered to Li Yunxin.

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze looked at their backs and looked at Mo Sir: "This Li Sir is quite an interesting person."


Mo Sir shrugged his shoulders: "He is a very public person, he has no factions, he is a good person."

"Yes, 5703 is pretty good."

Qiu Xiong made a wave of presence on his own: "Then I won't hinder you." After speaking, he left with interest.


Mo Sir made a conclusion: "Then I'll go first, you should get familiar with the environment of the three groups first today."

talking room.

He called Liu Xing from the third group: "I will accompany your team leader to get familiar with it, and hand over the work in hand by the way."

"Is there a problem?"


Where did Liu Xing dare to resist, he immediately responded.

After Mo Sir left, Liu Xing glanced at Zhong Wenze expressionlessly, and said in a blunt tone, "Group Leader Zhong, let's go."

Zhong Wenze followed behind him and entered the third group.

The three groups have the least number of people, and there are only five people in total, and Zhong Wenze counts six, and they are all busy with their work.

"Everyone stop."

Liu Xing's voice was not loud, but his tone was blunt: "Sir Zhong, the leader of the third group, everyone should know about it."

He finished speaking.

None of the people present answered, and they didn't even raise their heads.

The corners of Liu Xing's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smug smile.

Zhong Wenze glanced at the few people present calmly, but didn't say much.

"Hello, Sir Zhong!"

A majestic voice sounded.

A man at the farthest corner stood up, saluted Zhong Wenze, and spoke in a very angry voice: "I am police officer An Jie, welcome to the team leader."


Zhong Wenze couldn't help but take another look at Anjie who responded enthusiastically to this. After seeing his appearance, his eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

Gao Da is 1.8 meters tall, with a very energetic short hair, and his arm muscles are obvious under the white shirt.

His appearance is also very handsome. If we say that Zhong Wenze's handsomeness is similar to the sunshine with his own flow of film and television stars.

Then An Jie's handsomeness belongs to the kind of ruffian and ruffian.

In particular, the faint scar on the corner of his mouth was a little more solemn, and a little more aloof and arrogant in his righteousness.

If you want a more straightforward description: Anjie is handsome, and putting him in the police station gives people the impression that he is an undercover agent placed by the gangsters in the police force.


Zhong Wenze saluted him back: "Zhong Wenze."

"Ha ha."

Liu Xing squinted at An Jie, looked at An Jie indifferently, and said something: "An Jie, you are quite enthusiastic, how is the case in hand going?"

"In progress."

An Jie glanced at Liu Xing, then sat back in his seat.


Liu Xing snorted coldly, and muttered softly: "It's almost an undercover alliance."

While speaking, he brought Zhong Wenze to the team leader's station: "This is your position, you can tidy it up yourself."

After finishing speaking, he left without even introducing the names of the remaining three people in the three groups, so he went to do his own thing.

"Wait a moment."

Zhong Wenze opened the stool and sat down with a big horse, and put his hat on the table: "Give me all the case files of the three groups that are currently following."

After a pause, he continued: "Also, bring me all the materials compiled by our three teams."

Liu Xing was taken aback.


Zhong Wenze raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "Is there a problem?"


Liu Xing dropped a word, turned around and returned to his seat, sorted out the stack of documents and threw them on the table: "It's all here."


Zhong Wenze looked at the tilted stack of documents thrown on the table, and nodded lightly without saying anything.

for the rest of the time.

Zhong Wenze quickly glanced at the files in his hand, and by the way, read the materials of the members of the three groups.

Only at this time did he understand why Liu Xing said "It's almost an undercover alliance" just now.

In Anjie's information, he also worked as an undercover agent.

It's just that in comparison, his undercover case is not as big as Zhong Wenze's.

at the same time.



The clerk of the ICAC handed over a stack of documents he had sorted out in his hand: "This is all the information about Deng Jiayong's report against Inspector Mo and the undercover agents of the Saigon Police Station."

"We have checked and checked, and the contents reported by Deng Jiayong are basically false."

The clerk continued to speak quickly: "To put it simply, Inspector Mo planned a trick with all his heart to overthrow Deng Jiayong."

"Up to now, Deng Jiayong has jumped the wall and bit out. The information he provided is exactly the same as Inspector Mo's application for backup to his superiors."

"Including the amount of bribe money he said is also exactly the same as the amount submitted by Inspector Mo and the undercover agent."

"Well, I see."

The superior responded lightly, picked up the information and quickly browsed it.

"Then I'll go first."

The clerk nodded, turned around and walked out.

As soon as the superior opened the file, his eyes stopped on the name mentioned in the file: Zhong Wenze.

Zhong Wenze?
The superior's eyes narrowed, and he quickly flipped through the pages. He couldn't find what he wanted, so he raised his head and stopped the clerk: "Wait a minute."


The clerk turned around suspiciously: "Is there any problem?"

"This Zhong Wenze, do you have any details about him?"

The superior clicked on the information, and looked at the clerk calmly: "Detailed information, the kind with photos."


The clerk hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Bring it."

"it is good."

The clerk turned around and went outside, muttering in a low voice: "Shouldn't you be focusing on the content itself? Why are you so interested in an undercover agent?"


The clerk brought over Zhong Wenze's materials.

The superior reached out his hand and looked at Zhong Wenze's photo on the information, the corners of his eyes shrank obviously, and then continued to browse down.


After quickly reading Zhong Wenze's information, he read the relevant information reported by Deng Jiayong again, picked up the suit on the seat and got up: "Go get the car ready, you go out with me."

"it is good."

The clerk answered without knowing, "Where are we going?"

"Saigon Police Station."

The superior buttoned his suit in front of the mirror and said without looking back.

Saigon Police Station.

Zhong Wenze only stayed in the position for a short hour, but he was not idle during this hour.

From time to time, someone from the administration side would come to talk to him, and most of them were women, and the conversation was just small talk, gossiping, and some people even gossip about his relationship with Li Yunxin, if it is true, it is very idle.

The key is that Zhong Wenze can't ignore people, so he can only barely deal with it.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, it was almost time.

Zhong Wenze got up and tidied up the table, and then prepared to leave.

He just came here today to get acquainted, and no one would say anything if he left at any time.

at this time.

A man's voice came from behind:

"Sir Zhong is in a hurry to get off work?"

(End of this chapter)

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