Chapter 367 Zhong Wenze

Saigon Police Station.

Qiu Xiong stepped into the police station.

In the office lobby.

A group of members under him were discussing something in a low voice, when they saw Qiu Xiong approaching, they immediately pulled him over.

"Chou Sir, big news."

The team members looked around mysteriously, and then continued: "I heard that today Mo Sir's undercover agent who has made countless contributions to him is coming back."


Qiu Xiong responded, and then waved his hands: "If you come back, you will come back. This is a good thing. What is there to talk about?"

"But, he's an undercover agent!"

The team members didn't agree with his words, and curled their lips: "Which undercover agent is clean? He has filed three cases for Mo Sir in a row. Who knows what he is like now?"

"That's it."

Someone immediately echoed: "I heard people say that this kind of person will have psychological problems. If you work with him, who knows if you will lose the chain at a critical moment?!"


Qiu Xiong's eyes widened, with a hint of warning: "It's a bad habit to talk about colleagues behind their backs, and it's even worse to reject colleagues who have undercover experience!"

As soon as this word comes out.

His team members immediately looked at him with strange eyes.

Qiu Xiong is very abnormal today.

Make sense.

Isn't he, Qiu Xiong, the person who looks down on undercover agents the most? Why did he suddenly change his sex now?

Qiu Xiong waved his hand, ignoring everyone's eyes.


He looked at his subordinates again, and said earnestly: "Colleagues should be friendly to each other, do you hear me?"


Several people responded sparsely. Although they didn't refute Qiu Xiong's words, their attitude was already very clear.

"But ho!"

Someone spoke up again: "I heard people say that his appointment has been made, and he will be assigned to our criminal investigation!"

The Saigon Police Station is headed by a superintendent and consists of three teams, namely Operations, Criminal Investigation and Administration, with a total of 265 police officers.

Among them, there are 228 military personnel and 37 civilian personnel, and women account for 1-1.5%.

The criminal investigation they belong to is led by a senior inspector and is responsible for handling complex crimes. It is divided into four investigation teams.

Although Mo Sir is still only at the inspector level, he is now in charge of criminal investigation, and it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to senior inspector.

This international counterfeit banknote case has accelerated this process even more.

Qiu Xiong was one of the four investigation teams.

The other three groups are the second group led by Song Zijie, the fourth group led by Liang Feifei, and the third group with vacancies.

"Mo Sir is in charge of criminal investigation, and the undercover agent belongs to his subordinates, so it's natural to be assigned here?!"

Qiu Xiong raised his eyelids, and immediately thought of Song Zijie's second group in his mind: "The undercover agent has a good relationship with Song Sir, so he should be assigned to the second group."

"Chou Sir, so you already knew about this?!"

The team members immediately took a step forward and looked at him gossipingly: "You are not surprised at all?"

As usual.

It is generally difficult for an undercover agent to be reused, and it should not be assigned to a criminal investigation department.


It would be right to call it exile to other irrelevant departments.

"Hope I don't do things with him!"

"He has been an undercover agent. It is very risky to work with him. What if he accepts bribes, what should I do?"

"Yes, if he is going to be retaliated against, wouldn't it be very difficult for me to be with him, and my life is in danger every day!"

"That's right, my job is quite dangerous. If I work with him, the risk will be increased by five levels!"

a time.

Say anything.

"The reason why the police station pays you is to let you come to Baba?!"

Qiu Xiong directly interrupted their discussion: "Why should I go! Also, if you are afraid of death, you should quickly resign and go home to fly the plane. You really embarrass me for Qiu Xiong!"

Finished scolding.

He immediately dismissed a group of his men.

In fact, Qiu Xiong has the same attitude as them. The reason why he protects the undercover agents who have not yet arrived is nothing more than his own little calculation.

Pretend to be nice to the undercover, show an attitude in front of Mo Sir, and then wait for the undercover to be killed by someone in revenge or pushed out of psychological problems by his colleagues, and then smoothly enter Mo Sir's eyes.

at the same time.

Almost the same scene was staged at the same time.

Everyone has never seen this undercover agent, but he has made great achievements.

"Does this undercover agent have tattoos?"

"The undercover agent who came back must be of very low quality, and he doesn't look very good."

"Why? Our police force doesn't rely on faces to make a living."

"Think about it, he's been undercover for so long, and hangs out with people from the Black Society every day. He's a bunch of hooligans."

"As the saying goes, those who are close to ink are black and those who are close to vermilion are red. If he stays with these people every day, he must have been assimilated long ago. How high is his quality!"

"Besides, have you ever seen a good-looking person go to the black club? No?"

"It's unrealistic for a good-looking person to be an undercover agent. It's easy to be discovered. For example, a handsome guy like me can't blend in with them."

"So, everyone, Mitou Buddha, please pray that he will not be too ugly!"

Everyone chatted and gossiped.

Even female comrades covered their mouths when they heard this:

"Oh my god, this undercover agent is so scary!"

"If I accidentally offended him, wouldn't he hit him directly?"

"Also, isn't he picking his booger with his hands when he picks up the coffee? If he is like this, I will never use the same coffee machine with him."

"Ouch, you're so disgusting!"

Not just criminal investigation.

People in other departments are discussing this kind of thing, even if they have less dealings with this new undercover job, they are still discussing it.

People who don't know the next undercover job arrangement are already praying that this undercover will not be assigned to them.

Everyone was afraid of doing things with him.

"Ha ha!"

Knowing Zhong Wenze's identity, the police officers in the second group under Song Zijie listened to their discussion and didn't speak, just sneered:
"A group of people who look at people with tinted glasses will soon know what it means to look down on people with dog eyes!"

After many contacts with Zhong Wenze, they have absolute confidence and admiration for Zhong Wenze.

The sun shines through the windows of the police station, and beams of light are scattered on the ground, and the dust dancing in the gate can be vaguely seen.

When the clock on the wall points to nine.

Superintendent Huang appeared at the door with his hands behind his back.

behind him.

They are Mo Sir, Inspector of Criminal Investigation, Li Sir, Senior Inspector of Operations, and Zhang Sir, Chief Inspector of Administration.

The three of them distanced themselves from Superintendent Huang very well, walking in a triangle shape from beginning to end.

Priorities are clear.

Then back.

It is Song Zijie, the youngest brother.

With the appearance of several of them.

Everyone in the hall became quiet one after another. They all sat upright, and the whole audience fell silent in an instant, looking at them with unison.

"Hi, Sir Huang!"

A group of people greeted in unison.


Superintendent Huang nodded lightly, and pressed his palms at the crowd: "Everyone doesn't need this battle, just do what you should."


Everyone should arrive.

But no one is doing their own thing, waiting for Superintendent Huang's instructions.

"Is such that."

Superintendent Huang turned his body sideways and let Mo Sir out: "I think everyone knew and heard about it a while ago."

"Sir Mo solved the case of the international counterfeit banknote syndicate. The police in the western district have been working on this case for several years without any progress."

"It only took Mo Sir less than four months to completely destroy this counterfeit banknote syndicate. It can be described as a great joy, and he has made a lot of face for our Saigon Police Station."

Superintendent Huang talked eloquently, and began to talk about a long series of officialdom clichés, after a while of crackling.

He changed the subject: "The reason why the case was solved so quickly is largely due to the efforts of the police officers under Mo Sir."

Speaking of it.

He paused for a moment, and then said: "As well as the undercover agent arranged by Mo Sir, he has contributed a lot."

"Not only in this case, but also in the case of Henglian's counterfeit banknotes and the case of Xian Weicha's drug gang. He has made undeniable contributions."

in the hall.

Everyone listened to Superintendent Huang's words quietly, with a little surprise in their eyes.

What surprised them wasn't that undercover had done so much.

It's just that a small undercover agent in this area can make Superintendent Huang, who can make the ceiling of the Saigon Police Station, take the time to talk about it today?
When did Superintendent Huang attach so much importance to being an undercover agent?

In fact, Superintendent Huang's appearance today was requested by Mo Sir, which meant a platform. Superintendent Huang thought about it and agreed.

in fact.

He also became somewhat interested in this undercover agent whom he had never met.

The West District police failed to solve the case for three years, how did he solve it in four months.


This undercover agent already has three major cases in his hands, so there is something.


Mo Sir looked sideways at Song Zijie at the back: "Call Aze in."


Song Zijie responded loudly, and immediately turned and went out.

while waiting.

Everyone's eyes were almost focused on the door, and they were all curious about the role of this undercover agent.

1 minute later.

Song Zijie walked in first, glanced at the people in the hall, and then gave up a seat.

"Da da da"

The soles of the leather shoes stepped on the floor, making a crisp crashing sound.

A tall figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

The police uniform on his body was in full swing.

The white shirt he was wearing under the police uniform was ironed very flat, without any wrinkles, and the leather shoes under his feet were polished and had some reflections.

Zhong Wenze's back was straight, very natural without the slightest sense of stiffness caused by deliberate pretending, and he walked in with unhurried steps.

With a height of 1.8 meters and a pair of long legs, every time he takes a step, he presents a different kind of temperament.

under the brim.

Under the indistinct three to seven point hairstyle, there is a handsome face with sharp edges and corners, with a sense of line and beauty, with deep eyes.

a short way.

He just walked out of a runway show feeling.


"I buy Karma, is this real or fake?"

"Is this person really an undercover agent? Not a star from which film and television company plays a guest role as a police officer?!"

"This height, this appearance, no matter how you look at it, it is very outstanding!"

a time.

A small commotion immediately started in the hall.

The undercover image of the short, ugly, fat, stinky rogue and fool around in the original imagination, and the tall, handsome and handsome man in front of him are simply two extremes.

Would such a person be an undercover agent?

Who would believe it!


A crisp sound.

With trembling fingers, Qiu Xiong accidentally knocked over the thermos cup on the table.

He stared at Zhong Wenze for a long time, his face was full of astonishment and astonishment.

He couldn't think of anything.

Zhong Wenze, who almost put himself to death several times, turned out to be the undercover police officer handpicked by Mo Sir.

He turned out to be the undercover agent? !

The more you look.

His breathing became more and more rapid.

At this moment.

Qiu Xiong was even a little thankful, fortunately, he didn't slander the undercover just now because he wanted to build a good relationship with the undercover.

Fortunately fortunately.

a time.

He actually had a strong sense of gratitude.


Zhong Wenze walked into the hall, then stopped, his eyes calmly swept across the people in the hall, and then fell on Superintendent Huang, took off his hat and saluted:
"Hi, Sir Huang!"

"Zhong Wenze!"

Superintendent Huang's eyes also flashed a hint of surprise, and then disappeared, with a smile on his face: "You are the one Mo Sir praises every day."

"I saw it today, it really is extraordinary."

Zhong Wenze nodded, and responded neither humble nor overbearing: "Thank you Superintendent for your compliment!"

"I never would have imagined that these major cases were all done by you. The first impression you gave me was that you were more like a movie star."

Superintendent Huang joked with a smile: "You are much younger than I imagined, yes, you are too young."

"What can make you complete the task perfectly?"

"I always remember that I was an undercover cop!"

Zhong Wenze replied sonorously and forcefully, "Under the leadership of Sir Huang, under the instruction of Sir Mo, and with the help of my colleagues, I successfully completed the task."


Superintendent Huang couldn't help taking a breath, his whole eyes lit up.

This young man is not only outstanding in ability, but also his active heart and smooth official answers all show his maturity.

For such a great achievement, he didn't take it all from himself, but included everyone in the police station.

This atmosphere alone is ahead of many people present.

"it is good!"

Superintendent Huang was the first to applaud.

It must be several seconds later.

"clap clap"

There was warm applause in the hall.

The superintendent applauded, who would dare not follow suit.

(End of this chapter)

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