Chapter 359 Raise Your Hands
"Human nature."

Zhong Wenze took a step forward, standing in front of the two boys: "Emotional agitation is always inevitable, please understand."

The two boys ignored him and wanted to move forward.


Zhong Wenze scolded angrily: "My face is not good or something? I will report to Brother Yong later on your situation?"

"Get out of the way"

The two horse boys are not reluctant.

That is, in this brief moment.

Song Zihao and Chen Bo looked at each other, and Chen Bo said quickly in a low voice, "I already know."

"it is good."

Song Zihao turned his head and gave Zhong Wenze a positive look.

"Ha ha!"

After Zhong Wenze caught Song Zihao's meaning, he snorted and said, "Since you don't give me face, then don't give me face!"

He touched his inner pocket with his palm, and pressed the cold barrel of the gun against Ma Zai's head.


Sudden gunshots echoed in the factory building.

Ma Zai froze for a moment, then fell down straight.

Zhong Wenze's shooting is undoubtedly a signal.

Song Zihao and Ma Keli drew out their guns and shot immediately. After knocking down one person, the two immediately pulled Chen Bo directly to the shelf behind them to hide.

The reaction speed of the other party was also very fast. Following the reflex of drawing out the gun, the rapid fire of the guns resounded like setting off firecrackers in the factory building.

outside the plant.

Squatting in the corner smoking, Ah Qiang heard a sudden gunshot in the factory building, threw the half of the burning cigarette in his hand on the ground, and said in a cold voice:
"Fight to the street! Get rid of them!"

No need for him to say.

Many ponies in the yard had already pulled out the big black star and surrounded it.

"You, and you"

Ah Qiang himself did not go to the factory building, but casually nodded to the four boys around him: "Follow me and stay outside."

This is the time Ah Qiang talked the most.

He had fought against Zhong Wenze and the others, and knew Zhong Wenze's team, since they were going to rob Chen Bo by force today, it was impossible for them to be the only three of them.


Outside the factory building separated by a wall.

A series of hurried footsteps sounded.


Footsteps came around the gate.

Zhou Kehua took the lead, and his bald head appeared at the door first. Looking at the horse boys who were surrounding the factory building, he raised his gun and was about to shoot.

It is also at this moment.

The hairs on his whole body exploded, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

It's the feeling of death.

He fell back almost subconsciously.


Ah Qiang hid behind the cargo box and pulled the trigger.

On Zhou Kehua's arm, a cloud of blood mist exploded in response.

Due to his sudden change of trajectory, the bald head that was about to be blown up was transferred to his hand.

"Hua brother!"

Xiao Liu hastily dragged and dragged Zhou Kehua out from the gate: "Are you okay!"

"Oh shit!"

Zhou Kehua looked at the blood-stained arm with sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "If you encounter hard stubble, be careful!"


He moved to the side corner and quickly and simply bandaged the gunshot wound on his arm.


"Brother Qiang has good marksmanship!"

Ma Zai witnessed the whole process of Ah Qiang's shooting with his own eyes, and he sincerely admired: "With you here to press the field, we are not afraid at all."

Ah Qiang hit him with a single shot, then retracted the pistol, his brows gathered together, and did not respond to Ma Zai's words.

Although it hit Zhou Kehua, it didn't achieve his expected effect, which made him a little unhappy.

"Shall we go to the factory to help!"

The other boy looked at the dozen or so accomplices surrounding the factory building: "Get rid of them, and then deal with those who are rushing to the street at the door."

"I told you to guard and you will guard!"

Seeing that the deterrent effect had been achieved, Ah Qiang, Zhou Kehua and his party outside the door did not dare to rush in, and leaned on the cargo box to find out the cigarettes and smoke them.

He looked calmly at the ten or so boys surrounding the factory building, and said calmly, "You four should be thankful, and even more contented."

"The dozen or so people who surrounded the factory are all cannon fodder."

Ah Qiang took a deep breath of his cigarette, and he looked very excited: "Zhong Wenze is a respectable opponent, his marksmanship is only slightly worse than mine, and his threat cannot be underestimated."

"Apart from him, there are also Ma Keli and Song Zihao. Those ten or so people can't kill them."

"Then we?"

Ma Zai was really lucky: "Since they can't solve it, there is no point in us guarding the door."


He showed a flattering smile: "Brother Qiang, why don't we retreat now? Just rush out from the side and ask Brother Yong to send a large force over."


Ah Qiang asked back, the cigarette butt between his fingertips was emitting a little smoke: "Go to Brother Yong's army?"

"Yes, it is."

Ma Zai smiled obsequiously and said, "Let's make a safer comparison."

Ah Qiang raised his gun without warning.


A shot went off.

Before Ma Zai finished speaking, his eyebrows popped directly, and he fell to the ground with his body straight, with blood flowing down his forehead to the ground.

The splashed blood sprayed on Aqiang's face and white gloves, making him look a little more terrifying.



The remaining three horse boys just woke up like a dream, looked at the accomplice who fell beside them, and looked at A Qiang in horror:

"Brother Qiang, are."

This is the Ah Qiang they knew before.

Today's Ah Qiang not only talks more, but also has a completely different personality from the usual serious person.


Ah Qiang turned his head to look at the remaining three people, turned his head and said disdainfully: "I'm executing trash."

"Damn it, I joked that these ten people couldn't kill Zhong Wenze, did he really believe it?"

"There are so many people today, if the three of Zhong Wenze and the others can't take it down, then you are all damned, and it's a waste of money to support you trash!"

"Go back to find Brother Yong? Where's your face?!"

Ah Qiang took a deep breath of smoke, looking very excited, looking at the location of the factory building with light in his eyes:

"Zhong Wenze, today I must kill you, and I will be ashamed!"

this state.

It's something he's never shown before.

Ever since Ah Qiang fought against Zhong Wenze last time and ended in failure, his heart was very eager to compete with Zhong Wenze. ,

Especially the second time.

Zhong Wenze shot Aqiang in the arm with a gun in the North Point ballroom, and said that Aqiang would never have a chance to surpass him in his life.

Since then, Ah Qiang's desire to compete with Zhong Wenze has become more and more intense.


It seems that there is no chance.

Zhong Wenze cooperated with Deng Jiayong.

and so.

Ah Qiang is still looking forward to the day when he can compete with Zhong Wenze.

From another angle.

Today's situation is actually caused by Ah Qiang's deliberate laissez-faire.

Ah Qiang always felt that today's meeting was a bit weird, Zhong Wenze must have other thoughts, but this is exactly what he wanted.

It would be better for Zhong Wenze to turn against Deng Jiayong.

and so.

After entering the factory building and waiting for Zhong Wenze and the others to arrive, Ah Qiang continued to smoke and disappeared from the scene.

All he wanted was a chance to fight Zhong Wenze fairly.

It is clear.

Now is the chance.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ma Zai looked at A Qiang who looked like a madman, bit the bullet and said tremblingly: "Then how about I help them now?"


Ah Qiang frowned: "What did I just say?"

"Stop people from outside here."

"Isn't that what it is?"

Ah Qiang flicked the cigarette ash, looked at the door lightly: "Block the door, don't let them in."


He looked at the workshop that was fighting: "Zhong Wenze, Zhong Wenze, if you can't even deal with these ten people, then you are not qualified to be my opponent."

Factory interior.

The six boys who were originally in charge of guarding Uncle Chen in the factory were all shot and fell to the ground.

Chen Bo hid in the corner.

Zhong Wenze and Ma Keli occupied the position at the entrance of the factory building, and the points were so stuck that the people surrounded by the entrance did not dare to rush inside.

"Come on, if you are brave enough, rush inside!"

Mark Li held the big black star in both hands, and frantically pulled the trigger on the horse boy who was rushing in from the door.

Quickly fired a shuttle of bullets and knocked down one person, then bent back and quickly changed the magazine with skillful movements.

Zhong Wenze quickly connected with Beretta in his hand, and the connection was almost seamless. He shot three quick shots in succession and easily took away the two of them.

"Brother Ma!"

Zhong Wenze looked at Mark Lee who had replaced the bullets and started suppressing the fire again, bared his teeth and teased: "Save it, there are only a few magazines."

"Save it up, is that my style?"

Mark Li snorted softly, and kept pulling the trigger with his fingers. The two guns fired rapidly, and he forced the two pistols to have the effect of machine gun fire.

The atmosphere in the workshop did not feel like a battle at all, on the contrary it was a little relaxed, and Zhong Wenze could even chat with Mark Li casually.

On the other hand, look at the gate of the factory building.

But it's hard for these horsemen who charged inside.

After two consecutive charges into the factory building, instead of being able to get in, five of the twelve fell down.

They blocked the door with bitter faces one by one, and they didn't dare to charge inside. They just stretched out their guns and shot two shots indiscriminately and then stopped immediately.

You can't blame them all for being too timid.

Today there will be a sudden gun battle, none of them thought of it, so they only brought pistols, not shotguns with high lethality or machine guns with suppressing firepower.

One by one can only bite the bullet and rush inside.


Why can't I rush in.

Not rushing, and a little inappropriate.

Although Mark Lee's marksmanship was a bit poor, but the two guns fired a quick fire suppression, not accurate but the advantage was that the firepower was sufficient to cause coverage.

Look at Zhong Wenze again.

The pistol in his hand seemed to have eyes. Although it didn't hit the gun, the accuracy rate was extremely high.

With five people killed and injured in two rounds of charge, everyone's attitude became timid.

"According to the time, Hua Tsai and the others should be here too."

Zhong Wenze raised his hand to look at his watch, took off the empty magazine and pushed in the new magazine: "Let's round them inside and out."

talking room.

Bending his waist, he quickly walked around to the door of the factory building, and shouted against the wall: "Listen, people outside, you are surrounded by us now."

"Surrender without killing!"


Ma Zai, who was hiding in the bunker outside the factory building, heard Zhong Wenze's words, his nose almost twisted in anger, raised his gun and shot twice indiscriminately at the factory door.

The three of them plus an old man, why should they surround us?It is simply a great shame.

"Andy Lau!"

Zhong Wenze roared angrily: "Is it in place?"

"In place!"

Outside the wall, Zhou Kehua moved his injured right hand, held a gun in his left hand and roared vigorously: "Go for it!"

Outside the fence.

The Little Liuliu brothers have a clear division of labor.

The three squatted down on the spot to make stepping stones, and the three stepped on their backs to stand against the wall, firing full fire at the many ponies surrounded outside the factory building.

"Behind, there is someone behind!"

The horse boys who were in charge of besieging the factory immediately started to disperse when they heard the sound, but now they are in a state of being attacked from both sides.

Avoid the black guns of Xiao Liu and his party outside the fence, and they will be taken away by Zhong Wenze in the factory with precise shots.

Specialize in avoiding Zhong Wenze, but will be attacked by Xiao Liu and the others.

for a short period of time.

Their last lineup was dispersed in an instant, and each of them sought cover to hide.

Look at the gunman Ah Qiang here.

Originally, they were responsible for blocking the door, and they had already guessed that they might shoot outside the fence, so they took precautions in advance.

But the position they were in was really awkward, not to mention the tricky shooting angle, and Xiao Liu and his party even retreated after firing a shot, which is wretched.

Even Ah Qiang, who has the same marksmanship, has nothing to do at the moment, and has not brought any beneficial help or deterrence to the horse boy inside.

Zhong Wenze, Xiaoliu and the others were very conservative and did not take any aggressive actions. Every time they shot, they only wanted to deter them, not to hit them.

But as time went by, more and more ponies began to fall, and the few magazines in their hands were also emptied.

At the scene where the gunfire was still intense, the gunfire gradually became sparse.

Zhong Wenze noticed that the gunshots outside had obviously weakened a lot, and raised his voice again and shouted: "Disarm and don't kill!"

At the beginning.

No one responded.

"I surrender!"

I don't know who shouted.


Ah Qiang, who was hiding behind the bunker, had a gloomy face, raised his gun and was about to shoot and kill the man who shouted to surrender.


Before he could shoot.

Almost followed.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender too!"

More and more people began to shout, and dropped the pistols that had no bullets and spare magazines in their hands, and raised their hands.

It's like throwing a boulder into a calm lake, and the thousands of waves will surge with it, and the horse boys who are already struggling lose their fighting spirit one after another.

There are no more bullets, and there is still a yarn.

Ah Qiang looked sullenly, looking at these ponies who raised their hands in surrender, but the finger on the trigger did not press down after all.

"Strong, brother strong."

Seeing this scene, Ma Zai who was following Ah Qiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "What about the three of us?"

"It's time to surrender."

Ah Qiang waved his hand, signaling them to go out from behind the bunker.

This battle was far less tragic than imagined.

It even exceeded Zhong Wenze's expectations: The gunner team led by Ah Qiang last time was not so weak, was it?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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