Chapter 355 Fire in the Backyard
Chapter 355 Fire in the Backyard


Mark Li looked at Zhong Wenze who was eager to try, and guessed an incredible thing in his heart: "What do you want to do, kid?"

"Make counterfeit banknotes? Go against Deng Jiayong? Let me tell you, it's not that easy to make counterfeit banknotes."


Zhong Wenze grinned his teeth, and shook his head dumbfoundingly: "What are you making counterfeit money, I'm trying to find a way to contact Deng Jiayong."

"Uncle Chen."

Song Zihao seemed to have guessed what Zhong Wenze wanted to do: "Chen Bo is the core technician of Henglian's counterfeit banknote base."

Zhong Wenze asked: "Where is he now?"

"Squatting in prison."

Song Zihao exhaled smoke and shook his head: "After Henglian fell, the base of counterfeit banknotes was swept away. As the main core member of the gang, he will definitely not be able to escape."

"it is good."

Zhong Wenze nodded: "I'll look for him later."

"Uncle Chen is still good."

Song Zihao tilted his head and glanced at Mark Li, and then said, "When we went to the counterfeit banknote base to grab tapes, he was quite protective of us leaving."


Zhong Wenze nodded again: "I know what you mean, I will not do anything to him, he is just a key."

"Use him as the key to open the gate of Deng Jiayong's counterfeit banknote base."


Song Zihao took a breath, and then asked: "Even if Uncle Chen is the key, but we don't know where the counterfeit money base is, how do we open the door?"


He simply gave an example: "It's like we have a gun, and the guide hole is full of combat effectiveness, but you don't even have a hole, how can you exert your combat effectiveness?"

"I lost it!"

Zhong Wenze was almost taken aback by Song Zihao's wonderful metaphor that came out of nowhere: "Your analogy is so good."

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

The next day.

A private villa in the suburbs of New York, USA.

under night.

Under the bright lights of the villa, one can vaguely see the shadows of people sitting inside reflected on the curtains.

There were several people sitting in the hall of the house.

These people are the core technicians of Deng Jiayong's counterfeit banknote base in the United States.

After the counterfeit currency base hidden in the factory was evacuated, he transferred the core personnel and temporarily placed them in this villa.

Provide delicious food and drinks, wait for the right time, and put these personnel into use after finding a new base.

More than a month this time.

This group of people stay here, everything else is fine.

There are special personnel to bring them food and lodging every day, and if they need women, they will be sent to them outside for the night, so they live happily.

The only bad thing is that freedom is restricted.

The largest range of activities every day is the villa, and they can't go anywhere except the villa, and a group of people are almost suffocated.


The new counterfeit banknote base is almost done now, and all the equipment has been transferred in.

In two days at most, they can go to work in the new counterfeit banknote base, which is much better than staying in the villa and going to jail.


Everyone in the villa was drinking and eating meat, it was very lively.

In the green belt only tens of meters away from the villa.

A middle-aged man was perfectly hidden in the dark shadow of the tree, leaving only the cigarette butt that flickered red from time to time.

The middle-aged man is the old Wei who has disappeared for a long time.

Lao Wei, who was rescued by Zhong Wenze, did nothing every day after recovering from his injuries, and only stared at Deng Jiayong's counterfeit money base in the United States.

Deng Jiayong beat his old man to death, and this feud was finally settled.

He secretly followed the counterfeit banknote base to transfer personnel, and knew their whereabouts well.

10 minute later.

Three black police cars drove over from a distance, and then stopped beside Old Wei.

The police car was full of police officers, and they got out of the car one by one.

Leading the charge was Sergeant Pete.

That Pete who took money from George to target Zhong Wenze and the others.


But he stood with Old Wei.

All of this was arranged by Zhong Wenze before Miguo left, and he specially connected these two people together.

"How to say?"

Sergeant Pete pressed the holster with his right hand, looked at the frowning and smoking old Wei: "Is the situation true?"

"It must be true."

Old Wei dropped the cigarette butt and crushed it fiercely with the sole of his shoe: "You have a great credit for catching them."


Sergeant Pete reached out and patted Old Wei on the shoulder, and nodded with satisfaction: "You did a very good job."


He waved his hand.

Many policemen with live ammunition quickly surrounded the villa.

Sergeant Pete walked to the door and raised his hand to knock on it. As if thinking of something again, Ling Kong withdrew his hand again.

He waved to the subordinates around him, motioning them to go up and knock on the door.

The subordinate muttered something, but obediently obeyed.

The door was knocked.

A dark-skinned man opened the door, looked at the policeman in police uniform at the door, and then at the many policemen behind him, with no expression on his dark face.


When the police saw Hei Pi who opened the door, they drew their guns and aimed at Hei Pi, and said quickly:

"We have received a report and want to inspect your place, now you cooperate."

He hadn't finished speaking yet.


Heipi raised his hand suddenly.

His skin was already dark, and it was backlit at night, so it was really hard to find the pistol hidden in his hand.

Sparks from the muzzle of the gun in his hand hit the policeman directly on the forehead.


Sergeant Pete bent over to avoid the first moment, and at the same time drew his gun and shot.

No need for him to say.

The many police officers behind him were much faster than him.

Pull the trigger of the pistol or rifle in your hand for a fire counterattack.

"Da da da"

under night.

Powerful rifle fire echoed in the night sky.

far away.

Standing in the shadows, Old Wei looked at the raging battle field over the villa, turned around and walked away.

Back to the residence.

He made a transoceanic call.

Hong Kong Island.

in the office.

Deng Jiayong is counting the counterfeit banknote transactions in the last month.

In general.

Everything is developing according to his imagination.

The market in Southeast Asia has opened up well, and all the things that should be stable have also stabilized, and word of mouth has also come out.

Those buyers who were still on the sidelines have now begun to contact themselves.

Of course.

For these new customers, Deng Jiayong let his cronies get in touch with the business, so naturally he would not let Song Zihao and Mark Li go.

even though.

during this time.

Song Zihao and Ma Keli did a good job, but he always felt that these two people were outsiders and he couldn't trust them.

Still have to own people.

Over there in the United States.

Things are going well.

The address of the new counterfeit banknote base is much faster than expected. It has only been more than a month, and the new base is ready.


The new counterfeit banknote base is about to be put into use. In this way, the counterfeit banknote market that radiates around the United States will not be empty for too long.

"Ali, MD has a new client tomorrow, go and get in touch."

"Adong, this deal tonight is up to you."

Holding a document in his hand, Deng Jiayong quickly issued orders to his subordinates, looking in a good mood.

His voice was loud and clear, and he felt like pointing Jiangshan and berating Fang Qiu.

Just talking.

The phone on the desk rang, it was a special plane from the United States.

"Okay, let's go out."

Deng Jiayong waved his hand, signaling the boys to go down.

He kept his business in the United States highly confidential.

There is also a complete demarcation between that side and this side, and the people here will not know what is going on there.

The advantage of this is that no matter which side has an accident, the other side will not be affected in any way.

Send away the men.

Only then did Deng Jiayong answer the phone, speaking fluent English: "It's me."

"speak Mandarin!"

Old Wei's hoarse voice sounded: "Let me introduce myself, I'm Old Wei, you should know me, right? Brother Yong!"


When Deng Jiayong heard Lao Wei's voice, his eyelids jumped subconsciously: "Old Wei?"

"Why, you forgot about me so soon?"

Old Wei sneered, gritted his teeth and said: "You killed my old man, and you forgot so quickly?"

"But don't worry, even if you forget me, I won't forget you."

"Old Wei!"

Deng Jiayong listened to what Old Wei said, analyzed it quickly, and then said: "Listen to me, I have investigated it, and your matter is a misunderstanding."

Old Wei disappeared for a long time.

Now that he dares to call so openly, there must be something that makes him feel confident.

and so.

Deng Jiayong spoke very tactfully, and decided to test it out.


A bad premonition also struck.

It is impossible for Lao Wei to call here just to settle the past grievances with him.


Old Wei smiled deeper: "Misunderstanding, what kind of misunderstanding? Can you still kill the wrong person these days?"

"What happened to your old man has nothing to do with me. It's your apprentice. Your apprentice wants to seek power and usurp the throne. He wants to kill you and take over by himself!"

Naturally, Deng Jiayong would not admit to this matter, so he casually gave a reason: "How many years have we been friends?"

"You have been with me for so long, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

"clap clap"

As he finished.

There was applause on the other end of the phone.

"Ha ha."

Old Wei held the phone receiver between his hands, and couldn't help clapping: "Not bad, not bad, what you said is really good, I almost believed it."

Deng Jiayong frowned, took out a cigarette and lit it, looked ahead gloomyly, and didn't speak.

he was thinking.

What is Lao Wei calling at this hour?
"Okay, I won't tell you these useless things."

Old Wei sneered, and changed the subject directly to the topic: "I just went to the villa on Peter Road."

Hear Peter Road.

Deng Jiayong's eyelids twitched again, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

The fingers holding the cigarette unconsciously increased their strength a little.

"At this point, it's quite lively there."

Old Wei continued to talk on his own: "A dozen policemen surrounded the place with live ammunition, and rifles fired at the inside of the villa. That scene was really spectacular."


He sneered: "I heard that the people there are all the core technicians of Brother Yong's counterfeit banknote base. Do you think they were killed or arrested?"

"Grass your mother!"

Deng Jiayong broke out completely at this moment, the cigarette in his hand was crushed and crushed by him: "You fucking fuck me?"

"I fucked you?"

Old Wei looked bewildered, and asked back as a matter of course: "Am I messing with you or are you messing with me? When I was about to leave, did you let me go? Did you let me live?"

"You killed my old man, now you say I fucked you?!"

His tone immediately became agitated: "I tell you, as long as my old Wei is here, you don't even think about making any more fucking counterfeit money bases in the United States."

"I said!"


The phone was cut off immediately.


Deng Jiayong listened to the busy tone in the receiver, and angrily slapped the receiver back into the phone slot.

He gasped heavily, replaying what Old Wei had just said in his heart.

Then he picked up the phone and called the technical staff of the villa over there.

The phone didn't work.


Then he called the security personnel over there again, and this time the call went through, but he also verified what Old Wei said:

"Brother Yong, something happened to the villa where the technicians placed, and the police surrounded it."

"Four technicians were killed on the spot, and the remaining six were all arrested, and none of them escaped!"


When Deng Jiayong heard this, he dropped the phone on the table, leaving only the sound of the call from there.

He sat on the seat with a blank expression on his face, looking at the front with slack eyes.

It will take a long time.


Deng Jiayong grabbed the phone in front of him and slammed it on the ground.

The plastic phone immediately disintegrated, and the plastic parts were scattered here and there.

"Old Wei!"

He gritted his teeth viciously and roared: "The shovel! I will definitely kill you, you bastard!"


He seemed to remember something again, and his angry roar echoed in the office: "Zhong Wenze!"

"Grass mud horse, Lao Wei was definitely saved by you, you are fucking laying mines for me, you are on the street! You bastard!"

The gunman Ah Qiang sat quietly in the corner, silently watching Deng Jiayong who was furious, without saying a word.

It takes several minutes.

Deng Jiayong calmed down his emotions, sat down on the seat, lit a cigarette and sucked heavily.

Something happened to the counterfeit banknote base in the United States at this juncture.

It's not that the base was taken over.

It was the core technician who had an accident.

Dead dead, caught caught.

Without technical personnel, the counterfeit banknote base is just a decoration.

After the last time the counterfeit banknote base was exposed, it had a great impact on them. The lack of shipments caused a large-scale loss in the market.

But not fatal.


Fortunately, they also recovered in time and changed places again.

The new counterfeit banknote base will be put into use soon, as long as it is up and running again, the lost market and customers can be recovered in time.


Now the most critical technicians are gone.

Where the hell is this going to be?
This thing can't be bought with money!
If the counterfeit banknote base in the United States is closed for a long time, then basically the market there can already say goodbye.

In the Mexican market next door to the United States, a large piece of cake was completely lost.

(End of this chapter)

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