Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 349 What does your arrest of Lu Xun have to do with Zhou Shuren

Chapter 349 What does your arrest of Lu Xun have to do with Zhou Shuren


Deng Jiayong raised his head and laughed.

a time.

In the warehouse, only Deng Jiayong's laughter echoed back and forth in the sky.

"you are excellent!"

Zhong Wenze's face was ashen, and he stared at Deng Jiayong coldly with no expression on his face, and said every word: "You dare to take this matter to me, very good!"

"Ha ha."

Looking at Zhong Wenze's handsome expressionless face, Deng Jiayong smiled even more intensely: "Let's make money together, nothing will happen."

Say it.

He waved his hand, turned and walked outside, then stopped, and said to Zhong Wenze in a tone that seemed to be commanding:

"Tomorrow, I will have someone send five hundred of them over, and you can help me deal with them."


He added another sentence: "Remember to use Shengshi Group's company account to pay me. If you change to another account, you will not be charged!"

All along, Deng Jiayong had never won in the collision with Zhong Wenze. This time, he won in a real sense.

Simply crushing.

Looking at Zhong Wenze's livid face and his attitude of allowing himself to control, Deng Jiayong felt very happy.


Zhong Wenze looked at him coldly, gritted his teeth, and did not speak.


Deng Jiayong laughed and left.


Only Zhong Wenze and his party were left in the warehouse.

Zhong Wenze's eyes met Song Zihao's, and then he stepped away.

Zhou Kehua and Xiaoliu followed up with interest.

Song Zihao didn't speak either, he and Ma Keli carried Long Si's body, got into another car, drove out of the warehouse, and parted ways.

not far away.

In the shadow of street lamps.

Sitting in the car, Deng Jiayong looked at the two cars that parted ways, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a smug smile.

no doubt.

Zhong Wenze and Song Zihao had internal strife.


Zhong Wenze beat Long Si to death.

The development of things is going according to his ideas, and the overall effect is good, and he is very satisfied.

on the road.

Mark Lee controlled the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator to the extreme, turned out of the shipyard and turned onto the road, drove a certain distance to the outside, and plunged into a dark private clinic.

Clinic parking lot.

Zhong Wenze's car had already parked here, and there were several old doctors in white coats standing around, and the stretcher was already ready.

Cheng Xiaoxi was among them.

Several doctors rushed forward, transferred Long Si to the mobile hospital bed, pushed him directly into the simple operating room inside, and started the emergency operation.

Half an hour later.

The door of the operating room opened.

Several doctors came out from inside and took off their masks: "The patient is in good condition. The gunshot wound did not hurt any vital organs, and the penetration was not deep. The bullet has been taken out."

"Thank you Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, and Uncle Sun!"

Cheng Xiaoxi thanked several people repeatedly: "It's so late at night, I've worked so hard for you to come here, I really trouble you."

"It's not a big problem."

Several old doctors waved their hands reservedly, and began to ask some precautions for postoperative recovery.

If there are people in the industry here.

They will be surprised to find out.

These old men are among the top experts in the industry, and they are highly accomplished in surgery.

The person who can invite them here at the same time must have a high status.

"Trouble you all."

Zhong Wenze nodded his thanks to several people, and then waved his hand at Zhou Kehua: "Hua Zai, send some experts off."

Zhou Kehua nodded immediately, sent a few people out, and sent out the envelopes that had been prepared earlier, all of which were bulging.

Once the anesthetic wears off.

Long Si woke up from the bed, looking at Song Zihao, Zhong Wenze and others sitting beside him, he didn't react for a while.

He licked his pale lips and muttered to himself, "Aren't I dead?"

"Fourth Uncle, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Song Zihao stretched out his hand and grabbed Long Si's palm: "You're fine. Although you were shot, you're fine. You've been rescued."

"How is this going"

Long Si looked at Zhong Wenze standing by the window: "This"

"Fourth Uncle!"

Song Zihao looked at Zhong Wenze, and said quite fortunately: "This time, it's thanks to Aze, otherwise you would really be gone!"

"In the future, don't do such stupid things again. It's just adding to the chaos. If it wasn't for Aze, the consequences would be really unimaginable!"

"Thank you Aze!"

Long Si looked at Zhong Wenze, and thanked Zhong Wenze solemnly and sincerely: "I was blinded by hatred and caused trouble for everyone."

"Next time I don't want to see that happen again."

Zhong Wenze waved his hand, pretending to be serious and said: "The total cost this time is 20."

"Fourth Uncle, you owe me another debt, remember to pay it back!"


Everyone immediately burst into laughter, and the atmosphere in the ward relaxed a bit.


Long Si still didn't understand.

What happened to all of this, and how did I escape from danger.

"Fourth Uncle!"

Song Zihao looked at Long Si's curious expression, showed a complimenting expression, and gave Zhong Wenze a thumbs up:
"Tonight's unexpected situation, thanks to Aze's management and clear-headed temporary countermeasures, we can get this ending."

Look back.

An hour and a half ago.

Villa in Nanshanli.

"Call someone!"

Zhong Wenze blew his whistle to shake people, ready to go to the shipyard.

While waiting, he stood in the courtyard of the villa without saying a word, frowning and thinking.


He tilted his head to look at Song Zihao and Mark Li, who were beside him, and spoke quickly about his plan:
"My line with Deng Jiayong has been released. If I fall out with Deng Jiayong again because of Dragon Four at this time, it is not the result I want."


Song Zihao responded, frowning and smoking a cigarette.

this matter.

They also couldn't ask Zhong Wenze how to help themselves.

We can't let Zhong Wenze mess up his layout for Dragon Four.

"However, this may be an opportunity!"

Zhong Wenze reached out and touched the Beretta at his waist, unloaded the magazine and ejected the two bullets inside, and began to fiddle with the sharp knife:

"I need you to play a play with me."


Song Zihao and Ma Keli looked at Zhong Wenze suspiciously.

Zhong Wenze didn't speak, and continued to lower his head and tinker with the bullet in his hand.

Entry-level firearms proficiency includes a lot of knowledge about firearms.

Among them is the bullet modification.


He put the modified bullets back into the magazine again: "Deng Jiayong, I don't want to fall out with him again, I want to show weakness now."

"I want to show a posture of letting him handle it, so when it comes to the issue of Dragon Four, I have to show a look of helplessness."

"Under the pressure of Deng Jiayong, I will use this modified bullet to shoot and "kill" Long Si."

He spoke quickly: "So, I will shoot and kill Long Si. You just need to cooperate with me. After I shoot and "kill" Long Si, fall out with me."

"In this way, we can take Long Si away under Deng Jiayong's nose, and at the same time create a fact for Deng Jiayong that I have been manipulated by him."

"it is good!"

Song Zihao nodded in agreement without thinking, and looked at Zhong Wenze with some anxiety: "Are you sure?"

"I'm very confident in my marksmanship."

Zhong Wenze stroked the handle of Beretta's gun with his fingers, full of confidence: "I have modified the bullet, it is not that powerful, so it is not a big problem."


The two of them didn't say anything more after hearing the words.

at the moment.

This is the best way.

If Long Si still fails to escape in the end, then there is no other way. Zhong Wenze has done his utmost to be able to do this.


Zhong Wenze nodded in response, quickly came to the living room, picked up the phone and called Cheng Xiaoxi directly, asking her to prepare for herself and find some experts to help Long Si deal with the subsequent gunshot wound.

Cheng Xiaoxi naturally agreed.

Since the incident in the United States, her favor for Zhong Wenze has increased a lot, and she has spared no effort in this matter.

She gave full play to her personal connections, found all the medical staff she needed, and found a private clinic that could perform surgery.

It was precisely because of these adequate preparations beforehand that they were able to save Long Si under Deng Jiayong's nose.


After hearing this, Long Si sighed heavily: "I'm confused, I almost messed up Ze's plan again."

As a person who came here, a former boss.

How could he not know how annoying his street rushing behavior was.

For the sake of Zhong Wenze's ability to do this, to a large extent, he has given Song Zihao and Ma Keli a lot of face.

"Wanting revenge is not something that happens overnight."

Zhong Wenze met Long Si's eyes: "Deng Jiayong is much stronger than you imagined, breaking him down will not happen overnight."

"Then your Shengshi Group?"

Song Zihao couldn't help but interjected: "Now, you use Shengshi Group to rationalize their banknotes, and Deng Jiayong has already grasped the handle."

"This is a thunder. The Shengshi Group is really under his control. What if he really exposes this matter?"

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze shook his head with a smile, with a look of indifference.

His eyes fell on Zhou Kehua: "If Deng Jiayong exposes the Shengshi Group, then the police should also investigate the Shengshi Group."

"The registered and recorded person in charge of Shengshi Group is Hua Tsai, and the police are trying to pull people, so they are also pulling Hua Tsai."

In his mind, he suddenly remembered a classic line from a certain film and television drama:

What you want to arrest is Lu Xun, what does it have to do with Zhou Shuren?

Zhong Wenze said solemnly: "The person they want to arrest is Hua Tsai, what does it have to do with Zhong Wenze?"


Zhou Kehua, who was standing aside, was stunned when he heard this, and was dumbfounded.


He looked at Zhong Wenze with a dazed expression, just staring at him, his eyes became more and more resentful.

Zhou Kehua's inner OS: I'm fucking stupid!


Seeing Zhou Kehua's expression, Cheng Xiaoxi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Song Zihao, Ma Keli and the others also suppressed their smiles with strange expressions, forcing themselves not to laugh.

With a suppressed laugh, only his shoulders were trembling uncontrollably.

Zhou Kehua became even more depressed.


The ward burst into laughter again.

Although Zhong Wenze didn't express his plan clearly, but from his light-hearted jokes, he guessed that Zhong Wenze must have his own backhand.

and so.

A few people are not worried anymore.

Everyone was very knowledgeable and didn't take the initiative to ask what Zhong Wenze's plan was. Some things should be known, but should not be known.

During the next period of time.

Everything is developing normally as usual.

For the five hundred that Deng Jiayong brought over, Zhong Wenze obediently cleaned them up for him like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Without the courage to resist at all, he called back the account of the leather bag company he designated through the company account of Shengshi Group as last time.

Between imperceptible.

The status of the cooperative relationship between Zhong Wenze and Deng Jiayong is also quietly changing.

Zhong Wenze, who had always had the upper hand, gradually fell into the lower position, and Deng Jiayong began to slowly control the right to speak.

The way of speaking to Zhong Wenze also changed from the previous tone of discussing with each other to becoming tougher, full of orders.


Zhong Wenze seemed to have been appointed, and he didn't resist much.


in the background.

Zhou Kehua, Xiaoliu and other seven people under Zhong Wenze's subordinates gradually withdrew from the Shengshi bar they were in charge of.

They rarely appear in bars and fade out of everyone's sight.

Deng Jiayong was monitoring Zhong Wenze, he paid great attention to this small detail, and increased the monitoring of them.


The message came back.

These younger brothers of Zhong Wenze were sent to Yuen Long District.

Of the thirteen bars he annexed at Big B, he finally selected eight of the best locations, and started the renovation with great fanfare to start the second batch of theaters and bars.

Hear the news.

Deng Jiayong's heart was also relieved.

"Zhong Wenze is nothing more than that."

Sitting in the office, Deng Jiayong analyzed the latest intelligence information, lit his cigar proudly, and looked at the transparent shooter Ah Qiang in the corner:
"Hit the snake seven inches, pinch Zhong Wenze's lifeblood, and easily jam his neck."

This sentence.

Full of show off.

At first.

When he wanted to cooperate with Zhong Wenze again, Ah Qiang opposed it.

Ah Qiang, in a black suit and white gloves, sat in the corner with his back straight, and still didn't say a word.

He is only responsible for doing things for Deng Jiayong and never expresses his opinions.

Deng Jiayong saw that A Qiang didn't respond to his show off, so he lost his interest.

But he wasn't angry.

Ah Qiang has this character, and it costs money to talk.


Deng Jiayong took a cigar and tapped on the ashtray: "Several international counterfeiters are coming to meet me recently, you can arrange it."

"They are all high-ranking figures in the Hong Kong Island police. Make sure to arrange them properly for me."

These people are all counterfeit banknotes from nearby Southeast Asia.


The counterfeit banknote base on Hong Kong Island has been built.

Time to chat with them, too.

I am the person who wants to monopolize the counterfeit banknote market in Southeast Asia, this meeting is very important, and nothing can go wrong.

Ah Qiang was as quiet as before. After hearing Deng Jiayong's order, he turned his head to look at him, then stood up from his seat, turned around and walked outside.

When he walked, his steps were quick and light, making very little noise.

Deng Jiayong looked at A Qiang's back and nodded in approval, feeling more and more satisfied with this subordinate.

People who are capable but not talkative are often liked by others.

"Zhong Wenze, Zhong Wenze, you can increase the pace of expansion. The faster you expand, the faster I can close the net."

Deng Jiayong rubbed his hands with fiery eyes: "Cultivating the feeling of wedding dress is really exciting!"

 The college entrance examination is over, everyone!must win!

(End of this chapter)

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