Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 339 You Will Die On A Woman Sooner or Later

Chapter 339 You Will Die On A Woman Sooner or Later

A second shot followed.

Under the tremendous power of the shotgun, the door panel was completely torn apart, and the originally hanging lock was completely separated from the door lock.

The door panel creaked and opened a crack.

"Rush rush!"

An order sounded outside the door.


The person outside raised his foot and kicked open the door.

Zhong Wenze, who was standing close to the wall at the door, shot suddenly. The muzzle of the shotgun held upright in his hand was pressed down, and the muzzle poked out to pull the trigger directly.


Gunpowder smoke accompanied by loud noises.

Jumping shell casings.

The gunman who was about to rush in at the door was directly blown away by the huge impact, and he backed up and slammed into the wall of the corridor, blood spattering.

The spattered scarlet blood landed on Zhong Wenze's white shirt, splashing and staining like wintersweet in the winter moon and snow.

Zhong Wenze retracted the shotgun, rolled the barrel expressionlessly, and Mark Lee, who was standing on the left, stuck out the muzzle of his gun and followed closely with a shot.


The two fired in a tacit understanding, one on the left and the other on the right.

The space in the corridor was already small, and they couldn't disperse in a short time. Under the heavy firepower of the shotgun, several people fell down in an instant.

Zhong Wenze did not retreat but advanced.

"Press it out!"

Holding a shotgun, he leaned out half of his body in the corridor, and kept picking the shotgun in his hand.

Mark Lee followed closely, firing back to back at both ends of the corridor.

After a brief gunshot.

There were five gunmen down in the hallway, and there was silence.


Zhong Wenze took the lead and walked in front, Mark Li followed closely, Ah Jian and Long Si kept Cheng Xiaoxi in the middle, and followed quickly.

Cheng Xiaoxi's face was pale, and her eyes were hit by the bloody scene in the corridor, but fortunately, she didn't hold back and quickened her pace.

In the stairs leading downstairs.

The sound of upward footsteps was still heard one after another, and the urging sound echoed in the corridor: "Hurry up, hurry up, don't let them run away."

Formation changes.

Mark Lee and Ah Jian took the lead, while Zhong Wenze, who was not wearing body armor, stepped back and moved down quickly.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

The tacit understanding between the two brothers Mark Lee and Ah Jian was brought to the extreme at this moment.

The gunman who went upstairs encountered everyone who went downstairs, and both sides drew their guns and shot.


Zhong Wenze saw Mark Lee's true strength.

Not only is he extremely brave when he scans the frontal battlefield, but he is even more ferocious in narrow alley battles. He walks through the corridor to the stairs.

Mark Lee walked down quickly with a cat waist.

Corner of stairs.

The three gunmen quickly touched up, and when they saw Mark Lee, they immediately raised their guns and shot.

With his feet on the ground, Mark Lee jumped from the stairs to the atrium almost without any hesitation, leaving only a windbreaker in the air.

Mark Li, who rose into the air, moved the barrel of the gun with his left hand extremely quickly, and sprayed at the entrance of the stairs with the muzzle of the gun.



One shot!
Two shots!

Ejecting the flying bullet casings in the magazine, Mark Lee fell to the ground with two shots, pressed his left hand on the ground to quickly complete the turn, leaned on the ground and fired again.

Five bullets were shot empty in an instant.


The wooden corridor seemed to be unable to withstand the high firepower, and the wooden escalator broke and collapsed under the gunfire.

The gunmen who had rushed out of the corridor all rushed to the street without exception.

The middle level of the stairs.

Cheng Xiaoxi saw through the fire window that there were still a large number of gunmen gathering here, and said in a low voice: "You can't go this way, follow me!"

Relying on the advantage of being familiar with the terrain here, Cheng Xiaoxi led the four people back and forth, took a detour through another passage, got out of the Getai Building, jumped into the car, and fled frantically.


Several cars roared to follow.

"Bang bang bang!"

This group of people was completely insane. They fired openly on the main road, and the rifles in their hands frantically scanned the cars in front of them.

Sparks splashed from the car body, and the glass shattered.

"damn it!"

Zhong Wenze squatted on the back seat, shook the glass shards from his hair, and glanced at the car that was chasing after him in the rearview mirror:

"Ajian, step on the brakes!"

Ah Jian didn't reply, he stepped on the clutch and brake, and the car slowed down rapidly.

When the car behind saw the brakes of the car in front, it almost subconsciously followed the brakes.


Zhong Wenze pulled the barrel of the pistol, leaned out his upper body, squinted at the line of sight, and pulled the trigger directly at three o'clock and one line.

There was a hole in the windshield of the rear car, and the driver's brow burst into blood mist, and he fell on the steering wheel. The car lost control instantly, walked out of the snake and crashed into the green belt.

The cars behind couldn't dodge in time, and the sound of collisions sounded one after another.

As soon as Ah Jian stepped on the accelerator, the car speeded up instantly, and the distance between the two sides was instantly opened.

"Cough cough."

Ma Keli sat in the front seat, coughing and taking a breath.

There are several dents on the body armor: "Damn it, the domestic products are reliable after all, they helped me block several bullets."

Zhong Wenze checked the marks on the body armor: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, the power of the shotgun is limited, and it is blocked at a long distance."

Mark Li patted his chest casually: "It's just that Mimi is a little hurt, these old people are just beating Mimi."


Everyone in the car burst into laughter.

Cheng Xiaoxi blushed slightly, turned her head away from them.

The originally tense atmosphere was instantly relaxed by Mark Lee's words.

After a short laugh.

"Fall on the street!"

Long Si looked back and frowned, "Why did this group of people come all of a sudden?"

"The purpose is so clear, you came to our room?"

talking room.

Everyone looked at Cheng Xiaoxi who was crowded in the middle.

"I don't know either!"

Cheng Xiaoxi looked at everyone blankly: "I only told you my location, I have been hiding here for a few days."

Speaking of the back.

Her voice also quieted down, and there was a look of disbelief in her eyes.

She also responded.


I hid here for a few days, nothing happened, but after I called Old Wei to tell him where I was, the gunman followed?
Zhong Wenze licked his dry lips: "What's the relationship between you and Old Wei?"

"Doctor-patient relationship."

Cheng Xiaoxi explained: "A few years ago, when I was an intern at George's Hospital, I met Lao Wei by chance, and he brought Lao Dou to see a doctor."

"George has been the main treatment for his old man's illness, but his condition has not improved. Then I prescribed a Chinese medicine prescription for him, and the master is taking care of it."

She spread her hands: "That's it, we got acquainted in the same way, and we became more and more diligent when we met later."

"That shouldn't be!"

Long Si shook his head, a little suspicious: "Since it's this kind of relationship, then he shouldn't betray us?"

"The point is, does he have an intersection with George? How could they have an intersection?"

"They've been doing business for a long time."

Zhong Wenze made his own conjecture: "The two of them not only have a doctor-patient relationship, but also have an intersection in business."

He tilted his head and looked at Cheng Xiaoxi: "Is it possible that they have a very close relationship secretly, and he has a share in the counterfeit money business. It was just a coincidence that you met them in the hospital?"

As soon as this remark came out, no one refuted it.

Only this kind of explanation is reasonable, otherwise why would Lao Wei betray them?

Cheng Xiaoxi seemed to be hesitant: "Old Wei probably wouldn't do that, would he?"

Zhong Wenze thought for a while: "Try it and you will know."

"Huh? We still have to go there?"

Cheng Xiaoxi's head turned into a rattle: "Let's go quickly, rush to the airport without stopping, and return to Hong Kong Island immediately."

"Do you think you can go?"

Zhong Wenze shook his head with a smile, and asked back: "I guess, we might be shot to death at the airport, do you believe it?"

If this matter is to be resolved, it must be settled here before they leave, otherwise George will not let them leave here.

As for the police, Zhong Wenze can't trust the police in this country from the bottom of his heart, and he has to rely on himself to solve the problem.

"it is good!"

Ah Jian turned the steering wheel abruptly and headed towards Lao Wei's funeral home.

Hong Kong Island.

Deng Jiayong Villa.

Since receiving George's call, the anger in Deng Jiayong's heart has not dissipated, and he has always been thinking about this matter.

earlier years.

Before Deng Jiayong returned to Hong Kong Island, he had been opening up his own counterfeit banknote market in the country where the sun never sets.

The quality of the US dollars he produces is very good, whether it is the color-changing ink or the anti-counterfeiting thread, it is very well processed, and it has a taste of a one-to-one replica.

It is also the high quality of the counterfeit banknotes in his hand.


Through his customer channel relationship, he set his sights on the United States. In this country of US dollars, his US dollars are more popular with those customers.

So ever.

He spent a lot of energy, and finally chose George as his downline, as a channel to rationalize and launder money.

George is greedy by nature. According to his own ability, the money must be enough, but he is not satisfied.

He really enjoys the pleasure of being blessed with dual identities. On the surface, he is a famous doctor respected by everyone, but behind his back, he is still a counterfeiter, and he controls a large number of people under his hands.

and so.

When Deng Jiayong found him, the two sides chatted for less than half a month, and immediately decided on the business.

George has a hospital opened with his friends, and he is a well-known doctor in the local area and even in the whole country.

With such a person and the hospital, no one would have thought that he would use the hospital in his hand to help Deng Jiayong in the banknote rationalization business, right?
He even made this the second center of his international counterfeit banknote business, radiating to several countries around it, covering the hemisphere.

Hong Kong Island is his largest center, radiating to the surrounding Southeast Asia, and the market is even bigger.

It took him five years to fully build this second center alone, and it cost countless financial, material and manpower resources.

who knows.

Just less than a year after normal operation, something went wrong.


The phone on the desk rang again.


Deng Jiayong held a cigar and said in a low voice, "Has the matter been resolved?"

"not yet."

George reported back the situation on his side: "Damn it, everyone was already surrounded, but four yellow-skinned monkeys were killed, all of them were fierce and good players, and they killed more than ten people below me and ran away. "


Deng Jiayong's nasal voice was strong, and he repeated: "White-skinned monkey?"

Hearing the words "yellow-skinned monkey" made him feel a little uncomfortable, as if he was beating around the bush and scolding himself.

"is not it."

George responded subconsciously, and then quickly retorted: "That's not what I mean, but there are a few people who are also from Hong Kong Island."

"People from Hong Kong Island?"

The corners of Deng Jiayong's eyes twitched, his brows furrowed deeper, and his tone was a bit more serious: "Is there any information about them?"

Why did he have a bad premonition?

Will it be a colleague?

"I only know a man named Zhong Wenze."

"Zhong Wenze?!"

When Deng Jiayong heard this, his eyes widened, and his voice was a little higher: "Damn it, why are you messing with them?!"

This is outrageous.

Why is there Zhong Wenze's shadow everywhere?
Didn't he go to the United States to solve the Dragon Four matter?How could he get involved with George and know his secret of counterfeiting banknotes?

"It's a bit complicated."

George thought about it for a while, and then said it out: "I want to play with a woman, and Zhong Wenze came out halfway at this time."

"I designed a routine to trap them in. Who knew that bitch behind me would reveal something to me."

"Grass your mother!"

When Deng Jiayong heard this, he basically understood what was going on, and cursed: "Did I not give you money or what?"

"You have so much fucking money, what kind of woman do you want? You just for a fucking woman, and you revealed my affairs?!"

"You bastard, you're going to die on a woman's body sooner or later!"

"this is an accident!"

George roared in front of him, and quickly made a promise: "It will be resolved soon."


Deng Jiayong replied in an extremely flat tone, without any fluctuations in tone.


George didn't hear the change of tone in Deng Jiayong's words before and after, and continued to promise endlessly:
"Don't worry, I won't let them leave America alive."

"Here is my world, George, they"

George was still making promises, but the phone had already been hung up, and Deng Jiayong was no longer in the mood to listen to him continue talking.


Deng Jiayong tapped the phone, heaved a sigh of relief, and sat on the sofa with his eyebrows held together, feeling a sense of powerlessness.

When he heard the words Zhong Wenze, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

I have confronted him head-on for so many rounds, and I haven't taken advantage of it at all.

just now.

He is in the United States.

Zhong Wenze, who can't handle it by himself, how can he handle Zhong Wenze like a mere George!
How to do?
Deng Jiayong grabbed the cigar that was burning beside him, and took a deep breath.

If George can get rid of Zhong Wenze, then everything will be fine. If not, Zhong Wenze knows that the counterfeit money base is his own.

What would Zhong Wenze do?
thought here.

A cold look flashed across Deng Jiayong's eyes, then he picked up the phone again and dialed a series of numbers.

(End of this chapter)

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