Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 336 Disappeared out of thin air (please subscribe for more updates)

Chapter 336 Disappeared out of thin air (please subscribe for more updates)

Zhong Wenze's thumb and index finger strengthened again: "One more you is not too much, one less you is not much."


Sergeant Pete noticed his throat getting more and more painful, and roared in a hoarse voice: "I have something to say!"


Zhong Wenze became interested, and raised his lips slightly: "Does Sheriff Pete have any last words? I'm in a good mood now, maybe I can convey it for you."

"You didn't kill people, and the gang fight has nothing to do with you, not at all."

Sergeant Pete had a strong desire to survive, and quickly added: "I made a mistake, and I made a mistake with your fingerprints."

In the shadow of death.

He made a compromise without any hesitation.

"For such a big matter, you made a mistake if you said you made a mistake?"

Zhong Wenze raised his eyelids, and said casually, "Who did Sheriff Pete take money from?"


Sergeant Pete made it clear and confessed without any concealment: "It's George, he gave me money, and said he wanted me to shoot your case to death."


Zhong Wenze narrowed his eyes, and a chill ran through him: "Then Sergeant Pete means that he got his fingerprints wrong?"

"Right, that is it."

Sergeant Pete nodded vigorously: "I promise I made a mistake, and I promise, the four of you will be able to get out of here immediately."

"This matter will never have anything to do with you again."

He made a promise swearing.

"You are very smart."

Zhong Wenze let go of his hand immediately, not afraid of him being shot in the back, and swaggered to the stool and sat down.

His eyes swept across the table.

next second.

Zhong Wenze casually picked up the signature pen on the table and shook it.

A cracking sound rang out.

The signature pen flew straight to Sergeant Pete, brushed past him, and inserted deeply into the wooden door behind him.

The signature pen was broken, and two or three centimeters of the pen body had to be inserted into the wooden board.

Sergeant Pete looked at the trembling pen body on the door panel, his mouth was slightly opened, and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

This speed, this strength
It's so easy to pierce yourself!
Zhong Wenze looked at the surprised Sergeant Pete, and curled his lips in disdain:
"As far as your method of perjury is concerned, I have seen it hundreds of years ago, and you still want to use it on me?"

Sergeant Pete didn't dare to vent his anger, and stood there dejectedly, not daring to look at Zhong Wenze, let alone answering.

I was afraid that what I said would make him unhappy, so I would directly kill myself here.

"Go through the formalities."


Sergeant Pete, like a deflated ball, responded respectfully: "I'll help you open the handcuffs first."

He was very discerning and took out the key to help Zhong Wenze open the handcuffs and threw them directly into the trash can.

Done with this.

Only then did he turn around and go out, fearing that Zhong Wenze might be suspicious, he reassured: "I'll go through the formalities now, don't worry."


Zhong Wenze nodded in satisfaction, took out the cigarette in his pocket, and smoked it leisurely.

for a short period of time.

Zhong Wenze knew Sergeant Pete's temperament thoroughly, he was a typical black-hearted guy.

Both black heart and fear of death.

and so.

He wasn't afraid of Pete's betrayal at all.

after all.

In the process of aiming at himself with Pete's gun, he could easily kill him in the air with the help of something on the table.


Everything went very smoothly.

Sergeant Pete went through the procedures very quickly, and then sent Zhong Wenze and his party out of the police station in person like sending off their ancestors.

Watching them drive away, he let out a sigh of relief.

Sergeant Pete wiped the sweat off his forehead, and muttered softly: "ZG Kung Fu really lives up to its reputation!"

in the end.

The fact that ZG Kung Fu is extremely powerful is still not covered up, and this foreigner knows about it.

After witnessing the scene where Zhong Wenze forcibly tore off the alloy handcuffs and the hundred-step flying pen with his bare hands.

Sergeant Pete was frightened and dumbfounded.

In front of Zhong Wenze, he was like a little chicken, he could easily take his own life.

It's better not to frame such a person himself.

As for George.

He didn't bother to inform George to tell him the situation here, he wished that Zhong Wenze would find George as soon as he went out and kill him.

George died.

The money he gave himself has truly become his own money.

Anyway, it's a million dollars.

Zhong Wenze, who had regained his freedom, and his party did not stop after they came out, and rushed to the funeral home without stopping.

Zhong Wenze was a little worried about Cheng Xiaoxi.

Although the matter of George was partly due to Cheng Xiaoxi's own affairs, after Cheng Xiaoxi knew about Xiaohui's matter, he agreed without thinking about it, and even contacted them for follow-up instructions.

She had done herself such a big favor, there was no reason to ignore her.

"Are you out?"

The owner of the funeral parlor was also surprised when he saw Zhong Wenze and his party: "Miss Cheng has a good relationship, I got you out so quickly."

"Xiaoxi's relationship?"

Zhong Wenze frowned when he heard this sentence: "Xiaoxi is not here?"


The funeral home owner nodded: "After you left last night, I drove George away, and Miss Cheng stayed with me all night."

"Early this morning, she went out by herself, saying that she was going to find someone to run your business."

When he said this, he also recalled it: "Could it be that Miss Cheng got you out?"


Zhong Wenze's brows twisted into Chuanzi: "When did she leave?"

"Two hours ago."

The boss recalled a bit, and said a word of relief: "But don't worry, there should be nothing wrong."

"I sent a chap with her."

"It's broad daylight, so there's nothing wrong with it."


Zhong Wenze habitually reached out to touch his pocket, wanting to use his mobile phone to make a call, but suddenly remembered that there is no such thing in this era, which is very annoying.

He squeezed the space between his eyebrows, took out a cigarette and lit it, and smoked anxiously: "Did she tell you where to go?"



Zhong Wenze nodded, and put out the cigarette in his hand: "Brother Hao, wait for me here, I will go out to find her, and come back here to find you."

This matter is not that simple.

George wasted so much effort to mess with himself, it should be aimed at Cheng Xiaoxi, he definitely has other ideas.

Even if the boss arranged for a guy to follow her, it might not be safe.


He asked the boss for a phone number here for contact, and drove away directly from here.

Zhong Wenze's first stop was to return to the police station again.

Sergeant Pete looked at Zhong Wenze who was going back and forth, his eyelids twitched unconsciously, and he greeted him with fear.

Fortunately, Zhong Wenze didn't dwell on what happened just now, but directly inquired about Cheng Xiaoxi's news, but the other party didn't answer.

Cheng Xiaoxi has never been here.

In order to verify that he was not lying, he did not hesitate to take Zhong Wenze to watch the surveillance screen to prove his innocence.

In the process of viewing monitoring.

Zhong Wenze watched six screens at the same time by himself, watching at the fastest double speed, the screen was so fast that he couldn't see people clearly.

After reading.

With a gloomy face, Zhong Wenze asked Sergeant Pete for George's personal information and left directly.

Sergeant Pete sent the man out again, respectfully.

He didn't want anything to happen with Zhong Wenze.

Although Zhong Wenze killed himself in full view, Zhong Wenze would definitely die too, but he would die.

He didn't want to die.

Pete looked at the back of Zhong Wenze leaving, and muttered in a low voice: "Is there really clairvoyance in ZG kung fu?"

"At such a fast speed, the screen can't be seen clearly. Can he find the information he wants?"

"ZG Kung Fu is too scary"

on the car.

Zhong Wenze was driving with the steering wheel, his mind was active.

"The distance from the funeral parlor to the police station is only 10 to [-] minutes by car, but more than two hours have passed, and Xiaoxi has not yet appeared at the police station."

"Even if she went to find other relationships, she should have gone to the police station."

"No message at all"

thought here.

Zhong Wenze looked in the rearview mirror, turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the car turned around on the spot and went directly to the hospital where George worked.

On the way to George Hospital, Zhong Wenze first changed his outfit in a clothing store.


Passing by a cosmetics store, I went in and purchased various cosmetic products and returned to the car.

In front of thousands of people.

The previous make-up skills came in handy again, and he started to make up with incomparable proficiency.

10 minute later.

The people in the car have changed drastically.

It's a whole new face.

A face from 30 years later, with a three-quarter-point hairstyle also combed into oblique bangs.

This face lacks the eye-catching handsomeness, and the appearance is quite satisfactory, but it is a little more calm and capable.

This is very different from Zhong Wenze's current appearance, his serious public face, blending into the crowd will not attract people's attention at all.

Do it all.

Zhong Wenze lit a cigarette, looked at the strange yet familiar self in the mirror, and felt a little dazed for a moment.


It has been more than a year since I came to this world.

This face of his previous life, with the skill of "Thousands of People, Thousands of Faces", was able to reappear in the rivers and lakes again.

Step down on the gas pedal.

Zhong Wenze went straight to George's hospital.

George's private hospital was opened by him and a few friends.

On weekdays, if there is no major operation, he usually sits inside, what is he doing.

Sell ​​expert numbers.

The expert account, which is as high as [-] US dollars, helped him to filter out those ordinary people to a certain extent, and those who were willing to hang up his expert account were probably not short of money.

Seeing a doctor is next.

Very talkative and vicious eyes will make him selectively communicate with patients.

This is also an important reason why, relying on his excellent medical skills, he was able to quickly accumulate so many contacts in a short period of time.

George, who had been idle all morning, opened the door with a yellow-skinned customer as the first order.


George pushed the flat glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, glanced back and forth between the medical record and the yellow-faced man named Page, and looked away from the Rolex watch on his wrist:

"This name is a bit unique."

There are also yellow-skinned people who are willing to pay a high price for his account as an expert, but this is the first time I have met such a young person.

"To be precise, it's called Wild Boar Page."

Page said casually: "My head is a little uncomfortable, can you show me?"


George nodded, looked at it in a decent manner, but kept saying, "What do you do for work?"

"Small business."

Page responded casually: "Opened an ocean-going multinational trading company"

that's it.

The two discussed the illness for nearly half an hour, but they didn't see the reason, and then left.

Before leaving.

George handed over his business card very enthusiastically, saying that he could call at any time if he needed anything in the future.

Page left the hospital and returned to the car, lit a cigarette again, and glanced at the hospital building.

Paige is Zhong Wenze's temporary name.

Under the makeup technique of thousands of people and faces, George did not realize that the page in front of him was Zhong Wenze.

"He didn't seem in any hurry."

Zhong Wenze's mind was active, and he quickly made his own analysis:
"If he sent someone to arrest Xiaoxi, he wouldn't come to the hospital today."

"Or in other words, he should be absent-minded, and his mind should be obsessed with how to ravage Xiaoxi at night. There is no reason to talk to me in such a panic."

It's a normal sense of anticipation after a crime.

For example:

You have been thinking about something for a long time, and you finally placed an order, and then you are always very excited while waiting for the delivery to arrive, and you will check the logistics information frequently.

During express delivery, you will even keep refreshing where the delivery person is.

Sometimes even call to remind, even if this thing is not urgent for you.

But George did not show any abnormalities.

Cheng Xiaoxi has been coveting for so long, seeing that he is being snatched away, there is no reason for him to walk around the court like this.

Zhong Wenze, who couldn't think of a reason for coming, decided to wait.


Things far exceeded his expectations.

Throughout the afternoon, George did not leave the hospital.

In this process.

Zhong Wenze would contact Mark Li and the others from time to time, but the answer given by the other party was that Cheng Xiaoxi had never been back, and there was no phone message telling them where he had gone.

I didn't come out on time until after six o'clock, and didn't go home, but went to the bar outside to play.

After a very late night at the bar.

George hiccupped and put his arms around a blonde woman in the bar, and went directly to the hotel outside to get a room and sleep, and didn't even go back.

Zhong Wenze followed George all the way, witnessed him enter the hotel room with the blonde woman in his arms, and did not find anything unusual.

Opposite the hotel room where George stayed.

Zhong Wenze also opened a room, sat and stood by the door, and monitored the situation on the opposite side. George still didn't go out all night.

Early the next morning.

George came out of the room and drove to the hospital to work, as if he was working normally.

that's it.

It went on for several days in a row.

George works and rests normally as usual every day without any abnormalities.

And Cheng Xiaoxi did not have any news.

she was.

It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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